The late Mark Robinson langtlrne superintendent of Algonquin Park nearly 40 years ago lie was great woodsmao and naturalist and special friend at the eminent Canadian artist Torn Thom son lie discovered the artists hotly after the tragedy In Canoe Lake Pictured with Department in Ottawa Robinson died in harric OTTAWA tCPtThe idea of reiimiaatlng income tax on an investors earnings from ptflVitb clot and municipal bonds is percolating through the Gauss dlan financial community The idea has bubbled up act eral times in evidence given be fore the royal commission on booking and finance Some wit nesses see it as possible way of making it easier and cheaper for municipalities to borrow Taxenempt status for such bonds already is granted in the United States Canadian ndvo eates oi the move say it cold be an extension of the prrnc atraady accepted tar equities the form ol the taperecent divi dend tax credit lionever it still is too early to develop fully the momenta pro and can let alone even speculate on the commissions drinking on the subject For one thing the commission has yet to hear from the banks the federal finance department the hook at Canada or the gay or beetwo provinces thnl have more than half the total Cona dian municipal debt REPORT lN i564 These groups willbc heard later lids year starting with hearings io35cptember and 0c lober The commissions report to the government is scheduled for some time next year in time for the 1504 decennial re view of the booking legislation lliuniclpnl borrowing problems are right down the alley ot mmnduue to the projected royal commis sion on taxation promised by fPrime Min enDieicnbuker Bonds To Be Studied and iris six colleagues One oi their tabs is towns the can tire flow of funds throughthn capital market Municipalities went to that market last year for 89060 000 Total municipal debt at Dec 11 was 51695000000 with about percent at it held out side institutional and senior gavcmmcnt accounts and well over half held outside Canada The problems municipalities face in marketing their new is sues has brought wcltcr of other suggestionsto the turns mission federal interestrats subsidies to junior governments special Ottawa loan or grant funds for schools and hospitals etcn federal insistence on in stitutionoi investment in clpui bonds PLAN TAX INQUIRY mun Thus the commission has enough ideasto toy with with out dellvlng the may eaverttrarry 1v too heavily ilnto The Investment Dcaiers As sociation of Canada but up stout opposition to the taxfree bond idea it viewnd as doubt ful the proposition that it would bring down debt service charges to Canadian issuers Pension fundsbig buyers of municipal securitieswould got no benefit at all from such move the that said Purchases flay ibunkitiiï¬diinsnm Shaded areas locate fcderlr oli bitiiuiisis which in United Kingdom and Malaya agreed last night in London to create Federationwlll era brace prescnty federation of Jteserve Bank of Kansas City as saying that the taerxcmpt system in tire United States has ed on unwarranted haven from tax progression its an example on American tnvestor in the highest tax brackcLJnJaoocautd opened the British Borneo territories of Brunei and North Borneo Black line en closes present area of indone Had No warning Before Collision onmorr tAitAn experi Wednesday theJ inn mums mamas rnmlw suouss on orc anyone else in the world IhisLmsUaitLoraLadz in this m1stvotlvsftblitttii be boring Dutch New Guinea next May according to sin and The Netherlands AP lliirephoto Mop scchudspcviiupsTour or less Capt George Beatty of Sar nia tirst witness to he called as US Coast Guard inquiry into the collision opened here hiyiiFE ti project in December began building lost originally planned tostart tcst lFiltnl was duly however and the two paying for the re cct from agreement reached by lndone 1h before we were struck said tall NEED STRONG LEGS CALGARY CPtTwo young Calgary aeronautics engineers are angling for 315000 prize altered by British man powered Right enthusiast Al Smotkowskl rs and Man rice Laviolette 21 both grade ntosi of it thrccyear aeronautical eng neertng course at Cal Technl on aircraft that will fly on hu man musclepower cat institute are building They must fly theirmachine one mile over itgureetght course at loioot altitude he does it in order to collect the $15000 an English team alread has iauaged to get an aircr it oft ground under manpower The Calgarymen started their sum cropped err own pockets had to aban don work temporarily to take on ummer jobs They said they were 1500 in debt itttcilitltitL expect to he ble to start testing until the When completed the craft biplane will weigh about 00 ounds have defect wingspan wing area of 30a sixfoot BuildAirCrait Uses Mdnpower fled bicycle chain arrangement with foot pedals loathe lane operator The pedals willbe in front of the operator so that leverage can he obtained by pushing back against the scat Mr Lavloletto who will do the flying ins been running up to three miles day to get his legs in shapefor the rigorous dal llng needed to get the crat air borne On paper it should fly says Mr Snrolirowski Every aerodynamic principle says the craft has got to go up But how high and how far itwili goand iust how it will react to the con trots will not be known until alerts are made The men hopc cooduot ground tests on paved parts lng lot and flight tests at Lin blnPnrkjLCAF be endrety experirnentolsays llir Lovin lettc We have to be somewhat daring to designing controls for too simple reason thot therein no known lhcor designing manpower aircraft controls roe re uï¬firi $32600 31000000 investment in top rated state and local bonds as the average rate for that year ills return would be only $4000 alter taxes on an equal invest ment in toprated corporate 1s SUBS his Edits commission chniftntltrfc it to Justice Dnno Porter of Ontario bonds became taxexempt tbe big source of capital for muni eipolitlos would be in tireuppcr To it taxable income bracketsand Canadiancwned British motor vessel hiontrosc and loaded cement barge in the busy Dc lrolt itiver Monday night We saw the barge only few DIE lN llilNE FIRE SANTIAGO Chlle AP Four workers died and sevoral were injured itiondoy in fire that broke out in coal mine propeller mounted in front oi the lane ill be drl by mastcvoi the tittoot motor freighter was the second wit ness The hearing is to deter mine the eause of the collision and whether negligence was in volved panics might even go down be cause their taxes are not based entirely on investment income 715 the mac saw it once SPROULE MASONRY The reserve bank said that since the spread in yields bet tweets the two has narrowed FOR EXPERT aarsrp worm rtoetzbririgegrderswacid11gw the volume that might llcgen eralcd fromthis source might Do the surroundings in which we live give eople not be substantial higher risk of getting can car For five years the US Na tronal Cancer institute has been conducting such study of possible environmental causes oi cancer in the lingerstown Md area Laboratory analyses of wa ter soils rocks air and veg etation were combined with review of county health rec ords forseycrai decadespastr pluscnew data on cancer ill nesses Experts found variations to ac tricts studied but conclude that these differences were due to Chance and couldnt be connected with any speciilc cause in the surroundings GLUEsNiFFiNG Sniffing airplane glue or plastic cements is potentially harmful to adolescents yet this practice seems tovbe be coming bit of craze and is severe threat in some communities two De nve physicians caution Youngsters can become New Steel Bridge Sags Will Take Years To Fix MELBOURNE tCPl chaotic traffic effects and tress disruption this Australian city of 1850000 is suffering from the experience of welded Explosive noise and an ac companying earth tremor one cold and frosty July morning led to the startling discovery that Kings Bridge an auto mobile freeway spanning busy city roadways railroad the River and suburban blocks was notionly unsafe for cars but menaeed traffic flow ing constantly ban on th its arches One nitfoot section to the ap proaches tn the bridge which cost 510000000 and waSapened only15 months ago had sagged two feet making the freeway impassable for motortratlic SEELONG TIEUP The bridge was ordered closed indefinitely and estimates of time needed to restore it leaped from weeksdo years with men and machines working around the clock to strip everything above the supporting foundation columns built 100 feet into silt dispose of unwanted material 45000 vehicles Thoseyehicles had to find other ways in and out or the city Three shifts day have worked on tests disclosing crack after crack in the huge iron girders of the bridge and shoring up weak spots with timber The public was shockcdthat an overhead highway which had been talked of for gener ation on which exports bad speot two years of planning and which had taken four years iris xnavs Tests being made of 25000 feet of exposed as high tensilestealoi whllclr the bridge is bu Tho construction represented complete departure from the former mild steel wrth rrvat construction Publlc and press were soon dlscrtssingvlhe peculiarities of ductilo failures and brittle tail serious physical harm write high from the vapors The soivents to the glues could be harmful to the liverkidnoys brain and bancmnrrow al though there is no doctr mcntcd evidence yet of any Drs ilclen Glaser and Oliver Mnssengoic of the Univer sity at Medical Centre YOUNG STEADY DATING Too many adults today are immature because parents forced them to grow up he forc they had chance to de velop their and acapocit happiness declares liam Beach Jr California psychiatrist He says an example is regu lar doting between bays and girls not yet in their teens which parents may think is cute And parents err he adds in Medical Times magazine when we accept an individ ual because he is able to do this or that rather than for what ho is as an individual And we transmit this to our children urea in steel that had been welded Experts quoted ex ampies of largescale failures experienced in other parts of the world ineludin Belgium cnwany mmbflflnd 1949 Tire Duplessis Bridge collapse in 1951at TroisRivieres Que was cited The cause was never pinned down officially although fissures had been found near welded joints in the superstruo ture our persons were killed whetvtittwestvscctionifoll into the St Lawrence River intitia belowzero weather Until tests are completedu causes of failures established and effective remedial meas ures appliedMelbourncs notor ious traffic sports will grow WUIEE Encouraged earlier by what Kings Bridge had done to case battle ne ck authorities had given the goahcad for other freeways but for the time be ing works involving use of high tensile steel welded girders have been hailed Jayne Hubby separate HOLLYWOOD APlActrcss Jayne Mansfield and her mus cloman husband MickeyHargb tay havesigned separation agreement but for the present she wont suc him for divorce or separate maintenance An announcement Wednesday jrom spokesman for the has omy bionde said that although terms of the agreement were not disclosed it was revealed he Hargitay will move out or their homo suit May but dropped 24 hours later They were married Jan 13 1958 and have tilt yearold son Mlklo Jayne also tightens avnuh It by pmge re onartr Arenas no ny prisoners sentences by per cent when Jamaica be omes independentui Britai next Monday The independence amnesty is effective Sept egavernment wiil redtlca The association added it is possible that few tos exempt issues might be suc cessfully sold but it would not take long for the yields on tax excrnpts to increase so as to al most coincide with those on tax able securities lhelDdC quoted the Federal steadily it means that high SPREADNARROWS bracket taxpayers are saving more in taxes than the junior governments are saving in tcrest costs it nisotenris to encourage in vycslrnent in rather rate so curllies by those who are in the best nositioo to finance riskier private undertakings the bank noted tLoto 310 milesvsouth of antiogo PLUNGE r0 acorns ZtlitiliAlTSwltzcrlond tRotrterslNe Swiss and two West German climbcrs plunged hundreds cited to their deaths down the Dom cathedral Mountain near here Manda FRENCH MilTflliS YOUR CHRYSLER DODGE SIMCA RENAULT VALIANT DEALE it 75 Bradford Si PHONE PA 559 For quality iirlek Stone and Block work at reason able prices call PA 60966 Free Estimates swan PETliilLElfM LTD arrows on 32553 Edson itlce Prop 15 Anna St r1543 cu CAPodEswnEZRETHEoooo TIMES ARE ilfCivic Holidayétirneto saiiforailo 4h mammgwpieasmeweadywmï¬o ng weekend of pleasure brewed toga where the good timesare ecstatic so