Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1962, p. 3

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BROAD SMILE from mem bers of the chinncrs Class tailing thechd Cross Water Safety tests organized by the Simcoc County Recreation Scr vico on Christian Islandthis summer Though the children are naturally good in the water this is the first time any instruction and tests had been organized for them tPhoto by Griesbacb By GWYNNE POWER In the Indian Agents office on Christian island hangs slogan that reads the best way out of difficulty is through it Powlcss the agent did ill make the slogan lipits commercially printed signbut he has tendency to act upon And In the 900ttacre Georgian Bay island home of the Chippe was of Beausoletl hand there is no shortage of diitieillties to go through lttr Powtess is something of rarity among Indian agents he is an Indian himselfa illo hawk from the Six Nations re serve near Brantford As rep rescnlative of the Canadian In dian Atinirs Departmentand as such of the Cnnudjbn Govern meatha is adviser adminis trator and general trouble shooter for the Silostrong band NOT THE SAME Though not of the samep einfohawksare Iroquois the Chippewas are HeronsMr Fowless says he has encount ered little or no resentment since he took over administra tion of the Island year and half ago They are prepared to ac cent man for what he is no matter where he comes from the agent says Though at the nioment the agencys responsibilities are wideencompassing almost all aspects of activity on the is landthe long term plan is for responsibility to be transferred tag variety of proiccts mov ing to schedule In rugged fourwheebdrive jeep Mr Powlcss combs his territory but in bouncing breathless sprinterview last week he found time to give his nononscnse views on reserve development IMAGINATION it needs hold imagination wo have to take the butt by the horns and get things done Theres no time to pussytoot around he said The Island Is not too well an dowcd with roads Those that exist are soft sandy surfaces but one project under way in to drive road through from the settlement around the dock on the southern corner of the island to an ldylie beachslab ed for future cottage develop mentia the north To reach these projects he pushesvhimscif and his vehicle hard As he forced and skidded hisw na Sodegrce slope liTsllpeersa hairdresser tion he grinned dont like to let anything boss me He has seen lot of service behind the wheel of jeep During the war he was with RCEME in Canada the UK and Western Europe Nor is he stranger to Indian admin istratian Beforehis career In the ln dian Affairs department he served first as conneibnan then as chief of his band on the Six Nations reserve He gave up his own business to join the government service hardly find an Indian working in firm he said It is matter of educating both groups to this thing he went on This integration is under way In the schools High school stu lnnd for their studies and in September students from grades seven and eight will ac company them Mr Powless is far from an avid supporter of Indian craft workns an industry anyway It takes good craftsman sev eral days to prepare one of these porcupine with decorative boxesand the bestihe can get for it Is couple of dollars he said But he does feel that the In dian people have the capacity to be fine craftsmenan to turn it to some commercial ad vantage Farmingdcvelopment on the island to almost nonexistent few gardens are being devei oped private therels govarnmentsponsoredor oli eclivo project for crop raising Mr Powless explains this simply The Indian people dust are not farmers they are out for something else There is however an experi mental cattle raising protect and the band runs an Airhead beefherd All who live on the island leadership Mr Powless has some definite ideas about ad vising and leading Whatever happens with him In the agents seat things wont dents are already going to Mid To Get Cash agree that the big need is for woman killed in an auto mobile accident at the High Falls Rd near Dracobridgo 0rit and No 11 Highway Wed nesdaynight has been identi fied as the motheriniaw of the Danish viceconsul in Manta real ifenning Stoffregcn The womans name however is being withheld by the Danish ConsulateGeneral She was passenger in car driven by Stoftregen Steffrelt sens wife Gene Renti 42 and their two children also were In the car Mrs Stottregen is in hospital with cuts and head in juries but her condition isnot believed to be serious Police said the Stoifregen car was turning left from the high way when it was struck blcad side by one driven by Clifford Hohson 50 of chdale Mich Hobson was not hurt but two passengers in his car Mrs Alta Worth 42 and Mrs Edith Dick inson 45 both of Ferndalc suf fered minor injuries Till Broken ino windows were smashed and tilt broken open before thieves reached $50 cash haul at Jae McBrides service station on Bradford and John Streets early this maming Police said the intruders had of the building and entered the orernans office then broken on inside window to get through to the front office The tilt was removed from the counter and forced open on the floor and cash contents re smashed window at the rear run urinal lawmana roman AUGUST no OBITUth THOMAS BERRY Funeral service for Thomas John Berry or who died at Camp burden Diursday will be held at Steckley Funeral Home at pm Saturday Burial will be lnMunsIIeld cemetery Son of the late Mr and Mrs Philip Berry at Lisle Mr Barry Is survived by three brothers William of Alliston Richard oi Orilita and Truman of Terra Nova andtwp sisters Mrs Alf Prlngle Killian elof Shelbounlc and Mrs Bert Prlngle Gladys of Barrie ltIABEL RICIIARSDN Funeral service for Mabel Elizabeth Richardson 75 of Craighirrrt who died in St Ita drews Hospital Midland falt owing heart condition was held at her home Burial was in Cralghurst Presbyterian Ce metcry Miss Richardson was born in Fine township daughter of the late Ilenry Richardson and Mary Jane thtlllert Richardson Shespent hcr iii if burstinrddtstrlet She won practical nurse Sunday Sdrool Group and an of the church and Womens Missionary Society She was oyaEOra ssoclatlon Craig hurst andot Craighurst Wom ens Institute brcedcra from all parts or Ontnrio were gathered at the Duties at teacher organ include handing out champion izer and leader of Explorer 5th active member all of PHELPSTON GIRL INCONTST lOit Daughters oi Shorthorn DR the shorthorn Lassie rp ribbons at the major ows and general promotion Shortborn cattle Finalists SOMETHING UNIQ sociaiton The will be made at the 1962 Royal Winter Fair From the left Front row Evelyn Ilahn of Ncustadt Barbara for the honor are seen with ltlrs TsBeardrn hlills centre vice president Ontario Agricultural College to of the ShorthomLossie Asso decide who would be the Shorthorn Lassie for 1902 to Monica qll ore of Mono ciatioa and chairman al the selection committee nd White rightl secretary final selection Lrissm blaughaa ot Monica OShca Sh Cold Springs ct Graatun arthom Lassie for last Carolyn Martin oi Theipston buck row Mrs Beard morc Katherine Campbell of lldcrtaa Charlotte Smith atsw Guelph Darhara Stevens of Oiatliam Anne Tremble at Orangeviile Georgiana Kelffcr of Wingham Irma Verchot Northcotc and Ralph White of Guelph vciny sister Mrs Bert Gaston Alma of Craighurst sister in law Mrs Edwin Richardson Tororr to four nieces and two neph ews Relatives and tricrids from Tomato Uxbridge Midland Barrie Eimvale and Halo at tended the funeral Otfictatlng clergymen were Rev William Newman and Mr Stonc Pallbearers were Ron Rich ardson Allan Richardson Leon ard Richardson James Richard son Reid Richardson and Earle Rlahardsoa annals amen Simcoe MP5 lire Sworn In in pl in Barrie To Get New Industry The first company in Canada to make marbeltzcd glass for table tops fireplaces and wall coverings expects to have Barrie plant in October The Crown Gin Co previously known as Com pany because number of negotiations had to be com picted has been incorporated and the charter is now being processed The new plant will cover 5600 square feet in Rarrles Indus trial Park at the corner of John and Lorena Streets pcration by cent survey for local industries had bern found that some of them could be supplied with products from ncimiboring and local industries Harold Happc president of the new company said the firm holds three patents on mirror coloring On one product col ored glass is placed between two pieces of transparent glass Pictures on the colored glass are visible from either side of the door This product will be used for door fillingsI windows room dividers and in churches The one piece of glass gives the from 10 to 20 people to start mafia 1562 model machines panfiire Harry Hess onto and Heinz Tolimien manufacture which will utilize the glass proa duct Lumber Company Is already underway has stressed that it would be people for any new jobs entirely new The company will employ ith and will use fully auto Sharebotders the Toronto arold Happe president Tor The company also plans to small furniture Construction by Allandaie Management of the new firm terested in training Barrie Mayor Les Cooke said the ant will manufacture un ue type ot glasssomething same effect as stained glass window Officials of the special machine now en route from Germany Mr Happe said the company will have big line at produc tion in the mirroring process of glass Antique glass mirrors with candle holders at the side will be specialty We expect Dominionwide marketnod also hope to export to the United States Mr Happe said Mayor Les Cooke said it is encouraging to see that the owner is interested in local pee pie to fit in to do the special ized work that Is necessary in the operation This is certainly In line with the type of Industry that Barrio needs because It is small growth firm that will ex vpand with the city he added Mr Cooke commended Char les Griffin of Aliandaie Lumber iorvarkingwttbEdiMaysIn dustriai Commisster and Commission to persuade the outottowu firm to come to Barrie rectification for the Donors to the BARRIE COLLEGIATE BAND fully to the elected chief and Almost without exception stand still moved band councilmen The band electsits council men on an approximate ratio of one for every hundred per sons in the band The present council is madeup of Chief Riley Roofenow convalescing after car accidentand four councilman But for the moment the agen cys respans lttics rea11 labia gFrheytim cation supervision of finances both band funds and govern ment grantstransportation es tates and welfare and pensions Despite these factors and the mountain of paperwork they involve much of the anyone working on the island is working for the government and government jobs fluctuate from day to daybut on the average most of the workforce of somajft men is out of work Mr Flawless pointed out that few reserve residents are em ployed on the mainland and put this down to the fact that integrationsbadmotaesehedfi stage in the vie ty of reserves in southern Ontario In industrial areas in the south ot the province where in tegration has been going ahead for hundred years you will find many Indians working in agents work is outside keep faetories in all types of work on the mainland here youll Over 10000 People In County Speak French Census Indicates By FARMER TISSINGTON Ottawa OTTAWA Over 10000 people in Simcoe County can speak French according to re cantly published information compiled during the taking of the looleensuse Of total county population of 1271130707 can speak Eng lish only am can speak French only 9168 can speak both Eng 45a Presbyterians 6329 Baptists miutberans utecostal areum 266 JawF sh 256 ltfcnna es and 247 Greek Catholics Comparable figures for the two largest towns show the fol lowing United cannons Oriilia 4969 Roman Catholic Barrie 3480 Drillia 2251 Ang lican Barrie 5430 0rillia 3461 Presbyterian Barrie matters of business affecting OIIAWA SpeciallDr Rynard Conservative MP for East Simone and Haber Smith Conservative member for North cue were swarnlato office here The two Simcoe MPs drove to Ottawa Wednesdaymoruing and left for home Wednesday high in tthanital bothfidenrnmmrcon facts and telephone calls on to their own ridings Dr Ryaard was hopeful that he would have an opportunity to visit with prime minister Diet enbaker at his Sussex street residence TheEast Simone MP is close friend ofthe prime minister who hasbaen confined Mr Cooke said that in re Writes Book 0n Communism Cadwetl and Mr Cicamntcmlhlxstidepas through Barrie yesterday on Canada lawyer attended University of Torontoand Osgoode Hall Law School In 1955 and 1956 be served as legal adviser in Inde 255 Drum Baptist to bed at his home following nam and Cambodia Canadian born author Roy Cadwell of ur of Ontario and eastern lf Mr Cndweli practicing the Canadian Peace ioners in Laos Vieb in thcBARRIE ARENA MONDAY AUGUST Arena PM Featuring barrio Talent LESLIE GILLESPIE baritone soloist with the olalanw=rona=nrdfibfc= Program mater lg The Ross Caldwell singers Dance Units from the recurrence SCHOOL OF DANCE Soloists and Band in WORLDS FAIR ran FORMANCE His latest book Communism In The Modern World will be published in Philadelphia by Dorrance and Company and handled in Canada by Ryerson fracture of an anlrletwo weeks ago The procedure of being sworn in by the House of Commons clerk been Raymond is neces iish and French and 535 can not speak either majorglangd age In Orillla oli15345 people Barrie 940 Oriliia 1276 The British Isles are the ethnic origin of most Simcae residents with 102947 in this GENERAL ADMISSION sroo Festival To Have wwifiififilunrpnmvmmmm serious ASpects Essentially the second annual 13¢ Mariposa Folk Festival to be held in Grillia August 10 11 and 12 is weekend of holi day fun and folk music neuter tainment But this years testi valwill also have itSmnre serious academic educational aspects in the form of three part Symposium Some Faces of Folk Music to take place smwlmssaemacmnczrcsa tivai weekend This educational symposium as been arranged by the Guild of Canadian Folk Artists non profit assouiation of folk per formers and afficianados dedic ated to the advancement of folk music as performing art in Canada BACKGROUND Thesymposium will attempt to provide interested festival goera with some background in formation oa folk music to heighten this as into three sections the sym as ium will consider the musical historical and entertainment personality and performer at this years festival will open the symposium with his vftwa on the singing aspects of folk music The cultural historical and will be treated by Mrs Edith Fowke in an informal discussion entitled Our Traditional Herit age Mrs Fowke is ode of Canad respected collect ors of folk songs Herrecent anthology Canadas Story in Song traces Ilic history of Canada through folk music Finally panel of individuals representing minimums Hirep130 lag and entertarnmcnt face of vcrypopulnr entertainment form Panelists will include Oscar Brand Ian Tyson and Tom Kines all wellknawn folk singers entertainers and per formers at this years festival Robert Shelton respected music critic of The New York Times Albert Grossman pro ducer of the Newport Folk Fes tival and the guiding geniusbe hind such wellknown folk music stars as Peter Pauliand Mary Odetta and Joan Baez and Is raelYoung director of the New flrGitaésztfiolklermrw an columnist for Sing out magazine Prince Philip bought to paint ings and three charcoal draw ings at an exhibition in the Royal Scottish Academy They sociological face of folk music are expected to hang at Holy rood House here 14971 speak English only 18 speak French only 331 are bilingual and 75 do not speak either language In Barrie with population of 11169 20382 speak English so speak French 700 are bilingual and 49 cannot speak either ThetlnitedChurch ranks as the largest denomination in Sims coe County with 43198 adher ents There are 31550 Roman Catholics 29717 Anglicans 19 aArirur CHURCH0F CHRIST August 1030 am 901 category total of just over sary before member may 15000 have French origin take his seat in the Commons 4700 German 5464 The Neth However member mayprop erlands 1369 Polish 1251 erly call himself member of Italian and 177 Jewish Parliament as soon as his elec tion is published in the Canada Gazette In the case of Dr LEGENDARY PATH vs Rynard and Mr Smith tidi Legend says the Grants In Press of Toronto World is an outline of the strategy and tactics of the Corn domination and what the demo cracies should do ab tit Mr CRLIWEIISSIII Communism In The Modern unistsin their plan for world TICKETS AVAILABLE AT WEAYMOUTHS STORE JACKSONS GRILL THE BARRIE ARENA publication appeared several Causeway series of columns weeks ago following confirma extendmg three nules on Ire tion of theirvictories in the at lands north coast was built for giants to cross to Scotland ANNOUNCING FIRST MEETING as Fe FunigerJntormaNonseHenr4€hri CFOR Sunday 430 or writel0 Box 460 Barrietnt PermanentLocntion to be Corner of Willowdoleand cook Std finial countsaiter the June 13 vote hvL anechquecleIluulfDarrle WESLEY JONES EVANGELIST Acr NOWrAND sAin Stitch Salami FURNACE Complete With Coma HEATS TO Limited Quantit ROOMS aArtRIE HEATING LTD

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