REAL ssrare MORTGAGES marrost lat sud 2nd abiofl age Imus Alith directstream 00 01 VALUATION You Neidd dismay no eeasoilds 333um routes ELF await Phone moan liming hindlnx Sim stiridem in Ambit Onufla Haml amrur unusual WANT MORTGAGE Fleet or Sword at low simple Interest up to 00 at your prop erty value low monthly pay meats up to Iillcca years to re For any monsuge rob trussesI LCORBYR EJ teie ï¬ll Dunlap 7201419 renewals INSURANCE THE MARITIME LIFE ASSURANCE CO Armed Service Division Personal Lilo Insurance Nori gage Insurance Group Plans Annuity Plans Tax exempt Pension Plans Ernie Seller Dorrie 7204135 Ray Bullock Angus Hest MOVING Dont toilet to transfer your INSURANCE end it you need extra coverage at any kind see STEVENSONS ll DUNLOP ST mum MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Iravelux Paris and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 aumoN AVE mm TRAILERS WANTED restr new new so good 0mm nuanan TNW Hammett on RENTALS HOUSES WANTED on ammo house wanted no rent References can be an lied write to Box Gas Be guaniner APTS WANTED TO RENT Wm rare were mmm Lt Brilth Plumb Ins and IIOIILrIl Dania 720M evenings Nona IIIiIWW 7133474 APARTMENTS TO RENT GARDEN TERRACE Corner Queen and Duckvrprth Modern bedroom maisonette large living room and kitchen with dining area lull basement all best and air conditioning Lavely grounds Adults too month PHONE 7284752 sacrum Apartment or sent unsuited 811 weekly Oiflce or suit mleiflnulsl man 738 ONE AND Two bedroom apart menu to rent ram $5750 month ly Telephonl 7282670 for Mlhli Lnlormatla rrvo nomr rtmcnt or rent IOEILM It 50 an Sm F0 all inlormauco telephone 720 uraTiras bedroom banitnan gar an close to downligwnhlnd ua child we nine was 72131035 notst Apsrunant ior rent Private entrance art conveniences Aduita only Apply wellington 5L or telephone 1130070 UPBTALILS bbdroam IDsiLnIelit or sent close to downtown and MILO child Tel NEW 0N3 BEDROOM affluent it im terraced or aphasia Ma mam ONE bedroom apart ment livinx mm Ind kitchen ette private bath and manner laundry facilities 06 monthly noon Aparknem rent mu stave Ind memo £1qu reiliairhrcmï¬glnoas mam FURNISHED thme mom healed sparimenton Burton Avenue adults only no mortally For rur gar wrucuiara tolepcrom 72a mooan two bedroom beam llpsrtment tor sent Stove xerox °h Will rimmï¬luiiil ares lamp VI Apt sail telephone mam 0ND BEDROOM Apartment Stow relrinrsim and dryer Iu lied Pres varktssl Rent 15 mgnptisiy For appoinmm plums milia Eh TWO zBnnrlotm me IngerImam so supp month For ointment iokvh 7181112 ONE BEDROOM II up lice an as eliitlcs sso per month Av hi immediately Telephone misled LARGE modern 1W0 bedroom upartment atova and run orator httii$tihtixdiilm is M06 or 7284066 UNFUIINIBIIED two bedroom wlrlment living room dlnin malls kitchvll sell cranium Gar Wait end S100 rhoMilli healed Aaiisbl eat Telephone 726446 My EM syllnmairmhestcd room bau msnt apartment in quibt home Private blttl Ind entrance East end we month Available now Ttlrphone 7m ONE nwnoms arim for nut stove and RI gartor avail cblai CemArul ilekhnxiimr Parting ID ea vs smearwar loiopirm 7287568 frnv examiner warts ADS eentï¬l Watkins masts BALEAfli0N and missed write RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT Dink says lown Avullbb II Phone musuu Apsruu LL Modelis bedroom buns Tar1m unsu dutiful its MI tel 333 mil WWI run WWII meal 131 livinl room Harbin saladsm Nest and waln Centaur looM Adlai hat Mm inlmdou ï¬lm TRUCKS TRAILERS use Mus cm sewe ml mm harbor mumm II can ION mm MW Wild bill ROOM AND BOARD mu imtld room and blunt WHMIVTLLM aou ll ln dramy reloboe ROOMS TO RENT IlDEflHNO 00 ma 1th nil barn with Telltrhoaepï¬ldw cLVnALLv healed mew Iiil BIO Mn lull Tsinstmue month piled PI or our s17 Mary sum arm VI gt ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION USED LUMBER FOIL SALE IN ANGUS All kinds and sites also ply wood windows doors Insula tion fluorescent lightsI linolelt um sink basins toilets show ers tubs also asbestos Insul brick May be seen at the lum bcr yard In Angus Hi way 00 Open every night an and all day Saturday Ask or Mr Robert Bellanare Phone 05035 any time ATTENTION TOBACCO GROWERS FOR SALE One locomotive swam boiler 105 lb pressure Contact Berta ram Bros Ltd as Blake St Barrie 7250254 Used refrigerator range auto mails dryer and automatic dish washer McFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCES 72892138 Highway 27 North NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD the house ins brosrhoom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADWDM Rtmnanls all sizes and price as Collier at Phone mien WRECKING BUILDING 43 Dundonald Windows Doors Plumbing Supplies Lumber Reasonable Apply on site um rooms 117 Hinds no to side 1b in Markus lira Collier ism PERSIAN RUG with unit feriert condition 12 unifyva ianr nno mantis value 95 Ilcri nca st toss Taitphone mum PLAYER rolls PIANO tor sat with reconditioned Will lace plant add Telephone AND MonL1 sale in good twilight War urtomastton telephone na COlTllETE SET Di Coillm clopsdtss Including reptodats yells books Seiiins reasonably Mun mil owner lessins country no nitvanbiliu com boys ls CERTAIN Maulurn rown Reasonabch Toiaphone MI SIX WWW rl ll may eastern 71406673 liter Um FOOT BTEEL lathe Ind Ill ccuifmen gull scant chari lsbe er aim straw man or Vailwwa as phone Alter p111 as myeioacota rs Lsmzxï¬g bledr 5min Roe articles ocny illohms elephm moses IMde pm nob caves of sole Mflmlam Aggro 13 nu nah Teib non QUICK ald smut l°sa phone man IflMliU 110211 Woods Show Ill Ilkle avid excellent working condition in Otilw tail the nigh use All it it trumpJpn business ethics so mm ren c2 error in news WWI Vacuum ctrhen oramiiig home trier Pay so nos aduceo no ours use recur ma no tAlllstm is BABY CARRIAGE Lloyd Hooded Wicker Bsï¬dnaite III this logo on elders sis mgwoï¬ 01710171 Did Den with ad 3630 tiom Telephoiu 7g aawrna Miscnnvsa sslaAinen Ipccisil aillat mean only sac brand new utetime usrsntce Zis le an inn strays dges reduced taasrluueh wu eh balms m7mm £5171 RCA VlciOIt TELEVISION colour or black and white Free home trial All sets reducedtdufllll ithfrlimelhm WWW or 7960 Alilsian ASMITDI cehssvmmu ans WILL arms mums FRUITS VEGETABLES arenas in ms to no bulli aw muses NOEL DOGS awn pars CNN thae with swearc memo moses ll Mllfli All rotor of ND is at miss mirw 6f DI VII ADD ILE blur will CAIan Anti yours will II For uoa IIIMM ivy me serum DIM lvilm More museums standard and mm htun Poodlel Ella or brown mm at watch Kmmï¬cm DICKINUND DI or at thieves HOMER in BULB Elnil slur 9H FARMERS MARKET if ghost or or crippled cattle and horses 11 BRADFORD Barr Smell animals removed tree For sat ssrvlcc PHONE BARRIE 7237101 Collect or an NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Hm NO CHARGE Mhoursaoay spunooh RR Formead Ontario License No CM Nick Montague PM FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line at Dairy Farm Equipment supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 77 mam CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies at Servics Case Ndw Holland David Ema Boattv 170 BURNN AVE mun CASH TRADE TERMS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE neoxsmiao Yoriuhha been sen yicmtzis mama sows May Open A1111 at Humy comm MATCHES LOIIII HOLD DWI lnr IIII N0 IM Him id Telephone 11mm our omega EDWIN TARStfliullm xlmbwmt bsltcvt rum liven Vollsit bull ham Drnsrto or phous Btsynvr REGIIIERID Mil Bulk of ads RNA Bil IllMC lNr but any on iéotttli Hamil bit it Ill suuou romeo AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans FOR SALE PROFIT SMALL Business Great atlsrihrwa ROY dc GEORGE AUTO SALES mm 1961 CHEV 4Dr Automatic Power Steering Lie 889MB MOFFATT MERCURY at Essa Rd moses seahorses hm ByronGraham Motors ST is minor Oinnamernoaas smtdesl ViAU RAMBLER 17 Gwen St Home sea in zaumsu ms or Isa 19 Oldli best oil 10le or CHIan LID III Sport turquoise and 3am Mito msilc VI merits men brakes Wm ï¬fï¬iu best aria tilt cm mr rs isszggwï¬waumlm IIIIQ glut corotters or II Our litosmium Melt are convam Menu item note mun1h new magi low mum1h excellent condition leii owner Iolvin em otter meow mam unman CARS WANTED TO BUY as HALLS tron not roan hm we ran IMM IN Ala aim AUTO RBPAIRS UNIROYA TIRE SALES SERVICE Department ceased Mecharuu Your salet on the mad is our uslnesa Freel no end silenmmt and solely Check root end aligtsnent and uheei balance OShodr sbsorbeniiiuliiere situate service and motor tuneup Open Mend thmrgh Saturday 0d pm till pm 110 BRADFORD SI MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service Any Maire 01 Cal Our Expert Mechanics ARE mu ON THE not In GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL can OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7285558 MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 03 Dunlop St 7mm CARTER Bod and Fender Shop Comp eta refinish dz repair FREE ESTIMATES 13 GOWAN ST 7284577 SNOWMOBILES CLEARANCE PRICES on all Snowmobiles and Equipment ROLLAND BOATS LTD Hwy ii Orllila 3255141 WANTED Sanoblie Will ind IW Valiurvlfln in omit con dition Telephone MUN PERSONALS CUPID 003mm DATING snnvscl Are you iooidas lor the data more All or In you Inlnil Isile Ind Mill for ti II ml For worms on and ll 11 ca he 23 cents or mains Ind hlndilnx em titCupid Com puter Dating 59ka Avenue Toronto as an emits BE FEMININE Superfiqu hair removed by Electrolysis The sale sclentlllc method Our Certllied Electro logiat is available or consulta tion without charge SYLVIAS SALON Fred Grant St Barrie Oat mm ID HELP WANTED MALB HELP THE ROYAL CANADIAN twsoailaadlomolusvbo mï¬mllhbdflthln aim WWI Ibo SHOW mummysci mlmld PM tune or mhhtbsoomntomr Rayi cansun stouotsd roan Ottawa Loam TOWNSHIP OF OILILLIA uire no De uly Cierklreasurer App Ions will be received or the position JerkTreasurer tor the Town ship at Orlllla up to 5pm flamlplï¬th 1061 experience eierrtd but not New pr Starting salary $0500 to $5000 we to jquantitleotiona wr rig age education and ruallilcations 10 TO VNSHIP 0F OIlliLIA PO BOX 159 ORILLIA ONT Able to road and uork born dminsa steady unvlomwnt Good mica and bandits Telephone Lindsay Code 705 3245212 CLABB MN gnurfdlrcly 6911 mm twink CLASS MECHANIC nillbie lrll Mlllnl be it IWbllil service mum litmdlm MEANS nest me can ply rramy zeoï¬hléian aryiiuo hi loo ana srar wAmNd than Menus hours watching iniaviaton you have is In so hours weakly you fer were wrtuvm Vlrkers box 4030 FEMALE HELP SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Top salary potential Gor ear minded neat acusraia let able to writ on own in tiatlve Minimum years oiilco experience Highly interesting and varied dut ies in congenial prolesslooai oliloo Apply Box on Barrie Ecamlncr uABYsir till and at My your home mu be canola Gisnwood Bayflsid great Telephone mlcnm him roman in ï¬tfdï¬ mu ta Dex Odd Illirio bunk BALESLADY Wlnwd or ILIIDII devlrlllieist experience not near any but hIiPIuL Mull be of nut mm it til we to BoxwLYM Brill DubaiMr TWO ROOMA Hit It crown Hill Will exams MIlml or we 41 WWII CC 110 77860 ï¬g swsrcnaosnn Tcie hone Overl tor dlyilsm dutin lehmr week tor IvyThornton Telephone Com party to commence on April Apply by latter to II Banting Secretary Dibrnton Ont TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS WANTED Applications are Invited tor po sitions on the teaching start Grades the Notiona saga Township School Area All gagged modern schools CR 11 $300000 lo $620000 in Category 1967 60 salary schedule un der negotiation at the rescrli WisWW la RIDE WANTED from Blrril t0 Cam Botdm RCA sec on Mon LW may lllwhvm W7 at min ALCOHOLIC Dlflllfllfl AlAnon Il III ï¬g Willi to layer TIMDAY BOWL Snack Bar MOE MW summit Will now be lmm mm noon day iurp served 09011 In mmbowim INCOME TAX rstuml DIO llld Iai Islm bullnou of indi illi luau accountant an anal BL Welt telephone 7106111 IDMIILIDIDT GAY or svsntns reason museum pl Bell Wm will not be rmtmsibll or ema mrM in my name Mm comm born this day forward MIMI 21 I001 WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDIIFSSING Government Chartered School Thorough training In all bran ches or beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDILESSDIO SCHOOL 7205062 9LOST FOUND PART CHOW and hunky lost W11 Im WM Point No answer 00 Megs mist iisy Barrie Eumnhier Wants Ads PHONE 7202414 IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG in LN MI MN Lion some Lnsininsown boristdon nub Mmmn Wriil BOX 090 Diff minim maximum in category unmea tive sick leave Duties to begin September 1067 Applications to stan experience and name of last or present Repeater McLEOD Secretary GLEN HUM Ontario MALE FEMALE HELP COUPLE to operate Yacht Club Restaurant and Store on Lake Simcoe APRIL IO OCTOBER Writs Box Cad Barrie Enam lncr VACANCY for Its Mem It shel tered Workshop weor MICK Ad its usiiiteatim We unlmtandciu and linearlvlntï¬ï¬ï¬ Ln helping bsndics have supervan Ibi ty Blluy mod raw wrt to ME Illnkiflfpgmsy ELLIWDIW TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place you Articles For Sale ea In iberllarrie Er aminer keep more points in mindstste What Item Is Braad name Slu Aso Color Coadltlon Specillcatlons Accusorm and attaduneals Prlca Prevloul usage holstery Make it easier lorriho prospect to buy Remember the Articles or dale ciusslllcatlon is the Peoples Market Place aamaay at these taut lectures as you can THOUSAND SHOP THEM ILLEGAL Mud Matteo The Undeniened Audioneer has received Instruc lions Irom the ESTATE oi the LATE MAUDE KDOWN at NY VILLAGE right next door to Orlando Hall on WEDNESDAY MARCH 19th It pun Sharp To sell the In lowing Large 51 terprlao Cooking Range oil brand new Pine kitchen cab inet Irltdrcn tattle and chairs antique rocking chairs Plno antique oval table burner el ectric range Largo antique plno kitchen cabinet small table Studio coed Colornan apnea oil burner brand now complete with pipes Oak din ing room Millet Antique arm chair Shamrock Parlour table piece rhesicriicld suiteI good condition New living room reciting chair upholstered larpo Irilignt Antique record cabinet Scatter ru lvlng room lino leum by in quantity of love ly ens Largo quantity picture It frames some antique piece oak bedroom suite corn plots with bed mattress spring and wasbsiand toilet sets anti it day dock Antique beds table Antique piece bedroom suite complete An tique oak rocking chair Jor dinlotes magazine rack An tique parlour table electric washing machine Square oak parlour table piece bedroom suiie complete 2000 gallon oil tank good dining room chairs Antique large chest oi drawers Quantity oi books and do Mar stunda all to am tabla onliquo high elm large quantity bedding Liana keia Quantity oi linen An llqim rocking chairs Mantel Rad Oak bedroom suite com Piele with bed mattress shrink dressarlfld wasglonddlfllciri val nap an Quantity at good dishes Qu tlty at good china silverware imick knaeics garden tools and many other articles too numer ous to list Telnu cash no re serve as tho Exhale must be settled nothing to be removed until settled for lho Estate or managerth ntli not be held re spoiuible tor occident on pro perly day at sale JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer FRANK WEBB GetIr AUCTION SALE Monday March 27 at pm sham For MRS ARLENE EDNEY At Lot 24 Concession Tec umrclh Township on Highway 17 la mile south at Newton Robinson Sale of high class farm mach inery almost now hay straw cattle sheep etc Terms cash No reserve as hire Edncy Is discontinuing forming JERRY COUGHLIN uctloneer AUCTION SALE Saturday April at pm shatp ior HANS VAN DYK At Lot 00 Concession Not tawasaga Township miles south cos of Staynur Sale or airy and beet tattle lgs poultr term machl uy straw grain milking equipment and some household ellects Terms cash No reserve as Mr Van Dyir la moving away JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Watch or lull list April AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 12 at pm Sharp tor MELVDIIE ORSDR at Int 00 concession Vespra Town ship on Grove street 27 Bar rie right across rem the new high school sale of 45 head at Holstein and shorthorn cows and haiiers bulk cooler farm ma chinery and hay Termscash no reserve as Mr Olser la giv lng up farming and going to Western Ontario JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer WATCH or full list April UNRES To Close Out IBl BARR WED CATUDDAY 1001 13 taaucnou SALES AUCITON SALE Sat April 15 1230 pm Auction sale at new and used lam human and equipm sum machinery rtpdr and MM and tar mama woon SCHOLIBERG Allen Homer Grog Oinsry Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Saturday April 29 It pan tor JAMES wmr st momma Audlcnaalaoiaoompideil elm oi modemiï¬rsehohd hardship including us ALLEN IIO Auctioneer Phone HOLLY By MRS DOWNINO STUDY HOSPITAL Holly United Church Women met at this home at lira Loughccd president hiss Leighton presiding Mrl Gra ham chosa the Easter theme or devotions and Mrs Krnwell sang solo Roll call was current event perisinln to chum pork The Eaton Co have coniirmcd the choice oi iiol 1y UCW tor the Hospitality Tani at the international Plowing hiaich In October The UCW greed to color or wedding reception The centennial tea is planned Ior May with Mrs It Loughecd as convanor Mam ltcrs are to prepare their old iashloned costumes lor the event Mrs Cochrano chose ior her missionary program an Item bout ihs United Church Indian Missionary has Ital in iirlilsh Columbia par culariy at Bella Coola Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Norman Marrow tnea Val siu Elliottl oi Barrie on the birth at sun Norman Todd An enloyable St Patricks Day event was held in the commute ity centre Over 70 were in at tendance Io enjoy oid lime and modern dancing The room was iaaieiully decorated Many men were top hats green ties and arm bonds Reeve Jon Cochrano and hiss Cochrane were sub standing In lheir oldlashloned costumes Prizes were won by lira Roberts and Joe Leighlon Mr Kelly and Helen Gull Mm Graham and Lloyd Blrnlo Mrs Jordan and Eigln Murrow Ran Cock Utopia won the draw or ihs $50 The wives ol the hall board members conven ed delicious lunch which was served ennuititles at man convene by Stan Rollo The Saturday night euchrea at attended Communion Sunday will be April Lliilaa Hlll WI will tour the public llbrnr in Barrie Mar 72 Anyone thing to gopleaaa conlncl any member or details BEETON Dy GENEVA URBANSKI FDREMAN REBIONB At special council meeting March 10 Joe McCullough rc signcd his position as lawn iors man The Womens Institute held their meeting at the home at Mrs Gordon Drury Maple Ave with 11 members and two vl lors present Mrs Gordon Ha ion presiding Mrs Hazel Spc Ing installed the m7 oliicers Recently members washed the windows and hung new band Eaï¬e curlains lll the Memorial Mrs Gary Kelly Tecumsth St has sold her house to Mr and lira Bill Barton Main St Mr and Mrs Norman Har vey have purchased the home which Mr and Mrs Barton va taicd Mr and Mrs Launey Crowley AndJamil moved to Breton Mr and Mrs George Bishop ander and Mrs Howie oi Ab erioyie visited Mr and Mrs Spcch recently ZALEWSKITITLEY Henry Zalewski and Miss Hea ther iltley were married in St Pauls Anglican Church satur day Mar 10 at pm KNOCK Knock Community Club met in the Community Centre and roll call was answered by 11 mem bers The ladies quilted quilt or the Red Cross The second euchre the month was held Mar 20 with ii tables oi playing Next auehre Apr 830 pm UCTI 0N ERVED the Estate of crc MAYNARD 1030 am April I967 at Church St Schdmberg0nr Consisting of Tractors Loaders ndustrial and arm Equipment Attachments and Accessories i6to Mernlrigof Sale Inspection from March Auctioneer Greg OLeary Toitenhcm For further Information or daidi Wire Schcmberg Ont Ont Write or Phone KEN MAYNARD Tel the the Community Centre are well Yb Filipino Man Is Cruciiied MANILA AlliA swearold Filipino bootblsch was nailed to cross at his own musst Friday as used Firids act at lhsaksiiviag or his recovery alter illness Disebio LI Pam sI said in statement balm is crucifixion that or 11 years bars been sick but becauu at my devotion and bullet to the Nazarene was hauled at this sickness or urine Ha did not disclose the nature lwu sllmanltll mm oever roe on the cross will not be 11st to whatever no trap is to ms he said ls only way tin repay Iha good hard or allutha gracel He has given me The incident tool place In village in Pampsnss province about 65 miles north Mantis and was witnessed by 600 vil lage residents TIE HANDS While relatives wept Libres hands were lied to lltioot wooden cross As the nails were being driven into his Slim ether was ad ministers to him by Iriandl The cross was then hoisted to an upright lilon while his relatives knot and prayed He had on white loin cloth and there was crown oi thorns around his head Librcs hung unconscious on the cross or several ndnulu Then he was brought dose htt rltdiy the nails were pulled on and bows takontoldshm for medical treatment ITS SO EASY To Place WANTAD in The BARRIE EXAMINER Just 111 In this Iorm and mlli it to The barrio Examiner WentAd Department Barrie Ont WANTAD COPY Please use pend ink will blot One Word per Line 24 WORD MINIMUM Consecutive Insertions Cash With Order Month tam Days $504 Yd Days $200 Day $108 Use More Description Order More Insertions Pay use Per Day RUN AD DAY Nlunberl eacrnmnc Date encroach is NWE Prices shown are Cash wiihorder Box Number 50c extra 131m must be run