Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1962, p. 2

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31113 Balm name some auousr nu FortresjPlan Manoeuvres ill World Fair OTTAWA fCPléTb biflcst military tattoo ev staged by Canadas regular fbrces is ehn up across the country preparation for the Seattle Worlds Fair next month Nothing like it has ever been dolnc asiebd of presenting military rnanoeuvrea the twohour tattoo will tell the story of Canadas history woven through to mili tary pageants complete with gi gantic backdrops ran men seven bands the RCMP Musl cnl Ride and all the color that historical uniforms and colored lights can muster in some uses the perform ers wont meet until about week before the sixday run he gills Sept 10 the beginning of Canada Week But at various military establishments across Canada units have been trying out their parts of the show since July Each part will be handled to holds completed package Capt Ian Fraser of New Glas gow NS the showa wrltcr producer and director said siics aircraft and shlps Mr Thufday EVEIYihlflE WI New crimson Berlin ratios Isrseen Inashe forces from across Canada Jhave joined with official bless WASHINGTON L4 =53 fPreimer nrsllirtleVTrobaliiyT costing the Canadian taxpayer will my 5mm Pence Plhlilfsr Th0 W0rld Fair treaty with Communist Eost picking up the tub estimated at Germany later this year not it more than 0000 is highly unlikely he will give Each night during CNN the East Germans the power to Week the tattoo Will be life too the world into war over seated in thcifoooseat sta gm dium Specular WIHAEB 81755 US lenders now are gener French sentry mounting guard ally agreed that new Berlin British sentry mounting crisis is in the making Sunrdln the 185565 period lhfl They are receiving stcody Changing of the guard MI fiow of Russianinspired minors icry display by members 01 18 of troublcln Euro end on ltals The British Medical Jnumol 110an Canadth Horse Artillery They get forewzlhnintzap too official organ of the Eriiish the navys sunset ceremony mush is 15 innmud Medical Association said in no and even fantasy on wooden article that one woman who soidie gt tooktbepilldicdofabiooil sinf roamtifmm thrill on the long after she had RCAFA Golden Hawks Will give veloped thrombosis condition daily aerobatic displays navy in the veins of her leg gastrovgr bicfftslflltllfffgfl bme The journal said the woman °ri had ms history of mmme and remember air force hand sis during pregnancy and that g1 Sally mm theevidence llnklng her death with thepitl was at present only circumstantial But the article continued at least for the time being previous thrombocmbaiic disv ens in pregnaiticyl sgouldbe as can re looting of them were granted voiuntar ily to the West by their legal fdmlmfifgfl CW Slivvcrnmcntti WWW pm leconseh no ve co no on re or pics Your foreign bases Icre Slim last night in what Police was inggnzgesfixdflfi dead also established with the can feel may be the work of sin abmmenwm hua glevefgsgz seat of the local governments glc group thrombosis Hawking Im but those governments were in addition to the forcing of Two of the women had bpw powerless to resist and the com the loc McBride station Park mug the pm during tests for 5th 0f the Movies was not Motors and the Plus station at the council for he invcsyimian asked Bradford and Victoria were en of fertility control body which MUST use oaocnnrnv md works closely with the family He added So long as the so €95 Wm WP planning association They and vict maintains as you boast 5mm but 955 me it the third woman recovered vast superiority of conventional ng 9W Mhligxhad The Journalsaid that at forces at the geographic centre PM 51919 the 15 been 653535 liiiiieiiiiiii°2iciiiii Fifty dollars in cash was tak New Family Reildiuslmg Misses Friends From West that oral contraception involved all from the McBride stations no more risk of thrombuembn front offi One oi the hardest things about moving loBarrie for 19 llsm than normal pregnonc yearold Wayne Hart is read Liberals Present or Phil Stronger Front Hart family 75 Donald St who have been here for about three my CEThe Liberals after doubling their Commons representation in thevgenernl election will be led in the House by considerably strengthened front rank of members They ivlll birvnotably stronger for debates on economics and finance defence and agricul and normelbalflc be resumed for tire weekend Excavation on Maple Ave necessitated onewny traffic for water main yesterday The filling in was completed annals rrrcnrnhr srnnn James Savage left of 372 Codrlngton Street bend of the science department at Bar ie learns how newlydeveloped slty Ithaca is explain classroom gyroscope can be ing to Mr Savage how the used in teaching his studca model gyroscope can IJf used phst a=demmstratethafunct structor at Cornell Un or of guidance systems in this eahcc$rsmr BcrlillTiir corridors and the Red threat to shoot down an Amer ican helicopter at Berlin earlier this week The signs of new flarcup oi crisis are growing almost ev ery day Yet IIIEIEIS also cvi deuce that Khrushchev has not made all of tits final decisions as he continues his pressures to get the United States Britain and France to abandon West Berlin Problems oi Berlin strategy and diplomalic and legal issues related to the peace treaty They CalIHim Miracle Baby Following Seven Operations nusanoaa Minn for They call him the miracle baby and after seven opera tions Inhls Ill months its no wonder By THE CANADIAN PRESS Todd Groenewold was born March tool without cone Southampton OntlIilrs role Pearson 95 motherof nection between his esophagus BI sdcrzbostor 5W dcr discussions of planned for discussion between Khrushchev and East German Communist leader Walter Ulbricht some whereon theiBlnck Sea Ul hricht flow from Berlin to the SovictUnlna Wrdncsday The latest direct account of Khrushcilevs views was re ported to Washington by retin ing US Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson lust before he left Moscow last week He spent considerable time with the So vict leader week ago Wednes curl Paper Advises Nikita WINNIPEG iCPiTtic Free Press in an open letter to Nikita Khrushchev calls on the Soviet premier to continue bar gaining if he really wants wnfld chsarmamcnt But it citcstlle Sovicts rec LONDON Reuters Medl cnl doubtsaboilt the new oral contraceptive sold by the Brit lsilFamll Plannin Association we 15 were cxpicssod belie offer the balance its inferiority by using death of man who my me geography as best it may nnd pm posing the ultimate threat of equal or superior nuclear power While questioning many of Mr Khrusbclleve snl Mn Nevertheless your speech while mystifying is welcome At least it indicates to uslhat you too are tired of the lu nacy terrified of its rcsultsand eager to end it somehow it you arc let us continue bargaining for we have no other alterna tive but joint sulclda pa colnpnnled by translation in itusslan and note by Publisher if Malone it is possible that some of our readers particularly those with origins in Russia or its satellitccountrics may wlsil to ord of acts that impress us much mini this reply to friends he ore than the speccbmntln hind Briton Curtain tomnnd declares new viet Mr Malone said copy of proposals on Vcsthrilli appear the article is being mailed to to be based on the hope that Premier Khrushchev personally if the Western dike is broken and it was to be broadcast by there it will soon collapse Radio Emily private organ GVEDWthe izatlon based in New York that liieleticrls written by Bruce beams films bahid Hitchlsoa editorof the Victoria cumms Times one of the Ft Publica tions group of newspapers to which the FrcoPrcss also be longs It is in reply to three page advcrtiscmont inserted in the Free Press and two other Canadian mom that he would have to make up hi mind about the long threatened peace treaty without too much further delay lie also gave Thompson to understand that he wants to developfurther his case for change in the status of West Berlin This could mean that he in tends to open up the whole is sue in the United Nations Gen eral Assembly in the fall again claiming that the continued llestcrnoccnpatioo ofttic city entcs album which coiildbc clifinatcd if the West would bow to his demands EXPECT TIIRBAT The host informed officials here believe Khrushchev in the end will choose to avoid war but will make his throat to sign peace treaty official Washington is all but convinccd that Khrushchev will see that the treaty contains some provisions specifying re scrve rights for the Soviet Una ion on the more critical Berlin problem I0ne of this yeahe inert important books operation was required to cor root the position of the feeding tube By mid May Todd had gained weight up to nine pounds two ounces and went home to his parents farm four miles from this southwestern Minnesota community Doctors said he bad so Ivcd this thi lies April he returned to the hospital for three operations Now Todd is home and thriv ing much like normal child But one more operationhope fully the lasiqemains doctors say Ills esophagus runs outside of Todds hrcasthonc When hes about six doctors will operate to place tho tube inside the chest Thon say the surgeons the Then say the surgeons tlie blondeyoungsler will be able to romp happily with the four oth er Grocncwold children His mother cxpccting another child says it will take many years to pay off the medical expenses for Todds operations But she adds We dont worry about that just so glad to have ltlr Hutchison said Wcstcrn armament is nothing hilt response to years late and re luctant as you must know As to the Western bases all gird his stomach The LIlllflfltI en That meant trouble at once for the infant son of farm couple illr and Mrs Donald Croenewold Dr Ssfivteli of Worthington Minn gave the baby oxygen and put him in an incubator Todd couldnt keep any food or water down and examination showed the serious troubleHe was taken to hospital in hila neapolis for surgery In five hour operation surgeons con nected the esophagus to the stomach week later this broke down and trail Todd was hurried back for another five hours on the operating table He was fed milk through tubeinserted di rectly into his stomach Iaanother week lung col lapsed andTodd got pneumonia April t7196ira til elloiir TODAYS STOCK PRICES LDIIDII DE tlal hi the ew eruipvemfi=ooinpnooorfinrlrlynnrssuonnrp st Barrie mlE DIEM DLt Bell Dntn Found Dons Store from Tar Gt Llhs Gut Pow End Farm Home Plt Mr Khrushchcvs speech to the World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace in Moscow in June The Free Press had sought without success to publish re ply in the Communist Party newspaper Pravda or the Mos cow cvening paper Vcehernaya Moskva for the same price $2800 The Free Pres reply was ac Worsaw PolandLeon Kruc zkowski leading Polish play wright author and winner of tile Stalin Peace prize in 1953 Montreal Professor James Urquhart litacEwan 66 former chairman of the metallurgical department of McGlil Univer sity New YorkJane Romano 33 who three years ago scored triumph as standin for Ethel Norman in the musical gypsy BuffaloJames Whitmore 51 community planning official andfother of motion picture and television star James Whllmore Southampton NYArchiteCt Markoc Robertson fit who contributed his talents to build ing number of Manhattan sky scrapers but not to the extent be has found here Harts lived in Brentwood in less rid are not strangers to this This area has chang ed ndously since the last time were here said Mr Hart =lvse prove The family likes this section of Ontario and would like to re main here Mr Hart and his two sons consider the fishing good even though they havent found their paradlso yet We are still looking for it said Murray member was chairman of the mid1950 royal commissmp on Canadas economic prospects chairman of the committee on organization of government in Ontario and an organizer of the foreign exchange control board TWO OTHERS IN Experfly CLEANED AND SERVICED BOWENS Joseph Hart father is ser geant in the Canadian Provost Corps Camp Borden He was transferred from Calgary The first thing to strike mem bers of the family as unusual when they anivediwas the lack Alberto Atllrltlhl can Aluminium Alberta Gas Alta Nat Eu Atltu Steel Bk of lunar SW1 is es mi zslt iii 3414 Nor Ont NE hlooro Corp hlcln Poic osnm Panlfic Pete Wm Pent Plpn Page Hersey ills Que Nat Gas 125 its Cadwalii timely priming Ewelldocumented but my initials main in your Donation lhli TI 23 of activities Wayne said he has not found one new friend yet and does not know of any social activ ities he could have attended llewas surprised vhen in armed that Barrie did have certain recreational facilities other than parks and play grounds its so different from Calgary hesaid He was aware that in mov ing from big to smaller city its only matter of fime latte agood hard look at Bar rie said Mr Hart He noted they have been fortunate in who lives just clown the block from them on Donald St This has helped considerably he said They agree they miss their Calgary friends Wayne once worked on ranch and he misses the range and the before we really settle down and meeting friend from Calgary ture The party had 51 Command members at dissolution of the last Parliament but four former cabinet ministers shauldere Gordons al commission team were elected June lit lano former director of econo Two other members ofllIr John Davis 45 anistCapi Bank at MS Hell Tel Brazilian BA Oil 30 Power Cdn Brew 16 Cllrlimll Bk Com 54 Home Of Bud Ba Mia tarp Tc area 01 lad Accnpt inland NG linter Nickel Hawk Siddloy Hotbmanr Itnyll Blah Salads Shirrlzt Slmprons Shawlnlgaa steeizof CBIL Oil Burner Service gt PA 92224 425 71h Bbrx 1W 26 eader Lester Pearson Paul Martin Pickersgili and Lionel Chovrier were on tbeirfeei so much day in and day out that they were dubbed the Four Horsemen of the 195862 Parliament EllCE Madeleine pust aduatc otlhe London School of Economics mics for the tredevlepartlnent senior economist for the Gordon commission Rhoilcs scholar in economics and political sci Maurice Sauve 38 liesdeale and holder of an economics de cPlt CdauCcment Call Chemical Can Oil Calgary Power Cnn Mlnlem Con Paper Consumers Gas Labatt leeilnd Call Dylan iGeco MIMI Interprnv Pips Jockey Club Mae Pow HIV TarDum Bk Trans Gui Trans Mt Trad Flll Tcxncn BNOW AT srocrrs ownsneurons surens RESEARCH without obligation Massey Perl Nornon MINING Unlcn Gas Walker 054W NESBIII THOMSON AND COMPANY LIMITED 89 DUNLOP ST Operslsill 500 sums iooj gt anrnanca luaiuoainr scunna PA c2412 BARRIE 980 915 lan 515 Can Husky Can Devonian Camp Chtb Quemont Rio Algom Sher Gnllion Steep Rook Gunau ill Bolilnger KcrrvAddtsoa Lllalouo horses LACKED FARM CRITIC difficulties could be involved gtMr Pearson foreign affairs gree from the University of Paris who organized Premier 380 Mil 1325 will have anotboresunnyidny to day witii midafternoon tempers atures inthe low afls Clouds and showers are expected to move into central Ontario dur ing the day and into southern Ontario Saturday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake 0n tarioWindsol London Hamlh toll Toronto Sunnyand little warmer today Saturday mainly cloudy with few showers or thundershowers Turning cooler late Saturday Winds southwest ngnwnthhLofiemm SouthernGeorglan Bay Hall burton Silnny and little warmer today ccornlng cloudy this afternoon with scattered and undorsiiono Clo up Saturday morning and turning coolerWinds southwest 15 today and northeast is Satur ny Northern Goorginatlay Ai gom vlomngam North Bay sudhoryr Sunny clouding over with suatictod showers and ronrcnsr west 15 Whi eltidélfC6Eh re Cloudy and cooler today with few showersor thundersboivers Partly cloudy and continuing cool Saturday Winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 75 75 Kitchener Wingham glamiitoa crbnrougb Trenton Killaloo Muskoka Sudbury Enritoa White River Moosonae SaultSle Maria Timmins Forest Pflholtetharfchloudy antraorssmroayrwmdssmn expert mastered the complexi ties of high finance and trade Mr Martin tumor health ister and lawyer represen autoproducing area was ag ricuttu 15 so rienced farm critic Behind the former ministers only handful of others could consistently step into debates Because they were spread so thlnin speaking power the Lib erals sometimes were not able to keep debates going Now the party has more horses in economics they look to Walter Gordon 56 the poten an expe TOBUYFURNITUItf PattiJO He can save you lot of time Nored tape needed Ask him about his deale Inc on crals have added firepower in Drury 50 lilontrealrSt Antoine MKESmflLmoleALJfliigmmt Heliyer Bilyearoid MP for Tor onto Trinity who was associate MruDrury wartime briga dier was deputy ministerial na tional defence from 1949 to in zen Argue defected to the Li erals midway through the last one farmerMP in the lossoz Parliament and no Prairie rep resentative WIIYBORROWMONEY esages moo Quebec victory For defence debates the Lib ewcomer Charles Bud wtth efence minister briefly in Ill Until former CCF Leader ll cssion the Liberals had only financ No additionalJ security PURcHnss PLANS Cn Del Rio dapper also Con Hail Dcntson bilnel Sullivan Palcnnbrldge El ZHIOELAW A55 Arcadia Ciln Olll tacobur Tidal Potts TransCamila Pipe Industnsu down is Rail down lzuulluss up an NAME Mrs Nancy Salter Treat ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND TRIBUTION TO THE PACIFIC TOUR I15 17 1015 166 17 Loradn Nlrftilnrl Mums Min Narmatai Northgate bD 93 105 640 DOWioNlB NIW YDIIK AVERAGE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX ANYONE WHO HAS NOT BEEN CONTACTED AND WISHES TO DONATE TO THE PACIFIC route or THE aAriRis conceian BAND PLEASE MAIL rHis SLIP WITH YOUR cneoue nun 55559nnmmm you United Oil Wilmy Wilts aswv BARBIE COLLEGIATE BAND 155 17 See the MINICOOPER now Date ed in to C0 Automatic transmission pushbutton radio white wall tires this exquisite beauty is finished in gleaming black and white hardtop For the man whowanis BETTER CAR PA a2ol7 flayA iruram wear aase auugnrcal MEMBERSToronto Montreal Canadian stack Exchanch BRANCHESCoast to Coast to Canada New York London Engl in stock See nilr selection of new and used quality cars we service what we sell Complete stock of fast moving parts With autos moralistic 94 TtFFlN 5r SIMCOE MOTORS BODY SHOP wooyciilhsirnsanliool fireeconomys lmnlvtunamlrcrrrv fis

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