Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1962, p. 1

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on TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads No phone as sun the let Dumbes to no or Editorial can var Metal sonatanineteen Sgt Ralph Cathline is of Camp linrdcn Onl dubbed the steady sergeant be cause of his consistently high cabana for the Business DepLis PA sent scores is trying for his second straight victory in the annual lieutenantgovernors match today at the windup of the that Examiner gt Barrie Ontario Canada snow Airgun l962 LOCAL WEATHER Scattered Showers today Clear and cool Saturday tow tonight 55 High tomon 73 For full sinnrnary turn to page two NotMoro Than per Copyl4 Page Ontario Rifle Association meet at Connnugbt Ranges near Ottawa tCP Wliephoto Stage ow Set ForgPrM liy JAMES NELSON OllAlllA CF Solicitor Ceneral William Browne quit the cabinet Thiirsda leaving the slnge clear for time blin lstcr Dicfcnbakcr to announce it his new cabinet lineup informed sources say the an nouncement will come soon perhaps this weekendbut may be delayed for the return of GovernorGeneral Vanier from vacation on the Lower St Lawrence Mr Browne 35 sent his res ignation to Mr Thursday and prepared to leave this weekend for St Johns thd where he intends to launch legal proceedings to upset the June in election in St Johns West constituency which he lost by 24 votes to Liberal Richard Cashin Tho onelimn district courtl judge will apply to the courts for an annulment under the Controverled Elections Acton Dicfenbaker grounils that 30 servicemen cast ballots in St Johns West who were not entitled to do so Mr Casliius winning margin came in the service volenfter lr Browne had insvale load in civilian voting Mr Browne is employing procedure by which Revenue Minister Nowlanllrst elected to the Commons in into by election successfully upset 1949 general election defeat in AnnapolisKings and caused byclectinn to be called which won illr Browne is the filth and last of the ministers who suf oral election to quit Their posts have been filled by other min islets in an acting capacity POST ls JUNIOR hether Mr Diefcnbaker names on acting solicitorgen eral is doubtful aformed AntiRate Talks To Be Studied By ROD CURRIE LONDON CF The major difficulty in outlawing mcet lags designed to incite racial hatred is that any such law uh less skilfully worded might be used under different circum stances to restrain free speech Henry Brooke recently ap4 pointed home secretary imv plied as much Thursday when he rose in the House oi Com mails to reply to the barrage of in against recent sc cndcd in violence rics of fascist meetings that The problem is as think the House will agree Brooke said how to preserve the right of free expression of opi on me glinctltclLdisra ement to racial He alsovpointed out that in the cases at hand the violence had not been on the part of the fascist speakers but by those who sought to stop them from sp oakinguAt present there is no law against public meetings But they can be stopped it they get out of hand TO INTRODUCE BILL Torn lremonger Causewa tlve has obtainedleave before the summer adjournment Fri day to introduce an amend day cgan thrashing ains latest proposals in its ap plicahoa tojoin the European Economic Community as tho ninemonthIong talks entered critical stage Officials of the six Market Lab countries were analyzing the British proposals while their foreign ministers planned to dis cuss with the British team the effect of Britains Market mem bership on Indian Pakistani and The six ministers also were due to dlsctiss thekey farni eit ports question with chiet British negotiator Edward Heath Them salt of Belgium aske lure dgyebout the talks said this difficult for negotiations like th to fail tinl reaction lo thelatest Br sh stand presented of threatening abusive or insult ing words On Thursday delegation of British Jews in sioa before to the House litany MPs on both sides of the Commons had demanded that the House be recalled from summer recess should there be further outbreaks of violence such as that which an companied fascist meetings at Londons Trafalgar Manchester and Dudley Wor cestershire Brooke received nine prominent 75minute scS the minister went ALGlERS Reuters Mom hers of Ahmed Ben Bellas dis ldent faction headed to Al gerias capital here today after nationalist leaderstemporariiy shelved their differences under the shadow of looming civil or Former premier icrhat Ab bas one of Ben Bellas chief supporters and more than 100 others setoff by road for the Zaomile trip from Oraii Ben gested again waninixod Bella and two other members of his political bureauMoham Frencb sources said some of the changes which Heath sug were merely new ways of putting Britains previous stand The Dutch delegation found the new plan acceptable and the German delegation leader Rolf said One can make something of these proposals ATTLEE CRITICIZES At Westminster Earl Attica told fl British entry clam in the Common EHHBEIF whose political dangers were very very great The former Labor prime min ister said the Conservative gov ofpufih moaweal vious in second Wc are going to be closer friendswith the italions Ger mans and French than with the Canadians and Australians We are allying yourselves id forcd personal defeat in the gan sources say The post is junior in House of Lords that th it but itwas ob Commonwealth new is portfolio with no statutory do me Mr Dielonliahcr confined to bed with broken left ankle was reported to have licen studying his cabinet lineup closely in the lost two weeks lnformants say he has inter viewed some Iikolycandldates for the vacancies It is known however that some Conserva tlveMls widely regarded as of cabinet calibre have not been invited to his Sussex Street res idence MAN LEFT BARE FAULT OI BEARS Pninca ALBERT tcri lt was really quite simple on American tourist explained to RCMP officers who found enuh igliway near here clad Police declined to identify the tourist but said Thursday what happened His wife was driving the family car while he relaxed in trailer When the wife stoppcd the car in the Sandy Bay district 50miles north west of here to let some hears cross the road ahead of the car the husband stepped out to see what the trouble was few minutes later he found himself stranded His wife drove on not knowing he was left behind He tried unsuccessfully to stop several passing motor isls before an RCMP patrol carreached the scene The police drove 70 miles before finally overhaulingithe wife and reunlting the co medi Said and Heidi Ben Alla will arrive by air Reliable sources said Abbas purposely went by road in or er not toarrive with political bureau members llis aloofness from the Bureau would allow him more room for manoeuvring if his mediation was needed here the sources sai Under the truce reached Thursday Ben Bellas seven man political bureau will run the country as soht of cabinet With six nations of Europe Four of those we rescuedzo or so years ago from domination by the other two fary Lord Home say Attica was misrepresenting the governments positio fOur idea in going into the Common Market is to serve our nld friendsbetter by getting ad forBritain nonmrwmdbefim pendage to Europe peer said he was graver dis tur by the political aspects magnetizith lingerie them this account ofr By STEWART ltlocLElOD omwa CHCalvin lilac Whnlavnlmalu== Communistfor the RCMP con tends he helped organize Chl nese Communist club in Ottawa lit months ago Similar clubs already existed in Vancouver Winnipeg Tor Thursdny in an interview They all went under the name of the Canadian Chinese Workers Benevolent Association The 30yearrold Cape Breton native who says he was inside Canadian Communist ranks for 10V years while he worked with the RCMP said the clubs are set up to spread Communist targets was to win Canadian diplomatic recognition of Com munist Chino if and when this happened he said the embassy would recruit mulch of its staffi from these COME AS HiIMIGRANTS The oilicialsoi the Chinese clubs he said are Communist KITCHENER OPPA Mea nonite missionary has urged delegates at the Mennonite World Conference hero to stress the faltbs pacifist beliefs and speak out against nuclear arms Rev Nelson Litwiller sla tioned in Montevideo Uruguay by the Mennonite Board of Missions of Elkbart lnd at tacked the selfstyled realisls gencrals legislators and nu clear scientistswho spend 60 per cent of the United States budget on arms while admitting there is no adequate defence to nuclear attack He suggested that if one side renounced the economically disastrous and ethically can demnable armaments race the other side might do the ame The Christian has failed in its responsibility he said in not eombnttlng situa tion where nations are prepar ing toobllterate 50000000 people in retaliation for 50000 000 Mr Litwillerrspoke to an over flow crowd strolled by most of the 7000 Mennonites that have NEWS HEISINKI AP Prizsiden will go to Russia for meet with Soviet Premi relations between Khrushchev in November when tary consultations OTTAWA Cl Six new poll ada last week bringinglthe total for th Church is sniion had no information that former Peron had been reconciled with The officials were commenting NUERNBERG Ben former Nazi Gen Er damfiitiworanotnmaun onto and Montreal he said propaganda One of their chief oneweek vacatlo er lflirushchev announced today Kekkonen adept at ccause II Baltic TheRussians later dropp RepordiioieFoiio year to bituThe health departments VATICAN CITY AP VaticanMild papers that the 1955 excommunieation of Peron mayhavebecn lifted legitimate immigrants Seven were in the Ottawa branc ants attracting no attentio used to run their film shows for them he said and there would be between 125 and 200 Chinese attending Hesaiil at least every second llm shown was straight Chi nese Communist propaganda The films came from Peking he said Mr MacDonald has been liv ing in semiseclusion since he made his first statements last week The RCMP has declared to comment on any of his dis closures lie said he expected this certainly understand the areas position BEL FROM TORONTO He said he has no idea of the total membership of the Chinese clubs When he had helped or gaoize the Ottawa branch in September 1060 hehad been working with two local Chinese and three fmm Toronto Later the Ottawa clubs executive had grown tosevenpof which two Chinese who come to Canada as had to approve new members him wandering along north converged from Europe and North America on this city of 74000 75 miles west of Toronto The conference the seventh of the faiths international meet ings held every five years has drawn on official registration of more than 3000 PHOENIX Ariz lAPt Weary SherriFinkbine slipped into temporary seclusion today amid hints that she was headed for Sweden and her planned abortion Jflmmhmndionfiah Airlines reported that the Phoe nix television personality and her school teacherhusband Ro bert had reservations for flight to Stockholm with stop at Copenhagen Denmer The Finkbincs could be found for comment but their lawyer confirmed they had de cided on the where and when to abort her pregnancy of nearly three months BRIEFS FinnishPresident To Russia Urho kitchen of Fminnd ifgiih October and will the foreign ministry maintaining friendly his country and the Soviet Union met with Russia was demanding alleged Westernthreat ed the dema presses were rapprtEdIB Can number of polio cases for the weekly polio report shows year two new cases were British war office will conduct ala said todaythey Argentine president Juan the Roman Catholic Church on reportsin Maori news ic von Dam BachZelewskilto hard an we powerronunnidg its owu af airs done thoniexploring or making tentative agreements Iiiopc Parliament and hope the mat ier will be submitted to the gmeat of therawill be full discussion in labor for life on chasgeut fBefore anything further is 1e REGlNA CPi special srasinnoft saucer written into law amendments to the controver sial Medical Care insuranceAct outlined in an agreement made lasi week by the CCF govern ment and the medical profes sion The agreement signed in Sas boycott of the compulsory pre paid and universal plan by most Saskatchewan doctors The boycott brought to head 20 your government medi cal profcssion dispute over public medical care plan in aonc7day sesslea attest to the provinces histor bill outlining thc amendments was placed in the statutes without dissenting vote It received royal assent at 956 pm Thursa ouse Opposition Ross Thatcher said the amendments represented major retreat by the government Premier Woodrow SxLloyd said the plan will enable every amfly and cycry individual to more complete enjoy better and se privately out side the act allow voluntary nan profit health insurance plans to operate along side with the government plan and strip the governments Medical Care Insurance Commission ofmany powers RESIST CONTROL Whenthe boycott hogan July the College of Physicians and Surgeons said we are free citi HERES our The little woman waswdriv ing her husband along road where three men were work ingon telephone lines Just as she approached all three started to climb the poles took at these fools climb she exclaimed fYoud think zone Wampum our lintoon July 23 ended 23day day prior to prorogation in the glitterp unrealprolesslmm the commission indirect government control and com payment from the commission pulsion and the dictates of civil through the patient indirect servants and politicians payment from the commission During the mm the through the health agencies or tors provided free hospital direetaaymcnltmm the patient based emergency service Nor Wit lllmcflufilms his flitht in mal service was suspended by 011 1m 19 most doctors Clients and doc Provision for choice by the ors offices were closed patient of any one of those The college has 004 mm Emma born about 700 of whom are entertains °l dmtn practising physicinng um lStIatlvlhiCdlctli Care Commis ber said my would have me am to include three more due province rather than work un mWs 1H plan game did but Abolition of the advisory the number has ciollystated 35° Health Minister Walter Davies said approval of the amcndmcnts by the House Thursday launched the first public medical insurance plan other technical mittees Specific provision for con tinuation of the medical care plan of the Swift Current health region The plan financed by personal premiums property tax and provincial grants pro vides full medical surgical and obstetrical care for district rcs idents it also provides full xray and laboratory services at hospitals and dental care for chlldrenunder it Repeal of controversial sec tion in North America The tax supported govern ment plan will be compulsory for most of Saskatchewans 925 000 residents CHANGE ORIGINAL ACT The original act was adopted ato special session last fall and amended during the gular ses sion last sprin So of thc basic hange the Thursday include Opening four avenues to thoyldoclurs to receive paymentz regulations prcscri ing terms and conditions under which doc tors may provide insured sen video to beneficiaries 70000 Persons hater Ganada it While 73000 Leave Country By JOHN BIRD OllAWA tCPtCanrida ap parently lost morei people through emigration than it gained by immigration during the 12 months up to last June This was indicated today in bureau of statistics report esti mating Canadas June populo tion at 10570000 compared With l023lt000 year earlier The 332000 increasewas the smallest annualrrise since the 19505 gain of 205000 The population estimate is based on figures of the natural ts approved immigration reports and esti mates of emigration Canada keeps no official tabs on populn tion outflows and the emigrate lion estimate is based mainly on United States and British immigration statistics Todays report said the na tural population increase during the 12 months slowed to about 335000l with small decrease gt in the number of birthénnd la slight increasetn deaths But the estimated over all population gain was 332000 or 3000 less than the natural in had never driven on auto mundaneth cancepti favo tory in southernEngland itwas announced Thursday night Wednesrgy nightJn sitcom ffimieiitazibénlenced tersl court here today sentenced with Eye GENEVA PARK Ont Increasedtiade between east ern andwestern Europeis de sirable both for economic rea sons and ash precondition of political coexistence and last ing peace Dr Vladinu Vela bit said Thursday night in an addressto the summer confer ence of the Canadian Institute on Public Mini Dr Velebit executivesecre tory of the Uni Nations Economic Com sion for Eu rope and former Yugoslavmn undersecretary of state for eign affairs said political di cul es as well as problems created by differences in basw ons of dattot VScsentist Dies Leanna theaters lhe an inquiry into thedeathot scientist working at agtopsecret germ warfare research labor The announcement saldscien tist Bacon died inhospital vxtmnflmitpossihle that death was due to acciden tal infectio resulting from his war at the loborator measurestagainst he rust or wantsM lifterheisearch ulatlon increase brth crc iFuusonrciais ntifilim migration in the 12 months to June was abouti70000 while total emigration neared 72000 or 70000 Doesnt Want To Return Spy LONDON AP Britain or dercd El Al Airline today to and other relations between lily fugitive 5pyngbgrsobleq countrles with different syn new but the fsraeli 39m gt governmentappealed to Britain The United Nations commis Time fed in was 59 353 13 diplomatic source said th to help development of intra lsraeli government had com European economiclcu fipera municated its appeal to the forv tion andthough its efforts are eigtt office and themattcr is not spectacular they are cn being studied byEIltlSh offici couraging Dr Velebit said sis ore Trade st West Butthereabviously was scope for actively promoting trade Tuners service are expected held the Jinnah Eaton Chu iflloro

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