Paving Tenders VAre Considered Paving tenders involving more than all locations in Barrie wcrcleicrred to the Public Works Committee of Barrie City Council last night after special meeting to examine mm Ind paving leaders The lowest of three bids re ceived come from Meloddcn Pavia of Barrie with fig ure $053830 Disher Far mnd Ltd also of Barrie put in bid of $32toft0 and Godson Contracting Co Ltd of Term tonsubmittcd figure of 838 £1810 The contract coils for the re paving of sections of live oily streets Tiiiin from Innlstll to the CN Tomato from Simon to Dunlap West Mary from Simeoe to Dunlop West Maple Windshield Broken eyeing Thrown lrom Car Court Told Magistrate it Foster ycse tcrday reserved Judgment for week in the case at Dale ill Fraser oi Oro Township Fras er was charged last July with throwing glass bottle or glass object from car on lllghway ii lie pleaded not guilty Sgt Andrews OPP acting for the Crown said evidence supported testimony by Ar mood Goulct driver of truck gums windshield was smash Gtiliiii said its on restaurhnt CXIi ramp lie started to pull out onto litgh woy it Ile then noticed Iras er in car about 20 feet from the paved road CAR PASSES lie saw the same car an preach and pass him As the car got about 15 feet ahead at me he said saw shiny obiecl perhaps glass bottle or glass object flung out of the car window lie said he could identify Fraser because there were few oncoming cars and hehod his lights on The ob ject smashed into Gouiets wind shield and left hole our inches in diameter Goulet said My children were lucky they were asleep and their eyes were closed be cause glass splattered inside the truck Fraser and the driver of the car Pete Johnson also Oro Township both testified that the windows had remained shut all the way from the restaur ant where they also noticed Goulet for the first time Tiny also said there were no bole ties or anything they could throw out oi the car at thrown up from the road They said they were on their way to garage about onehaif mile off Highway ii onEdv gar Road to pick up Frasers ear After Fraserwand John son he admitted seeing Gou lets panel truck pass soiith on the highway from their vantage as partrid from Simon to Dunlap West and Collier front Mulesster to Cloppertou Dix seal toestments read to award tbeloarttroct wthm existing nplist in of re Itsare to be carilï¬idout on Villilm Street into Baldwin Lane to Bum Lakerhoro Road from Slmcoe Street in south and westerly directi and two faraway going south and north from Dunlap Street West between Maple and Bay field streets Work is simito be done on is intersections it various loca tions in the city After consideration of ten ders the committee has war onward the contract iv theut taking the matter hick to the full council point Sgt Andrews asked them why they should pay any par ticular attention to truck passing halfmile away it they had nothing to do with it TAKES NUMBER Goulet soid after the wind shield was broken he asked his wife to take the cars ll cencc number and he follow cd had to speed up to IfJ75 mph after to keep up with them he said They turned left at the first road they greeted by From ondo strong verbaldiscussion ensued Fraser sail he didnt think he was too abusive with Gou lct He thought Gouiet was lost and asked him where he was going After Goulet left the grunge logo to the nearest gasoline station and notiiy the police Fraser and Johnson said they sat in the car discussing wheth er they should foiioiv him Cpl Holthnm testified he met Gouletrsnd listened to his com plaint Johnsons car pulled up and the charge was laid Defence counsel William Hint ton asked Goulet ii he was lm poslllvo he could identify Iro ser tn the car and if he could be sure the object he had seen was shiny or of glass com position Goulct replied ch Mr Hinton submitted that the shiny object might have been anything and come from else where the suggested since both persons testified their win dows were shut it would have been impossible for either to throw anything not lie felt Gouict didvnot have clear op portunlty to identify Fraser un til he saw him at the service station Sgt Andrews in his submis sion said he did not believe the testimony of Fraser or Johnson Goulet he said struck him asran average person in censed perhaps by broken windshield but not man to accuse two innocent people lN resume with the spirit of Ctirlstmas last night at the Simcoe Presbytery Camp ChildrenIMdrkChiiStmesï¬ On BalmyiAugust Evening it snow had fallen in Midland white blanket would have been in keeping with the party spirit of fill youngsters at the Slmcoe Presbytery Camp six miles north at the town They celebrated Christmas Day last night Filtynine girls ranging from to it and it camp counsel lors with the chefs got together for their last evening in camp to hold this event Marilyn Stroud of RR We saga Reach camp director said We felt it would be marvellous opportunity to show these children wonderful time the last night out Somewhere had heard of Christmas eei ebra being held in summer here lm sure the children would never forget it The camp program is spon sared by the United Church of Canada and various age groups attend throughout the summer Oliicer Saysliis Face Cut i31°ll1iitm0rillia Lawver OitiLLlA CFtA Metropoli tan Toronto police morality of ficer says the intervent lawyer could hamper police questioning potential witness Testifying at the trial of Ger ald Kelly 36 an Orilitaiawycr charged with obstructing arid assaulting policeman Deter tiveSergeant thliom Qucnnell said Tuesday that Kelly struck Swimming Comes Naturally To Average Indian Child By GWYNNE POWER The average Indian child tskes like fish to water Some can swim almost as soon as they walk but such things as lifesaving floating and breathing techniques are apparently unknown to them until they are introduced This was the finding of group from the Simcoc County Recreational Service that put in some time at Christian Island earlier this summer in an at tempt to get program roll tog ASwimmlng was ular stdï¬l recentlgt iirst Red Cross water skills ex aminations ever taken on the island visiting Army instructor Lueut Mayne iNc gt Mrs Frank Broiey from Bar riewas in charge oi the in struction and from class on thefirst day of two or three and an sudiencosof many puz zled sometimes ieering faces sbeproduced an examination class of more than 20 for the various grades Mrs Broiey found that though the children took to the water naturally their lack of stamina and technique tended to tire them very quickly Swimming proved to be the thin end oi the wedge for the association in its work an the island Though overtures were made last year in this direc tion this sunnrier is the first real attempt made by the as sociation to start program on the islandand it has met with the hearty approval and assistance of authorities con cerned With the development and welfare of the reserve It gets back to the old queo flflLDiJfltitlliuthnfllld littoral ages in terested it away from the disillusiontng aforces of unem ployment and liquor Camping on the island to co ordin the program is Floyd were conducted by Toni serssraa receives his Red Cross water skills chrtiflcsto from Floyd tries Griesbach associate director of thc Simeon County Recreation Service who with his wife and daughter Ellen hasbeen hard at it for some weeks in found some community aetivitiesln full swing The Homemakers Club has 21 mem bers who go in for quill work making quilts helping to organize family nights and oth er activitlcs Under the presidency of Mrs Lorna Sandy this group has been working closely with the recreation group on the nuc leus of progra FAMILY EVENINGS Recently series of family evenings has been organized The group has provided piano in the community hall and diehos for refrcsments bach LflllICClOI of recrea tion for Simcoe County alter the first examinations held on Christian Island this summer During the course of these evenings singing square danc lng and chatting are the order of the day But the younger folks go in far twisting that soft oi thing says Mrs Sandy They certainly do Twisting and television sets are as much part of the lives of the Christian Island tecnagcr as they are in any community in Canada Television icerials sprout from most dwellings in the community and the latest hit Isongs are lot LU where The yoiingstiirs too have social groupbut in the past have been plagued having nowhere to meet Rece tly how ever they have been having could he worked out Camp Counsellors are shown decorating tree to prepare Yesterday immLihcrowere4 norm immimï¬nvcry part of Slmcoe County Shirley llarris lit irqu Bor rte celebrated her birthday yesterdaythe first time she ever had birthday at Christ mas Proceedings got underway shortly after 530 in the after noon with turkey dinner served with cranbcrry saucc mashed potatoes green peas and cy stuffing The cook ing was all done by Mrs Stevenson wife of Camp old mlnistrator Itecter Stevenson Oriiitn There was Christmas tree it feet high and topped with popcorn and star Santa Claus who made an appearance shortly after dine oer distributed gifts skiLs tlvlty Play were presented Wand Muir ltlioeslng camp counscllorand chief of the Drama Club said the children had written the lines to tho hi cutting his face after be prevented Kelly from taking his client from poiicesiation July 15 Kellys client 20yearold girl was being interviewed as potential Crov witnessinan abortion case after being inves tigated by Metro and Pickering Township police Police sestifted Kelt tried to force his way into the nterrogation room and used abusive language Kelly said he went to the po lice station but was for ly prevented from entering the in terrogation room by Sgt Queu nell In the resulting scuffle he fell to the floor but did not strike the officer unless it was inadvertently he said meetings in the band council chambers The results of their first meeting under Mr Griesbachs sponsorship was wetner roastwith roaring fire guit ars singsopg plenty oi wien ers and profit of BB cents The next week there was repeat perfonnanceoniy big vger and better Wiener roast This time there were financial snagsa deficit of some six dollars but is good had by all encouova nToi th loves the community is softball The local junior team made up of players of 15 years and under to in league with juniors from EImvafe and Wyevaie The ball games are cqm munity event with just about everybody turning out to cheer the locallads on But the dos parate will to win doesnt seem to be there the Chippewas go out for good time and in variably seem to have one In winter its hockeyand the same keeoncss applies even among the spectators and no covered rinks either Mr Griesbach stresses that his aim is to encourage activ ity not do too much of the leading liehapes through the program to produce leaders to carry on the ideas themselves with only occasional guidance vfrom the recreational body Response to the work has been slow in some cases As with the swimming classes at first there were few partici pants and any spectators Gradually more took an active partin what was going on Mr GriestEach said bCiFEï¬wtlIflnl feels The biggest problem writ be to find time and foods to keep going back and keep the ball rolling This til the iuuithaltlclo in series iNAVE The seven construction com ConstnCo Ltd Scarbore 3m pootes answering tendersfor 72325 and tiozsoooo itfnlvcrn the installation of Borrtol east Construction Co Ltd Toronto and sewer made lower htds 2573611 sod $42255710 Key for the Lokeshore route than stone Contractors Ltd Windsor the Dunlap Street EostrKcmpenn 1406415und WNW Dlieo council at that time that the felt Drive route Mid Company Toronto 3399511 loss of business could mean The figures were disclosed 75flnd $5999615 and Durham bankruptcy to some merchants when city council examined the Coast utd Seashore 17570 tendersnt rpoeislcouneii amt 1031010 tCWIISIl Hzrudto do all to meeting last night They sttow 11 my original pian ap WM i° PT hmmp ed the lowest bid for both proved by the Ontariohlunici °r mï¬smrlmbql routescamc from Ray Lena pot Board was to take the hmaluy Construction Co Ltd Toronto sewer along Duniop Street run 33 mm They bid moses or the wus formulated after firm of 155 in mike can Donlop Street route and $287 engineering consultants li on mu for the lakeshorc PeioAssoctotes Ltd examined If council was to decide on Bids ranged up to Bedford the situation and provided in inkclhme route it would Construction Co Ltd Toronto formation that sugested the Will Bellini lheflliPmfll quotations of mascot and Dunlap street route would Ontario Mulliï¬llml Will and Ontario Water Recourse Com minaret mean saving of some 5137 Almost without discussion 000 mission for the new plan or ranging to shift the loan from council turned the figures over This plan was approved and to the Public Works Committee given its third reading by mull N0 this ant Rats fanreeommendattonv council to October19ttf£ Iii COMHIIE to cover to Oiher bids on vthe protect in June of this year how new route and negotiating with with Dual Sim quotations evenrs delegation of down WCNR 10 ink the sewer mm as Merino town merchants petitioned coun 510W italkflv To qualify for 15 percent would have to be gained and the protect finishcd by him 31 im TECUMSEH SCHOOLS Freaktfistlt of Bcetoafiias been appoinch secretarytress urer of Tecumseth Township Area Schooiiioard in place of tioozdiion who resigned due to continued illness Itir was dthrihvmipuinimcntrnr Allan Ginssford 0R0 Slit AREA major ski development has been proposed between 0ro and itledoote townships on the tiilrd sooccssionof Oro William La huuru of Toronto has acquired some 550nm of load two miles north at Edgar RCAF station The large valley there will be connected to the hills with one Tbiir ski lift and three rope tows AT euoini scllotll Tenycoroid Dean ltietcolie son of Mr and Mrs Meicalfe 194 Wellington St and John Nixon is son of Mr and Mrs Nixon 41 Sun nidaiajtead bothoi Barrie are attending summer choir school in Trinity College School Port Hope Ontario RAND DRAW WINNERS Barrie Collegiate Band ltfoihlt are conducted raffle to help raise funds for the Pacific Tour citand asked for rem via the islreshore to save ia convenience and iioonclal bards ship to businesses on the route it was suggested to tion for coming of Soul Claus The sum of vino wooobtaioed Draw was made the concert in Barrie Arena Monday night by Carl Ilomliton band presid cni Winner of the stove dona ted by Levtts Trading was Johnson of oiirst Street Camp Borden oLtttLotL Weirufl aridT ur costumes The first skit presented was The Elves at Christmas and starred four young actres ses There might not have béen more than in spoken lines all around but at least the action proved to be dramatic enough to evoke audience response This was followed by short skit which starred two children Called Christmas Teri the script wosonc page long The next presentation The Shepherd Who Did Not 60 included tour shepherds tujo servants one master baby doll and six choirsingers The singers were led by toyeoroid Carol Small Dorrie Jitter the NativityePioy Christ mas carois were song The children were thcnied by the chair in candlelight proces sion to the lakeside diapel where tho Bible was read by Camp Assistant Director Judi Philippa Stayner OBITUiiBY RICHARD ADAMS Funeral service for Richard Pcarse Adams 75 of Lefroy and former Barrie resident was held at Pethlck Funeral Chapel today lluriol was in St Pauls Cemetery Innlsfit Mr Adams died Royal Victoria Hospital Sunday follow ing briei illness Mrltdnms died at Royal er and worked for theT Est on Company Lt in Toronto for more than it years After his retirement he lived iaBarrie beforemoviiigi Leir He was member of the bladder Century Club Mason and belonged to tha Grotto lie is survived by brother Sydney of Barrie and two sis ters Mrs King Ida and Mrs Taylor Emily both of Litti Edgar Ted Price for meriy of Barrie is the en supervising engineerwithtl Bell Telephone Co for tho Harrie and Drillta sections Son of the late itlr and Mrs Price is also forq merly ot Drill lie joined the company in 1921 and has served at various points lab at Newmark AT HESE TABLERITE VACUUM SEALED GoLpEN RIPE COOKED MEATS MACARIJNl AND CHEESE PICKLE AND PIMENTO DUTCH LOAF CHICKEN LOAF iliOLOGNA lb Averago GRADE PREDRESSED Lb FRYING or ROASTING MARKETS ONLY 11c FREsiitv snouuo corners BARTLETT negligent Na Grade cEiio CARROTS FIELD TOMATOES FRUIT PUNCII GRAPE cannon corp ssoo HlC sockeye DRINKS SALMON SUNNY nionN 9A MARKETSQJGA FOODLINER COFFEE uni vouues iGA FOODLINER MARKET SQUARE ion RESlnEiTlIE CITY HALL IAitirmsraisio PARKING symposiu 7REMEMBER iREEi CHILDRENS MATINEES Shown Every Saturday Morning gt as and 11003 AT riiE ROXY THEATRE ricnars AVAILABLE Lenora CASHIERS wtrii PURCHASE or $10 onvovan AT crisisriEs JGA FOODLINER Ontario no Grade cw Bog dtlt Docket 25 85 Ontario No Grade 4801 Tin centre or vaccinate CLARKS sour 1002 This CtlltlSTlESlGA ESSAROA