Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1967, p. 2

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momma REPORTER rags IAIN EXAMINER MTURDM MARCH How Would Barrie Benefit From Communit Mrs French High St think It would be good thing not only tor the young ople oi the community It woul be good tor the community as well The kids could get their education at home Instead oi going else where Shirley Cmre Blake Sta dont see why we shouldnt have college oi our own In Barrie It would be handy lor the stu dents In this city and the lur roundlng areas and it would be good tor Barrie would like to ace Barrie get It my Bob Marley Krade ll Donald St would like the college to come to Barrio because right now couldnt sllord to go to place like Toronto to turther my education It would help Bor rle by attracting more people here College Barbara Munroe Blake St Yes it would be very good thing or the city It would mean that students who wanted to could get on education without having to go to Toronto or some other centre It would be less expen aIve and more convenient Ior em MAYOR COOKE Dan Connell Gwen St Bur rle would be an Ideal local point tor an area college because at Its central location Were close enough to Toronto to provide amenities Ior the students Stu dents now go as tar on Toronto nnd Waterloo to get an educate ton lioltla Steel Grove St am I00 per cent behind It It would make college facilities vailable to students In the area Why should Barrie students go to other towns Ior their educa tIoni Were certainly big enough to handle It Joe Spence Cundiea lid It would be good or Barrie be couse It would keep the young people here who are going to colleges outside the city It will also bring youngsters with new Ideas Into Barrie Mrs John Cooper Mldhurst am In Iavor at It so that Bar rle students dont have to go elsewhere other students will come to the town and bring their business this will be good lor Barrie and the students In the area Closer Ties Needed In Development Aid It study of the cheral area development program results In reshaping at designated areas acloser relationship between provincial and federal govern ment is vital Barrie Mayor Cooke said today The lcderal government ac cording to Mayor Cooke should play the part or supporting role because lederal legislation In based on the employment alt utatlon only The employment In only one iactor Involved Mayor Cooke contendch The regional dever onment programs at the provin cial government and other cor responding resources and abil itlcs must also be taken Into account In order that individual municipalities can do their share The standing commons com mlttca on Induatry said in report Thursday that It had been told changes might come about by April However spokesman In In duatry Ministers Drurys oillce The provinces elementary school curriculum should be made more flexible through In creased use at the nongraded system according to it Me Carthy Ontarios deputy minlslt ter oi education Mr McCarthy this week told the Ontario Federation ol Home and School Associations that It Ia up to citizens school boards andadmlnlairators to adopt the nonagraded system Barrie schools now use the unit aye em tor the first live years intermediate step ac eotdlrtg to Superintendent An gua McKay between the graded and nongradcd systems The unit system Involves program of continuous promo tan Mr McKay lllltl he agrees too per cent with the deputy mln lslcr ol education Dr McCarthy said the rigid Inlcrprctntlon oi course outlines commonl Iound In Ontario schools an obstacle prevent inc teachers lrom making their class work more Interesting and relevant to the students For example over the past Icw years the assassination of President Kenned the death or sWinston Churchll and Just re said May Is more likely ate It was told by Mr Drury that the Industry department was aware oi imparlectiona In the area development program Mayor Cooke agreed that led cral participation was necessary but said the federal govern ment should not go on ramp age on Its own problem In society today The area development agerv cy was set up In 1963 to draw Industry through Incentives In to areas at chronic and severe unemployment The committee report noted lttr Drurya testimony that by last September so applications by ttrme had been approved and their Investments would mean 40000 jobs REVIEWED EVIDENCE The committee also reviewed the evidence oI the Northeasb era Ontario 119li Develop ment Council and delegation representing 47 municipalities In the lour western Ontario coun Wants Schools More Flexible cently the passing of Governor General Vanler seem to me so relevant that every course at study In thohistory classes at this province ought to have been put aside In invor or study of theso men at their contribu tions to their countries of the system or government In each Jurisdiction and how these gov ernments evolved he said WOULD HAVE REASONS II this were done the student would not ask why he was studying history He would be living In it and Imow why Mr McCarthy was addressing the Ioderatlons annual conven lion It ends Thursday He said nongraded school system would mean less eni phaals on examinations Far too great an emphasis Is given to examinations without any real justification Ior them Mr McCarthy said There is so much time at the school being devoted to examinations that Imuch goodtteaehlng time Is ost Mrs Xeeier oI llamllton was elected president of the led eratlon Mrs Priddle at Ottawa was elected executive vicepresident counties lies Bruce Wellington lluronl allow them to become doslg and Dullerln The western Ontario delega tlon was concerned about the lack at new Industry attracted In recent years to the tour which arent desig nated gt It alsotcomplalned about the adverse elieet which the desig nation at the Georgian Bay area has had on these Iour coun HI It said industries that might have located In the counties were drawn instead to Gear tgllan Bay by the Iedcral Incen yes ASKED FOR CHANGE The counties asked change In the legislation that would noted The committee said the basic problem arose trom designa tion on the basis of national em ployment service areas rather than economic or geographical areas It also Illustrated the tact that designatlon at any area could have adverse ellects on the adjoining areas The northcaatarn Ontario group concerned with second ary industry said the lederal program wasnt as successful in drawing industry there as It had been In other areas It felt that all northeastern Ontario should be designated as an area Ior regional develop ment Holiday Weekend Begins Quietly wiet start to the Easter holiday weekend was reported today by Ontario Provincial Poi ice at Barrie Two alonecar acclzlfnts were reported since Thur ay night resulting in an estimated snoop damage car driven by Janet Jose phine Phloon oi Blind River Oni tarlo struck ta guard posts on highway 400 extension three tenths at mile north at Wfliow She escaped injury but the mishap resulted in an estimated 7700 according to investigating oIliccr Conat Gary Penalley Dwight Edward Elasser oI Toronto was charged with Ini proper passing lollowlng an at cideat Friday morning on High way too mile north of Dalsr ton Road Police said Elassrr pulled out loyass another car and then to avoid an oncoming nine stnsck few guard posts Const Wes Creek Thursday at 1045 pm Johnson investigated at It am Local Flotillcis Join Expo Cruise Ontarlo power boating and Association will send sail yachtlng enthusiasts Including number from the Lake Simcoe area have planned power and sail tiotlllas to Epo 67 this sunt user The York District Power Squadron will send Isl power boats from Toronto on June 30 Titegawlli be joined at Trenton by ate tram the Lake Slmcoe area comlng down the Trent Canal system The power boats to be follow ed by tsucks torsttpply oil and gas are expected to arrive to Montreal on July The Cruislng Yacht Racing boats to the lair on July ls Sail boats will be Included tram Lake Erie and the united States side or lake Ontario Ollicials are attempt to hava olficlals lot the boats through locks in groups The first trip through the locks IoExnotTwillbemadebynr Tom Wilson prolessor oI gen physics at the University at Tor onto lIc will leave Toronto in April In Chinese junk The junk equipped with diesel en gine could reach Expo or In three days but Dr Wilson said he expects to stretch the trip to about one week Free Hours Jailed Year No youhs who earlier this week escaped Irom Camp Hen drie In stolen car will spend Ilse nest year behind bars Joseph Barren ll tinnit ton and Anton Krrtcs t7 oi Toronto escaped Irom the min Imum security Ontario Belornv story early Tuesday and stole an auto owned by Fred Zannl uperinteodant at Camp Hend They were prehended by Bradlord and Ridges police two hours alter the escs at the Voyageur Service ntre on Highway 400 near Bradlord Earlier the youths broke through police road block on Woo at Aurora Ice was aldeswiped and received 3200 damage Both deiendants were sentenev ed to II months In Jail six months each Ior escaping cusa tody and six months or car than Kertca was translerred Irom Guelph Delorrnatory to Camp Hutdrle 134 Am He and 7A emba were originally both con victed on several counts oi car theltt Sentencing the youths to pris on Magistrate ll Foster told them this was the way you chose alter being given chance to retain society Smashes In Door lit Police Oliice toyear old Angus girl learn ed Thursday that smashing down doors at police buildings can prove costly Shirley Free in admitted smashing door at the Essa Provincial Police Department building She received sun pended sentence and was placed on one years probation As condition of her proba tion terms she was ordered to pay the $80 necessary to repair the smashed door Magistrate it Foster told Miss Freeman You cant take your leellnga out on other peoples property Hospitality Week Slated May To The city of Barrie is being naked to sanction Hospitality Week May to the highlight at which would be hospitality seminar Central Auditorium had been booked Ior May and the tour ist and convention committee at the Harrie Chamber at Com merce expects capacity crowd We hope to fill the auditor lum with service station on craters retail sales personnel motel operators waitresses and waiters and other Interested per sons troni Barrie Orillta Stay ner Colllngwood Elmvnle and other surrounding areas said committee chairman Del Iacls son It Is hoped that Provincial Ministcr ot Tourism and Inior mntlon James Auld will be the principal speaker We tmst that the reaulta of this Hospitality Week will bring the Centennial and Expo tourist back to our area lor many com Ing years Mr Jackson said Bridge Tourney Winners Named Six tables were in play at Wednesday nights session at the Barrie Duplicate Bridge CIIIb Winners in NorthSouth posi tion were Gord Mcllltchtc and Min Furukawa Cy Muir and Bill Purvis and Mrs Peter West and Mrs Harry Young leaders playing In EastWest position were Mrs John Wood stock and Art Eccles tied for second Mrs Ralph Rowe and Joe nson with John IIa rel and To my Tuatin Play resumes Wednesday eve ning at pm at the YMYWCA Renovations lit Farmers Market easyclosing doors on the Fanners Market omen many new interested astomern this morning Easter dainties Included large layer mire 5125 hot cross bans on doe mo bars 45c don date squares for lie or ange squares and brownies 40c don variety of cookies 40c dos shtick loaves 50c bread Be loaf bran muffins 45c dos Vegetables included carrots 40c basket onions75e basket parsnips 50c basket Bmssels sprouts 15c tomatoes we head lettuce 5c cabbage no spinach low celery We cucumbers I5c cadl broccoli 359 green on ions torridtea 5c radish pgs 25c mind we each Vern Martin president oi the Barrie Figure skating Club works on sets Ior this years MUSICALLY SPEAKING Prove Stimulating stunner manna Glenn Goulds recent TV pro gram that was prescntnd last Sunday over Channel was an Inspiring one to students and stimulating In the musical non pcrtormer From the serious students point view the tre mendous advantage at the close camera technique was as much value as many lessons lrorn topnight teacher Finger tech nique hand position perleet re laxation ol wrist were clearly presented It needed no explan ation But the met at lesson to be learned trime cltnt Ior the student was the ut ter concentration of the artist His own personality became subjected to the Ideas of the composer Beethovens Sonata was played In an entirely dil Ierent manner to the Bach Pad ailing style and interpretation were dramatic The Sonata mat ched in grandeur the excellent setting tall columns that gave perspective and somehow nobil Ity to the artist at his concert grand From the listeners point at view the Interpretation oi the Beethoven was always Interest lng and sometimes exciting To the inlormad listener It was satislytng Interpretation The tonal ettccts were built to he mendous climaxes at deep color The final movement was radiant In Interpretation The Each was more clinical in approach Clenr linger tech nique was always evident as is always true at Goulds approach to Each But the progressions are built up until Bach becomes lasrination that cantbeput aside And Gould makes it so It is Intellectual and still exciting It is no wonder that be Is considered one oi the Ioremoat exponents ot Bach In absolute contrast was the program that was presented the week previous to this This was Irorn Swedenlnnd consisted oi Contemporary Symphonic music and ballet that is many years In advance ot most of our eon temporarymuatc It is tact that SwedenIa kalan Ior its poems ice CARNIVAL edition ol the annual skating carnival The April tshow will Canadas ha two themes Iorward approach to the Arts It to not the past that intrigues these people but the Iuture Our thinking with regard to the Aria especially to smaller centres such as our own In In clined to be conservative We love the old masters They have proven greatAnd so In endorsing them ard being know ledgeable in them we Ieel we display superior education This applies equally In art rou sle and drama But It Is the contemporary composer artist and writer who needs the exper ure and thoughtlul reading and viewing In what other way will the arts survival We relegate the rude to the museum when we say we dislikemodern art or SETS centennial will be depleted dur lng hall at the carnival and scenes Irom Mary Poppins will be enacted on Ice during the other hall Emmlner photo lortl Infill Howell olsnu rrem cut aortas bou aueta Artlstlc llfllllI menu Order new for Easter Dtllvcry loc any or any when in the II Lluoulll or HARRIS FLOWERS music or drama It In only by keeping an open mind andbo log always ready to listen to new approaches that the sets will live For they mustxchange as we change In our daily living habits In our modes at transpor tation in our recreation and In our knowledge at everything bout us The arts must reflect eursoclety as It Is andthinks Isaac Stern has been present ed and other top artlata are scheduled to appear This Sunday sltcrooon pro gram on our tahvision Is stron gly mommended by this writer as one not to be missed OldllmeIS wnt Volleyball Match volleyballr dame between oldstere and men under is highlighted sports night thld week week or the Public School Mens Teachers Association The aldtlmera under captain Dave Boyd dcleatcd Gary Browns younger team three games to one The sessslon eon eluded with swimming party at the YMCA pool TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7M llmbulancemen lo HaveTirne To Meet New Govi Standards TORONTO CPI Ontario the new Ambulance Services Health Minister Matthew Dy Act mond said in telegram Thure day to municipal clerks and the Ambulance Operators Asso ciation that ambulance oper ators will not be out at business Handhth included baby sets sodas duldrens sweaters Quality Concrete Prompt Delivery Plants in Barrie Mldlantle mm April it they cannot immod iately meet the standards in it ratio The telegram said provisional licences will be Issued allowing adequate time Ior operators to meet the new standarth licensing will begin April Barrie soonrsnrnssnow at the Barrie Armory April me out Wide Variety SPORTING EQllIPMENT For the Whole ran pm l0 pmt ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN FREE llVITiI antrth Sponsored BarrieJaycaea Winter orlrs Committee 09 Dunlop new balling Caldwell President at Joinson and Co Barrie Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of lth Johu 14k lng as General Manager at Johnson Co JIIIINSIIII HS DUNLOP Opposle The Queens Your Avis southernmo 0ft

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