Netti Examiner If Published by Genadlan Newspapers Limited 1o Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario It Walls Pubbshcr Brian Sleight General manager wsnyasonr nueusr 1w rm Should The Churchlnyolve Itself With So Should spiritual matters and signi ficant social issues he divorced distinguished United Stateschurch men Dr Arthur Lichtenberger resid ing bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church finds increasing numbers object ing to the Churchs involvement in social economic and political affairs He takes thevopposing view that concern by the Church for the welfare of the people also must embrace other important issues which he describes as social education ndsocia ction This also means that the Church will beengagcd on many fronts since pro blems such as racial discrimination poverty and homelessness are interde pendent the bishop declares We can not prepare ihe way for the coming of grace simply by doing What we can to chanaejht minds and hearts of individ upals and thenIhope for the best he states The world for the Christian is not God and himself but God his neighbor and himself Bishop Lichtenberger says TheChurchs social work could be 0101 IsSues reins and confirmation the bishop main n5 He believes church social work should reï¬ilre constant selfexamination and wil says the Churchs social work will be poor or mediocre Church social work should cooperate with public welfare programs and insist thatt ey be carefully supervised Bishop Lichtenberger declares Some may think Dr Llchielnbergers rrs riofty the Ang lican communion have been doing more than hoping for the best canon of St Pauls Cathedral in London is one of the more prominent ban the bomb pro ponents Episco al priests have been arrcsledin the nitcd Statesfortravel ling with freedom riders and Anglican clergy have been expelled from South Africa for championin the natives Not long ago rector Toronto area church caused stir by publicly advocat ngness to change Without this he IM THERES NOBODY HERE BUT THE FEET errawa more Well Past Peak Of Drug Tragedy Iiy PATRer monomers OTTAWATho abnost world wide tragedy of infants do inflated by the dmg thalidomide has focuued attention on an old medical nostcry Malformation in often mediy catty inexplicable but it occurs regularly at rare intervals ARKET ENEFIT rhaps once in 100000 births medical authority hero tells me The average doctor might perhaps note only one such case in his entire career but by gathering facts from many doctors specialists in embryo doctors specialists in embryo logy have been able to dedua certain facts For example if smother contractsGerman measles in the first three months of preg nancy the virus may damage her unborn child And it is in the embryonredeveioplng mm the fetus that such ris greatcslxlhe various partsof the body are formed at certain fixed phosas lh 3n molign in fluence occurrin at the same phase of pregnancy in different women will generally cause the same type of malformation MANY COUNTRIES SUFFER The mostmvldcly reportedef fect of thalidomide has been deformity which doctors call phoeornolin derived from the Greek words phoke meaning seal and melon meaning inthe dominionDemented tï¬ï¬sclive oyservrhg peoplesnneeufwttir arty no ulterior motive and without weighing it against the numbers brought into bap ding By Medical authorities seem to think that ambulances need not speed or use sirens The Edmonton Academy of Medicine says that there is no medical reason for the use of the siren on ambulances The Canadian Medical Association con curs and also suggests that ambulances should be subject to all traffic regula tions There may be some nonmedical rear sons for ambulances to go screaming and speedingrabout the streets but we can not think of say Our impression was that speed was necessary to get crit icallyill patient to hospital and that the siren helped to clear the way But apparently the men best qualified to judge on the need for speed the doctors think its not necessary and that the speed and noise may indeed be harm fill DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO BarrieExaminer Aug 1942771owu Council gives vote of confidence to Publt iic Works Committee and Engineer Otto Rawson having regard toIdifficulties and handicaps under which he is labor ing due to war conditions and shortage of labor only dissenters wereReeve Harry Buchanan Deputy George Clark Aldermen WesI Allsopp and Charles Christie Rationing of tea and coffee went into effect in Canada following RtHon William Lyon MacJ King Prime Minister of Canada paid days visit to sister in Barrie Mrs MILay Blake Street his private car being on siding at CNR station Pte Bernard KingCamp Borden miiary driver killed when his truck was in colli sion on Highway 11 with civilian trans port Pilot Officer Donald Felt reported missing in air operations over Germany John RBoys appointed legal consultant without remuneration to the Department of Munitions and Supply at Ottawa Hon Howe announced Cpl George Baker cookstown presented with Efficiency Decoration by Major Ivor Wagner of Grey dz Simcoe Foresters at Camp Borden Patricia Reynolds daughter of it MM 11 noldsfk car in St Catharines candiditehbcause he considered the NDP as the only party making any sense study at Cornell Universit Medical College come to this conclus on The speeding ambulance injures and kills more persons than it saves Following the Cornell report several cities impose restrictions on th bulancesx The Hamilton Spectatorwonders why if medical authorities do not believe that ambulances need tospcedor use sirensdo most of them continue to do soI Do ambulance drivers take advant age of privilege by speeding and sound ing their sirens unnecessarily It seems reasonable to say that evi dence and qualified opinion tilts the scales in favor of nonspeeding noiseless ambulances There could be exceptions made in cases of extreme emergency such as serious accidents but often in such instances the police are on hand to clear the way for the ambulances accid It ggant Aubr Sliapter ormerly of Allandale had our aculous escape when his bomber crashed in North Sea He kept swimming until picked up by boat Camp Borden be comes separate military entity after be ing under control of Military District No Squadron Leader Ab Hilts becomes flying instructor at RCAF No Training School Camp Borden Thompson KC Simcoe CentreIMPP for 18 years died at Penetangulsbene in diet year Noreen Peacock of Streud was one of finalists at Toronto Police Games in Miss War Worker beauty contest Victorian Order of Nurses tag day very successful Teams headed by Joyce Flynn and Joyce Little brought in most money Other captains were Norma Godden Peggy listen Peggy Newman Kaireen Tyrer Wanda Watterworth and Mrs Frank Dobson Red Cross urgently In need of women volunteers to work sewing machines at Prince of Wales School and make several thousand sheets for Russian Red Cross Liquor cases inetted Barrie Court $342 in fines one day mostly at summer resorts near town President William Bell solicited support of public for Lions Club innnual carmvalwhose proceeds would mainly go to aid British war orphans OTHER canons VIEWS HUMOR inlinoumv Prince Albert Herald There isnever any room for frivolityr in business or industry But there are occasionswhere humor serves good purpose The Barrie Examiner Anti gluon second class mail Post Dally undoya and statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN sLMGIII General Manager fLIhrcPuansoN hlflnnging Editor crranuts wanna nnrtnur Manager nanny rwthsoN Advertising niansur spurt riparian simulation clangar Sunreriptlon rate daily nycarriur sseuwccrly this year single copy 7c or mail in carotid 70 year $400 six months 5250 titres months 0100 month Outaldn Ontario $900 soar Dumas Canada 000 ylar unless its university nrontor are aiming Idtrcat lilontrcnl ms Welt Georgia street Vnnro var Member at the Canadian Daily Newspaper new aAaaocinttnnuun ndinJJligdfl Ill rnuutfuumuï¬fclicufifï¬ns The Canadian Press is exclusivelycntltlcdtn to use for republication of all naws dispatches lnthls am arcditpd to it or The Associated Frau or outer and also the local news oubii had therein One Canadian company recently thought of humdrous way to remind someof its customers they were behind on their payments Stickers were attached to the state ments bearing words andgtCotnin Through the Ryei music The words read If abody trust abody May ody ask at IIV Please remit today Thelreceiver was asked to sing the number islowly With great feeling Inadvertently such statement was sent to hospitaliaccountantvin Ontario nun who transmitted her th paper replied If abody had an inkling What tiieblll wasforI MCDIGWHIWT ending cheque before She added that th siiould be sung slower and with Igret llngi operation of one oughts to no experience KeepCleaning TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Fluids Away From Children By sosnrn aromas lilD Yesterday we discussed dan deroua fumes or chemicals to industrial use Today lets stay closer to home and consider the myriad of household chemi eeis now in use fairly new ti FederolIIIIazI ardous Substunc beilng Iict is now in effect requiring that if compounds contain potentially harmful materials these must be so labelled is this really importantlIlt Is estimated that 600000 children swallow harmful substances each year resulting in 6000 deaths besides physical harm for enters some of which is permanenteveu if not fatal Cleaning compounds waxes mothpmofingcompounds deod orants drugs pesticides even cosmetlca can be dangerous if misused The danger of children being poisoned is greater peril than some of the diseases we discuss in this column Ed QannoLinconscieacear oiiL mfepeaflng warning Em time to time Keep ordinary house hold compounds medicines and drugs safely out of reach of young children 2Dont forget that young sters prowl in the garage and basement Dont leave gasoline insect sprays bleaches laundry products where children can reach them sAndfor yourself get in the habit of reading labels their for the words Danger Warn ing or Caution which in de scending order indicate the risk The Manufacturing Chemists Association has defined some of the important words CorrosiveA chemical which destroyallving tissuery con tact Economic poison sub stance used for destroying in sects weeds rodents fungi etc FlammableAnything having flash point between 20 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit IrritantAny substance which on immediate or prolongedor repeatedcontact will induce an inflammatory rash not involving destruction of tissue PoisonA substance contact with which will lead to fatal re suits usually in short period of time It points out that this used to mean substances taken by mouth it now includes any mode of contact particularly hating utsometlmerthrough SensltizerA material which ordinarily has no disoerniblare action but after contact or re peated contact may sensitize some individuals Subsequently even slight contact can cause rash or other inflammatory re action Toxic Anything which can cause personal iniutonr Illness timgh ingestion inhalation or nationm rt mm nrrs mmsmwmw meime ray Harm whether small or mas sive lurks in many familiar household productunless you read labels and take such pre cautions as arcshown Wear gloves have plenty of vc BIBLE THOUGHT And notonly so butiwa um fileryin tribulationsolso know tag that tribulation worketh IM Amourundpntiouccrexpcri ti tlo hope in the it today outside of Jesus 91 Look towards Ottawa tionavoid contact with skin or eyes and so on Dear Dr nlolneru Cana bruise of the breast start cancer or hasten development of tu mor that has already startedf Mrs Sometimes bruise or bump calls attentiente lump that has beenquletly developing and the bruise is blamed for caus Ine the tumor but there is no evidence to support this Note to 035 There is no bloodiest yet known which will prove who is the father of child However because blood types of the parents govern the blood types of the children it is possible to say this man could he the father or it is Impossible for him to he the father VQIIEENS rank Fi LAM Damage Said Deliberate VICTORIA fCliIt spokes man forthe Royal Canadian Navys Pacific Conunand soyl defect In the gear train of one of titanium engines of the de helleved the result of nldellber ate act Lt Cmdr Bill Patton Pa cific command public relations officer said foreign material was found inside the gear cas lng of one of the hfurgnrees niuin enginesJulyilh Damage was limited to one genr pinion and associated gear wheels navy official who did not wish to he namedsaid the rdpuirs would cost between $4000 and 55000 Lt Cmdr Patton said the hinrgareo built in Halifax in 1058 at is cost of $22000000 would undergo brief trial pe riod before returning to servtce later this week spnawa=Slow ITo llct On Drugs By new woman TORONTO Do you wonder how drug such as thalidomide the babydeformerIcnn have been so easily sold in Ontario Oahow eynogasa simple and deadly killer can be bought by anyone over the counter if you do you have plenty of company Many people today are won dering how dangerous drugs and chemicals can circulate freely But dont look hereas so many ereIdoiutf now NEW CONTROL Two incidents promised that there may be radical changes in our control of drugs in On tario And in them the province would take much stronger handI One is the formltles In this the province had no responsi lity or control at all Most of our health officials wouldnt have known thalido mide existedunless they had read about it somewhere Intheicase of cysts is very limited control This powder for killing pests wns wed in twa separate sui cides in the tendon area It is under to this extent for tutionolly the vi ce has powerto take over control of drugs would be controversial But beyond that in practical terms there is the question could It If it were to enter food and dllliZc0ntrol titers first of all would have to be huge new organization But beyond that again could no beIg attached to the body with no or very re duced limbs This Is believed to have been caused because the limbs are formed during the sixth to eighth week of preg nancy which also happens to be the period when an expectant mother suffers most from morn ing sickness and it was to re lieve such sickness that some doctors prescribed thalidomide But this is by no means the nly malformlty being reported the estimated 11000 cnscs already noted in Britain USA West Germany Holland Japan Brazil and elsewhere na wall as in Canada It was greeted as awonder LET August test Dear Sir On behalf of Barrie Brunch M7 The Royal Canadian beg lon wish to take this oppora tunity to thank your news paper for the wonderful cover age given us for our minor baseball parade and for mu potato chip blitz to raise funds furrninor huscball feel sure that had we not had this coverage our success in these endeavors would not have been nearly as rewarding would also like to extend ouLthanks1utheneonla arrie forlhei spendi spouse in helping the boys on our sincere appreciation to all Ithose who donated cars and their time during that evening Sincerely CIIARLES LAWSON Chairman Minor Hall Dear Sir was pleased to read re port from your city to the ef fect that an effort will he made by the Ontario Economic Council to promote the sale of tourists souvenirs to he made in Ontario rather than other it be really any more effective countries in keeping dangerous drugs off the market than Ottawa has been it seems rather strange that when tourist buys souvenir he finds it is made in Japan or The question isbeing inten some other country thousands aivelystudied We want more of miles away control But we arent too sure we can take it thalidomide de provincial control The Pesticides Act says that nobody can use license But there isnt any act to say that nobody can buy it And it is freely sold oyerthecounter daddnbdmgvstorecw NEED BETTER CONTROL For some time now the over all situation regarding federal control of drugs etc has not been too satisfactory to our authorities here it has fo dlhaf Ottawaiis slow to act In the case of tranquillizers for instaneewn felt strongly they should he und prescrl yit unlessIhe has Yet despite strong pressures it took some years before 0t mtprrnwrwdhimuirolflis PRACTICAL PROBLEM Froni there however the question is what can bedone The pointer whether consti WELLR Bearded delegates Jansen flefti of Grecndale BC and Eugene Burkhalter ofIswitzeriand point to map Surely we have the brains here to pro duce these articles In our own the many places from which delegates came loattend the seventh World Mennonite Confetenca limbs In this condition the bandaJn alternations drug when first created eight years age to Germany by the Gnrcncnthal Chemical Corn pnny it was rigorously tested on animals and found to be most effective and entirely sat for its purpose as franoul car If met the requirements of our own Food and Drug Act It had the great advantages over othersedatives such as the ban hituratcs that it at insomniaca to sleep quickly cit them with clear heads the next morning and offered no risk as killer Wit ten csprea popur larily in many countries under various names often sold freely over the counter but in Canada it could only he bought on doctors prescription An inevitable development was that doctors familiar with its effectiveness as an evening sedative for man woman and childnrcscribed it nan trnn quIIllz fo suffering from floss WARNINGS FROM EUROPE lho first doubt was cast upon this dnrg by report from German pediatrician inst No vember Dr Lens of am burg linked it with an increase in malformed babies IOur gov criinientncted stoned and nll 19000 doctors In Canada were odvisednet to prescribe it for women who are or might be come pregnant preofï¬e wrotet iï¬ British medical magazine The Lancet describing his study of 10 Scottish mothers who had given birth to malformed ba bies Nine of them had taken Distnvel as the drug is named in Britain Within week of thl Spoirs report medical authoriI ties In the federal government here gavIe orders for the drug to be Withdrawn from sale in Canada it is believed in medical clr cies here that Canada is already well past the peak of this trag edy and that after four to six weeks hence no further de formities in newborn babies will be attributable to thalldo mide country and Canadians Not only soutentrs but other products seem to be flooding our stores from other countries Many seem to think they are saving money buying cheap imported clothes etc when provide work or the truth is that lot of thcso articles are very poorly made and do not last liko Canadian products If we are to survive as ac tion we cannotgo on forcvar buying imported cars and oth er PM outside the country firmly believe that if we were to buy Canadian great deal of our economic woes would be over No doubt many will disagree but the facts are that we have our stores loaded down with cheap foreign goods and over 500000 out of employment flianking you Mr Editor Yours sincerely CHINNERY Brantford Ont SALARIES SLASIIED Fairbanks Whitney CorpIsays In New York mnrw executive salaries recently were slashed 20 per cent as part of an effort to make ends meet David Karr president said he himself ac cepted cut of that exhaust from his former $90000a4year salary gt in Kitchener Ont which eat odi TuesdayI Car ilcencs pla es from Canndaand thl United States ring them WircphotoI Imanufncturedx articles to