Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1962, p. 9

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Gornor€olii2l=nudeweu 17 nusi OFFICES STORES RENT PRIVATE OFFICE In updrrn nil in boudinx downtown AIMorr diiloned Very reasonhie runs IhIclir ltenocrrphic servln es Milli suited to null business or Individual Apply Scentrill BIIIIIII A9 Dunlap SI XIII 101 Dlrrie Telephone PA III HOUSES FOR RENT THREDIDROOSI HORII hllted orrllerltor and slave optionL Vlrlfll Aumt IS Tcirphoue PA ml OOD SEVEN Room Brick House mi decorated schools Good Iptltion Gllhrlilnl Gm lire Avsliihle September Apply IIcDOnIId SIrerL LABOR OLDER Home IO lfliL Suitlble DY couple with two or three mull children Centrall lhcsled nosr bus stop Orrcs i011 Iurnsco Tclrphono PA E5275 FIVE R00 Home IIIII ClosedIn lunporch1lfi lens of Ilnd lost over £00 bridle In chdlle ant monthly AvIUlhle Aurusl Ilr Lrlllc IA posts durlnl business hours MODERN litre bedroom home all nested lIIchld III firestion room lrnlnrti Its posses IlfllL Lelliil Street srol Contact owner George IuIOp HR TH lonburl Ontlrio Victor sms HEMALL VPIVII HOD House or rent In Pslnswlck close to lioro Ind ICDDOI III conveniences lel ted to children Telephone PA tlrnIo mil Laird lrlIciIcu lure IIvInl room hsrdwood iloors Arr plscr One mile lrom Dorrie rt lie Lrhr TelephcnoyPA oust HOUSES WANTED TIIREIVIIEDROOM Ilouso wanted In Barrio or Ailillon or SSdt Ind tsmily Occuplnry desired lp rnxlrnltoly AuKlli lid Reply in wr Ilnr Io Slsxt Pylit ncs III Comp Borden or lpsrtmunt to rent by company representstivc Irlnslcrrod Io Err September TWO schoolnos lidrcn Careful iensnir Howard telephone PA sells APARTMENTS FOR RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS with balconies and all fine features New Building PHONE PA c3040 PA 83186 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Mn II 19 pmnbrth Privqu entrance hut water And hydro Telephons PA 4867 rim pun UNIURNISIIED three room Aplri mont hcatcd ample cupboard space private cnlrnnce and bur pluco builI Parking Incilitics Telephone PA R2574 or PA 85791 cvoninus PXVEVROOII uniumkhnd clran IIcontained apartment Privlto bulcony Nchr public and sepsrsis lchnnls Cunilully lolulud Implod ailelsn possession Telephone PA No childron lblc Scpiem 2RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT YOU SHOULD LOOK INSIDE This two bedroom modern apartment in modern apart ment building Heated Ind Janitor Near separate and public schools NIpIor Street srea 0n bus line No pets please For appointment tele phone PA 85738 PA 85841 IWO DRRBOOM unlurnllhed Ipl tluul hurled lplflmonl on Bill Ion Avenue Avsilrbio now Tslr phone IA own WURNIIIIID mm IMF apartment lbru lam roomI snd hath Veranda soar and dryer Plnlnl TlItphOnI PA ml or PA 61037 ONE AND TWO Bedroom Aplrtr nicnls or rent completely uit contlincd stove reirilenlor In ltor service From to moot Telephone memo THREE 10011 Apartment pllVltl bsthroonl end snlrln Hot water oil hosted retrilcretor and heavy duty stove Locltcd on Burton Avenue Apply Centre Strut DROUND FLOOD sprrtmrnt ior rent consists oi IIV IIII room bedroom lnd kitchen Unlurnlsned and newly deconted Isicphons PA ssouL wrroomsuniurri lsned nnd PM rooms unfurnish ed All with private blthl Toiolt phonl PA scored TWO BEDROOM Apartment now dccurltell clean to school and rhnpulnr Sluvo reisipcntor sup piled Use or her snddryrr See this an Pi PA 37410 THREE DOOM fumlihéd Iplrl ment In quiet home near West find PIIII Sultshlcmrshucin rr FOMEORRI Ab Ilrllnl II PA S67 SMALL Aplrimlnl newly furn IlIIltI scllcontolnrd clean III lI vats home on Owen St Ill uit business lady or leltllt Id per month Telephone PA W1 THREE ROOM unlurnishsd Irt count with DIiIl stove retrilrrs turf Ullllllrs lupplled anltl drlleIIy Hall in West Did Hull and hospital Adults only Telu phone PA saris MODERN scltrconlllncd unIurn Ished heated two hedmom lplrt mcnt Prlvsto hath lnd snirsnce CcnlrlUy located in West Good parking Avnillble immc IIcIy Telephone PA HHS APARTMENTS Iwo bedroom lpdflmunis downtown llclnl th Ilke Private HotWllcr Ildliud Parking more $55 and $60 er mnniIL Ilnmccilltr possessor Telephone PA S10 ONE HEDROO Apartment for rent in private nonl Sellcon tallied purtiolb Iurnlshnd or lumished No ooleclion to our child AlelnhIe Sept Apply DO dd Dorrie Elllmlncr cnsr LN Two hrd unlur nishcd lp rtrnont In belittlitu situated uplrimoni house Hut Ind water refrigerator stovo laundry Ilcllliics parking AVIIl DOI lephono PA CI 167 ensurzlnusos In his orator and stove washer and dry er Innllar lcrvlce an hundlnc Close to all family isciiitlouleie phuno PA c2352 THREE HOONI Apultmcnt with bath Private entrance Newly dew curated Parkinl Hlut hydro and water $65 per monih Tcinphnuo RA audit liter pm uNFuIIleIlED three main Ipsrt menl lurlzc kitchen and living room licnicd Hot and cold water Good pnrirlng Avllliible August 10 $5525 per month Telephone PA Main PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL WM HINTON BA Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public PA S1II30 35 Owen St BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE PA 61839 Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Convcylnoerr etc Branch office EIrnlee Ont 13 Owen Sh Burris PA M511 whee Ci Semlmfic Gordon lcskoy CONDER SUGG DARRISTERS SOLICITORS dc NOTARIFS PUBLIC CONDEII DA JSUGG DA 127431 Dunlap St East PA ESIBI COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS IG loss COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA H521 WILSON CHALONER Charles Wilson MA Richard Chaloner Barristers Solicitors etc OWEN ST PA S6581 IIVINGSTQN IL EOCRRURN Barristers Illld ASOIIDIth Ir Coulrr st Dalrte Ph PA assoc WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER SOLICITOR 17 OWEN ST PA some SMITH MCLEAN Huber Smith QC Arthur Mslern Bruce Owen Ehrrlsierl Solicitors Etc 20 OWEN ST PHONE PA 859ii7 QC DARBISTER ls SOLICITOII Law Offices Ii Fred Gralit Street ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM EWRIGHT Chartered Accountants Toronto rndnsrrle orrrlnugmce was cunt PIIONE PA 83397 Ncedhlm CA Underhill CA Resldnnt Plllnorl ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountau Trustee in harmony Samuel Rose BA 69 Collier Si Phone PA £44949 MUSIC IEssoNs JESSIE BRYSON TERI OI PIHIIO Slumill TIIIR PUPILS prepared 01 DXDDIIDliiOrDyl oi InARoynl Conscrvuiory of Music Toronto All Ides ARCT IIlDdelrl method Bmdlhdt sr urndlard st PA cells THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER ST BARRIE ANGUS Ross BA Registered Music Teacher Inltruo Inn 91 Russ SL DInIn PA $5315 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO OPTOMETRIST to son olnnrdwm nitanOiIn 55 Dunlop st Burris PA S2586 Nott STEPHENSON ho OPTOIIIETRIST Dunlnp St East Barrio Phono PA 34201 APAllfgvIiENflJgrfinLflnnmnI cl runes noon Ap farIF nldg gt= LRENTAIS APARTMENTS FOR RENT LAKES mmuoes um room you in iron kitchenette and bedroom uti room Idtn opus porch cit it Upulirl rivets homo mo Inltr Insets Tolsphool PA IEIRIUIOOM Nugzld Apr nsen room room chonstle filo somerotor and stove ohm use human II Illple Avsnue Aw LARGE MODIIN unrurnuised two bedroom apartment riylu tour plrro hath not ruler outed Laundry room with dryer Avril alto Aururt ll Telephone PA FOUR AND Ru ROOM ltnhln rIishrd lplrtlnlnls Inlin Door vsry mooe stoves Mrturalors Ind duper piled Cent iocl lion Cloln sellconuined ltod parking PA MI WRNIBIIKD iour min hunted lplrimcnl rnodrrn Clon All well equipped Ilririnl Ileliillee Selkont ed Control location Sonch psoplr prolemd Illo pIIons PA Midi MODERN two bedroom round floor up roishrd Iper nreut In Strnud rtrnenl ho AVIIIIhIl now OI lwlmml pool Nu obleouons to bully No pols in monthly TIIIphOnI Stron or also rLOOR Ono bedroocn lgllimlni llrle Ilvlnl room int en with excellent dinlnl ores rcllsnutlined hslted Centrli Io esticn Rent Md Jsarrirr PA UPPER DUPLEX IIICCIU dKDIlirid lore to downtown Fortult dlninl room bedrooms livlnl room with drepllcc blihmom CIR bl rented furnished or unfurnished Innylln PA ms nonmmm oc IOIL Modern two bedroom spsrtloent Completely7 nilContained senelt ern blindl lutomlilc ilundry cliitlel stove runll phutzm Sr in Nlpllr Street UNFURNISIIED two bedroom comment on sround noon cornv pleton leilrcontlined Illa human or rtorolr InIIIIodIstr possession Apply st so Penelsnl Sire Telephono PA IN FOUR R00 halted lplflflllnt prints enlrsnoe pround iioor laundry iseilliles close to Olltiey Park and St ilrrys Schools Psrltlnr Ircs Avsllrble now lri phone PA I0 NEW DEERE two bedroom lplrtmtnl Cenlrllly IOlItcd Laundry Incililirslsnltor service rciriperstnr electric stove lIn medllis posssulon Telephone PA 66092 runont Iurn Ilhed thros plum lilth hardwood lloors Rcirllerstor sod hem duly stove SCIIPCOIIQIIIIBO Irnme dials posssssiuu Apply Arm strong IIlrdwuc O8 Dunlap St NEW AND modern one end two bedroom apnrimenls overlooking scenic Kemponieitnry Ilelt ws tcr plrkinlg Ind ionlior service Includcd utomltiu Wishiul Il cllltlrr Inc uded PA MM ULTRA MODERN unfurnished one bedroom uplrlmcnr Privlts Illi cony Iront Ind rur Rctrirurstor ind drsper supplied West end nrlr Plus $75 monthly Tele phunn PA Hm 01 Lo 41 firnNETIly unrurulslro halted plus sunruom urnrn nhd Arcplacc on In Spurious nounds Soundpronl aplrtnlsnt building $90 Toiophona PA 35 LOVELY two bedroom apnrtmsnt overlooking the hay In modern Splux Stove rclrlrcrutol pulp mstlr washer and dryer TWO DEDROO unlilrrlilhed Apartment In new huildihv ii mo dem cunvcnicnccs Laundry Inc liltlrs Close to schools Avllllhlo nuIv Parking space Telephons PA 50336 liier 5210 pun SECOND FLOOR Aportmcnt wiIh two bedrooms llvlnl room with dinloz lrcn sellcontulncd hosted Cnntrll location Rknl $55 1mmld ilte occupnncy cr Ior July Ap Ply It Merrick PA lizioT liter PA MOSS TWO BEDROOM Apartment or rent uppcr completely private central location Hot water hert ed Garage lIondy to school Available immediately metaphors nllcr 5SDpm PA NOEL BXCEPTIONALLY IIIKD IiiO room nsrnnrnt lvuiisblo Immediately in new modern building Very close wmcpmtczachooln Autumlilc laundry molntenlncs service Stovn snd retrilorstor op tions Paved parking facilities For lurthcr information telephone PA M65 or PA esssc ONE BEDROOM Apartment lrouod linor Trout lnd blek cntllnco tiled our piece IIIUIIORID mud ern apartment buildlng Grove and Owen srca Parklnr Luundry with Aryan One child welcome Immed Ilic possession Teicphono PA 331 PA SEEN PA 50790 IIIOST COMFORTABLE pinch tn live In Barrio Modern lords two bedroom lpsrtments available now in brand new buildings lMItrd in lovely rrsIrI till district Very nelr to lepor and pupils school Plrlclnz no water sup plied Refrigerator nod rtovs op tionll Ilnitor service Reasonlilo rent Apply 147151 Steel Street Dorrie or telephoos days PA B4358 Or evenings PA S1501 ROOMS TO LET ROOIII To RENT Very central Fully furnished Lady preIorred Apply at bl Dunlop Street East IIIrs KaiIcy FURNISHED ROOIII Or rent on IIIII IOlltu Linens suppliod House heeplnp lldeslred Telephvns PA OOIIIII evenings only FURNISHED BodSittlnl Room or rent with linens dlshgiflnllttl inhsdmroio flier CW ly located Business zirls only Telephone PA USED IN THE COUNTRY Thrace rnpnis I15 monthly One or two veteran pensioners Nico surroundlncs 15 miles irnrn Burris handy to shop ping Telephone Elmvlio Torus APARTMENTS WANTED TWO BEDROOM Duplex wlntld to rent Seplrlte sntronco Vicinity OI Queens PEEK Required by September or snonor Reply to Box 41 Barrie EXInIIner ROOM BOARD WANTED liUDMANDEuTno Nquired or teacher In privsto homc Packed lunchcs Arriving Barrio August 27 Plelso Write to Miss Michel lnn 424 Court Street Port Arthur Ontlrio moonsl Ingrid rslTrr ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82414 SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST Convenient Terms 30 Worson 5th Burris FA MES UNFURNIBIIED Kitchen and Bed Silian room wanted by widow Sepnrlte entrance prelsrred Cen trslly located Apply Edit dB Bulk rio Examiner Try An Examiner Want Ad rlIONu Fri an suMMcIl RESORTS COTTAGE FOR SALE Lem heed Seltiu neu uh Rim Almost now corms with livinl roooz hilahrn and two bed roonu Corlplllcll turnished Tilpth PA 4258 COTTAGES FOR RENT COflAOIInr root or In 1m you In Aurusi lt Bllnl Beech Amy In no Continuous soul COHAOI so HINT Ii Blill Belch belted oil conveniences Avllilhie from Anna to Ii and iron Arum BSI 140 lb 11 Motion PA cum Conuortshls lluusckur in Clbin or not On lover lee front property In nillrs trons Dro rio Ideal for quiet couples Applyr honMs Dnrh will ARTICLES For SALE IO DAYS ONLY Furnaces Foreéd air all or nu installed complete with duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK N0 DOWN PAYMENT Used oli burnersZ rum $25 up wooownuu AND sow PA 6039 OR STROUD IIRI 1m STBOUD WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highul prices paid Old Vehicles or Wrecks ALICAN SCRAP METALS Dunlop 5L West Just across OUTLAW iques Occasional furniture bric abrac china and glass NOW AT 131 COLLIER ST PA 6626 THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES Tho Showcnss oi Simcoo County FLOORS 0F ANTIQUES FURNITURE BOOKS SHAV ING MUGS GODLETSPEW TER FINE CHINA RRASS COPPER IRON OPEN DAILY l0 am to 10 pm HWY93 CRAIGHURSI our BARRIE PA 8340l USED REFRIGERAIORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 Appliance 118 PENETANG sv CARTERS For Used Furniture NEW unpainted furniture Chests Ivordroilcs and chill rullcs USED bedroom suite odd chairsrow mid used 15 ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 89831 ASPHALT PAVING Is Our Business free eslimatu DISHERFARRAND LTD BARRIE PA 00274 UsED Refrigerators gt RfiilgésérfclT FULLY GUARANTEED Priced Irom $5900 Ideal for the cottage EPLETTS TV and Appliances NLOP sr BARRIE FARRIE GOVERNMENT URPLUS See our EeIection of tents skin diving equipment stoves lamps sleeing bags life jackets fis Tug tackle Also used army tents 25 DUNLOP ST PA 60622 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrio fiEfizafln It you would illieto have re prints oI any nowspictures taken by our staff photogra phers please cilll at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 six i0 $I25 plus Mr HEAVY DUTY DIIII P115 or slip with in up motor in excellent run conditt wl Box TRAILER feet with IInIl hitch III good condition $10 Set at trlliul wheels sill also pet Guinea Pigs Phone stroud 171121 to rpidlifo Prl Telophons PA 537 ROLLUP Guino Door or sale hunt II Apply Harold Hill 55 Dunlop Stroot Well Telephnno PA B4427 lYinnIlEns bought sold rent ed rcpoircd Student routol rntes Aslr shout our Ilcnl iry then Buy Plan stsr Typewriter Cc cos Dunlap st Wnsi PA soscs TROPANE all Rflrile Highest pricamsid turdcad or Barrio SECONDHAND scone nos all used coeds plus new slightly damned titan below artgule msl We also buy content loll 55 DUNLor ST Phone PA cam BAND IA II heavy duty In nrw condition Iuld twice cm Telephone mill llrpud AIR NNDITIONINO Unit Ior Isis IIan upocily used only tell for 159 PROM Mr Clrlptl PA will THE ROCK STEAM lllhl Ir open only ll mun no to ns Look and In your vrry Tollphanl PA III CC CLUII RACER IOI lllo lhrl rpcod Complete with hick ntsnd lnd nnerltnr lllhunl sot Price olephonl PA WIS DUO THEE Sp Iilltkr with circulates 1wa Bed Chesterfield Ind in Cheslrrnelu Ctulrr lt fl esrh All In hood condition Ed DIIIo Furniture II RIydeld SI PA MI IIOBEONE DARX Spoflinl 000$ nsrrlss ilrlrst Ielectlon oi Arl umseverylhtn Tor the sports mun Open rvrrsl eveninl Trio pxhonl PA 663 lilhwsy Rm re orl ScrvciOns II It lldl Inc Ind one old cu It top Ireuo Would or idea Ior summer colv tale ilsro been rebuilt and to printed Tsllphono PA Will USED CHESTERFIELD Sultl lhru pieces nonuan burpsln £5993 rrkl Homo fireballTu titres no Phone PA PIECE Sullclurlnoluranro Drlwm 1ch with Allttro Sprinr Included Excellent vsIIs II USII Cilrkl Horn hirnIsII Inrs lisyirsid Street Elmo Phone IA 818 USED TIIREEPIECI ullll modern Irltlipnli sullt IIIIo corner plccl Mid two bumper end luve cuts Truly in new lurniture condition One OI the best bhrlllnl Wu tilvli evcr presented $7895 Ilrlrhlng Spllegt5lvlr Ior shove only estso Clarks Hunts Furnishlnlv Is Dry Stlul Barrie Phone PA Bedroom noose PETS scorcll cochin Puppies tor nie cubic and white lelo hone Oro II or lppiy at Al illw lnl Willie floss Serylcs Station Gulhric REGISTERED Build Pup In Elrud by Field Trill Chllnps Telephone Eimvnio 27 hotels pm cellcnt cholco irom Ava uitcrs Ellht week Old Visitors IN weir come Royal View Kennels Ilid huril Tcluphonn PA HT iloxao PUPPIES lol nle rests Icrrd months old cars cropped wormed and shots collie Julie Leon Gnrrlok 40 bilplo Arc Telepnunn PA sssol BOATS MOTORS Nslv GALI Zfijlsctric thong figurines iéle SMALL noAl TRAILER Teams deound conscity now condition Apply 37 Mill St or tclopnnns PA OBIIIO Durrll ITlODT SHEPPARD Ilshfldln Plank IIIfl hp Buchllnnn Inhonrd lllolzmgbout Iully equipped 5995 PA I¢FDOT MAHOGANY Plywood Root complcto with IS lul Evin rudo motor nnd remote rontro lisu LuIIIcr Trlller Phone PA RTllld IMOOI HUNADOUT Wlih traitor III Imp motor skis Iltn Ilflkcil paddles BIC Complete outfit $550 latest clstl nIlErr Telephone PA non llousr Tor slle with at lschsd living quarters situated on looscll lot on Kemponlcit my 100 Terms or hell cosh OIIer Telephone PA oslss 22FDDT WEYIIIOUTII lIyinl nridpn Cruiser VEII Evinrude lilo tul Dulliln 1H illik completely equipped 22Iool Flying Orldys Crulscr convertible top as hp Johnson sass luroot Cedsr Strln marEdict 25 llohsnlili pints 7ZIodt IT II no sou£VIIYICcnIdiiz Innunrd enIIIIIc Dciunoy Bolll Barrio PA Cilia ARTICLES WANTED LARGE QUANTITY OI Ccdur Posts and Poles needed Please write stltizlz the price etc to IIII DOR Fused Till Guoiph Ontnrlti SMALL 5le Column in neat ei wanlodlust he CICI In luod oondltluand rcssnnlbis Apply Its Cadrrnctnn strict WANTED Smoli Ilplllllt Piano about so inches high Only those with Piano in and condition need Milly Telephone Collect Orlilil FA 55 ARTICLES FOR RENT CAIIPERS Trailer xd or rent with picnic tshlu 11d and shelvud food cupborrd For lull particu llrs telephone PA soars FRUIT VEGETABLES ansll PICKED Vegetubles ior slio All kinds Apply William Kelly llih Concession V1 Inlio oil ND IilEllWB essi Telephone IIRJI Strand FARMERS DEAD scour MARKET crippled outfits and horses Smaii nnimeis removed tree For fast service phone orasit tor ZENITH 94130 iNOCHARGEI so hnurr anyI Ms we BARRIE PA 87751 collect ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontorlo Licence No l72Ld2 NICK Montague Prop LIVESTOCK rrvs YORIISIIHIB PIGS or rule wfiiurmnruunwromwnuouwww Station Telephone 1910 IT YORKSHIRE PIGS or role Apr ply Guruet LcCooksiown or telephone 45B457i kastnwn JWLHO IflqldfulfifFafl old due at II Apply Willilm Burton Fromosd phous Iloonstono 230R roLLsu cinnamon null for ssiey registered lumonthr old excelin ont ouurormntlou in perfect health Price Will Ask InrJlr IIRILIEII IA RIIIIIH rnouu PA mild ARTICLES r9 SALE FARMERS MARKET couple at muons Woth uco new IODDLE PUPPIES Iorsrls For POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS lion and more poultmnso lire CDDOSIDI DKKALB PUUJTIS suited ready to ily and day old chicks Order no lor esrly order discuuoL For sorvicenr help on your poultry problems oaii Cralc Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS SIROUD PHONE Tl BARRED ROCKS still hard to best Ior our and meat Over lorty you oi per sonal selection our clos so flock RogLstmdhstchery Roby ducts started chicks espous KENNYS POULTRY FARII RR SHANTV DAY bu FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE hliikers Vacuum Pumpl Wash Tanks Sopsrntorr Parts tur any miller HANh BROWN RR BARRIE IHOLLY PA 641358 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE 103 MINESING CHARLES CHURCH Farmsuppusss Sorvtce Cose New liollnlld David Brown Beolty Farm Equipment CASH TRADE TERMS Registered ROP York Gills and Boers at Com mercialprices Highiine pulletsior sale Ha for sale WHITE lousn FARMS COOKSTOWN 4584671 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR SALE SEE VIAU FOR RAMBLER lssl AUSTIN Tao All economi cal car in Al condition Midi RAMELER Closslc iour duo dar radiations aFrh prion asked was CIIEV Iour doorsedan real buy 1954 CllEV Bel Air excellent condition throughout Viou Motors Limited 17 Galvan Street PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 6132 BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 62 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK thrs AT PIERCE MOTORS LTD s1 ESSA RD PA arson sun JENNINGS USED CAR SALES at CITIES SERVICE STATION Angus0nl Phone 4496181 719593FORD Custom and con lion silos ApPly Delhey nos lelcphono PA Issla I913 MODEL FORD Cnlclll Needs new stearine bclflnls $1M cuh Telephone IIIIRI Moonstone IIISS OLDFIIODILE IOI MIC In good runninc order tldv Tell phone PA B4765 rruIn three new tires Body hr collont motor pood Telophcno LelloylIR liter pIII Isis FORDScthI Ior slie rldlc Slip llsn 1955 Plymouth Sedan good tiros und clean inside runs WeU can Telephone PA S9550 mos FORD Glisxle or sale stnud urd with radio LDOO miles Reason Ior rollinclzoinc to cnllere Trier phono IA 3155s 1353 CHEVROLET Inur duo in excellent condition nrlylnli print now tires nnd Thl PA SHOOT lsBlltLARK Iorsnle nerlect con dltion 10W mllnue Must sell DE causo hr iUncss Can be soon lt géonotsns St Telephone PA lsss znlllvu nady lnd engine In A1 condition Good tinr rolined broiled Good buy Tor quick sale Telephone PA clots lIter ozio pun 1de DISCAYNE Chou two door in ylcnmlnp white with contrasting green Interior Allnow tires iuii whcrlnisrs custom radio window washers iillr our Is as now Coho UltionITO down tnku nvrr psy Incnts pl 555 per month Telephonl PA BIOBS 1957 DODGE finished in luxurious lesr mm with white topvery low mileage oylindcri standrd trlusmisslnn Will secspt lutnr model or trlde VItlIIOWllIOllth loss Fonli Customllnc custom rlirhnse AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE CHEVROLET Ellen Seder load runninl roudilioa Tole WI Cochran lulu less Donal Racist with deep Irsld urn III eonl paiIIt you Tillelr up be Doubt tor till R231 IT Am ll Rhone PA um LT mm CHOICE OF YOUR Pllrl rsyltllilcd rm Custom din tinted lino window eiscirie wheel to en oreh units All cm tour door lot Thou curs ell be houxhi tor cuts with dorm Three years In ply TIlpllpnl PA Mm CARS WTD TO BUY CAIN run your car Llcnl sin It alum uII or daows Alin ore PA E9821 TRUCKS TRAILERS IISZ FORD JON Truth In nil in load condition SIM or but oller or Ills lnds for car Tclr phono PA osos liter pm DODOE ITONId boil pointed UM nchr do Brat flier Andrldl II Sign more LID or II Azrsrhs mils tor csitls dull wnull ply urovminl Churchill Trier PDWI 135R IAIIW Im IAIOO TENN Im II II V1 Ipltnu lood motor transmis lion mr IO stc nurly nrw urn Good Ior llrrner or Corr tractor SIZE Tolspirons PA MM MOBILE HOMES Two cAuIN IIIAILIuts or role uniumlshrdmud plrtly lqulppe soilsnle iorpcmsncnt mldens Rolsonlblo price Telnphonl PA MS or II Allry Stroll BUSIN SS PERSONus more DONE ladill cotton deems blouses reins also th duos spyTet Remodels Tul phone PA mu slIcrooool HEALTH IUOFl COIdIIVeI Sets etc to smiled hrlrorrmr In your own home or hos ItnI sen vice 50mm PA or PA user Mm PAINTING WORK Ilnlnd Kltrhv Ins henroorns ounporchel houm nrrur etc Very rrllonrhlo rolls moilcnt woril Plnllllb llll Telephone PA MI comxum Tc dilly Oddly Ihmuxh Pridl IAIII Burris or no our return troll Toronto 9rd csn rrcomrnooslr 17 cleansers Telephone OOIDONWr DOWLRI pl Dunlap EL Wool Dante will not be nrpomihle lor any debt ton Inmd in Int nuns without my written lllne use Irom lhlr dris on Aural Incl YOUNGl Bruce Vounr at nm nr antrrls will not be rrspou rihls tsr any debt Incurred In my nuns irorn this this iorwsrd without my vrrlltsn consent All till INS WOMENS COLUMN AUGUST SPECIALS COMPLETE STYLING in Toron All wrms reduced 731250 $900 p00 $5507 Rubys Beauty Salons 11 Dunlop St PA 34471 17 Essa Road PA aBall No appointment noc ODD rIOllB need dointl Irbunll Ill MIMI Phone PA M1777 or the ruin to do them 17d BURTON AVE PA 84373 gt SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Oeiephono PA 84415 EAVESTROUGHING 24 HR SERVICE Oil hr radius Fumacs Cleaning out DON FIRTH PA oils APPLIANCE SERVICES AND TV SERVICE Zinhour service QIMLQRSI CONCRETE ATTENTION Homo Ownerll For Inc lnd reunnlhlo osilrnllol on all cement work exterior stucco and block lsylnc Wnrk plian PA onlir anytime DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING SERVING SINCE loss FOR APPOINTMENT ANYTIME PAS6551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stole Holi yard Baokhoe=lur hire DENNIS MORAN 39 Anne Strait Barrie PA 4907 FOHHOVEIFWORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Lille Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boomsllovei front loading levelling or baddiliiug Dozcr work and trucking Gond top soil delivr cred oriosded on your own truck Phone Stewart Construc tiohyPA 831321 BULLDOZING Gruhber Brush Blade Top Soil Gravel Fill ART GORDON CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA soul FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TEE SALES AND SERVICE 24 MAPLE AVE Opp bus terminal ILInuInum sud Vinyl Ills hast roads erchc tile srdtvcod noorlur Clrplts ICnlOplntl ilns or slinpics EIILJIIIR attrsjnymrmvssulugm Woriimanifip guaranteed Free ruling PHONE PA 85852 EVENINGSPA olssz Cltniles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Mcderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 80491 PAINTINCAND TAPERHANGINE EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper HEnzinx or small INVISIBLE MENDING INVISIBLE MENDING We iIIvLsibiy mend ycllrsiliis and dresses We also lnvislbiy mend your upholstery st your homo PA 61298 PLASTERING PLASTERHIG REPAHTS STUCCO STONE VENEER Tree Estimates SAM GRYER PA 61675 STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK PiloIIo Al Smith Lotroy 60M Collect gfl PAVING ASPHALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHERS LTD Burriss oldest manufacturers and supp of asphalt have opened auelv paving depart ment to take care of expanding business and will be pleased to quote on any paving job lodge in twinge fir Plant and cities at NORTH BAYFIELD STU BARRIE PAVING bylocal firm McFadden Paving Phone PA asvlz ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PLUMBING It HEATING PUMP REPAIRS PA 8946I JEERIGERATICN STANRRVSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA hissi UPIIDLSTERY MAYFAIR CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY Cleaning Ou Location rs Pickup Denvery and PASTm plymonts Coil tihrhnt mm lsss Poul our door roan x1 modeLtwo too hl will with nrrtchlno ihtnrior dos trnon tires custom rldio window wnshrrn 07d 4145 po month lelopllonejPA 7am loco PnNIlAe Iowr custom Indin elk now urea in vcr hlun mslni with mstchi oor sednn end affififslnfidg ServlcoSIncslInu Barrio 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