Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1962, p. 12

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C661 or with So TIIE RARIIIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 1962 ANNOUNCEMENTS WHEN TEE occastoa DEMANDS SENTIIIENIAL ossruas car uosr CONFIDENTth wlrn FLOWERS INTERESTING FAMILY IIISIOE from your Dilly Newspaper oi the cup ZicnuUIIITUS ENGAGE MEN Ind WIZDDLIGS Nolltu for rum sschls In only £150 BIL thcrn lo the Cilnillld Cours for or telephone Th mm lmifldr PA IMll BIRTHS calls is no of Tweldn Child is full of ThundeyI cans hu for to mom Child to lovinr and to EIbeth my to fair Iod wise Ind coed Ina gI Children hesrlnl ll verse by Counter Cllllul Ilw went to know which day of week was lhelr olrth date Recp lilll llld Mhsll Im nrlllll information for your ooh nurse BIrrlI Ex Imlnsr Birth Announcement will Include the nlllll OI your Child the hill of ms no month and onr birth the weight and oth er vilsilbformstion printed messs can become permanent In lililyL Dank GLENN mo Albulns flue role for italm Exlmllicr Dirth Notice ls only 6156 To place notice phone PA MAIL IIEAVERAt tho ltoysl VICIorII Ilospilbl Barrie MI Saturds Allu Im 1962 to Air billl 11111 ennelh lchver nee Sheila Notifier 15 later Ara Toronto daughter Nancy 5qu DEATHS AIKle Alice JaneAt Toronto on SItllrdoy August lost Alice llnc Atkins mother of bin ll Ilnsclicidl Elva and llnrry Colldhcy llmtinlr at The Dates and llllldtilrclt Etlncroi Chapel 126 AV enue llosd Toronto Service in the Chapel on Ncsdny at if Im In critical or St James Cemclory Crown Hill On ACONLEY IsaacAt the home of his dauchtcr Illrl Gerald Kcrlfllfs Crown fill Ont on Tuesdly Aug ust 1951 Isaac Acenlcy lrl hi 82nd year llelovcd husband of the late Flora fioblnson ddlr other of Edna MrsGorold Kenny proud other of hill and brother of Alice lano Aeontey hestlnlr or the Slcchlry luncral Horns fill Vors Icy Slrccl Darrin until 130 Tiltin day ltmcral service at St James Anglican Church Crown lllll on Thursday August at can pro Interment at St lsmcsjmtery ADAMS rllctlard PearleAl the days Victoria Ilnspllnl on Sunday Aulrust 1962 Illchard Adams doIr brother of Sydney of Lclroy Tdn Illrs ir Kins and Emily Mrs Taylor of Li tlc Rock Arkan Ins ill hi Idlh year Itcstlng st lho Pcthlek roostn Ilnmc 127 my field Sl Dorrie Service in the Chapel Wednesday at pm In tefirlnent St Pauls Cemetery Inn CARDS OF THANKS hIAIIltDIV would like to think relatives and friends for cards flowers fruit niilr snd visits also Dr Smith Dr Cross Inlld and nurse of IIOYII VlclorlI Hospital for their kindntltntlorl received durlnn my recent ill boss hll5 lrcoe hlnrrnw LAWSONTho family of the late Gerry Lewron wish to extend thclr thenks appreciation to their friends It olives and mlfth hcrI for the beautiful floral trib om cords and expressions ol Ityrnpnthy Spcclnl thanks III the Jennetl Funeral Home Simone District Cooperative and Pastor lllley Illcllty Lawson IN MEMORIAN PIERCE1n loving memory of den lrlcnd Tilly who passed away August 11159 God knows how much miss her chcr shall Jler memory Indo Loving1 theushts shall ever wan or To thc spot where site llld Sadly missed by Doris Dewlh MI TAYLOR REUNION Innisfil Pork Sunday Aug I2 SUPPER 530 HARP PLEASE ATTEND YOU WOULDNT DlSCONNECl YOUR PHONE COUPLE or DAYS WEEK because you know thatcooo prospects might be trying to get to touch with you during those periods when your phone service Is discontinued Its the some with your advec gslng People are buying every By Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued Guilty Of Fraud Receives Sentence iiAlLEYEURY Ont CP Alired Harris 67 former bookkeeper tor the OHnre Con otruetton Company at Kirkland Lake who pleaded guilty to chargoof fraud involving da pnrtmenl of highways funds dune 2t was sentenccdhrldny to llz months definite and six month indefinite in reformi tor clue counsel Daldtna Deon lieitlll for probationary term trlllllu basis that llnrris had iIttliltfllilti with investigators ht Armanth in the Ontario drpllflfiltlll of human olllco It New Liskrord REAI ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE AP ROSE REAL BTAT CHOKE TIITIN STUD1 DAR CALI not or ovarian PA 82379 timber III the our and District liut Estlll Pfurd Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 832562 15 OLAPPDIITON 5T BARIIIE FRANK Mm PA com Member nIrrte Ind District has mote DcIro CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA llZdlll 93Dun19p5t= lttorthro Money Avolluelc hlAlIEL hlAltslIALIIIA brood OWEN JONESIll B4711 IIUIIIEL IEFIERYvPA 6613 CARL VDODVAltIICrcclllor5u W11 IIAIIIIISPA 61513 DEL IffllhlEYJA MIPS 34 QUEEN ST New three bedroom brick blin gnlow Combination living and dining room with fireplace Cus tom kitchen cupboards colorcd bathroom fixtures and tile with vanity Close to all schools and downtown bow down payment under NilA Open for inspection nil 34 QUEEN ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre 45ADUNLOP ST PA 66481 Member of Ilorrlo and District Rcol llrlets lloord Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tilfin St PA 61881 Npmhol oi the Barrie Ind BLle Real Estate Doom HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 03 DAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME EVENINDS CALL Doris Nuilycousbo PA R4657 Norm Hoskelh PA D7016 Curly Kloostcrrnsn PA 175485 Lcs Pope PA 01503 Les Lavcgreto Anplis no com Members at tho Darrin In District Real Estate hoard NEW NHA HOME bedrooms colored tile fix turcls with vanity in bathroom Ful screensrrecreatlon roornwlth large picture window and cut rance to rear yard at basement floor level For information phone builder and owner Bud Allan PA 84281 LOO EIDINO Cottage completely lllrrlihllcll minufics from Lake sincoo 565110 All price Terms harrio telephone Call II Car Ion PA 66861 after PRIVATE SALE Two bedroom house seven years old new gas unsure heated basement large lot Tenn $1700 down Pull price 510 Carries for on monthly pic Strco cn cnnr hc room bungalow two years old tully landscaped finished recrea tlon room Less tlso onglnol cost Lew down payment Owner mov toy PA color SAVE $1300 Selling boldly value Thrco hctlmom brisk bungalow close to schools shopping and bus line NlfA mortcacc Large fenced yard all heating Dining nook vsnlty etc Leaving io phoho PAC156 HENDERSON REALTOR 10 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 62676 Ilerltss CALL rurA scarran on some ponerm erch PA earls PERCY roan do some purposes swam PA oooos mics llIUltlIAY on doors timber or ltorrls and District ond Ontario llosl Erlsto doords Ad MARION Homes Forms Eu nesses REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER so DUNLoP ST pAan Phone PA can 0ppdsilo and Store ANGUS New three bedroom brick bunrslow modern facilities largo 1Iy near Calhofl hoot an or Iranrlclrcd Alli TIIIIEE Ranch typo house wl otrachod rarage in Al ilflllfllt Close to school and hill stop Wllt Icrept rcelonabls down payment Apply to nox ss nsrrls xnminer wrl Telephone 41 year asters ROGERS REAL announce PROPERTY roe sore CONNELL rust in Barrie Home SuesForemost to county at sashes PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Save Miles With Our Plioto Files EVENING CALL AIRS MK MOOREPA H167 ROGERSPA N561 ramsrs use comrer ems IIDAIDIIIS BARRII DISTRICT IIIAL TAT DOARD GRAYDONI KOHL REAL ESTATE crouch 115 UUNLOI ST EAST Groydon KohlPA saws PA 34252 PA 34603 our RawnIA soon Morton RutledgePA 85735 SMITH REALTOR 32 men 51 PA loan Lani pa slant RENTALS ml BEDROOM Ilouse bested Relrimlor Ind Itove optional VIeIet Amt ll Tetposse PA WALL VI ROOM Dolls or rust lo PIinswletr close to Iron Ind school Iif roarniece Limi ted to cblldrso Tsllpbooe PA slats Illor on TWO BEDROOM winterind cot l1e for root Lorre bitcho lam llv or room blrdvrsodlloei An ODI ml ram BI II ilth Lake phone PA 156 BRICK IIOUII newly living room with fireplIce dining room kitchen three bedroom huliu Girl Nur Ichwlx AvellIbII Septero Apply In whom It HOUSES WANTED WANTED 111m bedroom house or Ipertmeot to rent by company nonreoullvs trendmo lo nIa rII September Two schoolIre children careful Mall ll 60241 PA 60242 Charles head PA oZtlll Smith Compbcll PA D7339 Member or llIrris Ind Dlstriet hrsl Estate BoIrd Norman REAL nsrs DUNLOPSTE ShelsweII ransom First Mortgage Funds Available 77 interest Il of Value LIFETIME BUY BEAUTIFUL SPLIT LEVEL HOMES ONLY $1620000 Largo shaped living room and dining kitchen with eating area bedrooms Valonces nod cornlclng in living andldinlug room modern Norden cupboards in It ceramic tiles set in rubber in en lichen baths in ceramic tile ironce which is broad new pro duct on the market decorated in yourcholcc glycolors inside and out The workmanship Is at the highest calibre in these homes and in one oi iforrles choicest residential areas ONLY $2000 DOWN AND 892 lthNlIILY Eclorc you buy cull JOE LONGIIN lemon em for Leorttn PA eons Evlrelt Shotson Oro 2916 Jack Wliixon PA H631 Nomlh Bushnell PA Hm Howlrd Norrie PA Mm MOVING Dont forget to transfer your AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE PA 85901 Central Ontarios Larrcst Realtors OPEN EVENINGS TILL ll P1II 17 Iliarllllfl Funds AVIIiIhiO Evenings Cell Marv nr nee Oould Om 261 flurry Slessor PA 0567 Oren Drown PA 37255 Lloyd or Floris Ilockloy PA M3313 Lollghccd Stnyner lDCWd IMMEDIATE Possession illfidfl real harrsln for this lovely three bedroom hrlck bunrolow on farce landscaped lot In cast ond Must be seen to he appreciated Coll IRWIN BUILDERS PAINSWlCIt our Custnm Built Homes Cottages Garages General Remodelling PA 609I4 mesa NIIA nnsALE three room bunnnlowL five years old Phone PA Oakley Phrk lldll 67667 BUS OPPORTUNITIES TIIIIEE Aans of commercial property for sale 600 not front are one not driveway Five miles north of Orillln on No 11 High way Smell living quarters on pro party Ideal spot for metal site or anyone wanlng to start up in business for thelusollcr No rest csllto please Telephone FA 52513 Urlllln PARTNER Required to invest and work with principals in well estab lished and rapidly expanding firm that is doing an exclusive business with well known na tional and international firms Money required fur expansion purposes Write to BOX 52 BARBIE EXAMINER EOPPENT Only cold storage in Barrie Excellent opportunity lor party interested in distribution at frozen foods wholesale Present Turnover $75000 Highway 27 north on Hayfield Street Barrie Apply PATTERSON 331 BAYFIEIID STREET BARBIE WANTED TO RENT 0R BUY FDUII OR MORE bedroom IIDHID wanted to rent or buy in the vlelnltyof st Marys chnreh Writs diving details to Box Pit Sorrio Examiner lTS my TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Use one of these three conveni ent ways PHONE PA cello nndsny to place MAIL it to The Barrie Exam iner Burris Ont BRING it to Thodarris Ex aminer otlleo Boylleld Street PHONE PA liMII TELEPHONE PA 62414 lNSURANCE sad It you need extra coverage otony kind SEE STEVENSONS ensloot 113 Dunlap St INIOVING For complete moving service ruler and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Essa lid Bsrlle PArkway 55575 FINANCIAL NEED $50 TILL PAY lr cosrs ouLv 47c rep rwo wears Ask For PayDay Loan CALL rPA 60203 Crescent Finance 426 LaptopSt nAnmn MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUII DUDGLI IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolldots dobls lPay off oxtstlnrmortlieses Or mortgages coming due fomo lsnprnvcm 9Any=worlhwhlis cross PA cobal Mortgage Funding DVIil StmpsonsSears Ill DUNLOP ST Member Ootsrlo llertslro EroltcreAsloclItlon 181 DIONTEACH WANTED on new further details you SALE Second Marin of $1500 with interest at 11 per Innum three year term well scoured Apply to flex 62 EIrrlo Examiner awareness in end and bourht sold ond arranged Commorcl Illd residential moneys loIncd on existing mortgaged llnrrtp Mort gage Brokers PA class RENTALS NURSING HOMES Amt coon wunslNo norm built for mu worls dam and private rooms klnd nurslnn cIre lfood food TV room statloc wa rren for outings Telephone drill Stroud OFFICES STORES RENT OFFICE EPACE for rent well to Cotcd on Collier El Rouanabln rates Tclrphanp PA crest In tween can pm PlthATEl OFFICE in modem or lee sullllln1 downtown Aircon dlttoned Vcry reasonable rent Public Ilenorrophlc service on peclolly suited to small hurtncss or individual Apply SecrctIrlIi Iluruu as Dunlop st nest Sultu TIT All Examiner WentAd sraclov hallsm Telephone PA MIN for 164 Barrie Telephone PA 66le llovurd tIlehonI PA HAW APARTMENTS roe RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS PA 69961 fArom New Building PHONE PA oooto PAR3188 YOU SHOULD LOOK INSIDE This two bedroom modern apartment In modern sport ment building Iicaled sad Janitor Near reparnte and public schools Napier Street ores On bus lino Nopels please For sppolnthrohtleie phone PA 85738 PA osotr LARGE NEW two bedroom lips Itoer Apartment torrent Dnnlop Street West Hosted pIrlriog Ipltl ishe Immediate possession Tclcphu PA ratio for full partlculm UNtUltNl fall three room Iri ed Impll other and private entrance and four piece bath Parking facilities Telephone PA 576 or PA 6576 ovantnrs Fly nooar unfurnished clean Icilmlllllnud apartment Private balcony NoIr pupil at IepIrIto schooll centrally in ed Immed énégu possession Tolephonl PA ONE TWO AND THREE Bedroom Apartments Refrigerator Ind stove wuhcr Ind dryer Janitor service New buildinr Close to I11 Ilcllltiu Telephone PA LARGE four room epsrtroentr Ilso three room lplrtlllorlt Ind one bedroom All hunted lllrfllshod hot water and free parking Cen ltrolmTelcphons PA Mm Illsr FURNISHED Apartment for not three rooms and bIth prtvIte voranda and entrance wsrhor Ind dryer parking facilities Telephone PA 60931 or PA 61067 ovchilli room Iportrnont modern large picture wlndow tour piece both private entrance Ind rIrIrc éldllltl Telephone PA Pmd IItor ulltur three PUItNIsflnD Apertrnurt llvlnr room kitchcnclIo and bedroom flcfrlzeratsr and stars included Reasonable rent for business Ilri Telephone PA 31067 Apartment with bath Prlvelo entrance Newly de curated Parking Hut hydro and water $55 per month Telephone PA 66619 liter PM SECOND rLoon lhrcc room but ed furnished apartment for rent at bus stop No children or potI please MiddleIced or pensioners Preferred Telephone PA Moll UNFUITNISIIED around 1601 apartment three lIrze rooms Ind bath Veranda Washer end dryer Parking Telephone PA 60991 or PA 640323 UNFURNISNBD thrse hsdroom IpIrtmcnt on second lloor com glolcly sclfcantbillcd use nut IJI9KIX scssl Aug 10th Apply It so Penelshr Street Telephone PA 87166 Borne Mr and Mrs of PrfoNE PA sent sensors APARTMENTS FOR RENT mu HEATED large room mfiuu can no mar No on 17 ND PA soon or so nrm ILAlib on one no Bedroom Apart meals for not tomplluly contained stove rctrlsmtor her service hold Telephone PA 316 ONE BIDIOOII ApIrt In enter Ind stove or hotter Ionics elm to fully Phone PA 61361 1111151100 Annulment prints bIlbroonlInd or Inn Iht Inter oli build ntrinrstor and bury duly stove Amid on Burton Avenue Apply Centre strut GROUND HOOD Thrnl room Apartment or mlt Gooslsts or liv inn room bedroom Ind kitchen Unfurnished end newly decorated Tllnphoru PA 060 APARTMENT for rent One room furnished Thm rooms untam lIhod end rive rooms unfumlsh ed nu with rivals Imus relo ybone PA TWO BEDROOM ADIYIIIIDI new decorated close to schools Ind sholenr Stow refrirsntor our pilso Use of washer Ind dryer firmth one tedy Phone PA 71ml ROOM furnished IpIrt mm In quiet horns our West Inc PlIsI sullsble for buslnrss or Air Force couple AbrtIinerI IIgflihildnn erhlnl space PA Ohm ApIrtuleut newly la Isllo nifeoolIluodILclssolonrl vIII horns on Owen Street lilitt business lIdyor leocllsr psr month Tellphorle PA 56661 rnrtns noose unfurnished Inert meat with one stove refrl tor Utlllliu supplied driveway close to Wort End PtoII Ind hospltIl Adult only TslI phone PA Mill MODERN sellc utelncd unfam ished hosted lw bedroom epsrt merit Private both end ontrsnee Centrally locItod in West end Oood plrliltll Avstlsbls lmme Ilcl TelephonejA bftltl BEDROOM Ap rtnlent for rent ln prleto home Slitcon tIlned pIrtiIlly Illrlllnllnd or ungt furnished Na nbisellonto one child AvsllIbiI Sept Apply he so IiIrrls Examiner BAIT 3ND Two bedroom unfur Iltuatod Ipsrtment house llcst Ind wnler refrlrertcr Itove lIundry fIclllttel plrllln Avail Ibie September Tcicp one PA 61167 LArltll tarnished living room with tire fees Iftehenstts Ind hedroom uttlg room with open porch up it pstIlrI Irlvete home cen trally locals Telephone PA Halo FOUR AND THREE Room mil nithed IpIrtmontI lllllfl floor very modern Stoves refrlgerslorI and deeper supplied CantrIl foes tlon Clean selfcontIlued hoItcd Plrittfil PA 661 hfonnItN heeled two bedroom ground floor unfurnished Inert ment in Elroud IpIrtmcllt house AVIlilbia llllW Urn lwilnnilfll Pool No oblectiom to him No pets tin monthly Tolrphono Strand IECDND FLOOR One bedroom apartment tIrrs ltvinn room klb ones with excellent dining ereI saltcontained hoatod Central lo CItion Rent Apply fl Merrick IA 62131 liter mm PA 69 CONVENIENT cut end Ioclll Modem two bedroom epsrtment Completely IeiicontIlned Vonn ttIn blinds aulornItIc laundry in cfllller stove rclrtgrrntor Tele phone PA 92629 or IPDU 16 Nsptor street NEW MODERN two bedroom apartment ConlrIlly located Laundry locilltlu lenltor services refrigerator rlsctrlo stove Im mediate possession Telephone PA 86092 EXCEPTIONALLY in live more Apartment IvetlIble immediately In new modembulldlngVcry close to public Ind ropIrIto schooll Automslte qundry mIlntohsneo Icrvlco Stove Ind retrilerltor op tlonIl Paved porklng fsellltles For further tnrormntion telephone PA 34556 or PA 666 ULTRA MODERN lllllllrllilhld and bedroom Ipsrtment artyls Ds crmpplt Elgar Pilin 37b monthly phone PA 68132 AVAILABLE NOW rdom Bpertmurt unfurnished hcltcd plus Iunrcorn some bnd flrsplsce Central Spselous rrounds soundproot buildior so Telephoh LOVELY two It overloalrinr the My In modern dplox stove retrlrerntor auto maria woshsr Ind dryer Near Do minion storo shopplnr Plaza lclI phone PA eooso SECOND FLOOD Aplrllrlcnl wllll tvo bedrooms llvtos roomplth dining IrsI selfcontained l1 ted Ccntrll locItion Rent turned LIrge live Jlocompreytnrlordul on piped On Date or tollth Chords for pm PA 616 Engagement Announcement Place the News of Your Engagement Now Fill in bills form and return to ma canoes axesminis Bsytleld street Ontario wish to announce the engagement 64 thbir daughter mm Ml Notice $1150 rushed IpIrtmont in beautifully ply Merrick PA 82637 ltIIr sensors APARTMENTS FOR RENT rwtl uosoou ualurnlsbcd Ipsrtnlent in new bulldlnr Iii tor drm conveniences hundry so llltlu Close to schools Avnlllbl new Puller iclspho mu after pm Two BIDDOOII ApIrtmsn for not ufiu coo loton contrIl Itlon lot outer ed amps IIIndy to school Anlltble immedlIlrty Teleph III NIL PA 7061 Ill MO Apartment Orb need three plcoe bIth hardwood floors Remember Ind bury dn store bollconleloed Immo olse pwonton App Am strong throwers Duoop so Nltw AND modem one Ind two bedroom epIrlmenls overlooklnt scenic Kompenlell lily ltset III ter porting Ind troltor semen lociu at Automatic mains clinic Included PA cm on fillillooll Apnrtmehl srouod floor rout Ind bIcn eolrIIIcI tiled four piece bathroom mod rro IpIrtmeht bulldlnl Grove Ind Owen em Perkin Laundry with dryer Ono rhlhl welcome Immed Illl possession Telephone PA 311 FA drill PA 60710 MOST COIIIORIAIILI plus to live in Betrte Modero terse two bedroom IpIrtmenlI IiniIbiI now In brand new hulldlnrs loeeied in lovely rcsldsatiIf district Very our to IrIte Ind public about PIrlllnr lfst water Inp plied nelriseretor Ind Ilovs op rlonIL Janitor service Itcuonlblc root Apply leifol Steel litret IlInle or telephone our PA M666 or thin PA 61001 monotoneLari IUIINIEIIED Bedroomslor nlll Central locsllon PIIIIM lIollttleI Telephone PA 64066 COMPLETELY Furnished Itoopl and kitchen with rcfrlreretcr Ind Ito JopIrIte calrsnce puking ID Telcphone PA HIM FURNISHED ROOII or root on bus route IJnehs supplied lione keepan if desired Telephone PA cono evenings only runnrsncn neestills Room or rent with linens dishes rrnoetle Ind refrigerator luppllcd Control ly lorIicd Business girls only Telephone PA Nildd YUfiNllilllD liedmom for rsnst in private home IWn blocks from downtown uuslneu gentlemen preferred For further dchltI tele pholls PA 66870 IN THE COUNTRY Thrm routIV all monthly One or two veteran pensioners Nice runoundlnrs 15 miles from llIrrlc heady to shop ping Telephone EllnvIloIooltl APARTMENTS WANTED TWO BEDROOM nupch Wlnlcd to rent SoporIto onlrsncs Vlclnlty ol QuechI PIrlr Required by September or sooner Ilcply to float llIrrle Esamlher ROOM BOARD WANTED nooar AND unhnn required for teacher in private home Packed lunches Arrlvlnr Barrio Aurust 27 Plants write to Miss Mism eon Court street Port Arthur Ontario YOUNG Lllnlr from Urncobridtio planning to attend Dorrie Ilust ness College wishes to errhoe room Ind costs with elderly cou pie or ouhs couple with children in rain is for parttime housework Anyone Interested plosse writs or pliant tho Barrio Business Collero Cl ROOM WTD UNFUIINIIIIIED Kitchen lndRcd Sitting room wanted by widow Soplrnt entrance prclcrlcd Cea trelly located Apply Box so Ulr rlo Exnmlllcr SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE LOVELY Iraed Setting rlllIr Lake slmcoe Almost new eottnlc with living room kitchen Ind two bed rnoms Completely lumishcd 33 ED Telephono PA 166 COTTAGES FOR RENT prance 01th iI weak1Fer tinlmliolflh Apply to 119 Codrihgton Street COTTAGE TO RENT at BIIIII Belch hellcd nll conveniences Available rum August in 11 Ind from August Sept 29 no wealt ly Telcphonu on cross COTTAGE to rent at Cewoin Bench Fully Inrnishcd Atlsilnble no two weeks In August AppLy McKnight 16 shanty my Rold Barrio PA 66111 ARTICLES ForSALE l0 DAYS ONLY Furnaccs Ilorccdto gas installed complete with duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK N0 DOWN PAYMENT Used roll burners from $25 up WOODWARD AND SON PA 66891 OR STROUD IIRE STROUD Highest prices paid Old Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dnnlop St West Just across Hwy 406 PA 89666 ASPHALT PAVING Is Our BUsiness free estimates DiSHERFARRAND LTD sadism or com USED THREE PIECE Ucdroom Suite lllr Ind lilrs Dresser Chest of Drawers lch with hlIttross and Spring included Excellent value It 660115 Clarks Hoan Fumieh inns so anyone street Dorris Phone PA 61643 Service Dial IPA84414 491s WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS me Orrliese Real c661Bargainscausafe2414 ARTICLES FOR SALE USED Refrigerators Ranges and TV GUARANTEED cod from $3990 ldcerlor the cottage EPLETTS TV and Appliances in DUNDOP so to canals EARRIEGOVERNMENI SURPLUS Sen ourselection of fonts skin diving equipment stoves lamps slcefiing bags life jackets fls tag tackle Also used army tents 25 DUNLOP ST PA 60622 Jones Antiques Occasional furniture bric sbrac china and glass NOW AT 131 COLLIER 5r PA 66261 Barrie SECONDIIAND STORE doe all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lotI 55 DUNLOP sr Phone PA 62427 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prlats of sorrow pictures taken by our atoll photom pherI please call at our host nose Office We are sorry we comet sceept phone orders Glossy Prints x7 $l00 IO $125 plus tax FREE Year Guarantee on all USED REFRIGERATORS FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance 12o PENETANG sr IJOX TIIAILIIII lcct with in bitch in good condition slo set of trailer wheels rlo also not GulncI Plus Phone Stroud nun TifPEWIilrhlts bouoht sold rent ed repaired student rcntnl rolen AIR lballt our Rent Iry IholI Buy PlIn Stor Typewriter Co 164 Dunlop St Well PA 6456 nusr so choose lN ssrwean on and am SIZES zlo by Anita ADAMS TWOPIECE Choose chcchsond white or play one sparkling color against another tor dress and locket that are idealfor days sunny or breezy Printed Pattern 4912 Child rons Sizes to Size jacket requires at yard 35 inch dress ynrds Fonrr CENTS 40 cents in coinsno stomps please for this pattsun Ontario residents add to sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAlllE AD DRESSKSTYLE urnnE Send order to ANNE cars of The Barrio Brampton Pattern Dept so Front St Tomato Ont SPECIAL Summer Potions Catalog More thou too stylek sun sport day dooco work travel All slzesl Send 35 cents

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