can remnant5 For Barefoot Want Ads Tell phone Ill 02014 The telephone number to call for the Bearers or Editorial Dth is PA 6653 one vur No l83 TIIE LONDON NfiilisiAi runs headlined Marilyn Mon roes death in yesterdays edi HOLLYWOOD APlA tcrious phone call in the pint It shortly before litarilyn Monrqe was found dead added still llif ther conjecture today to life tragedy that beteil the blontie movie queen There also remained the one tion of whether site died inte tionaily or accidentally dont remember what tin be the call came in said the ac ticss housekeeper Misrlluni cc Murray And dont know be it was from But knowing Marilyn as i3 think tltat if this call wakitd her up she might have takitn some more sleeping pit Coroner Theodore Cur try said the death Saturday at ti in actress was caused by mete sive overdose of barbiturate Mrs Murray added that the uniden ed call might accoitnt for the phones being tonrld clutched in the hand of the sometimes bright and gr sometimes depressed star iv WILL NE N0 FUSE Arrangements were he completed meanwhile for iet funeral services and buripl td nesday Friends were he hg the simple rites wauidnct st tract throngs of thecurious Details were not set but mfr tuary spokesmen said only 15 persons were invited to vibe service for the aï¬Ayearoid iii isa Monroe lions Her tragic end was front page news throughout Funeral Rites IPlcnneril For Movie Star There will he iust persons close to Marilyn no movie stars or anything like that said spokesman The actress will be laid to rest in mausoleum crypr near the grave of woman believed to have befriended life The he identities Grace Goddard who died in 195 andwbose burial arrange ments were made by Marilyn herself The woman is believed to be the former Grace McKee who tookMariiyn in as child when Miss Monroes mother went to mental institution Miss McKee film librarian later put Marilyn in foster homes because she could not flare for the child during the on DIMAGGIO INVITED Invited to the funeral at pm in the tiny chapel of Westwood Village Mortuary were former baseball great Joe Dimagglo second of Miss Monroos three husbands drama teachers Led and Raula Strasberg Miss Mon roes halfsister Mrs Burnice Miracle the stars publicity agent Miss Patricia Newcomb and few others Neither they nor police knew the answer Did Marilyn mean to take her life with the sleep4 ing pills that killed her her early in Europe where her film work was well known AP Wirephotoi Dr Curphcy said toxicolog ist found in Miss Monroes blood twice the amount of barbitur ates considered lethal dose No alcohol was found in the blood SEEK INFORMATION suicide team of Experts from the Los Angeles suicide prevention centre is seeking in formation on the last weeksot iitratzfrs lifeiiicy will report their findings to the coroner to help him decide whether the death was intentional or acci dental HE ES ONE priest was making his way home one night when man shoved gun in his ribs and with string of oaths ordered the clergyman to put up his hands As he complied his clerical collar become visible Em barrassed the thug apologis cd atgreai length The priest admonished him Let this be lesson to you To show there were no hard feelings however he offered the man cigdr The crook shook his head Oh no Father he said never smoke during My Reduction Trend Alarming For Oil CALGARY CF indepen dent componies prominent in the regainriches development of Western Canadas oil indus try face harsh set of alter natives either to go up in hurry or down lost as iialdriy no talk of takeovers and mor gers circulate in this oil cop ltal serious thought is being given to the future of the indus try an whole Most of the independents hove grown out of the fabulous oil imamtln the west initiated when the famous Lcduc field was discovered iii years alto They began in the explorat on end and later became produc crs Some industry spokesmen view the trend toward progres sive reduction in the number of independents with alarm fear ing it will pave the way for no tionaiization 0n the other hand the oil in dustry has the fiercest compo tition in its historgLarge com panies not only implement economies in their operations Finkbinesiliope To ilrrange Preliminary Medical Exam STOCKHDLM Reuters Mrs Sherri Finkbinc hopedto tee doctor today to arrange for the medical examination the needs to support her bid for legal abortion The 30yearold Phoenix Ariz mother ottour arrivedin Stock holm Sunday with her husband Robert to apply to the Royal Swedish Medical Board for an operation to prcvcntvthe birth of the baby she fears will be deformed because she took the drug thalidomide doctors report on her con dition would have had to be sub initted to the board Monday in order to be considered at the boards weekly meeting Friday but by ilfondoy night the Fink bines had still not arranged for an examination Robert Finkbine told report butlmust acquire testdisappear ing provcn reserves Surne independents have highlydesirable marketing facil ities which the iargercompo nlcs could not acquire in any other way than by taking them over Takeover gossip has been fly ing since three foreign con trolled companies made offers for three Canadian owned firms The biggest surprise was Shell Oil Componyfof Canndo Lim ifcds offer of tilt000000 for Canadian Oil Companies Ltd Torontobased firmr industry spokesmen consid ered Canadian oil had built it self into an enviable position in the eyes of other independents It has almost everything any major integrated co beastsproduction and market ing facilities refineries go processing plants and oil tanker ships The offer which took Conn dinn Oil executives by surprise has not yet been ecocpted by the shareholders gcrs iycuhave nether seen to doctor obtained on appoint ment yet He said friends were trying to arrange an ex amination but there wits noth log definite yet Earlier Mrs Finkbinc show ing the strain of her ordeal said We are waiting to see it doe oru However the medical board which must approve all legal abortions in Sweden said without mentioning the Fink bine case by namein certain urgent cases the matter can be taken up it the application is submitted couple of days later But even if the boarddocs not consider Mrs Finkbinea ap plication at Fridays meeting there would still be time for ruling at later meeting MARATHON WITH TWIST PETERBOROUGR CF chn ngers Cheryl Ham mond nnd Terry ifadwyn both of Pclcrborougb ended Wilthour twist marathon here Saturday night ex boostedand $1000 richer The prizes in cash and gifts were put up by lo cal radio station and drive in restaurant The two started twisting with iii other couple at 700 pm Friday nodtin ished late Saturday night when the loft challengers dropped out New President inaugurated BOGOTA AP Colombia completes thciirat lap on its road to democracy and eco nomic stability with the inaugu ration ot Dr Guillermo Leon Valencia as president today Valencia 50 Conservative takes over esprclsident from Liberal Alberto Llcraa vCam ergo after four years of unique political system altemal ing the presidency between the once warring Liberal andCon servutlve parties The system was evolved in insons ocolution to political fighting which killed about 200 000 Cotomblohstn Ihepreceding decode and led to the dictator ship of Gustavo Rojas Pinilio Conservatives and Liberals buried the hatchetto oust Ro ins Pinllla in 1937 then kept it buried to lead the country away from dictatorship and financial chaos Despite challenges from dissidents of both parties Volca cia won 1740030 of the total 2014384 votes cast in the presi dcniiol balloting last May DIVIDE BEATS The parties divide seats in Congress and on district and local councils cvoniy and the national government is cooll tion Vaicncia has been in politics since 1939 but never hasbeen closely identified with any po litical faction Russian Nuclear Blast LOCALWEANERn Fog eiearinzzeariy Sunny and warm today and Wednesday low tonight ft high tomorrow so Foilrurnmarr on page two NotMon Than per Copyl4 more By JIM PEACOCK VICTORIA CF Based on reports from the first days die cusslon at the third provincial premiers conference finance stands out or motor issueof mutual concern to government leaders from the 10 Canadian provinces Dollarshow to collect them and how to borrow them fonncd the heart oi the discus sion during most of two 00mln utc sessions held Monday be hind closed doors Premier iean forage of Que bec instigntor of the confer rcnt one gave reporters on oil thocuff accounting of the days talks lie ooidmcthoda of collecting sales tax from persons who avoid it by crossing provincial borders to purchase merchand ship it to their homes occupied most of the morning debate Mr lineage said most of the afternoon was tokenupin ex changing ideos on coordination of provincial bond issues and on new methods of borrowing sum as British Columbias parity bonds and the savings certifi cates of Saskatchewan and Man itoba CONSIDERING METHODS Premier usage and Premier Louis Robichaud of New Bruns wick aaid inter their provinces are considering use of these methods which raise short KlNGSTON Reuters All Kingston danced drank and sang until the early hours of the morning today as amaico staged the biggest blowout in island history to celebrate indclt pendcnce after 307 years of British rule At societys top level Prin cess Margaret and her husband Lord Snowdon representing Queen Bill both met Ja maieas business and profes aional leaders in glitteung state ball one of the islands newest resort hotels in local dance hails streets and market places the rest of embedding ences and chairman of the cup foe and have the merchants Considering New Methods To liaise ShortTerm loans term borrowings through bond which can be coshcdot face value any time Mr Lesage inccs decided to didnt tnningof mayor borrowings by having syndicates which handle this business nicct secretly be fore issuingtonds so interest rates will not be pushed up by too many bonds reaching the market at once Balance of time sessions dealt with Financing in education on which the provinces wlll ex change briefs setting out the methods each newbies Reciprocal iiccnning of in terprovinciai trucks on which it was decided it would be best to coolinue seeking nclghborto ncighhor agreements rather Ihanlto try for one covering all provtnces it wnsilenrncd lhot Quebec and Ontario have negotiated on this matter to the point whine an agreement will be signed as soon they can get assurance it wont cut heavily into reve ones Whether Quebec and New Brunswick face economic disad vantage ihronghtho fact they do not permit the pulp industry to work onSuntiaya while 0n tiurio BC and Newfoundland Mutual aid in event of an tural disaster it was decided fighting forest titres is the only field in which prior agreements can be reached of Mondays island Goes Wild For Independence wealth diplomats have ex pressed sarprise that the pop ular reaction to independence has been so lawabiding Labor Minister Storr is Canadas rcp rcsentative There were no restrictions on the sole of liquor ilfonday and Premier Sir Aicxandcr Buslam ante was reliably reported to have said he was apprehen sive test there beqisolated out breaks of violence whiehwouid mar the celebrations Strict police precautions were in force but they appeared to have been unnecessary for the most part The islands first governor isgcncra tt£enncth=£iactr row Slips intorEnglcincl LONDON neuronSnug bud Yard security men senrche day for George Lincoln ipck well the selfstyled fuehr the American slipped to fascist at party The search for the Abyeaiiiold Rockwell went on as the Ir ms office conducted an inquiryig to Shannon ireiand and entt Britain by heat through small port where there is no pass on check Rockwcliisbeiicvet th be staying with neogtNazi gym pathizer somewhere in tendon During the weekend Rocku ell visited fasciststyle camp et up by the tiny British National Socialist movement in or rat Gloucestersbire where he ec turcd on antisemitic and ntl Negro ideology and whippeiif up considered enthusiasm anhiang sympathetic Britons BEE HOODED MAN Sunday hooded man ed past reporters attb ï¬ftmptiiptn awaiting car andi was thnght he might be Rockwell lack booted camp guards armed with eudgels refused for whoit was Meanwbil Rockwells £1135 cnce in Britain brought of th tngry criticismirom the lsh press fivecolumn picture the front page at the mass cleanin ion Daily llfirror showed librett wetiat the camp shaking ha ads with his British counteitpert Coitn Jordan who was wearing militarystyle uniform Behind them was huge swastika In an editorial The Daily firr com lain one as thule Nazis could sneak in bytbe back door from Ireland bout being challenged in Britain Under the headline How the fuebrer beat the banthe newspaper describes the way Rockwell got into the country despite home office order bar ring his entry Rockwell appareniiygdtintn Ireland quite simplyand per haps without subtertuge be cause there is no immigra check between Ireland and Eng land The Daily Sketch devotes its two centre pages to photographs of the fascist rally Under the headline In the heart of England 17 years after crashed in we piains that or was per com antiNegro policies The Daily Herald publishes an editorial which angrily raps the home office for complacr cney the ease of Rockwell it seems eaaicrifnr ban and American Nazi to get into Britain than for Common wealth irrimigrant The Herald says Jordans 30yearold school Fuehrer nnscninns rarer raltiea of his movement ended in nearriots declined to say where Rockwell was ishard to say howiong be will be in Britain or where Khedda Surrenders Said By THE CANADIAN PRESS Anti bomb groups demon strated on both sides at the Iron Curtain Monday in the wake of Russias big nuclear test blast Sunday and the 17th anniversary of the atonobomb ing of Hiroshima wedlsh scientists said thc Sovi highaltitude blast was in the tomegaton range equal to 40000000 tons of TNT It was Borers To 351137 AmIERS AP The Algerian provisional govemment of p1rcmieLBonYonssef7l3enKheddasurrenderedmiti power day to the political bureau headed by VicePremier Ahmed Ben Bella communique issued by Ben Kheddas office the powers held hitherto by the provisional govern ment of the Algerian Repain GPRA are henceforth exercised by the political barcou Wont Dispute tit Borneo 01 LONDON Rdutérai rihhiamiy rejected today the Philippine claim to North Borneo to the Philippine ambassador declaring Southeast Asian colony is not note was handed over the status of the open to dispute Jpersonncl TesrBan Treaty uirgentf teacher auhpendcd from his job at Coventry after recent public Dean to moment conference Monday that Russias nuclear bomb test Sunday emphasizes the urgency of concluding test ban treaty The chief US deicgatasaid he will continue private talks with Russiim delegate Valerian Zorin in an effort to reach accord on test ban Refugees Head To Canada HONG KONG Reuters Ihe jirst groupmof refugees from CommunistChinri left today air for anontoand new life It donsists ofiive families comprising 15 Ecrsons including six children The Ca adian government so an nounced that it will admit 1001 Chaad immigration GENEVAchliieral of refugee fa today when two at four flames tall four flames wcroto go out The United States said that Russia may have opened its new nuclear test series with some blasts inSlbcrln before firing its Sunday shot The US Atomic Energy Commission said there are im plieatlons that the Sunday test was not the first in the new round of Russian tests indica tions are that the tests in the low kilolon range were fired at Cause Demonstrations beria the AEC said kiloton is the explosive force of 1000 tons of TNT The ABC differed with the Swedish scientists as to the power of the Sunday blast it said the explosion was in the order of 30 megatons or tttfttwovton urns The float Soviet nuclear test is be lieved to havcgbeen shot of about 50 megetons detonated warranty Today Margaret who attended the official pro clamation of independence at midnight Sunday arranged to open the Jamaican Parliament and will be guest at state banquet as the independence festivities continue through the week ARE FEW INCIDENTS The celebrationssofar have been rcniarkably free from in cidenta and visiting Common MAPLE Ont CPiA danger iarca re on an explosion wrecked $200000 propane gas plant remained partially evac uated overnight more than 40 hours after series of Saturday night blasts that killed one man Stillblazing vapor of com pressed gas escaping rom 30000gaiion tank caused au thorities Monday to cvacuat dozenfamllics from an area which was restricted to official Ifisk of new explosiourose burning on the huge tank went out apparently doused by heavy rains Police said thatit before enough oi the gas was burned up new bloat would be almost inevitable By down today total at rcmai famitlcsh been evacuated tense as firemen watched the ntngg binnofftbmugh Homes Eocctrcitéd Roadblocks extended north Vanni southor the communityju and the only entrance vaaito officialszand villagers some of them rushing home from outoi town vacations to findoutwhot became of their dwellings rive honi nd in tcned fnadditinn to devastation at the Superior Propane Com pany plant and dcmegeto other uildings including new town eompany emplo who died Sunday suffered inrthe first bl some 40 emph in onstcrrlo to night of burn burnc ook the oath of allegi ance and told Bustamantc he was completely confident of the islands future PILLS REMAIN VANCOUVER thi spokesman for the British Co lumbia Pharmaceutical Associa tion says an oral contraceptive under investigation in the United States will remain on sale hereuntil withdrawn by fedcrulnfiiciais