Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1962, p. 2

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impairs STURGESSWITH HORN EatrieDistrictGirlToPlayK With National Youth Orchestra eieenyehtroiti fun non Siurgcss lift Barrie has been selected as French horn player with the National Youth Orchestra The NYO Cana dian protect begins its fourth scssion Monday in Toronto The sessions are held to pro vide opportunity for promising young musicians to discipline their musical energy and tail oat under top conductors Linda is studying at the Uni versity 0f Toronto She will enter second year in the bacil elor of music course She is required to studyall orchestral instruments and goin ti thorough knowledge of cacb Tho study of woodwind instru merit kept her busy during her 15 fall will study the brass sec ion iier final year will find her studying the percussion instru ments By the time Linda had gradu 48ml iromEarrielfirntraiCol giate in 1001 she had ivon five scholarships among which were Kiwanis and CNE awards She won Royal Conservatory of Music awards for two conseu five years iicr father is singei John Sturgcss oi CBC lame tier mother was professional sing er in Buffalo WITH ItCI BAND Her instructor on the French horn while she was member Barrie Collegiate Band was Joan Fisher daughter of IV Fisher director of the band Linda was also selected to play in the NYO last year and his year is looking forward to being member again During summer she works as use in Iiaivkestone ds down and practise the horn PoleKills Two Youths COBALT Ont CPI Tw teenage boys were killed vlrflm an old hydroelectric pole pied and hit them while fut were swingillumumnm 1tta0hm01fle poo Frank Ashley Gilson John Richard Johnsto Wednesday of head Johns brother Dale ing on the wire time escaped iniv fell into smallii polgelsnapped said Swinging am It ree had been pond on the flag Khenlihe 30foot pole Wis once used to inju 13 swing the same when he pond as the carry electric to the now abgglms Pr ncess Mine NM Bay miles north of vait They are appreciative of good music classical and otherwise but perhaps unaware of the dc grce of work behind orchestral arrangements She doesnt think that the average teenager is aware of the true value of claslcal mu SIC The young musicians arrive in Toronto Sunday The next nine days will be occupied by rehearsals Theli first public concert will be sponsored by the Buffalo Evening News at the Kleinhsns liiusic Hall in Buffalo on Wed ncsdny August Is Injures Youth WINDSOR Ont CPiProA vinciol police are investigating freak water rig nCcldct wliicliuseverclyshuttered wrist oi 15yearold boy here James Dcnnome i5 oi Te eumseh Out is in hospital awaiting followiup surgery for the injury suffered on the DEn troit River two days ago Witnesses said the youth was injured when water skier zig zagging around the boat in which theboy was sitting tried to lift the two ropes overit The Dennome boy puthis arm up and the rope snarled around his wrist shattering the bones Doctors Worked on the iniury for three hours and more sur gery will take place later week Police are still inve CPImmigrants aeontinue to show preference for making low homes in Toronto 05 and Ontario as prov ntarios capital the most dilt versificd population of any Canadian city was borne out in new set ofltfioi figures issued today Thebureau oiv statistics ret chtJhawscihetutmtzpcu sons oi Canadas total census eount population of 10230247 were born outside Cana Of these 1353157 livedm On tario and 502077 in an County which corresponds roughly to Metropolitan Tor onto HEADS LIST 0weveron aproportional basis British Columbia is the province with the greatest num ber oi foreign born 432 In Newfoundland only 6269 residents were foreignborn onitsgsroncoiiicrs plied by Flynn 03 Dunlop St Barrie mum Do Do Tar GL Luke nus Nab Go Get Pew inat wsteei iy Smitten EA Oil lC Power Cdrilmpltt Com Cdn Brnwer CPR Uda Cement Can Cheniicli Can Gil nigory Power Con ltltndrSln Con Papor Consumers Gas 320 30 16 54 iron Oil Interprov thlt leniolld lilac Pow Norud Cln Dyna Can Husky Can Devonian Sump Chili gn Eta UL Woopprrlmrnfirs Curt Hall 39 Dcnlron Mtues 1W auulvoo 105 Friconbridno 17 gufiniglrndi er 305 Nomntat Northnto mm Assoc Md CH oowwnos new Did Sang nin Found Store HardnJiamiAi narrowvow mam grade or NS 60 mm on nilfol 51p my Imp Tobacco Ind Accept Inland later Nifllt Jockey Club Massey Fore Mlde Geno nitric Kernltddllon an or llIariLtmrs lit Murray Min 41 53 11 i7 10 itd 1ch 14 42 24 Nor Ont NG llloorn Corp itcin Pore Uilnwl Pacific Pet pm Pipe old firedenuzlfl Que Nat GI 455 Hawk Siddley 415 hothmpns Royal Bank 68 Sulldfl fihlrril 11 Simpson 10 Shl7t1lfglié Stce In 63V 19 bfln 7m 300 12 225 Riv l7th Torborn Bk Tram Clll Trans Mt Trim Fin Texaco llrilnnGns Walker GhW tfil braid Palmer tin Nickel ylolamlo YDRK AVERAGES lnduririairjup no nou up or uriiiiieranwana rename snoon Industrtnir down 110 Gold up 20 oivroeubs EXCHANGE INDEX Metlll down 00 Oil up 30 because Interprovincili Pipeline Co 700 nnysbih sent it cx dividend Anti out herewith he 35303003 On ilKMover By rounasnnupz Canadian Press Business Editor GENEVA PARK Ont CN lolcroational at reperciic sionsof Bri sh cntryviniodhe European Common ntnrkct will probably be more farreaching than my seems apparent fhil was the consensus of dis summer conferenceoi tbé Co nadlnn institute on Public Af fairs being held at this Lake Couchidiiog resort community At the some time the partici pants generally agreed Britnlnr entry into the market it it dou take pliicc may not be its dom aging to Commonwealth lies on has been cured Another point oi agreement vantages and disadvantages for her cause arising out of the itfnrkct although In any event the Soviet government isnt eli cited about it Prof Raymond Iiron director of studies Ecolo Pratiquc dcs llautcs Etudes laris offered this forecast of the situation In short for mihc hIarkcl probably will have no direct impact on NATO However stronger EUNWAVlu for NATO prob ably will be reorganisation oi Euro Mam In itint event it is nlikely ilritA am and France wdl continue to go their separate nuclear ways and there might be rcnegoti ation with some kind of Euro pean deterrent integrated with that of the United States Prof Aron outspoken expon ent of the belief that Britain cant have both the Common hlorket and its Commonwealth trade arrangements got em gnged rntlier unwillingly in discussion of the Common wealths future and remarked with smile Youi st on ma becoming lnctlcss optimistic about the Common wealth than some of the cues tioners lroi the audience it In on Brtoin and the new Commonwealth are trade preferences and Prof Aron commented if iihat you imply is true that trade pydercnc artl hikflhen your question an swers itself But there are other elements One is iinancia US Steel Causes Loyal SEPTES 033 icrillie tron orfiefirwony oi Canada 900i tolay off approxi 13er 100 mincrs at Scheffer tithe Que because of condi tions in the United States steel industry it has been learned Some contracts have been cancelled Dcspres Iron Ores industrial rclations man agcr said Wednesday night Its just reflection at the steel industry Iron ore annchofits re onW$ arket it cut back production in three Schei fcrville mines by 000000 tons and make the layoffs on seniority basis LJrflfl oH0ronouuc not feel different from other children He can paint and colon can play most games can run and hot and ride cycletle wears four ortif alcxtrcml s1iianrms end at theelbn his legs at the ankles Herwas born citations Tuesdayotght at the Thai Russia may see both 00 However he nppearedmorc doctors have indicated otrnect US firesident cnhdwer got pat on the shoulder and some parting i363 ireJET Barrie City Council in mid way through its budget year The sixmonth stutenicnt of re vcnuc and expenditures indie otes thatihc City may avoid deficit financing foothc first time in years Up to June 30 $227010016 hurl been spent of the $2975 01020 availoh The expendi re figure idieateitiiet half of the available money is gone However some items Shsjihtfifh FortAnon 225 Ointskntchewnns tising ings of district medical ocicties theywitl practise on do the provinces Medical Ca once Actn 23 agreement which cndcd the doctors boycott oftheoct gThc askotehewan College of Physicians and surgeons said recently there vere doctors in active practi the boycott hich begun with the July plemcntntion of the government plan gliqgpo were not number new workingnn the province It was not known how many had left the practise clscwher tautwoyriiism mm 25 says Cyril has neverhecn any more trouble than her other children She tellsher story to give courage to mothers of thalidomide babies lJOllt deformed by prenatnl use of Germandeveloped drug Wireohotot Jim lit qt ouiitM province to is expected to continue into Frt been wedtnshing Gustni Adoli his party oo an extensive our of Europe lundied with the king on his last in at the royal summer resid whlch are budgeted for are immediately assumed as spent and the money is turned over to the particular department An example is the expendi ture on education which this ycnr amounts 105104074101 Up until the end of June the money had actually been turn ed over to the various Boards Thule In this category City Hall officials report that everything appears normal at prcsentbut had anthercam M3 Evear $40000500was budgeted for public works and to tiic and pi June $14653546 was spent Aid Fred Smith irman of works has al ready reported to noon that he and his committee are quite sntisiiedrwitli the work donew chhas proceeded on schedule Following is breakdown =01 actual expendit re up until lichen followin the spent is amount that council agreed to spend iodine whole year Official torecests issued by It across southern and central 0n tario The fine sunny weather ayin the southern portions but in the north country there will he clouds and showersfollowed by cooler temperatures Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake 00 tarioa Haliburton Southern Georgian Bay Windsor London Hamilton to Mainly JunnLnitnseasonnbiLtemnuL SanaD Play In ght today and west 15 Friday Northern Georgian Bay Al goma regions North Bay Sud bury Sunny with few cloudy periods today Partly cloudy Friday with scattered showers late in the day Seasonable tem peratures Timagnmi White River Coch ri1ne Variable cloudiness today with scattered showers Friday cloudy with few showers turning cooler Forecast Temp Low tonight High Friday Windsor DOW BREWERY APPOINTMENT USE RECEIVES WOBDJBOM H951 forwardgt170 Record Peaks erep City Expenditures Well Within Estimates Executive and legislative $4 77009 $15064 administrative $2140190 wrltten off $20 $10000 warrant ronrcnsr Hamilton Trenton 05023701 50754341 other gcu eral government penditurcs $4440202 $6034727 tire pro tectton $4053990 57 420 police rote $6467966 $12926200 law enforcement 55t34l12 transom JosnevtiookStotau street lighting 22359 $10201 corrections $004 31000 other protection $4 °°r°ohosiitiltiih it kill to removal it niFtiealmsrrmfi 2020 54000 public welfare in 35005400 $07150 ntion $104024107 $104024107 re creation vi $2140000 of Community service $01325 54 $0130001 debt charges $404180 $38996900 taxes county levy $1566000 5150601 miscellaneous expenditures$3l 65069 $7539200 provisions for reserve $50 t$50112defee red reventle 1677051 07221 51 deficit from prior years seipisso 52101690 ni St Catherine Toronto Peterborough Kilialoe Muskokn North Bay Sudbury provided in ports of lc ue membership demonstration pluns and details Wonft Shut sit3091 Carpenters By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA tCPl The Cane dian Labor Coon her do cilned toshnt if door on the recalcitrant United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America even though the union in six months behind in dues payments The problem was disclosed niesdny by the congress cxem titre council lonercebtnet of or Inimi labor Labor sources said Wednce day the council decided againlt taking constitutional action to airspeed the carpenter for non payment of 000 in monthly percapltn dues The matter was left open apparently to hope tin problem can be resolved without schism in labor ranks The dilemma stems from the 64600 member unlonl entry into the Newfoundlandwoodn after another CLC affiliatethe 36000 member international Woodworkers of Americawas dccerttfied as bargaining agent for the islands loggers Canadas Erport mews th cannon rhndtfildrfmlhyfi rd values boosted by the Canadian dollars devaluation leaped nhend to record peaks with year to ycnr advances ofitt per cent In exports and 175 per cent in imports compared with May 1961 But export solos helped also by season opening shipments from the St Lawrence Seaway didnt catch up to imports and todays Dominion Bureau of Sin tlStlcd report showed $30000 William lttler 20 of suburban lifimieo says he acted as on undercover gent for the RCMP within ero an inter lwltednesdny he RCMP with re secret communist escape route to Cuba Littler said he was suspended by the organization in May when his activities were discov cred One thinghe learned whileln the league Littter said was that member of the Commu st party was nominated as New Democratic Party candi date ln Alberto in the recoht federal election Mike Maknrcliuk onto organizer told him this Littler said YC To Most of the activities of the YCL were social like dances and coffee evenings but they also organizeddemonstrations3morethan offset by reduced and urged members to infiltrate 0th alumnus and HEATING lNSTALLATIONS Found guilty of violating con gress policy by organizing New mndlnnd loggers the carport ers union cut off dues Payment last March And tfthliedrotb tracts with the two main New foundland logging compaoicn under 011131951 loglgers belon to carpca crs 1110 action directly conflicted with are appeal for free vote ofNewfoundiomil 15000 loggerI to decldn which union they wanted as bargaining agent Under the CM constitution any orgautantioo thunmooths in arrears in payment of per capita taxpiay become sub pended from membership in the congress Since Ihe provision is not mandatory and since there was nopressum for iuuncdfata no tion Iosuspend the carpenters union the 21membcr executive council let the matter lie sources said The decision al lows more time for possible solution Trade Leaps 000 trade deficit J35 the month Teddyr 1e Wit reflect thegovornments oc tlon iifay in devniulng the dol inrs exchange rate to 92 cents In United States funds The May trade deficit brought the cumulative commodity defl elt excess of imports over ox POrfs to $140000000 for Jan nary May compared with l1504200000 deficit your car er Exports in May with in creases in all main trading areas reached record $614 000000 compared with $460100 000 year earlier This was 00 per cent higher than the previous single months record of $559100000 last October MEL its £64 comparedwitnmirvooporlo May 1061 totap lost Novem bers previous record $560300 000by 135 per cent Forthe five month period January to May exports WacorunHmmTFye eu her to $2470700000 from 32 173200000 while imports to tailed 52011500000 up 152 per cent from 52167500000 The DBS said that this your lower cxclrnnge value of the Canadian dollar which boosts Canadian dollar values of both exports and imports was one factor thebiiid the increases It addedvthat imports in May in cluded at least 520000000 worth of goods financed under mutual defence arrangements with the United States Net etiect of increased trade withihe USwns rise in Can adas trade deficit with that country to $374400000 tor the five months from $3682 Meanwhile an increase in the trade surpIItSwith Britain was surpluses with other countries imel Arrangements Am SE BUS RAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTAL 014 Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Service mTDnniop actrte 551 in in Toronto BM sets as VicePresident Marketing of Dow Brewery Ontario Lim ited pan one Dow Brewety chiei tario ever since he Joined the company six years 0de and to his new position assumes Ire sponslbility for all marketing ities in this provmee sales executives in Oni

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