Long Lean Look Rulesi FaShions PARIS tAPtAlthooxh minor disagreements exist French couturiara at their recent lash Ion openings proved they are tor the most part in nccord bout trends lor the coming uon And the woman who wean these clothes best is the one most willing to out less Alter seeing twoweek pars ade ol the worlds most ex also and elegant clothes is ers and reporters are now evs unt ing these trends They are de hating which st to will have mass appeal irh ones are practical and whether the man will like them Sirtrt lengths have grown an inch or two Juno Desses is an cxccpllon He placed his items In inchrs irom the iioort to terms practicability the longer skirts minimize tho ladys embarrassment in climb ing in and out at vehicles Coat siihaucltcsiar tall are divided between the slim waist liltcd rottingqu anti cocoon shaped cool that tilurgeons into MHVLQIIquiIEVII woman It good ligure is able to ahow it and the one ho had figure can hide it Jockcts ara list chested rouudshouldcroti and lung Skirts usually are narrow at ANN LANDERS the hem but pleata tricky tucha and gathon resided tutious at the waist achet and skirt to gether add up to the long loan look silhouette that does noth ing tor woman who la not long and loan in the tirsl place The one thing eosta mils and slim coata have in common is the wealltd mullicd took Col larsaod scarvea tor and 0th envisr stand so high they cover up everything but the tuition ttlousea or dicirles worn under auits ore alten cut tram leather or suedeu popular material or coats and dressesor cat tors and even mink These are lined ioreomiorta Intro Even so people are wondering whether the warmth wont limit their usctulneu Yves Snintltsurent made the biggest fashion noise with his tubular dress skinny chill with little shape to it The tube was usually sleeveless and ircquentiy with watch It will not he chic season tor the Jam biansiieids Pariaiun designers wholeheartedly he IIEVEIZILOELIBLO bettersmut nochcstcd woman ianhlon advaatngd to the ticshysrmed woman however is the trend towards wrist length sleeves to coula suits and some cocktail dresses Be Bachelor Wiihjirains near Ann Londmt In your opinion what are the chances oi marriage working between two people oi diiicrent educa tional levels Ive been going with bach elor 37 years at age ltc has had two years oi coiiegc have had only high school hold good job and have done well in the business world He is the only person know who makes me feel interior because didntlgo to college When we have dit ierence of opinion hp olwaya concludes with Well what do YOU know With your limited education your opinion doesnt count for anything Last night ho throw my igL nornnce into my teeth oncetoo oiten told him we were through for good This morning he phoned and laid herl iiito to try again tht do you think oi our chances tor making go at illELITER ATE Dear illiterate Not good And schooling hos nothing to do with it So the iummox had two cars at college Big deal ii 37 years he hosnt teamed any thing abcut humility considers tion and kindness hes the one who is ignorant not you PERMANENT BACHELOR Dear Ann Loaders am 52 but condo pass inrvyauagern husband died eight years ago and am running his business Three years ago started to go with charming bachelor who is now 64 years of ego Aiirad lives with his widowed sister whose ago do not know but would guess she is about 66 spinstcr niece who is about 45 lives with them also enjoy Alfreds company more than anyone elses He takes me to all the inert places money no object and our friends think of us as couple want to he married and Ive made this clear in recent months Altred says he pram ised his mother he would at ways look otter his sister and he cannot break the promise He has asked me to wait until his sister dies It break oil with Altred will be terribly lonely but when think about the tutors it frightens me Please help me to see this otearlyRLURILED VISION Dear Blurred 52 is no age to be sitting around waiting for mans sister to die Get with it Honey he doesnt want to be married It Alfreds sister died hed probably tell you he has to look aitcr his niece This man hasnt been bachelor all these years tor nothing SPEAK FOR YOURSELF DennAuo Lenders Im boy nd have never asked girl for adate am not exactly baahtul but need little help in starting off right This chick wantta askis 15 and has real great person aitty Her mother and my mother are good lrlends Also ny brother has dated her sis 91 Seeing as how have never taken out date beiors should ask my mother to ask her motherl rohou my brother to speak to her sister Youd better read this over couple oi times because know am not making this clearihia will give you an idea at how mixed up am Thank you oaonop Door George its tho girls youwont to take out isnt it vanuao uvsrnmvrhnr the trombone important in both classical orchestras and dance developedd Ifoin the trumpet in the 15th century Wcii then ask her and leave the rest at the clan out at it Youre welcome Cantldcniiol to Twentieth Cen tury Censor Sorry but dont agree People are not against one another They are merely tor themselves And you too Bnttua IPICIALI cnotct Laos BREAST SRECIALI SWEET FIOKLED PRICES srsscrws Auo151s11ts OIIIOT MOM IALIPORNIAI NOI ORADII FULL OF NON IWIET OOOONEESI BARTLETT PEARSww35¢ UM ARIZONAI VIHI llPINIPI NO OIADII 33° run up HONEY DEW MELONS SUMMERTIME Is Tamsttns asa men Tuly as riuml lwut Iatlnsl SALAD TIME NECTARINES it 39° WIDE ARRAY OI OARDEN FROM CALIFORNIAI NO OIAOII OIIF RID FLElNl is SALAD ITEMS ALWAYS ausxr35c AVAILABLE AT tosLAWs unn Box gt VAC 59 1139 Are Ridiculous COTTAGE ROLLS SPECIALI ADD YOUR FAVOURITE SEASONINO SPECIALI FENNYWIS PEEP PORK 6s YEA CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES its All COUPON FOR IXTRA LUCKY OREEN ITAMFE 5PEClAlt IPECIALI ITOKIL FANCY remorse Jule SPECIALI FANCY ASSORTED FRESH FROZEN FISHPAN READY ensure Apnoea sisters GREEN GIANT pans also 35 22 his 53s SPECIALI HENLEY CHOICI FRUIT COCKTAILS 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