Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1962, p. 6

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Eggsk 1dummmmriursnn WW An article on Iititi LANDERS Broken PromiSes Cause Broken Dear Ann Lundrrs Itvo years ago my parents got divorce didnt understand what was happening All knew was my dad didnt come home anymore When asked my mother where daddy was she told me he was terrible man and she wouldnt let him live in the house with us Now am 13 years old and fiknoiv more but it doesnt make me feel any better When am with my friends and they talk about their parents get lump In my throat girl who 15 new in the crowd asked me why never mentioned my father told her lie and my mother were divorced She wanted to know if it hurt when talk about him lied and said no flight new Id settle for any kind oira father so long nsIr could have one thu lief mi icd am going to make my in papersaysn will never rce me so long as we have children will put up with anything for their sake tIID FOR MY YEARS Dear Old For Your Years Thank youfor your fine letter All baiaLLeiiLniarmsinLa paper riromisrag to stay to gefher fill death parts them But sometimes they forget their Ieingsgetrougb Most people who get divorced go on to make bigger and hotter messes of their lives They set dom do better Usually they do worse Then they wish they had their first set of troubles back This is why constantly urge young people to use their treads before they lump into marriage Itlarriage is notfor kids and it should mean forever DE ELUNT Dear Ana banners Recently discovered this passage to the Bible Proverb 2517 Let your foot be seldom in your nelgh bars house lest he become weary of you and hate you New wish my neighbor would read this and take heed Whenever she sees light on in my living room she rushes across the streetalways just for minutebat her minutes run Into hours She rattles me something terrible when am trying to get supper on the table More than once when my husband has come home from work and seen her sitting here he has walked out as It It were my fault Campbell Reunion Held At Midhurst The fifth annual Campbell re union was held at Springivater Park Midhurst July 28 President Mrs Archie Camp bell welcomed up roximately 60gaests from London Tor onto Ihornhill Colborne Pal grave Fiesherton Owen Sound Stayner Wyebridgc If Isdalc Stroud Barrie and Cookstown short business meeting was conducted by secretarystreasur or itflss June Dunlap assisted by Hairy Jebb The executive were reelected for 1963 Games and races arranged for all age groups brought the picnic to close SWeaiherv Lolleciion PICTON Ont CPlMrs II Henson is firmly devoted to the proposition that antiques should be in harmony with their surroundings Shelias carried iheidea so far in fact that not only is every item of furniture in her house more than 100 years old the house itself dates back to the loans She started collecting early Canadiaaa in 1941 when she found the weatherbeaten cabin She wanted 45 miles north of here near Clayne Ont She engaged Herman Johns wellknown local Indian to move the building over the snow during the winter and re assemble iton property Mrs Henson owned near Picton town south of Bellevitle When the job was done Mrs Henson asked the Indian what he thought of her new log cabin out of alogcabin Then began the task oi ac ouiriog the furnishings They include harmonium at has retained perfect tune through winter and summer The tarnps were originally from Metho dist church The clay creamcrs were used in the days before farmers had centrifugal separa tors chest of drawers at least ten years old is believed to have been constructed of wood from several other pieces of fumi tuve set of ironstone chinaware Japan for decorating and then returned to England to be sold It was brought to Canada by United Empire Loyalist teenitelcdfinisdeéaboufi in good working condi ion Since 1950 Mrs Hensop has used the cabin as slimmer home She now spends the win ter in modern house on the property She has put the prop erty up for sale but is selling shoaldfiron the bedsheets oran ILLNUCDUCUHH mmfiii Hearts If we didnt own this property would move fast to get away from this pest Is there any other way ouffIOIIMENTED Dear Tor You must be new reader This prbblem is so old have to shave it to print it People who permit themselves to be imposed upon by brassy neighbors and relatives are stu pid One simple sentence can dispose of the problem Sample Im sorry but cant visit with you right now because am terrible busy WOOING WIFE Dear Ann hinders Not long ago you had letter in your column from woman whose husband was cold fish You said wife who is married to reticent male ought to turn ontbehenL disagree with you You are always telling women they to make home pleasant place for man agree with you to certain extent but think you go too for when you say woman should be aggressive and won her husband if he JOESDJJIIOWDIEDDUC torcstlfiher believe It is womans right to be wooed She loses her ernfninityt Iiales lovemaking flow can man respect woman who is brazen and shameless Uelievo meIf my husband waited for to make the first move hed wait an awful long timeSALINAS Dcar Salinas Dont be so stubborn Ifoocybun While hes waiting so are you Theres nothing brazen about ied woman making her husband feel that he is exciting and irresistible BRIDEELECT Mr and Mrs Russell Show of Barrie have announc ed the engagement of their daughter Evelyn Ada to Sin cialr Franklin Nevils son of Itfrs SamuelNeviIs and the late Mr Nevils of Cookstown The wedding will take place in First Baptist Church Bar rie at an afternoon cere mony Sept Photo by Srriith Studio Beaten cabin Began Canadians Park who already has the cabin for them ChurchiILUCVI July Meeting Held Churchill United Church Wo men that in the Sunday School room of the church with Mrs George Lucas presiding The Call to Worship was fol lowed byprayer and the sing ing of Hymn to From All That Dwell Belowthe Skies The scripture reading comprised two passages from Psalms commentary on these portions and prayer completed the de votionaf period The Roll Call was answered by 17 members using the word abundance in Bible quota tion Char ers Pratt iTrFT TM missionary Rev Elizabeth Mew hortr The minutes of the previous meeting were read and after an amendment were approved The society decided to hold Sunday Church Service tent ative date to be Aug 26 at the regular hour 10 ilS am The speaker will be Rev Earner of Gravcnhurst Mrs Spence presided for the program the theme being One God and Father of All Mrs Watson chase as her scripture reading the tifh chape ans Lifes Kindiier Way was read by Mrs Ref The Study Book chapter lfouthun Translttxenfith angeraus by Mrs Watson Mrs Spence pronounced the benediction NOTED PLAYWIIIGIIT William Saroyans first stories the antiques to the owncriofa tourist camp near Algonquin were published when the Amer ican dfamatist was 26 in 1034 Itfiss Aynsiie Little of Barrie All the fashion ideas young adult girls dream about have put together to creatc the tlootr the new young adult Inotr of fashion unveiled by Walkers of Barrie to staff members and guests on Wed nesday the event was held to his troduce the etching of new de partment exclusively for the young miss attending high school through to the young career girl The show featured fashions specially designed for backto schoof and campus wear Sop hlstfcotcd and definitely icmin inc appurcl for the young busi ness girl from sportswear in more lorran wear were high lights of the show COORDINATE ENSEMBLES Fdremost in the Fall fashion picture are the doubleknils separates and coordinates to warm wheat tonerfJackets are collarless while blouses and costs for plotter cob coat fur blend fabric in far of black Ifotinsky fur three piece botany wool double knit ensemble Incamcl IOTIWlIDOgDAciJI LEEBLLIYI ed sleeveless overblouse and less jacket was accentuated Black donhleknit slims were Mohair sweatecr in camel shade CAMPUS CLOTHES Smart for school and campus wear was an all wool suit in camel and grey plaid The fully accentcdwith large buttons The skirt featured stitcheddown pleats minicare white cotton embroidered blouse topped skirt of black wool flannel Nov ellworn with wide black patent belt The model carried cardigan of white and camel wool with zipper closing Itfodclllng the fashions were staff members Misses Prggy Batter Carol Smith CarIoi Wif ler Bonnie Ruffle Sophia To bias Jnne Fraser Anita Smith all of Barrie Lillian Pacquetle Gwen Lowry Carolyn and Jac kie Weatherill all of Stroud Agnes Campbell of Guthrie was the commentator du THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This should be pleasant day Most persons viill be in highly congenial mood and planetary influences encourage many ac tivitiesespecialfy domestic in terests sports and travel Look for some good news in the PM FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your chart presagess good year ahead According to the stars both your personal life and your business interests should pros per and there is also tion of some unusual recognition for past services during Septem ber also in late December The latter Incidentally shouldmark the beginning of sharp upfrend in your financial affairs which if capitalized up on could put you in fine posi tion for many months to come Be astute in money matters dur Ing VAugiijtzanLOctobcrmn evernmt spend what you havent got In personal affairs except for brief period in October your domestic social and senti mental interests sheuld be an usually pleasant0nly the Leo ites tendency to try and dom inate others could spoil these pleasing prospects Allow others freedom of thought Opportuni ties tor travel are indicated in late September in January May and Jane child born on this day will be endowed with the qualities needed to be an excellent teacher executive or juv PLUSH NARRACRS SUTTON COLDFIELD Eng land CPITho Fusiiier Br gades new £500000 barracks here have foam mattressesl pale blue and yellow decor and outlets for electric razors Each block has itsown sitting IMlng with television and cooking is done bycivrians Good hous ingand good food makes for Introduced with four nec ntinchocliéIE thepetition presentedsto the council during its summer so Gspejonseébeceutwedravcr untenwauldienisaidztbotadfi Hair Stylists ns BLAKE or Next to Dominion Store PIIONE 34442 Open Evenings SPECIAL OFFER ALL THE LATEST STYLE COLD WAVE PERMANENTS raspberry red featured cab straight cut skirt The collar topped with botany and kid lined jacket was collnrless and This grey flannel dross was highlight of thevinshion show held by Walkers oi Barricj The flarcdvA lino skirt features camelcolored Music Association WorkshOp AttendedBy Barrie Teachers ltiiss Jessie Bryson and Itiiss Audrey Milligan have re tarnod from Pittsburgh Pennsy Ivania Miss Bryson attended the an nual meeting of the ltfaier Musical Association Firm attended the workshop The lecturer was Dr William Newman of the University of North Carolina where he now teaches Musicology Dr Newman is the author of many books including Understanding Music comprehensive sur Eskiino WOmen Seek Teacher CAPE DORSET NW1 CP group of Eskimo mothers have petitioned the Northwest Territories council for someone to teach them the white mans canned cuisine Thirtythree mothers signed sion here They asked for permanent home economics teacher in two stores in town where all kinds of canned foods are avaib able but we know nothing about the proper way or variations of cooking it In addition the petition said many white families living in Cape Dorseton Baffin Island 175 miles south of the Arctic circlewant Eskimo domestics but few ware trained Wc llwzyl HIV ii prompt courteous service Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next in Lin write prescriptlon for you Prescriptions pickedup and delivered free of sharia CUSDENS PHARMACY 14 Dunlap PA A6959 Collier SA gr SPECIAL PERMANENTS Duekv In School $498 run LIMETED min easy pleat inserts and stitching Camclcolared buttons accent the two pockets Gold jewel lery complimented the cos tame modelled by Miss Gwen Lowry of Strou vcy of music In the Western Civilization The Senate to the Baroque Era and The Sonata in the Classic Era other features of the work shop were Ieeturcs by various staff members of the Maier 25s cuppanclzdlscussfan st ies of styles and interpre tation theoretical work piano recitals and composers for um Miss Militgana nded the University of Pittsburgh where she had conference with Miss Flora Park head sup ervisor of Primary Education for the Elementary Schools of ittsburgh Miss Park is an ardent ex ponent of the teaching theory advocated by James liymcs Jr Director of the Nursery Kindergarten Laboratory School University of Maryland College Park Miss Itiiliigan also attended and lectures and piano recital given by Dr Newman at the Maiar Msical Association work in at lltClI cottage In the Mrs LII Shepherd all of Mrs Ilisted Mr andltlrs bicoke formerly of Creemere Iiifchestra WI Iidlollowcdby By Local Store PEOPLE AND PLACES Phona Enron Duran or Audrey Couison PA 66537 MUSKOKA HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Earl Livingston Mary Street and Mrs Ic Caufey Bradford Street spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bruce McCaufey and fame Muskoka District WEDDING GUESTS Among the guests attending the DewarLumsden wedding in St Matthews Anglican Church Etohicoke were Ifrs Nixon Mr and Mrs Thomson Mr and Mrs Thomsonltlr and Crecmore Itfr and Mrs If Nixon Bullock It and Mrs Sneyd of Hamilton The bride is Monicatitathlyn Lumsden daughter of Dr and Mrs Matthew DLumsdcn of Ifaracas Valley Trinidad West notes The ridefioom Johrr Myles Dewar is the son of Mr and Mrs Myles Dewar of Eto The newlyweds will resided Toronto GUESTS FROM SUMMEILSIDE Itfr and Mrs Coates of Nelson Street are entertaining their son and daughterinlaw 0131 and Mrs II Coaics and three children of Summer sidc Prince Edward Island Wher holidaying in the city Cpl and Mrs Coatcs celebrated the 10th anniversary of their wedding NEW RESIDENTS Major and Mrs Ray Fluery and family of Ottawa are now residing at Wellington Street East Major Fluery has been appointed Commanding Officer of the Signals Squadron Camp Borden RCAF DANCE Hard Times dance will be held by the members of the RCAF Association at the club rooms on High Street Saturday evening Dancing to music pro VJded yltirsMabeLlfosmans buffet supper served at mid night CAItIPING iioiioav Mr and Mrs Ray Livingston of Valley Drive have returned ATTENTION HOME FREEZER OWNERS FOR SALE New waxed milk carton Ideal for home freezer containers In lots 3c EACH 25 LAKEVIEW DAIRY BARRIE shop to the city from three weeks holiday motor trip Travelling with trailer the famin camp ed in various Provincial Parks in New Brunswick Nova Stalin and Prince Edward Island Mr and Mrs Livingston also one ioycd few rounds of golf dur ing the leisurely trip IIAItIlECUE SUPPER Dr and Mrs Woodstock cntertalricd at barbecue sup pcr party at their residence ItIt Harrie lastevenlng Guests included Mr and Mia Iterbcrt Gibbs of Toronto Mr and Mrs John ilolder Alec Foley ad of Little Lake tr tihdftiis Beeslcy RR Cf Barrie NIAGARA FALLS VACATION Gary Sootheran left the city today for Niagara Falls Ont ario to spend two weeks at graham of his parents and Mrs Soollicran is the Barrie Ex Sootlicran Mr staff member of aminer Advertis MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED The marriage Iias been an nounccd of Margaret Mary daughter of Mr undahfr Item IIatherIIl Brock Street to Joseph Hannlgan son of Mr and Mrs Leo Ilnnnigan of And over New answick NEW TORONTO GUEST Clutc father of Mrs Earle Vllliams Steel Street has returned to the city after holidaying at the home of his son1nrlawv and daughter Mr and Mrs Frank Hcslipof New Toronto RETURN FROM HOLIDAY Camping at Little Lake was the holiday choice of Alderman EarlWilliains Mrs Williams and childrenSusnnna and Jos eph IIoIIdaying with the Wil liams family for the past week were Mr and Mrs Barney Lapp Cindy Leslie and Bill at of Eugenia Street DINNER PARTY Mr and Mrs Niclsen Qiieen Street entertained at dinner party Wednesday even ingfnrhir Dobsoo Titfrn Street obson aunt of the hostess writ leave the city shortly for liduy on the West Coast via ng Van BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES TAL FLOWERS DeliveriesDaily renoievs FLOWERS 74 Blake PA 85975 Awnings Bathrooms Breezeways Cedar Closets Ccrncnt Work Comb Doors Storm Windows Fences Dormer Insulation Garages Garage Doors UP To FIVE YEARS TO Let Ball Modernizing handle the entire iob from start to finish tuials¢ersonal supervision financing guaranteed WUIk one responsibility Visit our Budding Material Show Room Hardwood Floors Kitchens r0 Paneling Porches Family Rooms Room Additions couver Britta lulumblarind 1th WortdKfci in Traffic tleshingtoui Part eluded Mic quy sin it Iteney II to all of Carrie inc Tom Haney Mr and Ilwrotoh havi engagement of ther daughter bliss Elizabeth tEeltyl Dali to David linker son of zIH Charles Baker and the late Mr it Baker of Craighurst Stroud United Church will be the set ting forthe wedding ceremony Aug Mr and Mrs Cccti Keowo of Churchill have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Judith Ann Kcown to John Roderick Cantu son of Mr and Mrs Norman Coulis of Cooks town The marriage will take place of an afternoon ceremony in Churehitl United Church Sept TORONTO GUESTS Mr and Mrs It Brown of Queen Street Darrlc were guests at the Park Plaza Hotel while visiting Toronto TIMM JUDILEE av Mahmoud uud daughters Allelic and Jodi have returned to the city from motoring holiday through Northern Ontario The Ionescu family attended the Golden Jubilee celebration of the town cl IimminerthcrBarriovresidu ents attending thej Timmlna eventwcra Clilt Ward and son Paul Mr and Mrs Dale Ralph IT pinstripe of Carrie DistrictL If ters and Anglers Conservation Club DRIDAL eiioiynn Irfor iohcr marriage to Gus Heyden Alisa Mary Mncdonafd was entertained at miscellarl eous shower held at the home of Miss Norma Cole the brides maid of honor presentation was made to the bride byosp sociateemployces of the canna ian General Electric Company at the club room Dradfor Street raniousivanrn ABERDEEN Scotland fCPl The ninth research vessel tabs called Discovery was launched here The newton vessel Will be part of research expedition to the Indian Ocean The first Discovery was laundied in 1602 but the most famous one was the supply ship for Capt Debut Scotts Antarctic expedition or 1912 Try An Exanitacr Want Ad PLIONE PA 94414 Before You Buy Furs Compare As To comment 51an onKiiIANsmP AND ABOVE ALL PRICE Large Selection To Suit Ever Him we Invite Your Inspection No OIIIIItIun ORESTYLINI ItEIAlItING COLD ETDRAOE Satisfaction Guaranteed WIGGIIIS IIIIIS Barries Exclusive Farrier who make and cells furl only Dorrie Toronto Dunlap St yea sues ONHOME MODERNIZATION OrRoofing Siding TileFloor Wail Ceiling my free estimates skilled workmen quality ms all included in one fair piicc one company AddnItoom Room Additions You can provide needed space for family and guests by the addition of an extra room Average size addi tions foras low as Lei Boll Modernizing Handle The Complete Jolt MATERIAL PLANNING PDESIGNING FINANCING LABOR all trades 4s ANNE sr maulummsseawas SERVICES 1962 initiatinviniii ittItIISI

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