Sandra Wynficld Iii months had her own solution to the heat problem when thether ANCIENI Anna Salerno scene at the famous Allied landings in 1043 wins busy seaport as early as the 0th century MERCURY OUTBOARD SALES and SERVICE In 100 lIp SANDY co MARINA RR No STROUD Ihone Strand 2st nthConcession Innlsfll On Lake simcoc gt ND at it coor KID momctcr climbed to iii tie grees at Calgary But her mother hirsLeona Wynlicld RUSY RIVER The liudson River slowing 515 miles from the Adirondacks to New York harbor is 4400 feet wide at New York City For PLUMBING HEATING trimmers cm BUILDING hamER thought lady should be more digniiicd tCP Vircphota PLASTIC Lil1 LONDON CmThe bascuics of Tower Bridgetho sections that lift to let ships passare In need of repair Some of the wooden parts have rotted and will be replaced with plastic at cast or nearly £00000 tieorge lluvres CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio ra 03100 doesnt mean simply spooning pusolllce Alll ask Is that they double their snce achieved large measure of Ellie ferric examiner Teaches Speedreading To His Adult Classes HALIFAX CF Man has never had so much to read and so little lime do it in says Jesuit priest who directs adult studies at St Marys Univer sity On top of that he is often lazy sloppy reader Rev ltl Belair sugegsts part of the answer lies in im proved techniques among them specdreodlng which has developed Into an Ini portnnt part of the universitys adult education program lle emphasises however that speedrcadlnghc prefers speed thinkingis only the answer if It helps cop adopt positiv atlitcde TWihéWfiï¬iid word Wading through print at thousands of words minute up facts and tigurcs he says dontlook for sensutlona progress In my students he said loanlntcrvlcw in his cum Father Belair icolshc success In tweak 20hour courao for 60 adults conducted few months ago with about 00 per cent doubling the speeds at which they slllileili Average starting speeds were 150 words minute slow to 500 last USE FINGER During the course students used books of generally light content The first thing stressed In class was the Idea of feeling comfortable Then simple test was given to determine speed and comprehension Father Bclair then explained the method involving the use of REV III BLAIR an algebra niche taught to follow the finger swiftly down the edge of the page inking ina whale morcsatatlmc linear We know the eye only secs when it has stopped at the end of line says lllrs Eiiecn ONeill Father Rolaira assist ant The normal person makes three stops or fixations aeross line The Idea oi the finger and eye action is to eliminate hcsc three iixatlona and even nally widen the eye span At the first session Father Bc lair recited in rapidmonotone International Tension Less Fallout Shelters nycanluan CUIIIIIIING Canadian Press stall Writer While nothing basic has changed in the Berlin dispute the mood oi tension that per vaded the United States him the Berlin wall went up that Au gust It symptom The fallout shel ter craze that saw thousands of American digging Into their yards new is as outmoded as the halo hoop Without loss the House of Representatives this week voted Now Passe to throw out President Ken nedys request for $568755000 to start big new shelter pro gram It brought only mild criticism At thesarne time 154000re serve troopsara quietly getting ady to go back Into civvies row an some of the United Slates n1 iics onthcothcr side of the Iantic meanwhile are showing concern over whatlthey regard aria shiftin American policy on the defence of Western Eu rope Politicians and newspapers has LOOK TO US FOR ssavrcs Be Sure OiThe THAT tmost Quality Bertram Brothers Products Tom your basement into cool comfort able recreation wing We can supply all materials ondtools needed to complete any size job UNFINISHED PANELLING VGROOVED MAHOGANY isHser 4x SHEET THE KIND or ralsuotv EXPERT Has BUILT oua assurance ltitlilYnuILBIlilderusei 51an HOURS Monoiv to azo have expressed apprehension over the condng retirement of Gen Laurie Norstad as NATO supreme commander In Europe and the Selection of Gen Lyman Lemoitzcr also an American to rcpiacarhim Succeeding Lemnltzer as chairman ot the US joint chiefs of statfis Gcn Maxwell Taylor who has argued that US atomic retaliatory power should not be used exceptto assure national survival The chairman of West Ger manys parliamentary defence committee George lfliesiog has interpreted this to mean that Taylor Is opposed to nn cleardcfcpcc of soialnsrweeirrayior would re fuse to uscnuclear bombs un less US terri Leis also it raiohv aamusedpmsarsu the formula down dewp turn down down turn to establish pattern The students followed the pattern as he recited the end at three minutes Ihey looked up protesting they hadnt seen thing because they had gone so fast However when questioned they discover ed that mlicctiVely they could piece together almost the low minute details NEVER LOOK RACK Al the course want on she dents were paired off to core pare what they had read They used the same formula in one seeded bow where they would question their memory on paper 4We have tworulessaye hlra ONeill We never look back on opaga and theres no vocalization by forming letters and syllables In the throat or mind The individual words are We rced for At first model the students go through cmclal period of frustration because they are un able to retain much at the rapid pace However as confidence Father Belcir says he is able to read 5000 words minute in light novel although more serious works take longer lie became interested In speedrcnd ing while the principal of parochial school here He began teaching it to adults in 1965 The priest who holds degrees from uiitversities in Montreal and Chicago stresses however that there Is much to be learned aha specdrcnding Cuban Reliance 0n Reds Heavy By Joan aLANn HAVANA ReutersiCuba In 1002 Is relying more heavily on thchommualst bloc for trade than the prerevolutlonary re glmc did on the United States Figures Ina mid1062 issue oflho government policy ionr nal Cuba=Socialist liowed how complete Cubas transition has been to the SinoISoviet bloc since Fidel Castro came to power in earlygt1959 thetigurcs contained in an article by Dr Iacinta Torros undersecretary for overseas trade showed thattrade in 1959 remained aboutvwhat it had been in I950 last year of Die tator Fulgcncio Batistas rule Torres said Cuba In 1950 and 1050 shipped less than three per cent of all exports to Com munist bloc nations while more than 65 per cent was accounted for in both years by the United States By roar Cuba shipped 747 per cent of its exports to the Com munist bloc andln 1962 the plan ned figures were 007 per cent to the SinoSovlet bloc and one per centto the US MILITARY IMPORTS The same is generagyhlruelén JeverssioLlrnaorts an porlcxpori lradfllth countries other than the 115 or Com munist bloc members has fine tuotcd from 12 to 00 per cent since Castro came to power Soviet shipments include In tarytrucirs fonrbarrclled an inery Czech goods include sev eral hundred smart buses and thousands at light machineguns Films and phonograph rec ords from the Communist coun tries are also much in evidence But canned foods except for So victevaporoted milk dis appeared from Cuban shops soon after Christmas Torras wrateslhatilussia lent Cuba the help or hundreds of technicians specializing In differ cht iields who have come to our country He also men tinned cultural and sports ex changes as well as the supply hospital lle disclosed that 2500 young Cubans now are studying slot nl =rig 000 young peasant FPEDV MmeIra WM WWWNMlMm 8140 WTIIESlMMEP IFWFOIDMIGET HAND EIVICE PA 82206 Sltltili Sl develops frustrationfevapurulesi aircraft guns and farm mach of drugs and even of switch spate STATION This doughnutshaped Inllat ableT space station win on public display today for the first time at National Aero nautics and Space Administra tions Lewis Research Labora tory here Paul Swanson pro jcct engineer for Goodyear Aircraft Corp Inspects the research model his firm maria branstorey highfsiruo turc designed to he pack aged In dcilutcd form around the hub during launch ing It can be inflated after being lofted above the earths atmospheric blanket Space mcn widget in through the hub in the centre English County Battles For Life LONDON CPIRutiund the smallest of Englands 42 coun tlcs is fighting for its life The tiny county is protesting local government commission plan to merge it with neighbor ing Lclccstcrshirc The move would mean extinction for Rut land Ono phase of the battle against the commis plan npht Iiv day meeting in the banqueting hall of 11th century Oakham Castle built in the middle ages to repel marauding barons Tcmpers In these militant 150 square miles of old England have reached fever pitch since die commissions report was published We dont want to be in the control of councillors front th other side of Lelcestershirc Rutianders protest Theyre foreigners Dont even speak the same language Alderman Charles illetlrio staunch Conservative says he will never vote Tory again if the merger goes through LAGGING SERVICES The report suggests that the county would be better off after the amalgamation it intimates Rutlunds education health and welfare services are lagging be hind the rest at the country The impression they ob viously wont to give said Geoffrey Lane QC at the pro test meeting is that as you cross the frontier into Rolland your car jails into cart tracks and unshod tlliicrote children stand by the roadside brought into the world by their rude peasant mothers without the help of medical science esaidin fucttho caunty infant mortality rate was below the national average and the commission seemed to ascribe this more to Rutlunds ozone than its medical services Thc commission apparently thinks that if something is good in the county it is due to the air If something is bad it is doc to the county council FAVORABLE SIZE Councillors alnim thatRui lands sizeyou could close it in Metropolitan Torontois in its favor because nobody is more than 13 miles from Oahham the councils seat and residents are always in touch with ofiicial goingson Some 27000 persons have signed petition protesting the amalgamation The countys Population is only 2300 so this pointer to the amount of national interest the dispute has aroused surprise for his wife her return from mother and area all feeling fine