personau WOMENS COLUMN Willi mmanrssmo Governmeat Chartered School Thomugb training in all brana cbea of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESING SCHOOL i1 WDIISLEV ST LOST FOUND WITCoil 330 pounds from 7th Concession upra Telephone PA LIN LUST llererorddiolsteln Steer black with While Ilse 550 pounds Call Memo Sandman Dre 2m LostLadys small gold watch an mid bond either Iodide or could Loam on Daytieid Strut This day mmnlur Telephone PA amt Reward nitan awn ULACK remla cot huahus lost in the vicinityoi Robinsons Haremre Telephonl weal ctIIIIUAIIUA Puppy Iaal nursery July so amine Concession ot eapra Towniat Female eight months old bloc and brown spots above eyes Auraen to Skippy Reward IA osilz I0 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL TAKE CAI of tile hltd ms in my own home at reasonable PA NW hi my own home blond Wilt pick Telepbon lth SIllLE Married wishes in round part time as caretaker ete ltaa chautieurs licence Alta experiencedhoteldesk clerk Please write Crime Napier 5L phone IA Mm liim lltall Ont MALE HELP MAN REQUIRED For tumace repairs and instal lation services Should have good knowledge at all furnaces Com pany benetits include pension plan medical holidays with pay its Apply IIIII ZIEGLER between AIII AND Pll DI MR FRANK STONE between RM AND RM SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE 259 INNISEIL ST EARRIE WELDERS AND SHOP SETUP MEN Required or pipe iabricatlng shop in Midland Please phone or apply In person KERR PIPING LTD MIDLAND 5262226 YOUNG MAN to team the pay rollpiece work and time Vt system Ittceat commercial rr it lists preferred Fiveday week vl in wrttla mmin we HAVE AN aponlrll an accountant preterably cA with knowledge of manufacturing our employees are aware or this advertisement Apply to no so Barrie Elamincr YOUNG GENILEhIAN to trlln junior clerki Must hava succ tully completed year high school Permanent position Apply in person Toronto Dominion aanir simvnis omnrin PERMANENT CAREER or man tfl leil established nationaliy adven Llscd products In Slmcae County Fuli time Ale 15 la 55 preferr Sailing experience not essential For pcraantl interview write IL Sereombe l37tt Beckwalth Ava Londfln Ontario IIMN zsis experienced ii retail selling and Clerical mark Outstand tng opportunities or rtttht man to progress with expanding tire store chain Numerous employee beneï¬ts For appointment phone PA D59 lllr hiernitden FEMALE HELP SEWERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Work at home doing simple U1ltfilWIIDDIÂ¥LLIIDLDTILII and pay shipping both ways Make up toi$140 an hour Piece work Apply Dept D27 Box 7010 Adelaide Post Ofï¬ce To ronto Ontario nxranlsaicisa Waitress required for dining room Apply at Bar view Terrace or telephone Plt oasss for lull particulars manor slrran required nvniaay Week Must be is years old or aver and reliable Far appointment telephone PA E7001 liter 11111 ilam souls and two Emir Dressers required nxaeiient wages and commission Modern simu dltloneri salon Apply to Join our rtek Hair Stylists is aiaple Ave CLERKTWIST with pleasant per senallty for work in modern olflce emnloyce heneIIts Apply in writ trig stating age experience etc to Barrie Plumbing Supply Co Ltd flax M4 Barrie Past Olfice LADIES Do you wng an Iiitll oatlng outside his selling rc qtllrcd It you like to meet and talk to peaple then this your opportunity to do so and make It pay Requirements are pleasant and friendly manner and etfffla Earnings In excess of sun mo th ly iortelected personnel For In terviow pliant IA 51551 LEW MALE OR FEMALE In making Burnett at ay August but pin or pm Car essen tial Unusual opportunity it the lllflitor Motel FARTTIhIB PEOPLE to train ll real estate salesmen or the Anlus Comp Bordon area Must he em ployed outside the city of Barrie metlien chance to make $4000 $5000 yearly Complete training course Write Sax El Barrio Etta airliner EARN EXTRA Money In your spare time Coast to court public opinion company requtrcr people living in Barrie to conduct door Munq line on consumer goods and our sic rain ruviniis in oer approx erlrnbte cssenta wrlia Box at io Here women MECHANICS BODY AND FENDER MEN Apply Jack KirktSarvice Manager DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD MS Bradford St BARRIE FEMALE HELP 93554370 CAR xOWNERS Under the Highwa 1roillc Act Sections no and so to one car will be sold under the hie chnnlu Lien Act libs Chevrolet impala Sedan Serial No Dlolmli Engine No Wilson 3961 licence No ï¬lm This car wiilbc sold lorivreclr the purposes KITCHENS GARAGE 178 Essa Road Barrie UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RESPONSIBLE YOUNG WOMAN National Company is looking tor woman who entoys respon albility OWho has friendly personality and can talk to people Iwho is proficient typist and won versed in otlice procedure oWho is neat and attractive ItIho is willing to reside in Collingwood Out by September 1962 In turn we aller security nnd stability in an intercsting and diallenging position Iiwn to three weeks at extensive training in Barrie III starting salary in line withher qualiï¬cations and regular salary increases Oileosant working conditions in new airconditioned oltlce OExceilcnt employee benelits Please reply BOX 57 BARBIE EXAMINER giving ha collinear your quattllcathznsand exteriencehome ad dress and phone ALL REPLIES WILL BE TREATEDIN STRICT CONFIDENCE MALE FEMALE OPPORTUNITIES For saicsmenor saiesiadies in the Barrie ales Direct selling experience helplul but not essential luil training given Snlarylplus commission and bonus Group insurance Christmas bonus etc Leads no problem We will supply tiienoids and trainingyou supply mention and enthusiasmResult is comings in excess lot too monthly INTERVIEW BY APPOINTMENT ONLYI PHONE PA 68541 Loss 0i Davis Said Not Fatal IIIRAIII Ohio CPILoss of all America hilitback llrnie Davis although serious blow will not be fatal to the title hopes of Cleveland Browns coach Paul Brown thinks Brown discussed with his squad Thursday the fact Davis will not play this year due to blood disorder eoosoo years tor big fast man like him in move in besidesJim Brown We to get Einle who with his apetd power and shuffling ino tion into the line had the mak ings at really great one lie was here tor our quarterback school and ran the it yard spring in to seconds Thats fast Inside or outside he had the stall to help our team Davis will check out at hos pital at Evanslon lilo today it is peculiar quirk oi and go to Cleveland forfurtbcr Brownsaid that we so back at Daviss Art rhiedcil tests at the blood disorder ideni oi the heenJookineJor Brow monopolies SALE or LAND con oneness or TAXES Township 01 Innisiil COUNTY OF SIMCOE To Wit By virtue oi warrant Issued by the item oi the Township of Vinnisiii under his band and Ute seal of the said corporation bearing date the ith day at lttoy 1962 sole land in arrears ol taxes in theTownship otIa nislti will be held at the Com rnuhity Hail Stroud at the hour at two oclock in the afternoon on tho tzth day of October 1962 unless the taxes and costs aie pubilshed onthe 7th day of liiiy1961 and that copies of the said list may be had at my otlice If the lands are not all saidon October 12 an adjourned sale wile heidoii0ctobcr totb ra Treasurer5 Ollice this the 9th day at July 1th Layne Fighting rat QB Position wnsr monitor it Va AWhobby Layne never has been onelor hockseat driving but thats what thevetcran quarterback may be doing this season for Pittsburgh Steel ers The yearold Texas signal cailer currently is lighting for tho Stee startlng all backsp With Ed Brow veteran obtained in trade with Chicago Bears lts aim at the fewtimes in its Iï¬iyear National Football League careerand the lirst time since joining the Steelers six years agothat Layne has had any formidable competi thin made the trade with the idea that Brown would be my No1 quarterback and Lnyne would be used in spots Buddy itilsEFSBIdTlttila Is SerVingaIe carted of each Andior extragconvenienocthe Pa edin to LATE SEARTEE Academy Aw rdwinnerJer time Robbins did not start done ing lessons until completing his freshman year at New York University tabatts or LISeryeaie meager best tuiitiaek and linebacker with To Kill Detroit By BOB GREEN Associated Press Sports Writer Umpires generally are eauv tioood to be as unobtrusive as possible But there In times when the nature at their job puts them in centre stage Like the time the storied hill Klein then more than quarter ot century in the motors called third strike on rookie and the player buried his bat straight up Kiem glanced at the bat turning end ever end high in the air and announced to the player Young men it that but comes dowa youre out or this game Like the 1852 world series when Art lfassareiia called Johnny Shin oi the Yankéea out Cbekié ISIWCIIVEdt Ibe To Join Buffalo Erom TORONTO CPICooho chriet airedre Canadian football alter som whathcctlc illneyear itveciub Thursday whcncight clubs do cilncd to bid for his services at the$35M waiver price Now It is almost dclinite the Ztryearold iiirontn Argonauts of the East ern Conferenceivlll return to Lhe United States to Butlnio Bills of theIAnieitcan league Comml oner Sydney liai ter of the Canadian League no the Argonauts none at the eight other CFL teams was in terested in the burly Niglro tram Tarcntum Pa Waiting in the wings as the 72hnuiwniver period ended was Harvey Johnson personacl director at the Bills who rc tIJtLd Haymans permission to talk to Cookie Johnson spoke to the player and to Hayman and said later that it he could neg tale deal with hrist GOLF DRIVING RANGE GUTHRIE FAIRWAYS No it Highway North of 5th no at Ilratbase in the 10th inning coating New York the game Pictumot the play showed Sails crossing the bag while the ball was still white blur couple at feet away mm the that basemanaglore Yankee manager Casey sten gel was presented copy at the picture stabbed the blur with his linger and proclaimed Tell him lhataint no sea guii Like Thursday when umpire Bill Kinnamon gothls loci in the way at potential double by Al Katina and turned the prob abla bit into puttykilling out as Dotmit Iigersiost to Kansas City Athletics 54 Under the rules abalistrlking an umpire remains in play he then would try to make on contract tram theArgonauts Cook crushing Iulibnrk when he broke the clubs cur few rule That and other lac tors prompted liuynian to sus pend iiim and also taipiact him on waivers The sixlootihree Ztflpound Gilchrist came to Canada in its direct trom high school played with Sarah and Kit chenerWaterloo in the old 0n tario iiiighy Football Union Hamilton Tiger Cats oi the Eastern Conlcrenco Saskat chewan ltauohridors ol the Western Conlcrencc and ii gamed at New York Fowler Los Angela Angels taught oil Cleveland to diaos 54 and closed up hail gamo on the idle ieadlngiYan trees The thirdplaro Minnesota Twins rallied tor $3 victory ovcrBaitimore Orioles Boston Red Sox beat Chicago White Sox fora sweep at twogams series With two Tigers on and odo out Katine drilled hard atiot dawn the third base line and it appeared headed Into the corner for double Kionamoa lumped trying to avoid the ball but It chromed all his leg Shortstop Billy Consoio scooped it up trapped the lead runner Don hudoin In mildew and the Athletics got outat it 1i thrcerun homer by Norm Siehern was the big hit while Katine had tworun blast for the losers ltolict man Art Fowle citoppcri oil artistinning Clevef land rally with one run in and the buses landed in the ninth making ills tourth appearance in as many games allowed runscoring sacrifice fly to Bubba Phillips and an intleid single to Willie Tnsby which lnaded it was the lathvioss inzagum for thc indians on only one hit single ninth inning rally that heat Baltimore walk liclticrs choice We more walks pnd two passcd haiisiin wild pitch on lloyt Wilhelm knucklcbail produced one run Vic lowcrs single got two more and an error let in the other Lu Clinton and Eddie tires soud cacti had three hits in the lied Sax triumphover Chicago Rookie Dick Rndniz held the Whitepr to two hits inthe natty the Argonauts last Analogs 1411 MRI EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST the not Defeat Ottawis 1410 OTTAWA tCPi Edmonton Eskimos defeated attaina Itougb Riders lolti in an exhi bition Capadlan Football league game Thursday alert that didnt amuse much entries iasm in crowd ot775 tans The ltider looked danitetpus only once in the seamless tirst quarter aadtdidnt rally again until the float quarter when the Eskimos managed to bottle Up their shortlived olienslve The Eskimos moved with per rtstcnce and smoothness to the command at Jackie Parker and Don Getty who alternated at quarterback Getty engineered the tilst Es kimos touchdown at 521 of the second quarter passing to yards to JimLetcavtsin the end zone ulterithIntt marched the big white and gold team 55 yards in nine plays Parker gave handoit lo hilke Lashuk in the third quar ter and the fullback plunged tuo yards to score topping oil as dlmivhmerchflhat ards insight playsTommy Ion Culley converted both touchdowns Thcrltlrters scored their only touchdown with the help of an Edmonton penalty late in tile Russ Jackson in Reyir aids in theflcndzone alter Inter ference was called on pro vioua toss tonGcorgo liranajitm itiae ltncino converted It on provided the only other Rldcrs score by kicking 27yard field goal on thirddown score by guntv IIIth Intuitioan etiolI TAKESSNIPE LEAD SILEDIAC NJ CIDDung Keary oi Oakvilte 0nt piacetl second and first and grabbed the lead Thursday in the Cunn dian snipe championships on Shediac Boyl Third and iourth races will be held today but only the three best will count in standings For the Whitest Home on the block TLWCCDNIE the mg White House Paint Trutonesr extra whiteness jays white for years thanks lmmï¬iï¬v whitenerbrightener And Trutone saves you money It goes on easie dazzling white longerone coat covers Choose from three types tone White Paint Trutone Self Wasbing Whitelor all homes Trutone White for err ime and stays orrm frail1e any ex tcrior and Trutonc Trim White for all trim areas BARRIE 40 BAYFIELD ST 28 ESSA ROAD CILUX Inali Colors Available At HARDWARE ii eniNrshtne ALL AVAIL BARRIE PA oases ABLE AT WIIAWDAWWARETOT 31422 WE CARRYE THE COMPLETE LINE OFA CL PAINTS COTTONSHARDWARII SimcoeHShopping Plaza 303 BLAKE ST