Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1962, p. 2

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SilNTll uaxrs EARLY visrr Children pose hnrpliy with Santa Claus lost right at tho Simcoe Presbytery Camp six Some Russian miles north of Midland Christmas was celebrated by the entire camp as novel Doctors Cling To Centuries01d Methods MOSCOW AP Sam at Russias top doctors still cling to centuries old techniques ths they make use of major ad vances in modern surgical tech niques Some of them still employ the lathcentury technique of cup pingthe placing of cuplike devices on the body surface to create suction and cause tiny hemorrhages beneath the skin This is intended to relieve con gestion especially of the lungs And some doctors still employ the puncture techniques of the ancient Chinese and Tibetans the insertion oi needles in Van ious parts of the body with the idea of relieving pain releasing fluids or even producing psy chological benefits An American doctor who ac companicd this reporter on tour ofrthc institute of Expert mental and Clinical Oncology one oi the Soviet Unions top candccr research establishments eat ARCiliAC TECHNIQUES ihcse Russians apparently do excellent modern surgery they get patients out alive and they have some really ingenious semiautomatic instruments for suturing blood vessels and other Explain Oi Tax VlCIOHiA CPi Salestax dodgers who skip across bnune dories to buy goods and have them shipped home by the mer chant are robbing provincial treasurics of revenue But from discussions with pro vindal government leaders here for the third premiers confer ence the only areas in which the loss is of molar proportions are Quebec and Ontario And these two provinces are doing something about it Premier Lesage oi Quebec and Premier llobartsoi Ontario say negotiations have been car ried on for several months at the administrative level in an attempt to find means to stop this type of tax evasion We think agreement can be reached in the near future Mr Lesage said Various methods have been suggested said Mr Roberts and they have to be checked out to see what their position is from legal standpoint DISCIiSSED DY LEADERS The problem was discussed by the leaders of the in provincial 1VEii Hi deep seated structures with metal staples But some oi their man who iustil1e day be fore had had much of his stom ach removed was in one room of the wooed cllpie that is port of the institute Virtually his whole chest and upper abdomen were covered with purplish circleseach the size of silver dollar These were cupping marks in several rooms were thhs rubber hoses running tmm the nose throat or other body areas of patients who recently under wdnt operations for lung or stomach cancer The hoses in some cases twinett like snakesthrough couple oi dilierent rooms end ing up on sldenoszie of top waler faucet which is kept run ning day and night This was this hospital ver slon of suction pump in marked contrast to portable bedsidedevices used in North American hospitals Said Los Angeles surgeon who also made the tour Wed never be able to use such system in Los Angeles even if we wanted towasting all that water menu Methods Evasion chants agelilsoi both provincial governments for the purpose of collecting the sales tax Under such an arrangement the Montreal merchant would collect the Ontario tax irom the Ottawa woman buying her mink in Montreal and having it shipped to her home Neither Mr Lcsnga nor itir Roberts would make any firm estimate as to the amount oi rcvenua being lost at present through this tax evasion method but itir Lcsage said it is substantial in his province Elsewhere in Canada the problem is less serious and no other provinces have attempted to negotiate agreements for re clprocai collection Civil Defence Called Fraud KITCHENER CHCivil dc Ience defraud people that man can somehow help people survrvc and sustains the myth that war is inevitable windup festival lorthe child ren Examiner Photo WEATHER Synopsisx Dry air pushing southward irom the vicinity oi iiudson Bay will gradually dis sipots the cloud covering North srrLOntarlo and willpmlucejnlg earner icrneinder of the province Temperatures will range from near 10 in the ext lreme north to 85 in the extreme southwest today and winds will be light Sunny and slightly warmer weather is expected for Thursday lake St Clair Windsor Sunny becoming partly cloudy with one or two thundersbowers this afternoon sunny and warm Thursday Winds light Lake Huron Lake Erie le spars Southern Georgian Bay Lake0ntorlo London Hamli ton Toronto Sunny and warm may and Thursday Winds lg Holiburion Timagarni North ern Georgian Bay North Bay Sudhury Sunny todayand Thursday Cool today but warmer Thursday Algoma Cochrane white River Cloudy clearing this afternoon Sunny and warmer Thursday Windsligllt Forecast Temperatures slow tonight iiigh Thursday Windsor as St Thomas o2 London 60 Kitchener 60 Wingham 50 Hamilton so St Catharines so 63 50 55 45 itloosonee Timmlns sault Ste Alana gt By THE CANADIAN PRESS Epsom EngGeorge Butler 70 rated as Britains greatest hurdle jockey Swansea WalesCapt David Jones 92 known as Potato Jones tor his potatorunning and refugee aid exploits during the Spanish Civil War itiontreal Roland MacDutf 58 mayor of Montreal East since 1952 London EngPatricia itfar lowe 28 British actress re ported upset over Marilyn iiion rees death Toronto Rev Patrick man Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conce to now ripening audibon nah Crowley as pastor of the no Rains Brighten COuntyCrop Prospects as srswanr mos Mrkoitnni Representative North slum Now that we are in the midst oi the grain banat crop re port is indicated Up to the end of the third week of July prospects for good grain crop were poor and grew worse each day so long as the dry weather tested The pastures were also drying up and little second cut hay was likely The weather changed howevirr nod for the past two weeks or so we have had recurring rains and lestl mste that we have had abut inches of retail that period On the majority of farms these raihs meant the dliicr ence between poor crops and good to excellent Cmps While the rains did not come soon enoovi to melts the early sown oats and barley as plump or well filled as we would like the grain will still be fairly good somolnAend late sown crops which pro to he failure few were ago are fair crop EXPECT RUSH Hancst will be quite rush this year as most of the ants and barley is ready to cut and thrash before the winter whurt is octetthe way Usuallywo can count on break at week or two between the wheat and Ipring grain harvest but not this year The wheat harvest was well under way early last cut the week before and many Tieidsorosrrandiiarieysireadr cut and stooked or combined At the present time combines and threshing mchines are busy on nearly every farm weather permitting Eachyear the number of laycecs Discuss Coming Activities Three members of the Bass rls iaycec executive last night attended an executive meeting of District Xi inOrillia incoming Barrio President Bill liralthwalfc Past Presid VicePresident Sid Taylor rep resented the local organization Oiher district clubs repres ented wore Midland Penelsng Goldwater Drillla Huntsville and Coilingwood The meeting called to cosor dlnata district Jaycee activities for the coming year was chair ed by District Xi president Jamcs Riglcy oi Collingwood Talks Bog Down Oniood Exports LONDON iAPiA British ac count of the latest Common Market rtalks today reported wide measures of agreement but conceded that great deal of work remains to he done on the crucial problem of Com monwealth food exports The account was presented by Edward Heath deputy foreign minister and chief British na gotiator in attempts to get Brit ain into the sixcountry Europ ean Economic community bet ter known as the Commonltiar ket Heath was reporting on the Brussels talks Aug 14 which despite marathon uegotiating sessions ended without agree ment on the vital Common wealth issue Britain insists on guarantees that food exports from Canada Australia and New Zealand will be assured of satisfactory mar kets following the end oi the Commonwealth trade prefer ence system The six market countries have agreedtu admit Commonwealth ood exports up to 1970 but have refused to offer giiaran week with some wheat being combines used in slums County entChariwWndge and First increases substantially and pro bably over the county as whole the screegebsndied by combines this year is greater than that cut by the binder and threshcd by stationary machine Referring again to combining it the grain is quite ripe and the field free from grasrcloer or weed growth thecmp may be combined direct in one on erntioa 0n the other band if the grain does not ripen evenly or there is much green growth the grain is best method and let item the field an the stub ble to dry before being thresh ed with the combine using pickup attachment Since there was little growth of ciovers etc in the groin fields tth year due to the dry weather in June and July expect much more of our main will be combined direct this year No or three weeks are many farmers were worried about their pastures ondaecoachrop boy but with good rain every days most of oursgrau and clover crops are new com ing along exceptionally well We have 25 members in the North Slmcoe Pasture improve ment Competition again this year These postures will be visited and scored during the lstterpartoi Augustand alter this is donewa should have further report on crop condi tions in the county We can also report good pros pects for corn and potatoes this season Yields of early pots tou now being dug are below average due to the dry weath rr but most of our potatoes are of the mid of lstesesson varieties and are nwgrowiiig well Some excellent com fields are to be seen throughout the county and it now looks as if we might have as good corn crop as last year with an in creased acreage especially of grainrorn Sweet corn is also very promLsing sod is now available The motor disappointment for formersthis year has been the inilurc oi many oi the new reed ings oi grasses and clovers Some seedlngs in moist ground have come along well but oth ers are total loss may field not having enough mois tore following seeding to grow grain and grass at the same time it wouldho wirefn make sure too new session is satis factory beforo plowing up the old tray or pattern this fall Before closing this report should caution all tumors to be on their guard against the current liog Cholera outbreak So for as know this disease has not invaded Slmcoe County yet but to be sure it does not it Mouldhe well to avoid buy for any pigs for any purpose until all danger of the spread of Reg Cholera is part smz Rm mainstream AUGUST Childréuiake swimming ilnd LiteSaving Tests Over no children were tail for Red Cross swimming and life saving today at the Grove Street Park Pool Ron itfossop Barrie recrea tion committee director said the students must pass all tats to qualify for various bad ges lie raid the tests were standardized throughout 0n tario The Red Cross supervisors were Eric Baxter Darrie and Ancient Cars Visit Barrie Thirtylive Ancient cars with 125 occupants passed through Barrie yesterday in the Horse less Carriage and Antique Car Clubs annual Normosirs tour The club which has its head quarters in 0rtliis is taking trips aroundziheicoontyf Yes terday members were toasted by IheiIssseapeaeachomhrr of Commeicc After lunch they went to Harris and back to Orillla The old cars included every thing from lull model to 1930 coupe There was ten station wagon and Rolls Royce The its people taking the tour were comprised mostly at family groups reelme values frensoweu truth Towels Usually up to 129 each 67 pair real saving on 22 rhicir thirsty terry towels Soft and thickly looped for extra absorbency First quelliy=m=$rnixnmntcb patterns dfstnp oral or solidsfsome have fringed ends in an assortment of colors Tony face clothsto match above Usually up lo 29 each August on 10th 4for57c silovb IIIz wwv Paul itselmsu Toronto the group taking wateriests this morning there were so inten mediates and 19 seniors This is the last week of the Dorrie Recreation Committee swimming activities Tomorrow rooming at mo there will be swim regatta at theGrose Street pooh Including races and contests Awards will be presented to morrow night at the Codrlngton St School at 730 Also includ ed on the program is variety show Thursday testing will be held for Tadpole Minnow Fish and Water Safety at the tiohruoo Beach and Kinsmens Pond At Codrlngton School tomon row night Shear Park will con tribute play and lspdancing Brock and lilalr tumbling Lions and Queens beatniks Dskley tumblinghnd twisting Gm singing and rhythm band Codrlngion and Strabsne Negro rpiritnnis Wellington Mitch iiiller singalong and Johnson on indlan tribal meet Awards will be given for various park activities which have continued throughout the summer such ns swimming physical fitness archeryhtracic and field and the bicycle rodeo An alisisr baseball tealh which has been picked from oil the parks will be named JoLernmcntsJioadpyhat the opening eslon of the twoday conference here To illustrate it they used this example woman living in Ottawa wants to purChasc $5000 mink coat She travels to Montreal buys the coartneresadassras merchant ship it to her home in Ottawa By doing so she avoids the sxperscent Quebec sales gttax thrceipencenteon tario tax The merchant in Montreal is obligated to collect only the Quebec tax which he would do if the sale was made over the angular but hclhas no authority on or present egislation to col lect the Ontario tax tasted4 woman is go por purchase in Ontario and pay the Ontario not practical to tax but it enforce this law so neither province receives any revenue Premier Lesage said the mer chants are not at innit The tax is due by the coal Iumer The vendor is only the collector and he doesnt have to collect for another province ffes an agent of government only in the province where he doesbusiness sunnyIADICEEMENT Ontario and Quebec he said are attempting to solve the Suuitrnnnnt Muslim Dr Kaufman profcs son of religion and philosophy at Bethel College Kansas said Tuesday it would be better if shelter program concentrated on housing for the needy of the worlds sessions of the Seventh Vorld fennonite Conference Christian he said could not take part in movement such aseivii defence which fosters fear tension and hate Military service is not worthy of Christian be con tinued The power of Rome was organized to crush Chris tianity ict itome itself was de tented and Christianity became Abestern in AL Non violent resistancer had proved its power many times he said pointing to Gandhis success in fndis as no example Dr Kaufmanprcsenied five point plan for Mennonites to fair low in working for peace Deepen their faith and make themselves heard keep in formed oi the world situation and help create public mind on their beliefs support the United Nationsiioln theJVorld Council of Churches and Jars orally whatiiset out to do probiem by reaching agreement which would make the men discuss itsvlhtonsal organization eiivas spenkingat final oneconfereneoiéhisvediif Asbestos Abitibi Algnnn Steel Aluminium Alberta Ore Mil Not GI Atire Steel His itiflllt Batik Hall Tel Brazilian BAA Oil Ml Power Cdnlmp likCom can brewer CPR Dom Dons Tl Gt Lakes Had iii CNQ Can Chemical Can Oil Calgary Power Con hilndrStrt Con Paper Consumers Gas 7th dblg 2m in rail 11 Nonitdl Con Dyna Cass Husky Can Devoniln Cling Cbtb can Del Rio Copper Rand con lilll Dunlrnn Minor El suillvsn Falconbrldre fiatilngsr Lsmsque Laredo 107 Normet on Nnrthg to oowoouss new and give globalexpression oi Mennonite opinion industgdrlr macaroni Dis Sea Faun Dons Siam Glt Pow Hordes Forms Home Pit Rom Oil imp To acco Accept inland NlG inter Nickel lilac row Massey Ferg MTNING teen hitnes Gunnsrr itl KemAddllun Marltlmol Murray hits tees atgr ihatdatc rooAYs srocr PRICES Compiled by Final Dnnlop st EL Barrio Nor Dnt NG Moors Corn Help Par 13 Plga Horsey us Nat Car Itvif Siddiey ltotbmsnr llhifli Blnk Salads Shirrlfl simpsods Showtnigsn Steel of gun hiin istv Opemlsha nuamcnr Rio Airoos Cher Gordon steep flock United Oil Wiiroy Wiltser axon arose some srocrrs Frafinoosrcrarmrmckeifueirfirifrnhl Vlalsm noun avcnadns Industrial down 235 Neill down 05 Utilities down 29 TDBDNTD STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX down abs Golds up aa Metric down or on down as ulslsvel Eycepitonnl Value Luxruy quality both firsts and subs in choice of plain striped or floral patternsUsually 59am 139 Large Terr Towels Extra large imported linen tea towels Hand screcncd striped or floral patterns Usually Just say finesse Towels 47 CiiARGE lT on Walkers AFRCONDITIONED 50 DUNLOP STREET Linen Terr Towels Big 22x32size Special PM Truly good buy pastel striped towels inhandy Wk 30 69¢ each colors Usualiy 39¢ each Stock up now llandysize approx til it 30 Pretty screen print in desigassndrcoiors Usua 69c Assorted Katetress Terry rsts nice of 39s they Wool Blanket arm Length 72 so 833 Soft fleecyvblanket with satin binding Exrro Blue green roses Usually 1038 length Choice of STORE HOURS EAST PA sozcr Pct 9J5 canoe pm

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