Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1962, p. 5

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foldTimers Recall The Hitching Posts Deena collicr in England and had been married more lllan DayOn HARVEY BLACHSTOCK Thisisthalhlrdluawlrs of alleles about Barrie from It to the present lnforrna line for the first two iiitat meals was obtained from prla led material and coveredbrlel ly the ported to tree This and succeeding instalments are based on interviews with pro ple now Hill in Barrie Robertson is formerj mayor of Barrie retired drug sisl former member of tho Public Utilities Commission ant former chairman of the Roy1 at Victoria llospitnl Board As lllr Robertson scanned the 106465 directory of the town of Barrie for familiar nameshe commented There was Judge Ardogh in the early 1900 and there was Boys KC mayor of Barrie and MP for Slmcoe North for 20 years George Caldwell was drug gist and Mr Robertson was his partner in the drug husincsit until he sold out to Mr Cald well rock PAPERS When hlr Robertson came to Barrie there were four weekly papers The Saturday Morning The Gazette The Advance run gt by man named Samuel Wes lay and later by Thompson Crow and The Examiner Thompson Crew bought drug store where Zellers Ltd is now tedion Dunlopjtu Later he became postmaster The Examiner absorbed The Advance and The Gazette closed ln1925 lllr Robertson recalls The Antlertons were running the brewery when came here The Hinds Brothers general meet chants on Dunlap St were in business Mrs Hinds Is still living in Barrie IIITCIIING POSTS About changes in the looks of the streets he recalls There were hitching posts along Du lop St and the majority people had hitching posts in front of their houses If There was sawmill an the corner of John St When asked about wages when he was young lad lllr Robert sonsaid Ill give you an an ample wanted to get married and asked my pmspectirg fotherinlaw for permission marry his daughter He replied Bcfora Ill gins consent for you to marry daughter oull have to making $15 week He was foreman in fan tory and not to be lmpertlncnt but because was curious asked him how much he Wt making He replied proudly Eightcen dollars week lllr Robertson recalls his mother sending him to the corn er grocery for three pounds of steak for 25 cents and do en eggs for to cents About the price of potatoes he recalls farmer was once brought before the magistrate and fined for wasting food had dumped wagon load potatoes into the Barrie Bey because he couldnt sell them for 10 cents bag Mr Robertson served seco longest of all Barrio mayors There were the Old West type of bars in the early days and no dtunkmnesswas porrnifitcd in them There was always liqu exceptwhen Ontario went dry as long as Mr Robertson cun remember He said There was an asi ounding record of break in drug stores during pro an era because that was the only place they could get liador He remembers the bar drawn taxis And they call It them cabs even then lrinJrovaLr lion cost 25 cents Mr Shn Th on Bnyfield St to the railroad non had three cabs and won take you any place in town fdr 25cenls Barrie had both wat and gas in 1900 and got eled ricity from Midhurst until two runs NELLIE ALKER The late James Allrcr arriled In Barrie from Ianeashire est merchants in his areaho Robertscoiis 11 near some vacancies had develop during the latter part of July Wyears when he come to Bar Till lie had heard about the good pay and work here and decided to come to Canada lie worked from the Allandale station Mon day to Saturday After obtaining railroad pass es from Quebec City to Barrie he saved passage money to br ing Mrs Alker and their two daughters Ruth and Elizabeth to Quebec Mrs Alker remembers she found sharp contrast from England The winter were so cold and the snow so deep never got away muchThe win terarsecmed much colder than they are now lVlIL neighbor asked her how she liked Canada she replv icd The water freezes on the floor when Im washing It lllr Prince used to go to work and on his way hed call to me to walk in his footsteps through the deep snow other wise Id never have got to work wont to work that way to the Wellington Hotel to years ago litany times thought id go back to England but never got around to it wits afraid of cows but had to learn to milk them Mrs Alker has belonged to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion for more than doycars she has 3ayeur pin In the AllandnlcOrangaLodge fryear pin for the True Blue Lodge and belongs to Rebekoha Lodge the Crystal Chapter Nearly all the people that knew have passed on and when go out on the slmeN feel alone Mrs Alker said She remembers that what was Charlotte St Is now the east end of Collier Si HOTEL STADLES Sho recalls the slables behind the Wellington Hotel INNISFII NOTES lbere was very little sodal viy as there was on portnllon Tho winters were so cold and the now In deep never got away much The women were more smartly dressd here than to firgland nd vben name here was old lash were fun tunable there but they were outv dated here waslond of the way they looked here For quite while didnt do the shopping because didnt understand the money But beta everything seemed so much easier than in England There they used to scrub window sills with great stone Mrs Alkcr began to work al most immediately after she or rived in Barrie started laundry with washboord and machine she Malls We bought home on Tifiin St with money fmm the loan dry work Allondale people stiil tell me My we remember when you used to put all those clothes out She still works five doyra week babysitting Recently Mrs Alker donated the colors for the first change of colors for the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion since its original charter On the subject of smoking Mrs Alker says dont be lieve in women smoking And viiililflliilsdunfteruusiforh one to smoke while driving car have no hobbies as my lodges take my time and think stand pretty good in them End of Part Ill The fourth instalment of From The Past will deal with recols lectionsof lllajar George Rodgers 82yenrold veteran of two world wars man with sharp wit and keen sense at humor Local Businesses HaverGoodSummer By RGS Reading about some of the more northern and biggersum mer resorts where business op erators were complaining that they would not come through with profit this year owing to the cool weather and back wnrd season this last month we decided to do sugvcy amund some of the local estah ltshed places and ask opinions From Big Bay Point south ward to Innislii Park we call ed on many of the business places choosing morning for our tour as then the owners would have time to take min ute and give an opinion At Hoags Market we talked to Mr Hang who assured us he was well satisfied with the summer His market handles most of the essential foods and meats and from his method of cutting lamb carcass we realized that buyer there would get only the best quality Mr Hang assured us that he would be spending the winter in the south again this year and will be reading us while enjoying the southern sunshine He feels that as one of the aid has no complaint and will be well satisfied with business this year Mrs Davies at the Clansman Lodge said there had been slight slowdown the pa month at th warmmthe begtnmng of the season had got things away to good start eir business Is mostly cater ing to parties and families They also hava cottages and However she felt they would come through with good showing this year The lodge sa hobby run by Mrs Davies whose husband is salaried official of Ontario Hydro They Jhfifiun From the next market oper ated berrFiaher wealso had very satisfactory mund un of the years business and he felt sure they would come through well and show fair profit Business at these mar kets would appear to be In price competition with year round businesses and goods are well displayed with plenty of variety The Breeze Bar was not open during tho morning and we did not have chance to ascertain if they were satis fied But from the general ap pcarance of the place they had taken the morning of to catch up on some sleep after busy night The golf club ap pears to be well used 0n the 12th line Mrs Crone Whose husband is member of the township police operates store and lunch counter and was confident that business was as good if not better than last year On the 11th line there is golf course and across the road the Dallimores have very wellkept and oper ated busiueSs From the few words we could squeeze in be tween customers they had been having big weekend Tire demonstration of new boat had brought big crowd and number of boat enthus iasts They cater to picnickers abl ands pagkina If as vrco boats which came to their dock One fairly large type of inboard boat had just been ser viced indicating that there jsplentyoi depth tttha more At the 10th similar type of busing operated by George Hunter and there also one can park dance or eat whether by boat or car and business there is almost can tinuaus arrears VIEW contour lllr and Mrs John ll Glenn of New Concord Ohio view the nearlycompleted portrait of their famous astronaut son Conference ing Mr Iluntcr said have been down ends has reduced their take cent addition The store operates this year provemenis every year ing The township uptodnle facilities stalled there ASKS REPORT TABLED setzuLamLhe er every preea JUDGED PARADE by the Kempenfelt Trumpet UnveilPlannimConsiructton Mennonite College lit Waterloo KITCIIENEN Ont CPI Building plans for Canadas first Mennonite collegeIo he built on the University of Waterloo campuswere unveiled lllondny at the seventh Mennonite World The college will he named Conrad Gnhel Collcge after leader of the Swiss Brethren is llttla cause for complaint since they have not been com Ihe owners of the dance hall at the crossroads claim they on their crowds since they started couple admission also the elimination of the midnight dances on the holiday week on the 91h line we talked to tan business ownersrsndibath were satisfied with the season so far George Burton has large picnic area and picnic party was enjoying themselves with every facilitynvailablc He also has cottages and miniature golf course is re general yearround business and caters to iee fish ermen in winter He appears well satisfied with business The golf course on the 8th line appears to boys popular place and they are making store at the foot of ihe 8th is well established and two others in the area appear to be thriv park al though not as busy on this holi day as on an ordinary week end is still popular place and there is small city of trailers and tents enjoying the new in Reeva Joe Cochrane has ask ed the township police depart ment to have areport ready for the council meeting today on the explosion which shatter ed the propane installation at Maple In Innisfll we have smaller but somewhat similar to make sure that similar oatastrophe could not happen here at the comer of in side road and Highway It Innisfil police will make tlip to Maple andbring back report Alcona Beach and Bonsccours Beach both had parades over the weekend and both were led lhe work of artist David Philip Wilson left of Chagrin Falls Ohio The portrait of LtCoI John Glenn was lath century Mennonite move meat It is scheduled to be completed by September 1964 About half of the 5200000 initially needed to finance the project has been collected among the four partinlpatlng Ontario Mennonite groups and Milton Good chairman of the board of governors The four groups are the Men nonitc Conference of Ontario the Ontario Amish Mennonite Conference the United Mennon ltc Conferencc of Ontario on the Sterling Ava Mennonite Church lllr Goad said the fact that about 15000 Mennonites live in the Kitchener ofwas the min reason for the University of Waterloo site The collegeiwill join Renlson College Anglican St Jeromes and Sisters or Notre Dame collages Roman Catholic an of which will be completed In September and St Pauls United College under constrttctlon President of Conrad Gabcl College is Winfield Fretz CLAIMS SOME LUKEWARM Vincent Harding Negro Mennonite iaiiedlnst month in Albany 6a for nonviolent demonstration against ra at conflict told aoa Mennonites at sectional meetingthcy were iinsipidly lukewarm on be challenge of racial brother hood You send the Indian the Mexican the Negro to missions Then should they ask your daughter for date or speak of loving member of your family you tell them that is carrying equality too for said lllr Harding peace worker for the Mennonite central com mittee Sent to Atlanta Georgia last October to develop service pmgram there and in Nashville Tenn he was jailedalong with Martin Luther King Jr leader in civil disobedience campaigns for integrationfor leading prayergroup July 23 on the Albany City Hall steps In many ways said Mr Hard es axingrm deals stand on the racial question You are sale here but want you to ask yourself this question Would you he no self righleous ityoa hhdto attend nonsegregated meeting where your name or your firms name was taken down and you knew there would be reprisal for attendance hH Stalingrad Siege Called Circe DALLAS Tex IAPFormcr MatGen Edwin Walker said in an Interview in the Dallas Morning New that the siege of Sta years ago was farco Interviewed at his Dallas home Walker said there really wasnt greatsiege He said it was just an cxggeration fmm the communist propa ganda machine to build feel sorry for the Russians seati meat among Americans in the lengthy newspaper in tervlcw Walkersaid that he heard the detailed report 12 years ago while in the Pants Elm Walker resigned from the army after being relieved of command of the nth division lormnking verbal attacks on prominent Americans and for trying to influence the voting ol um his troops Walker said there were never more than 80000 Germans at the gates of Stalingrad and there were no more than three direct assaults on the city by Nazi soldiers He said the true story of Stal Ingrad tron reported to the US defence department about 11 years ago by lieutenantgen eral who had been stationed in Moscow with the American mili tary mission Asked to identify the lieuten antvgeneraluwmker said he was LtGen John flrontiiircl ODaniel now retired and liv ing in California Walker said ODonlcl at the briefing expressed disgust about the success of Communist propaganda on the American mind the Dallas Morning News In terviewed ODanlel olihls hams in San Diego and said the res go at substantiated Flaikera summary of the brief fldr HURONIA DRIVEIN TONIGHT and commissioned by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce for presentation to tha astronauts home state this fall tAP Wirephotol CAPSULE NEW lvBuys House MOSCOW AP Moscow court recently sentenced than Kostrov to five years at forced labor because he couldnot ox plnin where he got the money to buy private hansei Moscow newspapers gave the Koslrov case wide publlcity apparently warning to osoh niak private homo owners that the heat on Hand Sewn CHICAGO APlThe severed right hand of Chicago bindery worker was reattached to his am Monday in dramch emergcncyroperatton Hospital authorities said the opbratlon an Arthur Holmes was the first such surgeryln the midwcst Three similar operationshave been attempted in Canada and the United States in the last four months MD Supplied WASHINGTON AP Food and Drug Administration spokesman said today that sur veys indicate more than 15000 American patients received the lidamido pills from US doctors About 3200 of them were women of child bearing age We have no infotmalion as to how many alvthese women were pregnant said Wallace Jansseo FDA information dl rector and we dont have any inlonnation at this point on the total quantity of pills given to doctors ALLOWS SUNDAY DANCING BOSTON ADUnder revi sion of the states laws It is legal for the first time to dance in Massachusetts on Sunday Bgsmesa men now can apply for Sundaylieenee in thick own conununity paying $2 for it and then apply to the state for another $2 licence for Sunday dnn lEGlON BINGQ EVERY WEDNESDAY rs REGULAR nouuns scans rim wanna noon ratza WEDNESDAY or Illl nonmalignant SINGIRLS HELP GJIS BLAST ENEMY LIFELINEI ON motionlessMeander fighting phonetype war Pilllntranssf uncannyType adrenalin can LIENTENNM madameiiinwnw MIMI Illtlfltl IIIEAIIT FEATURE TIMES 735 3945 MATINEE DAILY PM YE TODAY ONLY JOURNEY TO THE 17TH PLANET oesEaT WARRIOR or THE ONLY vcEErz won on WAS Manner eer TtMonrv oaea vrcroma mates IN I810 mtg PumNa our FIRE mammwmmgses LEGION HALL 7l COLLIER ST VALUED ELEMENT Melezitose rare sugar val ued in chemistry isobtained clnuglasfir=tree==V Band At AlconnBeneh Reeve While it was man have and ram Coghrane and arr word with the owner he said and Mrs Campbell were he felt sure they would have Judges dhbdflflkzpsfi bannerly FIfirbchfl To the parade There was little without the crowd of teenagers doubt am the trumpet hand that used to Katha here late made the parades real sues at night and we feel sure there ce SHANTY BAY in My story of agirlon death row FOR nEvAsmED schematic AORESOFNEWFOUNDLAND wooosvm rest E5TIMATED L055 $2Ia Mruloat Southport in England with his two brothers Robert and Arthlhi the pleasures of call at Clans nearly half century ago man Lodge is to see the Can hJfiSlVMWvmJfHIEJkfleadimiarnlsitlngsgmfiFifya remembers He boarded with Banis manufacturer and the Brookes and went to worth mural In the front hall is ports on the old Grand Trunk ansxa ly Canadian andtvery descrip brtdge building gang He had live Scrunrouas Hour TOUR cir KEMPEuEELTaAv operate the year round One of STARTS WEDNESDAY firmer WW Located on 4th Line of Ora Township off Highway II Phone Ora 418 routerhand wen IIIII Illltlll IIIVIII IIIIIIEI arena roan saucer screams sweetheart of the beach nio youxuow microcosm Er YWRFAGERS TOURS START DAILY WWEMWNG AT 230 33 crnnrrArTno and 1025 ornoar unwritten oar or aAfitELn ST PA 66413 hasrsuowrao anav TOUR EOATAVAILABLE FOR CHARTER orchestra in shell

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