long time FEASHBIICK The late Mark Robinson superintendent of tlgonquin Park nearly 40 years ago He was great woodsman rind naturalist and special friend of the eminent Canadian artist Tom Thom son to discovered the artists body after the tragedy in Canoe Lake Pictured with him is his son Mark Jr now an official oithc Fore estry Department in Ottawa hipson vitarr Cancer Not Due To Environment Do the surroundings in which we live give people higher risk of getting con cor For five years the Us No lionnl Cancer Institute has been conducting such study of eenvirenmentai causes of cancer in the ifogcrstown Md area Laboratory analyses of wa ter soils rocks air and veg etation were combined with review of county health rec ords for several decades past plus new data onycancer ill nessce it Experts found variations in cancer rates in the to dis tricts studied but conclude that these differences were due to chance and couldnt be connected with any specific cause in the surroundings GLUEvSNIFIING Sniffing airplane glue or plastic cements is potentially harmful to adolescents yet this practice seems to be be coming bit of crane and is severe threat in some communities two physicians caution Youngsters can New Steel Bridge Saga Will Take Years To Fix MELBOURNE tCPl With chaotic traffic effects and busie ness disruption this Australian lliver Yarraand sponsor cit of 1850000 is suffering fiUflFiItB prertcftwuFWEItI steel bridge girders cracking Explosive noise and anacr companying earth tremor one cold and frosty July mornintt led to the startling discovery that Kings Bridge on auto mobile freeway spanning busy city roadways the blocks was not only unsafe for cars but menaccdtraffic flow ing constantlyr hen th its arches One fiSfootsection in the ap proaches to the bridge which cost $10000000 undwas opened only 15 months ago had sagged two feet making the freeway impassable for motor traffic one LONG TIEUP Tile bridge was ordered closed finitely and estimates of time needcdto restore it leaped from weeks to years with men and machines working around the clock to strip everything above the supporting foundation columns built too feet into at dispose of unwanted material and rebuild the superstructu wenflttouccztbLflidgeJna 12hour stretch daily had been 45000 vehicles These vehicles had to find other ways in and out of the city Three shifts is day have worked on tests discloSing crack after crack in the huge iron girdersof the bridge and shoring up weak spots with timber The public was shocked that iin overhead highway which had beentalked of for gener ation on which experts had spent two years of planning to build maiden suddenly Es come we less OTTAWA CPIThe idea of eliminating income tax on an investors earnings from provin cial and municipal bonds is percolating through the Cana dinn financial community The idea has bubbled up sev eral times in evidence given be fore the royal commission on banking and finance Some wit nesses see it as possible way of making it easier and cheaper for municipalities to borrow Tnxexempt status for such bonds already is granted in the United Stores Canadian adio catcs of the move say it nuld be on extension of the pr ipie already accepted torrenuitics in the farm of the writercent divi dend tax credit ffowcvers it sllll is too early to develop fully the nrguments pro and con let alone even specolale on the commissions drinking on the subject for thing the commission has ye hear from the banks the federal finance department the Bank of Canada or the gov bectwo provinces that have more than half the total Cana dlun municipal debt ItIIPOftf IN 1961 These groups will Vlicwlieardr later this year starting with hearings in September and Oc tober The commissions report to the government is scheduled for some time next year in time for the loot decennial re view of the banking legislation Municipal borrowing problems are ri ht down the alie of uttlliilt scuff nlnnsn Justice Dana Porter of Oahu high from thc vapors The solvean in the glues could be harmful to the liver kl peys brain and bone murro cl though there is no docu mentcd evidenceiyet of apy serious physical harm write Dis llelen Glaser and Oliver hinssengnic of the Univer sity of Colorado Medical Centre YOUNG STEADI DATING too mnriy adults today are immature because nts forced them to grow up be fore they had chance to do tielop their talents abilities and capacity for achieving happiness declares Dr Wil liam Bench Jr California psychiatrist He says an example is regu Inr dating between boys and gins not yet in their teens which parents may think is cute Andparents err he adds in Medical Times magazine when we accept an individ ual because he is able to do this or that ratherthan for what he is as on individual And we transmit this to our children arcs in steel that had been welded quoted ex amples of largescale failures experienced in other parts of tlui Wlli melodlog=Belglun and Germany between 1930 and 1949 The Dupiessis Bridge collapse in 1951 at TroisRivieres Que was cited The cause was never fissures had been found near welded joints in the superstrue torerFourpersonsWere killed when the west Section fell into the St Lawrence River in 10 belowzero weather Until tests are completed causes of failures established and effective remedial meas urcs applied Melbournes nnt0r ious traffic snarls will grow VOISE Encouraged earlier by what Kings Bridge had done to ease bottlenecks authorities had giventhe goahead for other freeways but for the time be ing works involving use of high tcnsile steel welded girders have been halted Eire Hubby eSeparaie HOLLYWOOD APlActrcss Jayne Mansfield and her mus cleman husband Mickey Hargi tay havesigned separation agreement but for the present she vvonjt sue him for divorce or separate maintenance An announcement Wednesday from aspokesman for the hoa omy blonde said that although terms of the agreement were economistBonds To studied ltntllelilsoIOtliflliortthdrqttéi5cm and his six colleagues One of their jobs is to survey the en tire flow of funds through the capital market Municipalities went to that market inst year for 09000 000 Total municipal debt at Dec 31 was 51895000000 with about 35 per cent of it held out side institutional and senior government accounts and well over half held outside Wanda The problems municipalities face in marketing their new is sues has brought wetter of other suggestions to the com mission federal interestrnitt subsidies to junior governments special Ottawa loan or grant funds for schools and hospitals even federal inslslcnce on iii stitutional investment in muni cipni bonds PLAN TAX INQUIRY Thus the commission has enough ideas to toywilh with out deiving too heavily into the tax picturea matter it may to the proton raft slon on taxation promised by Prime Minister fiiefenliakor The investment Dcalers As socintioo of Canada put up stout ooooaili taeree bond idea it vi ful the proposition ithot it would bring down debt service charges to Canadian issuers Pcnsion fundsbig buyers of municipal securitieswould get nobcnelit at all from such move the HMO sold Purchoses it cause their taxes are not based entirely on investment income As the mac saw it once bonds became taxexempt the big source of capital for man taxnbie income bracketsend the volume that might be gem coated from this urce might save JanyAevenLJW United Kingdom and agreed last night in London of brunet Sarawak and to create hcomnmnwnnnrfivumrwfimiï¬ï¬rimiw brnce present iederuiiun oi closes present area of Indone fteserveflluukof Kansas Citys Ed as doubt as saying that the tuxexempt Had No wammg system in the United Stntes has provided an unwarranted hnvcn from tax progression its encxompie an hmerlean investor in the highest tax bracket inlooo cobld get tax man Investment in toP rated stuie and local bands as the averaguatrcfor that year his return would be only Show on an equal invests merit intopmedrcnrpornte is cipallties would be in the upper The reserve bank said that since the spreadinyiclds bo sioooooo after tax notbe substantial sonnoouonnows The association added lg mssiblg that few 13x governments are saving in in exempt issues might be suc cessfully sold but it would not take long for the yields on tax exompts to increase so as to al most coincldo with those on tax oble securities The IDAC quoted the Federal tween the two has narrowed steadilyit means tlint high brackct taxpayers are saving more invtaxes than the junior forest costs it alsotends to encourage inA vestmentfinratlier sate se curities by those whp are in the best position to finance riskier private undertakings the bunk note pinned down officially although not disclosed it was revealed he tffnrgitay willmove out of airhnmc suit May it butdroppedit 24 hours later They were married 13 195i and have ye old son MiklosJnync also Miss Ma sticid fileda divorce Mountoin near here Monday Beioré Collision DETROIT APllV rcxperiv cnccd Great Lakes pilot testi vessel Montrose on loaded cementborge in the busy De troit ftlvcr Monday night We saw the barge only few DIE IN MINE FIRE SANTIAGO Chile AI Four workers died and several were injured Monday in fire that haircut in coal mine at Lotay 310 miles south of Santiago rouuen ro acorns ZEftMAIl Switzerland fReutersifwo Swiss and two West German climbers plunged hundreds of feet to their deaths down the Dom cathedral next llley according agreement reached by inrone imhnmiginndslmi Wirephnta MamW SicolitiSPttlittlps four or less bcforo we were struck raid Capt George Beatty of Sar ninr first witness to be called as US Coast Guard inquiry into the collision opened here Wednesday freighter was the second ness The hearing is to deter mine the cause of the collision and whether negligence was in volved sort oxrnnr ftEPAflt WORK FliENCilMtthlilS YOUR CHRYSLER DODGE SIItICA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Itradfnrd St IUONE PA 35971 It inc canon 2mm rumor scenario in Build Aircraft USesi Manpower CALGARY CPLTwo young Calgary aeronautical engineers are angling for $15000 prize offered by British mate powered tllght enthusiast Al Smoliiowski 24 and Mau riee anioiette 21 both gradu ates of Ihreeyear aeronautical engineering course at Calgarys Technical institute are building an aircraft that will fly on hu man musclepower They must fly their machine one mile over figureeixht course at lofoot altitudo be fore anyone else in the world does it in order to collect the SM An English team olrcndyhos managed to getan aircraft off the ground under manpower The Calgary men started their proyect in December l960 They began building last they and originally planned to start test ing this Financial ornbicmscro the protect from their own pockets had to aban don work temporarily to lake on summer iohs They said they were $15o0 in debt and didnt expectto be polite to start testing until the wrap condoms When completed the oral biplane will weigh about at pounds have 30foot wingspan and wing area of 300 square ludestrfoot plane tvill be en by mod SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For quality Brick Stone and Block work at reason able prices cnli PA 60966 Free Estimates tied bicycle chain arrangement with foot pedals fort theaione operator The pedals will be in frontflf the operator so that let age can be ohtaincdbyrpushmg back against the seat Mr Lovioletteu will do flying has it running In three miles day to get hi cgl in shape for the rigorous cl llng needed to get theorat alr borne On paper it shouldtly sflys lllr Smolkowski Every crodynnmio principle saystha craft has got to go up But how The men trope to conduct gro tests on paved pork ingvtot and flight tests ebbin coin Perk RCAF base nearCal gar Wind could present prob Wt experimental says Mr Lovio lette We have to be somewhat daring in designing contmlsvfor rne simple reason thattherc is no known theory of designing manpower aircraft control stirrer PEIHIILEIIM encore ro ezsos Edsonche Prop 75 Anne St CARLING RED GAP wdaughter JoynerMarie departure id steel wi firs your surname ic To nour onions KINGSTON Join ca Tire government will redu many rprisoners sentences in itvepe ytwhenJamalcc comes lndependent of Britain next Manda