so ANNOUNCEMENTS WHEN THE OCCASION DEMANDS SENTIMENTAL GESIURE SAY IT MOST CONFIDENTLY WITH FLOWERS BIRTHS CHURCHdin and Mrl Chlrlu Churlh of Ill Uurtnn Avenue Burialre happy to announce the birth ul their Inn On Tuesday July SI l961 at Royal Vlflnria llospltai DEATHS rnernas annl Sudden Comp Llorden nn Thursday it not Thomas Innn Ber ry In his arm Ar Son of Ihe late Mr And Mrs imlllp Derry er Lisle dcar brother of William of AlllIton IIIrnmI Orllill Truman or Terra were Minnie Mn A1 Irlngle nf Sheloourne and Gladys tilrs Ilcrt Prlnllc nr Illrrle null II Ihz SIrcIrley £11anan an IAnuIAIITSIreek Saturday st II Interment Idanltlcld Cemetery ENGAGEMENTS AllDE Allin La Mr anra engagement or Inclrdsughlar Marflnrct Carol In Mr Robert Davldicn Ianddcn run of Mr and Mrs Reginald llcladden llltnkc pTire on Saturday AuKe list 18 1901 Al tun In St James Anglican Church Orlllil SIIAWNIIVlLSMr and Mrs llurscll Show Darrle wiIh lo Innouncn the engagement at their daughter Evelyn Ada to Mr Sinc lalr Franklin Ncrlla son at IIIirr Samuel chII and tlltI late Some 1th chlls Cookslown The man rlape to ink place on Saturday September I962 nt oclock ill FlIst Baptist Church Barrie SYMESTAIIIIANT Mr and Airs Emerson Symrs oi Angus Ontario wish to Announce the engagcmrnl or their daughter Sara Ilnrgarnt to Mr George letter Tarrant inn of Mrand Mrs George Tarrant nI Rranltartl Ontario The marriage will take time Sniurday Iluguil III IS It oclock In Burton Avenue United Church Darrin sï¬ IVIDDIFIEIIDIIAILTLEY Mr and Mrs lrcd Wlddlllcld ot Harrie Wlsh to lnnountc the engagement at their daughter SharonEl beIh to Mr Richard Joseph II My son Mr and Mrs 11th letloy of Darrin The marriage is to take place In Trlnlly Anglican Church Barrie on Saturday Aug Illt 15 at oclock CARDS OF THANKS LAWSONThu family of the late Garry Lawson wiIh to extend their thanks and appreciation to inch rclntivcl 11nd nu ccal fllï¬fmr end oxprcsslorla or Iymanhy Special thanks to the hand Funeral Home Simeon Dlatfllt Cooperative and Pastor Tllloy IItcky Lawson COMING EVENTS UTOPIA ANNUAL SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Monday Aug Start 12 Noon Ladics and mens teams Booth Lucky Draw Prizes ADMISSION 500 Children under 12 free BARRIE IIORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Coming Events TOUR WEDNESDAY AUGUST II To liarlyrs Shrine Honey Har bour McTier Port Carling Rosseau Windcrmcrc Batu Plcnlc Lunch COST $400 ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW WEDNESDAY AUGUST Odd Fellows Hall TOUR THURSDAY AUGUST 23 CNE for Flower and Music Day COST $275 Plus Admission TOUR WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 Centre Island Etienne Brule Pork and High Park Picnic Lunch TOTAL COST INCLUDING FERRY SI TOUR WEDNESDAY OUIOBER Cavalcade of Color COST $7 Including turkey dinner TOUR WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 24 To Tivoli Toronto West Side Story TOTAL COST Si Square and Modern DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Oakview community Centre Wasaga Beach BOB SCOTT and the Canadian Pioneers Caller sistiog of four bedrooms snouuzcoLLE lull price for this out1 Off IWi DARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST REAL ESTATE COMING EVENTs DANCING Peggys Placé LEONARDS BEACH now won rm SAT Good Music WELL SUPERVISED ADMISSION 50c REAL ESTATE PROPERTVPOR SALE HENRY ELRICK MICHIE l5 Owen Sh Barrie PHONE PA soars 51me or can handle AND DISTRICT RIAI ESTATE BOARD BLOCKS FRO l7ORDAW lit storey brick Large living room kitchen bedrooms plccc both and sun room extra bedrooms on second floor finished recreation room oil vcd vcy THUMBS 27 HIGHWAY NORTH Public school across the road Living room kitchen bed rooms and three piece bath Taxes $47 yearly Lot 105 1110 II Price $5000 with 51500 down Living room kitchen bed rooms and place bath Lot on ounce so 100 it Price $0000 with $2000 ilDWIt NOTE We arrange first mnrtglgcr for Victoria and any Trust505 at value lhnus PA Issac after noon phone Bob lowclllnt PA DEED or Paddy lilies PA 35200 gYROEL REAL ESTATE BROKER 73 TIPILN STREET ATARI BEDROOMS floor area Small down payment Private mortgage 60 pcr 011800 full asking price for this uycorold four bedroom home located in the noth end of Bar rie Living room kitchen four piece both plus two piece washroom Carries for Slspcr mnnth includingï¬lntéieilF pr cipol and taxes BEDROOMS $11700 only is the asking price for this fouryearold brick bedroom bungalow Large kit Chen tilcd four piece bath lull basement laundry tubs forced an oil healing equipped with aluminum storms and acrccnsi Low down payment to one NHA mortgage that carries lot $91 monthly including interest prin cipal and taxes office also It don Priced at 513 EAST END Are you looking for an outstand ing buy in four bedroom brick bungalow Then make an appointment to seeihis year old well kept property con shaped living room and dining room family size kitchen piece tile bath with builtin van ity lullbnsemcnt with piece plus manLextras toD down payment for an NHA re sale home ONE MORTGAGE room brick with bedrooms modern kitchen with separate dining area living room and separate dining room basement oil heating Asking price only $9500 with 02000 down payment andthc owner will holLtIIe balance on one mortgage BEDROOMS $750 Down Payment 513200 full price for this roomy four bedroom brick bungalow Living room and dining room combination kitchen piece tiledwbath large basement with forced air beating This prop erty is equipped with storms and only about years old and well located losohools immed iate possession with $750 down payment AREA alsogaeswith llllscnllageaflpll= mumamrlrmommrhmm5 full Cloarwater Bcoch new cottage insulated and Marshall rah+ PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP mm EAST Furl lll Barrio Home SudsForum In Quality of Benton PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Save Miles With Our Photo Piles EVENINGS CALL MR8 II MOOREPA Hm OmPA Hill ROGERSPA 3531 CONNILLPAJMII CHEW EARRIE ls DISTRICT REAL mATI BUABD Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 09961 PA cam FlrrI tiorlgoge Funds Avstlobla 77 interest eosa of Value $1440000 Cosy out In kitchen both mom and family will cnloy llarge bedrooms llying room bathroom with showerclose to schools and shopping in an excellent residential area beautliully lond scoped with garage TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TO SUIT IF YOU ARE LOOKMG FOR REAL BUY CALL JOE LONGIIN UPLEX lierc is once or Ion cost living while your home being paid located in very nice residential arcs Situated on large lot walking distance to downtown UPPER Living room with tircpIocc formal dining room bedrooms both with shower LOWER Same as upper bedrooms rented for 0100 month double garage paved driveway MANY MANY EXTRAS CALL 5LONGTIN ngilSeBEAUTiEUlnbUP For Trtplcxcs Semirdetachcd rind investment properties lust ask for JOE Ioa LonlIlTI PA WAR willron PA 04601 Everett Shalawell Oro 2910 ShelII PA mu Howard Norris PA 0M GRAYDON KOH REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 UUNLOP ST EAST PA 84252 PA 04608 LIVE FREE Semidetached homc centrally located Trauma in each Ncwly decorated Now root on cash port New furnaces Corner lot Will sacrifice to good purchaser NEAR IIILLCREST SCHOOL lir storey home in excellent condition Approximately 1100 it month Interest and principal COUNTRY TAXES Nearly new bungalow just onisldc city limits on highwdy Modern in detail very roomy Large lol good gordcn Private owner Priced to sell AT MIDHURST bedroom lit storey home In acre lot pcrlcct garden soilTaxcs only $60 Owner has been transferred to Northern Ontario Any reasonable offer will be considered WANT GOOD FARM We have some new listings of real ounli jriuiluujaiaii II SETVICCSDID Graydon KohlPA oIsoa bill RawnPA IoIsI Marion RutledghPA 85705 CAM BELL REALTOR 32 HIGHST gt PA 60241 PA 60242 IDEAL FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER located within walking distance of North Collegiate Large living room kitchen bedrooms pc bath Buscmenthas finished 500 with $2500 down Call Joan Lang at PA D5761 for inspection STOREY BRICK IN THE COUNTRY Right on the highway close to village Firstfloor has living room dining room and kitchen bedrooms and bathroom on second floors Full basement Artesian well Priccd at $5900 Terms to be arranged LITTLE LAKE $13000 DOWN Located on the weterthis cottage could be winterized for year around living Large living room with stone fireplace kitchen bedrooms bathroom sun porches Full basement Furniture clticeï¬lcdeydofluclbet SMITH STOREY $8900 This is an economical family home with bedrooms upstairs living room kitchen bedroom and bathroom on main floor Pull basement with oil furnace Take time to see this one Call PA 00241 IDEAL FAMILY HOME $9900 2slorcy brick home with garage itiain floor has living room dining room kitchen On second floor there are bedrooms and bathroom Full basement with oil furnace This home is in Very good condition Call this office for inspection SUMMER COTTAGES At Minels Point winterized cottage good living quarters all season Only $1100 down iully lined Large living room kitchen and bedrooms Joan Lang PA 85701 Charles Read PA 1171017 Smith Campbell PA 87389 Member or Barrie and District Real strata Board Keith l07 STEEL STREET Private Sale Luxury four level Daviesbuilt home in good residential area 0105 he nd separate eslrnbletICIstthesï¬lF clude four bedroom or three plus denIrshaped living and dining room iargebright kitch REAL ESTATE room Pu 259 15 CLAPPERI ST aAIInIo FULL PRICE $7600 Farm 100 acres Oro lot ICARSDON II dicold VVMILLERr Memoir of Lbs Harris and Distrch Homes Farms Businesses 11 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sALE THIS WEEKS LIST or BARGAINS FOR HOMES SEE ROBERT HODGES Real Estate Broker BS DUNLOP ST PA 37230 CENTRAL ONTARIOS BIG REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Variety and Smoke Shop good lease lcrms $3500 Restaurant Dunlop St Long lease $4000 down nship $21000 Terms 100 Waterfront Lot Reahlluyfflnly $5500 Terms 100waterfrontSr acres Shanty Bay Countryliome $12500 Shanty Bay home $11500 Near dock Terms $2000 cash Good swimming and boating Store for lease Dunlop St East $100 month 22 acres and stream Palnswick Abracres and creek 50 acres stream MIdhurst Lot Peel St Only $2250 Lot SteclStg401L 30 acres $8000 lghway 90 on Income 0m and large shop liffm St $12500 Duplex Worsley St $10500 Several duplexes $8500 up 50 acres subdivision land and hi Farm Bargain cc bungalow Triples ord SE 50 month 11500 Terms Only $1500 down Large store for lease Dunlop East =Motel=si eHigh 1115533iili Lots near Barrie 15000 square feet $750 to $1000 New home Stecl St Bargain Store and warehouses 100 in furniture store or billiard hall Phone HODGES PA 89 Dunlop East niy Dunlop St Suit Lease 7230 Day or Evening Mrs Norah Raike Oro 4023 BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION Homes Custom Built To Your Plans New Homes On Display Featuring Two Open Houses AT 23 and 34 TOWER CRESCENT Iz SPRINGHOME DAD7 Follow Burton Ave to William St south on William to Bald win Lancturn lclt on Baldwin Lane and follow the signs GORD SPRING PA 85007 DOUG HOMER PA llAHO7 LOlI MORIARTY PA 61715 sun DIV OFFIC PA coco HENDERSON nonLTDR Io CDTle srnnnr PHONE PA 826711 READY TO MOVE 1N Three bedroom rug brick bun galow You Ivili find this ban dy housc designed to give you maximumln privacy and living space with minimum of wast well shrubbed ront outline with many kinds of flowers shrubs rose bushes trees and hedges CarrlchoLJILmontblLln chiding Taxes at bid and interest or low down payment To inspect this property con tact Elmcr Murray HERE iS RARE BARGAIN CENTRALLY LOCATED $11700 full price The lucky couple who buy thisdistingulshd ed home will appreciate the good neighborhood and line con structionfor this fine three bed room solid brick bungalow Hardwood floors throughout four piece ceramic the bath room Bright clleery ilvlng room cDmIortabie well plan ned kitchen Storms and screens carport and paved driveway Lovely lawns with flowers and shrubs well kept Call Elmer Murray for inspec lion and easy terms arranged moves cam RITA ECANDREIT PA 54805 Donornv wracoi PA roars PERCY soon PA oIrso EMERSON SWAIN PA 6850 scum IIvnnAY PA oeazs Member of Barrie and District and OntnrlnRanl Estate Board IL Next doarto the Import Theatrl 45A DUNLOP sT 2BEDRO0M Bungalow In east and good lot good garden gorage This Is very nice home and can be bought with low down pay ment Just one mortgage and very reasonable monthly poy mcnts Call floppy PA 50401 evenings PA 00740 50 ACRE roan Good clay loam barns good house with new oil furnace bot PA 66401 cvcmngs PA 087 PA 6648l liember nl ertie IIld Disirlfl RcIl VBttato Board GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY ON NIGHT PA 07952 Mcmbcr Darrin Ind District Roal attain Board Emory REALESTATE BROKER PA 61881 Real Estate Board THREE BEDROOM Brick Dunln low with recreation room Close gougincrrl Electric Telephnno PA 106 ammo Cottage completely tarnished minutes from Lako SImtoc 6500 full price Terms Barrie telephone Call Car Ion PAW erb pun MARION CRESCENT bod roons bunninw tvvo years old tulis landscaped ï¬nished recrea tion room lass than original cast Low doom payment Owner mov lug PA 50105 THREE nsnnoool Brick Bunga low recreation room with are rim and fourth bedroom III moot Garage and paved driva Near Ichnoll Ind shops on bus route 4167 NBA mortgage Phone PA More REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER 09 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone PA 07236 camisoles State $2100 NO RALAN urge hnllsn Ill conveniences garage nice gar den Main Street Creemon Elsy term to responsible party In VIIFHIIUNIIFF $100 JoovalIbJargLoicIuerlndow llntlscancll Int Inna pprec Ited Clll stmmg mm bum Ihnmel Bungalow in Allandale Large on with traditional cupboards tionaily good value at this price three bedrooms combination living room and dining room piece tiled bath modern custom built cupboards in kitchen full basement with recreation room plus at two piece washrooln paved drlv garage extra large lot This home is excep and the owner will take down payment as little as $1500 Make an HAROLDWKRTON Featured orchestra and caller from CFTOs Country StyleTV EVERY SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple Fortublc reservations HONE ELMVAL ALF VLIIIlly Btu Len phone PA 61090 this today CALL any on EVENING PA 82379 Rcal Estlto Eonld SAVE 500 Solllllfl bclow value Thrco bedroom brick bungalow close to schools shopping and bus line NHA moritlngo Large fenced yard Oll heating Dlnlng nook vlng town Tclo living ronm kitchen builtIn re frigerator bedrooms bath room basement forced air heating On nicelylandscaped Iot Low down payment Bai ancet on easy terms ACRES On paved road close to Barrie Large brick home kitchen lIv ing room bedrooms has menl Some fruit trees So this nneronaywronlfllpuh Easy terms BAYFIELD ST bedroom innganw very spa ou 1y large lot Priced to sell Call us today for further Infor mation FRANK NELLEB PA 50595 Member Barrie and District Rcai Estate Boom FOUR IIBDIIUOM llousa Ioraalo Ilot water heating with oil IIrc family room attached garage one complete bathand two piece bath Completely finished recreation room wilblbnr and shadow stone fireplace Fully landscaped lot with patio and paved driveway Several large shady trees oil heating Sizeabla down payment desired For par ticulars telephone PA 37737 Price phone 573 Colllnzwood TWO STOREY Stuccns House for lIle Three bedrooms living room lllicllcn two bathrooms and tall basement Sunnldalo Road Telephone PA RRDIT ANGUS Naw threl bedroom brick bungalow modem facilities large lot near Catholic Mllnnl and church Low down paymont Own or transferred Telephone 4404417 Ahlua PRIVATE SALE lxyuMiti new 11 dioorntld th bedroom brick tlnn room on we hedged land scaped lot Complete with aluml nuln ltollnl and screens Terms can be arranged with low down paymen Tclophona PA 84022 Phone PA eons 03 Dunlop SL IIlortguga Mona Available MADEL MARSHALLPA aosor owaN IDNIsI=Ae1l37 Mnnlsl sorrowPA aasos CARL WOODWAIIOsCreamorgam WVID HARRISéPAlZSIL 0V1 N6 Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE andtt you need extracoverago oi any kind NS SEE STEVENSO PAC1001 DWI JDRMEYPA MEET Ilt Danni st 500 Call 11 Oro Lovely wintcrlzed sum CARTER AND COMPANY Realtors 90 BAYFIELD ST PA 00453 ANYTIME FULLY INSULATED CDT TAGE Alcona Beach TV on tenna large space heater rnom winterized Cottage pc bath pressure system haavyv wiring $500 down Pull price Norm Hesk th Client with $2000 wants REAL ESTATE COUTTS CO Real Estate Broker Owen street Barrie CORNER JONATHAN COURT BOTHWFLL CRESCENT Well maintained brick 3bed room bungalow with foot sq ft floor area kitdlan accommo dates brcoklost set living room 1222 tpc bath decorated in pdstel shades Basement con crete floor and block walls painted Backyard fenced with gate Price $12500 NHA mort gage $9000 Bi monthly payments $9171 Owner trans ferred inspection invited ALLANDALE Down payment to be Arronng for this income property Dup lcx situated on Cowan St live other unit Vendor will take back 1st mortgage with easy payments For further informa lion call Joe Vrcugdcnbil ECONOMICAL LIVING 1000 will buy this beautiful no bedroom bungalow located near Barrio Sho rooms In baseman with win room idcal compact home for retired couple Coll Walter Coulis Member or Damn 5r Diltrict chl Eltltl Board PHONES Olllce PA 02405 Evenings GORDON COUTISPII 27 WALTER TOITTSrPA 317 SANDY COUTIS sPA um ALICE WORTIIJNGTONSTROUD Ill LAIVRIE HARKfltPA 66 JOE VREUGDENIIIbPA MSW STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE PA 05901 Central Ontarios Largest Realtors OPEN EVENINGS TILL 11 PM The chance of lifetime lilt MEDIATE POSSESSION New modern bedroom bungalow with basement apartment good well Hwy 11 North flick Ihly Taxes only 5511 BEST VALUE EVER In mo dern two bedroom bungalowcn St Vincent Street Scparute dining room mortgage core rics for $6070 PIT Asking $11900 Call tonight for appoint mentto inspect OWNER WANTS ACTION ONLY $1000 DOWN bed room brick bungalow almost new Immaculnlc condition It will be our pleasure to show you this lovely home Mortgage Funds AVnIIabla Ellnlnll Call Merv or Eda Gnuld Oro 25H Harry Slcsscr PA on Orca Brown PA 57165 mm or Floris Hockiey PA sans boughned Stlynll IDSWJ NewNHA home sbedron colored tile lixlurcs with yaniiy in bathroom Fully decorated storms and screens recreation nndeï¬trance to rear yard at basement floor level For infor mation phone builder and own erBud Allan PA 84201 IMMEDIATE POSSIIIIOII 11600 real bargain for this Involy thlvlc bedroom brick bungalow on largo Ilurt DFTSCcn to be PA OSIEJ SILENT NIlA RESALE three bed lDDm bungalow Rvoycara nid Oakley Park area Phone PA 37597 THREE BEDROOM leb typo house with attached garage to Al llndlie Close to school and bur atop Will accept reasonable down gyment Apply to En El Barrio miner PROPERTYIFG SALE OR RENT omit nnnnoovl Bungalow for sale or rent on Highway Inn East miles south or Darrin All city conveniences Contact llIs Ruckus no sixth concession Thornton Ontario Telephone comer TAylor 2810 PROPERTY WANTED IIIANTED We hove sold 35 properties in the last months Let us sell yours now Client with $6000 cash wants small bungalow storey home Client with $1 000 would like to buy in Barrie We also have several clients looking for property in the Bar rie district Cali Carson RealEstale PA 6648 Member of Barrie and District thgme or TheseReoljCoolBargains can PA 802414 nus OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT Only cold storage in Barrie Grocery meats and custom cut ting Avntlnblc at an early date Excellent opportunity for party interested in distribution on frozen nods wholesale Present Turnover $75000 Highway 27 north on Hayfield Street Barrle Apply DPATTERSON Sill BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE WANTED To RENT on our FOUR ORJIORE Bedroom Hours wanted to rent or buy In the vtclnlly St Marys Church Wdtn plvlog detalll in BOX Bantu Exenuocr MORTGAGES iMleEDIAiE ist 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITII LOW MONTHLY IF YOU NEED MONEY olo consolidate dcbtr an ofirxlettng mortgages OOr mnrtulucomln due Homo Improvement IAnL worthwhile cau no soul Mortgage Funding aver SimpsonsSears It DUNLOP ST MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Dominance of Billsfll his repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to 35000 and 60 month In rcpny SEABOARD DISCOUNT PA 66477 l4 Dunlap St roll SALE Second IIlnrlrIaa oi 1500 with Internet It 11 PM annum tbrcc year term well secured Apva to no 62 Barrie Examiner MOILTGAGES Ist and Ind bouah Bold and Commemll and residential moneys loaned on existing mortgages barri Morr zgrr Brokers PA elm arranged RENTALS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built of lllll work Semi privan rooms kind nursing good lood TV rooms station wn Idnr nnlillfl roieoonne asst rou OFFICES STORES RENT OFFICE SPACE or rent well its noted on Collier St Reasonable rates Telephone PA dEPJI be tween ant pm Two SPACIOUS Olllces on second floor nl Iniic building It 64 Coll If Street with parking space for cars at small extra cost Apply Stcrllns Trust Corp BAIrIc or éllnlorltllllesple at Salvation Army Iznc SAIIIE DAY CANCELLATIONS mussso PHONED IN BETWEEN are and an By ANNE ADAMS JIFFYSEW Sew it one day wcnrjt the next This shapely sheath in so easy to fit and his so beautifully Choose my white black or vivid cotton Printed Pattern to 50 ONTAGE mcr cottage 2raom sleeping cabin boatllouse with marine and boat Lovely treed ledge to Hana Summer rand winter iisbin at its besti Owner transferred Priced to sell Cali Les Pope EVENINGS CALL Doris Nuttycombo PA S7957 NorrnHcskcLb PA 37m Curly Klnostcrman PA B5409 Les Pnpb PA 01503 Lea Lovagrovo Angus HE Brblll Members atvthc Ilnrrlo tr Dlstrlct RonlBstAto Board nus OPPORTUNI In BODY AND PAINT Shop or rent Suitable for general repairs or 1VnrohouscuAppIy Humid Inn 55 Dunlap St WestJ PA 07477 mniiumi property tor sale sno foo an 700 not driveway Flvo mile north of Orlllln on No II Illgbe way Small llvlng quarters on pro perly Ideal spot for Innlcl site 01 anyone wanting to start up In buslhcu for themselves ND rcnl eslnt please Telephone FA lYSIS Orll Try An Ernmfncr Want Ad rrPHONE PAJlull mmawav Is 15 requires yards 35inch fabric FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coins tno stamps please for this pattern Ontario residents ts soles tax Print plalhr niE$WTW DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMsA core of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 00 FrontSt Toronto Ont SPECIAL Summr Pattern CatalogK More Inn 100 styles sun sport dayt donce work travel Allaizost Send 35 cents