Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1962, p. 13

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specialise mum gemscan pa 82414 BUS OPPORTUNITIES Hull ACID of commercial property for call 000 foot map an ace tool driveway flu nail north Orllltl On No II Hillel way basalt tiring Illlltlrl ma pro party ideal spot ior molIl Illa or anyone wanting to start up in am for IA all immunization ANNOUNCEMENTS llaAlfesrare WHEN THE OCCASION 995 DEMANDS iodine CONFIDENTLY WITH W335 FLOWERS Precastv rare sacs REAL ESTATE WEETHREAT on REAtESfIAiE nuns mu mm large Mna artmsnls on ground floor No lwtlan to cuisine Tetanus PA or Bilbo ltrm Nut APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two mutants Aurtnunt ue Itarnllhrfl LlslaI loom kitchen and chm place hath Pnulunb IN modem on Iad rlltu rlsal later and hydro bedroom Iplltmcllts Telephone PA can Irlsr plan koala Itemsamt any that wa ter asking Ind Illto COMWRTAMI one Ind III bode IIICII Mt Annual rooflmhawunsntg with living Mug lIlltIta Included PA Will all IIOBT COMFORTABLE pie to live In BarsIs loosrn lugs two room apartments available no in brand all butldlllll loelted nfldlrltili dlltlICL ROGERS TcON REALTORS ONE puma STREET am First in Barrie Home SalasParental in quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Save hilles With Our Photo rilel 51 CLAPPERTON STREET MlNllTE WALK TO THE trlvE aomrs overlooking REAL TATE BROKER IllrlN Bull BEDROOMS 111700 onty Is the asking price for this fourycIrold brlck bedroom bungalow Large kit chen tiled four piece bath full on am in lovely as BAYFIELO 51 PA H053 ANYTIME BIRTHS bwpfi NAME ARI IMPORTANT Cheer tag name tor your child should be real plaanlrs and othlI will want to know rolls chalce nu your child as autctly Ia posrib and use tbs in lvldpal aImatn Barrie hunts lrtb Announce nasal lust call Clsasldadiio partmlnt give including the altar Ind we wtu publllb Pirib Notice in lhsnsxl edition or only rue relepboas PA Holt lor this Cleuirisd service BRAllEftAI the Royal Vic toria Hotpltsi iilnil on Satan day AuguIt 1001 to Mr nd MEI lama OrIIler Anglu daughter tlieathsr IfIIl noucamAl the Royal Vie naRolpllIi ilIrlie on Monday August i961 to Mr Ind Mn 11th Doueelte as Downsvlaw rtrcuitsrrtr vnfiihiir cor rRevlr Don on Thursday ugult at the Royal Victoria Hospital hrothIrJor Marilyn Nancy and Julie hittthtNKYAt mm Victoria NoaplIlI Dania on Monday Aug ust 1901 to Ill and bin Rena usth Mountncy at him street Harris son James Andrew DEATHS ACONLII laneAI ii liii un Trim in Ilrld year beloved husband of the lIts llora Robinson our fsther of Edna hm Gerald Kenny grand lather of Hill and brother oI Alica Resting sit thl Home 30 Wore tintil H0 Thursa Clown 11111 on lcystnet III Anglican Church Thursday August at 210 lntsnnall It at mecs cemetery ADARII Richlrd PearleAt Royal Victoria Hospital on So August 1901 Richard Adams dear brother of Sydney of Lefroy Ids thin Rial and Emily IMrI Taylort of Little Rock Arkan has in his Hill was hosting It the Pathlak nthlrfliHdm 111 Ray fleld St Barri Serv tl in the Chlpeilllcdncsday It pm 1n LaniIla at St Pauls Cemetery nn CARDS OF THANKS aprons SCHOOL scams Youll want to be settled in your new home For your convenience we are listing various homes which we have for sale tIomsi rentals tool In the following Ichool districts HILLCREST 161 Toronto Someone will get real buy herel Price reduced vParkslde No bad brick bungalow across lronl park 511000 2bed Apt 1100 sq ft living Ipace $110 per month new goanlNcTON it New low price Call 171 Risk us now 172 Collier New lied 2car garage fireplaces Except lanai value for 0900 raluecil wanes 109 Bradford Lge older home 319000 Commercial lot bradford Dupler commerc clally soiled $17000 Built In oven and stove Price only $8900 72 High Rea homo 0000 35 Perry Lge home could be has Ask EDWARD SCHOOL AND ST JOHN VIANNEY it Cumberland Si bedroom older home priced right tila00 Low dawn New homes available tool OAKLEY PARK AND ST MARYS New Homes Ottalvay Circle Subdivlslon as low as $1550 down 12 Agnes Beautiful condition only $18700 62 Oakley immediate possess sion offering good price for cash to mortgage 100 Rose Davies bullt $110 per month Includes taxcs ST MONICAS AND STEEL utiful larger old at Eccias 1mm possession 39000 Here Is cosy procured bung Has goodsired square llvlng titdlen two carrier bedroom corner lot with shade trees plctura of an Ideal inexpenslv Now vacantquick possesslo WELD MODERN CONTE 600 it cei bedr eyeappeall llas beamed throughout Including hallway for easy lpkeep with its hailtiu with the Ideal dIr true farnilyslse home See ll SOON1t will sell it sell all An especially line example of house for farm Aisco alarmscreen combi and dry basement has 91 MELRO Topnotch value for this man iropt brick bun extra wide patio at the rear 1500 kltihé pouredwall basement only $6342 including taxes $6200 Older 51er but wi tcrior this wouldb blwcr Priced for cash thirty MRS bi ILVIIOOIIEIA M151 ROGERSJ NW SMITH TOO ect access to back hallway thoughtfully planned and sol coaalNcTON ST ST lliAR malls aarcrc lid STOREY PAM tyothormpgl ctructlon and decorating throughout is of ntltlons throughout laundry and good any NRA mortgage carries atsaa includi LEAST EXPENSIVE HOME IN FINEST BLOCK galow set in lovely ran nmstormgsrroclbeqaipmc fill 11d theres tiled floor The Wait bank 2BEDROOM BRICK ALLANDA illmoderrlizcd andvory clean attractive in the perfect little properly IIEIIDERS OARIIIE d1 DISTRICT slow with nice stone fireplace as separate dining bid bright and and home 0N CRESCENT MPORARY BACK SPLIT Yebrold ultra modern alone to ced solid brickwith tremendous ling In livingdining bmadloonl This excellent duignls planned poms tor plus dent Garage is tiers is idly built scnooa AREA iLY HOME kept specioluly planned dooms alretettilenerousI Tile quality at can tlle finest There are and the high bright forced air oil furnace ng taxesl perfectly All W0 SE AVENUE eyl Its ohaowaer spotlessly chfencodgrounds with all 3bedroom house with COTIOHK llvlrlg roomrbigbright ed rec room in the high dry mortgage carries at EUNGALOW LE for an Investment day possession EVENINGS CALL Ia FOSTER vIA CONNRLL PA 105 EAL ESTATE BOARD CAMPBEE REALTOR basement laundry tubs forced air all heating Equipped with aluminum storms and screens Low down payment to one NRA mortgage that carries for monthly including interest prin cipnl and taxes EAST END Areycu looking foriIa outstand ing buy in tour bedroom brick bungalawi Then make an appointment to see this year old well kept property can slstiag ol four bedrooms shaped living room and dining Nomfarnlly=aha kitaholl plecctilc bath with builtin van ity full basement with piece bathroom plus many extras too numerous to mention here Low down pa aalelloi ONE MORTGAGE room brick with bedrooms modern kitchen with separate dining area living room snd separate dining room full basement all heating Asking price only $9500 with $2000 down payment and the owner wlll hold the balance on one mortgage FOR RENT Collier StreetStore ideal for small retail business or oillcc Reasonable rental Apartmentsimmediate posses slon all most Equipped with mg and stove can any on Evauluo PA 32379 Ilehlbsr at the Barrio and District Real ISIIIO Idlrd AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER 51 Highway 27 north on Bayfleld MONEWAlLAete STOUITTV Grocery meats and custom cut ting Aveliabia at all early date Excellent opportunity for party interested in dbtrlblillon of frozen foods wholesale Present Turnover $75000 Street Barrie Apply PATTERSON 331 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE MOVING Doattorgetto transfer your lusunaucc and If you need extra coverage of any kind SEESTEVENSON PA sleol it Dunlap St illlillEDlATE lat 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITII LOW MONTHLY lfiYOWmIONEY To aonsollds debts Iy oif eats up raurlgaass mortgagca coming due Olfoma lnripravsment Any we while cause gt Pli 60901 Mortgage Funding ltlllt SI sonsScars lthDlIINLOP or Member Ontario Mortgage Brnkon AIIOCIItiaR FOR Consolidation at Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly VB ROOM unfurnished lhOIIlODIAIlI schools Csntrs lat Ni stave service llmlly 52152 LARGE four room IpI three room had Fuulelrsn Apartment room kitchsnetts and bed MORTGAGES Telephone ea user water tat par PA 610 Iflor ii Parking Pt 81031 IINFIJIINISIIED Ipartment on Iecond floor com pletcly basement ONE ments for rent completely Ielf itor service From TIiephanI PA 010 ONE DEDROON Close to all Phone PA HIS Tuscan ROUII Apartment private elaln IpIrtnlsnL Prlv ubllc and up located Immed ga recursion Telephous PA Ilcany TWO AND Tllltll bedroom Rslrtnratar and er and dl7sr Janitor bulidlrg Ciau lo Iil alsphono PA cos and hill room ofrigerltbr and stove incluoI ealonsbls rant for butlth glrl 1N lid mile ground floor ice rooms and WI er and dryer hons PA 6090i or Sept has three bedroom Aeat Ielltronfalncd use at sin for IlorIgc Possession up at Apply at to Poll rig trcot TelephonePA Mitt AND TWO Bedroom Apart on net stove rofrlgcritor In rat maul 1y Apartment refrig ve Washer and dry arvics NIw building family facilities TOII later and Ito Janitor Very our to school PIrkin iIOd RItrthrsto rm or ilienhnnl do or evenings PA 61601I Telephone PA ROOM To Apply It 11 it murmur lurlhsl phone PA calla aeaaaon large his closet gentleman It to rant lfl Duniop Ea pension Plug Telaphons APARTMENTS WANTED TWO BEDROOM ran Separate of SMALL ishrd vi Required lllAltt STREET Viclul downtown area ferred Will pack TWO DEDROOIII merit required iembar Pro Wells THREE ITEDROO usual and and stove Janitor Iervicl Rsuaaahs M711 liTvIll Stldl Slug ROOMS TO LET CLEAN furnilhld II use or dots room for rent in Albania WM INT Very central PM LNY Pflfflled Dunlap Street East equip llan IPLETELY FurnIIh kitchen with rolrll store IapIrslaJntraae IptcrToiephona PA llllel PA 060 TE two blocks from Business gentleman etllil tell brlght comfort las link grill refrigerator son It entrance one Altullllfl rt avshlngl COUNth Three hlyDnI or two PM Nice Iurroundingl roln Rania handy to Zlmvale 100111 The meal If Duplex wanted to entrance Vicinity eurhlI Park Required by er or Iooncr Rci to 11 rfle Examiner Apartment wanted furn clnltyof north east area by September by pill lcman Apply to tax 57 Ban Examiner ROOM BOARD Gimp to Gallicmall pse lunchrs item no PA Md WANTED TO RENT llegaa Telepho Rouse ar Apart is or before Sap larsbly unfurnished ax to DIrrla Deallather 32111011 ST ya 60242 JUST REDUCED FULL PRICEV$2600 This winterized cottage will make Ideal economical living ior small family Living room kitchen bedrooms Good well Just outside rilylimits scoo dawn will handle it PA c0241 Home wanted by RCAMC officer two children basement and garage Weftrred Required by August it site no I1 IIllrlI Ellnull ROOM BOARD WANTED RARRIE PA aaoot Central Ontarios Largest Realtors OPEN EVENINGS TILL PM Right size right prion ncnl bungalow on paved road south $3544 at $90 Monthly Up 1015000 and so month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT PA 66477 bathroom and entrance flat water oil llcafctl refrigerator and heavy duty stove Located on Burton Avenue Apply to Cenlrs Street GROUND FLOOR Three ranrn apartment for rent Consists ar litt tng room bedroom and kitchen unrurnishcd and newly decorated Telephone PA 600 to Shannon mortgage $700 below purchase price as Shannon cutesplitlcvel fenced lot immediateposses 20 lilarian Crescent sion llfay rent $1500 down and $91 per month ARNOLDcl wish to thank my many Irlalids ior cards gifts and lowers also Dr Doidgo and CL Search Roy it 11 er and all the nurses at the capital for their kindness during rrly illneal hllnnte Arnold MURPHYWe wish to extend heIrttcIt Itilnitl Ind apprecl on for the Acts of Itridnuu usvullns of sympathy and bean ful flowers also mnhay sent to Childrens Wand of RVH re cclved from our ncitlhbors friends New homes with $1400 and slim down payment bedroom apartment $75 per month heated 131 Vancouver IDEAL FOR HIGH room kitchen bedrooms utfice also dca Priced at 513 Located within walking distance SCHOOL TEACHER at North Collegiate Large living Ipce bath Basement has finished at Barrie Fall dry basement largeilat 05 200ciosato schools and shopping Low down payment balance on easy l4l Dunlap In MORTGAGE wANTnn on naw house Telephone PA 00010 Iotl minor details ad APARTMENTS la rcpt One room urnlshcd Thscoronms uhfum Iliad and Five roamsuafurilllh plan YOUNG LADY inns Bratsbltdfl III In lttehd Barrie Bush nasI Collega wishes to arrange room and board with elder Iv cou or young couple with children 500 with $2500 down Call this lattice In phone PA esoaa THREE Ronni fumlahed apart ment in Int home near West Suitable for balloon con Abstalnan Nu chudroa Par ng space PA MT terms MAKE OFFER Hunting for fondly hamel with beautifulvspacious grounds it bedrooms ultra modern kit chen full basement recreation room double garage breezllway just bordering the city owner RENTALS leaving country and anxious to mm Illuaalu rsturn for parttime housework arose interested piano write or phone the Earlla Business College office YOUNOMAN cranarerred to Ban rte requires room and board with centrally located lly as tools as possible Contact tlllsnl Dim blf co WnikePI Stores PA 00221 UNFIJIINISIIED Kitchen and End sitting room wanted by widow Separate entrance preferred Celt trIlly located Apply box as Dan VllI Examiner GARAGES FOR RENT GARAGE for rent Very central Reasonable Telhphorlo PA 00TH tor inspection TWO STOREY BRICK IN THE COUNTRY Right on the hiylway close to village First floor has living room dining room and kitchen bedrooms and bathroom on sec ond tloor Pull basement Artcsiarl well Priced at 55000 Terms to be arranged and relatives in our bereavement of our loving Ian and brother Ilsa Ihlrlks to DrI Bailey Dalton and Gray nurse of RVH and Rail White 01 his comforting words The Murphy Family with lovely view 5W mort tCLASSIFIED bed ImEDLIJRLlfi TELEPHONE MTVan PA 82414 All of these and any coopera tive listing you may see we rCondensed and classified adven ttsemeals are lserted at the will gladly discuss with you at your convenience We would be tpledged you would he in rats of to per word per insertion °° °I WIT tor one and two times do per ISSMDAISM WW word for three folu or live tImes and ZlIcI per woiéd togdo HOLIDAYS or more usurious to LV rNoa CALL tlonal charge it not paid within $3 50 10 days THE MINIMUM COST Curly Kiboltlfltllli PA asses FOR ANY CLASSIFIEDAIL W701 PA ems VERTISEMENI 15 96a FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $100 FOR 24 WORDS IF nimilliili eititllllltfili CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION JOHNSON New Thodroom semldcinched brick payments only $78 149 Puget bungalow with basement apartment only $11 500 MORTGAGES lit and 1nd bought said and arranged Commercial and residential manays loaned an existing mortgage Rsrrlo Mort Ilga Trotters PA 61835 sllIALL Apartment nswiy furn ished Ieiftcantslnad clean In pri vate home on Owen Street SuitI magazine 5s Vancouver cute bungalow SUBURBAN LIVING Beautiful ti room home very close to the city limits on aved LdowmnnveenlieLk haw Joad Erick bituminde regenr nncrnncchailfw acres on paved road 30 warmlysite Ellcllen as well as dining room Tiled bathroom with core young hardwood 17 acres oversize vanity All city conveniences Close to school Law taxes workable 53500 with terms TEN ACRES WITH BRICK HOUSE SUNNIDALE AREA Natural This cider typa home Is immaculate In beautiful setting of stone trout custom built bung maple and cedar trees Six roams with basement new furnace blow in picturesque setting Ir and pressure system Price 500 room dining arealwllii built in hina cabinet lamliy size kit Del Cola Pith49111 Smith Campbell as also Joan Lang PA c5751 cranes and as 82817 90 5°lbmmsl°rj Smith Campbell on sale mm tlambar of mm and District Real Estate Board and screens Asking only 313000 easy terms REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 DUNLOP ST EAST PAR4252 PA 84608 Graydon KohlPA 01000 Bill flownPA 09451 Marian RutledgePA 05705 Norman Sheiswell REAL ESTATE BROKER 5T PAiiilli1PA sam Funds Available Interest 60 of Value HOlllEvTTmmmmrnn amt EDEN ansmn alone Tunas ROOllLunfumlshed Ipsro Built tor this work Semi no meat With blth stove rafrigarI private rooms kind nurslnrcsra tor Utilities supplied Pflvata good food ronlns station my driveway Ciosrtn West End P1 Islm I60 WIIIIEE Tslaabona 60M and hospital Adultl only Tall roll phone PA earn OFFICES STORES ENT llanhN selfcaptained unfam OFFICE SPACE for rent well 10 lshud heated two bedroom apart cated nrl Collier St Reasonable ratcsrolapbana PA tom be tween Im ii pns HOUSES FOR RENT Two nEaRunns winterilcd cot tags for rent Largo kilcbuh large living room hardwood tloors tires place 0nomlla from Darrin at Little Lake Telephone PA 014 DRIER HOUSE newly daeantcd living room with tircpiltte dining room kitchen three bedrooms IIheatIrlg Garage Noar schools Availshlo September Apply at McDonald it HOUSES waNrea WANTED Three bedroom house or apartment in rent by company representatlvn transferrndrta Bar No September Two schoolage children Careful tenants Howard talephana PA 31410 APARTMENTS FOR RENT mi lnant Private bath and entrance Centrally located in West end flood parking Available immedi Italy Telephone PA 551 ONE BEDROOM Aplrtllllllt for rent In private llama Selfcan tIlned partially furnished or un furnished No oblcctlon to one child Ava llbln Sept Apply Box bd Darrin Examiner EAST END No bedroomp unfun Rishod apartment in beautltlllly IltuItcd apartment house lieIt llld wallr refrigerator stove laundry foclllttas plritlllg Avail aalia7Scptcasher Telephone PA gt 15 hM FOUR AND TIlltBl Room Llliftth nlshcd apartments main floor very modern stoves refrigerators and drapes supplied Central loca Ito Clean seircontstnsd bested lull PAbiIdl CONVENIENT cast and location lilodarn two bedroom Ipsrtmcnt completely selfeontslned venav tlan blinds automatic laundry II clllllos stole refrigerator Tole puona PA sum or apply 151 Napier Street NEW MODERN two bedroom apartment Centrally located Laundry fpcllltles Janitor service rcirIgerstnr elaelrln Ilnve 1m mcdlnta possession Telephone PA 66002 AVAILABLE NOW Large IIVQ roarn apartment unfurnished healed plus sunrocm garage and ilrapiaceu Central Spacious grounds soundproof apartment Iltlildllli SW Telephana PAMMI LOVELY two bedroom apartment overlooking the be in modern oplexstovc reirl ator auto matte washer nd dryer Nearbm mlnlon stars snopptngPlan Tele Phone PA sossp POUR lIOOllI Apartment with blth downstllrl beautiful country homo Heats Close to school One mile front Esrrlc Telephone PA ddieo after pm TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartment in new building Ill mo drrn conveniences Laundry Io titties Close in IchpaisAvuilabio now Parklngspsce Telephone PA 60de after 570 TWO BEDROOM partmenl for rent upper completely private central location not water Re Ed GarogaHandtt aahonl Alfalllble immediately Telephone nfter MIT 11ml PA 1170015 THREE noonl Apartment turn tsltco three piece bath hardwood floors Refrigerator and heavy dulyvataved Suitcahtnlnad male acre lot with good well on paved road only 3700 Real Estate board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE aaoxaa 232 Tlrrln St PA01881 Malabar at the Esrala of Real Mata Balsa CARRSDION it Next door to Lisa imperial Theatre 45A DUNLOP 51 PA 6648l hlembor of lashi luaallulel Roll EItIta Board CORBY Phone as azila 93 Dunlap St 47 acres on paved road 10 acres young hardwood 11 acres workable $3500 with terms DAIRY FARM modern brick house 109 acres clay loom large lelaped barn bulk cool er Holstein herd full line new implements including tractors IMMEDIATE Pt SSlON wldl all crops All opportunity like this Is rare Make appoint ment to Inspect It now itiortgsga FIIIIO Available Evenings Call hlcrv or Ede Gould Orb Ill Harry Slessor PA will rca Brown PA L726 Lnughecd Iynar itldllil Lloyd or Piorls Rocklay PA Huts 34 QUEEN sr New three bedroom brick bun galow Combination living and dining room with fireplace Cus tom kitchen cupboards co ored bathroom fixtures and tile with vanity Close to all schools and downtown Low down payment uudcr NHA pen for inspection at 34 QUEEN ST IRWIN BUILDERS PAINSWICK ONT Custom Built Homes Cottages Garages General Remodelling PA 609l4 ff LOTS FORSALE Goon nous mtNIl Illa put off Two mile south of Allandate Alan good skll Pow draw Anderson Holly Advertisers are reminded that all phone Insertion orders are seen ed as convenience to you advertiser Thercrara tho Classified Advertising Department raqulres all advartlsers to kindly recheck lthbir Idvartlasmentl immediately Iftcr first insertion in order that Iay errors oramis ions asap be reported before In in order that same maybe resulted for the following days Insertion order We Wish to point out that Thai ie Examiner is responsible to only one Incorrectly printed ikbltioll on any advertisement then only to the extant or portion at an that involves the misprintu Errors which do not lessen the value at the advertise meal are not eligible ror curred lions by make goods Comingzments to per word minimum charge 5150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 Wards over 25 words so per vlord elltra in lllemoriam No tlces $150 til verse used tic per word extra puma LETTER occurs Inlormallaa regarding advertisers ltslng illiad hitter Box Number or Replica ls held strictly conlla cnllll Replies to Letter boxes Will be held only 10 days after last day or publication Classified adversements and notices for these pages must bp received by day pro ceding publication withthe ex ception of Classlfed Display ndvertismenis which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and type styles or senil displsy classifieds my be ob tainad through The Examiner so irst mortgage means can lne Langtln all sorts Jack Willsan you Everett shslawsll Oro 2010 rrnan Shelswcll PA Mill nanrd Norris PA cases HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 112670 sTEEl ST Ranch style brick bunga Over 00 pl ft Large di ug and ng area Hanover chen Tilabnth with vanity Panelleli rec loom Lot 60 100 In good location at line homes Carries for $104 For appointment call Emerson Swain calms area This bedroom brick bungalow in beautifully Ilidsuped ital 31ka NBA mart page Close to public Ind high Ichoola Telephone pa solar llljdflr NIIA RESALE tit bed room bungalow in years old étaltl3yPflk area Phattl ea DELUXE APARTMENTS with balconiesandEll in featuresu MARION CRESCENT lbed mom bungalow two years old tally ilndbcdnfldplilllailliti recrea tion roam Lessthan original cast Lowdown payment Owner mov lng PA 00105 ANGUS New threI bedroom brlck bungalow modern facilities lIrga lot near Catholic school and bhurcls Low down payment Own New Building PHONE PA oaoio resales sizes lilo24h ByAANNE ADAMS NOVEL COLLAR Arrive on the scene looking slim and smart in this quietly detailed steplawlth novel collar Endsoit skirt Choose carefree blend cotton Printed Pattern anal Halt Slzcs lilo totz 221A EVENING EALLt RITA SCANDRETT PA M005 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 0415 PERCY FORD FA IMP EMERSON SWAIN PA dllfllll HLiilEIt lilUIIitAYPA $5025 Member til Isarria and District ittlfl Ontario Real Eststraoards llllllanlATlc possession sllaoo real bariialn fdr this lovely three budroum brick bungalow unilee landscaped lot in abut end Mint has seen to up appreciated Call Moaias FOUR BEDROOM brick home ln Barrie Recreationrrnam large living room dining four pi Ly do corner lot Oakley Park square district Landscaped with garden Price $2100 and nasum hearings to full price of 10000 Owner trlhlfemd iTolcphnrla PA 64700 TWO BEDROOM Apartment heat Iu large rooms selfcontained unfurnished Child welcomai Tetm phone PA 04531 or apply ME uradlard Street LARGE madern tlllttlrtllblted th perilous tapartment Priv Mortgage Mosley AtaIlIIblc MAEEL lIlAIISIIALLFA 0550 OWEN JONESPA 37011 IIIURIEL IEFFERYPA 00303 CARL WOODWARDCrcemoie 2am annals PA sass man DEL JERRIEYPA Md EAVESMW Selling below value Three bedroom brick bungalow LIbtn to schools shopping and one line NRA mortgage Large tensed 3011 healing billing nook vanity eta Leaving town Tait phone PA dldbd HINT FOR THE vlrllsing department FIETY CENTS 50 cents In coins no stamps please for tilts pattern Ontario reeldcnln addi canlssalea tax Frill plainly size NAME an DRESS slam NUMEER sane orderlo ANNE ADAMS atopallleeurncrmxamlncrm Patient ntyst Pattern Catalog hiorelthan 10 styles tun spo daydance work travel All least Band at ate Keith latlsttos rcportedioday that The bureau at he index of production in the Emu BROKE Id dually was bisthe some as WTNWFWEFWET caserchibhlzzr RANT1E used on the avefagc Weekly hum 195159 00100 tons ELIL as trailing loo IiilEiIolipfilimi qu uaonoaal Apartment avari abtq onor beforo Septambarl WANTED TOiRENT Buy Stave rcrrlgcratnrwashar and ditto possession Apply dryer militia Cools Street or etrang Hardth oannnlep Man an atom mgr Junfin am TT an iv PW Mm chum tiiitlitn Apartment ound aparttnggaI1 sva llama Iay vicinity or at 93 lines trantpndba enrpnce innow ern building Very close some out GROOM cLCiahsifie terrlfle fllllillJlE and Ep pliance barg Elna Ar Homes Farma Businesses so REALTORAPPRAle aEAL assure shorten 00 DUNLOP ST BARHIE Phone use Oppuiitb and Esters erle giving dottil tllad our blace bathroom mad to public Illo separate schools WHO Etlmlfl crn Ip rtmcllt inillrifng am and Automatic laundry maintenance Owen arch rankingunundlywiln arvlca Stove and rniriltuntbr np trylinEgamlnpr Want Ad dryer OnoclilldWnltfllllc immcd lhnlll PHONE Izut ista aaaesslan is talepho It 10 llcr informal on 843 or PA It

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