10 GOOD HEALTH Is Best From JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Mother Can per son sulier withdrawal symptoms when suddenly stopping Iran anilisers aiier taking them tor some timerMrs Your letter tgreatly eon denscd here sounded pretty close to trsnttc Yes sometimes and in some individuals there can he withdrawal symptoms litters and other annoying re suits it trantiuilisers are stopped abrupt liter pro loosed use You are olng to two doctors One leels at the tranquilisers are factor in your skin trou ble and his Judgment is to be respected The other physician is concerned about your nervous tensionand he has his valid gonis too Many times consultation he twecn the two physicians pro vides satistactory answer tor everybody Gradual rather than abrupt omission oi the tranquil isers can avoid withdrawal dis comlorl Ask yoursell this question se sIously Are you doing all you can to control your nertous state without the help oi drugs Dear Dr Mothers have no graphical tongue have been to specialists but the whole thins still pussies and also scares me have suffered with this ior yeahMrs Although the causa at no graphic tongue is not known it ago Is not serlous condition In it is peculiar distribution oi It the lur or tiny protuberances which cover the tonguet Red spots various sizes and if shapes thus appear on the sur tacc i1 doubt that you have sultered lrom this except mentally The best thing you can do is to reni lie that it is not dangerous and Just target about it Dear Dr Molaer Can tartar damage your teeth in any way Miss It Such questions should go to your dentistbut yea tartar can damage the teeth and perhaps more Important can damage the sums vueggerxgv Dear Dr ltlolnsrt am in and have been wondering if It Is true that shaving stirratiaies hair on your taco and causes taster growth started shaving when was it Just loss on my lips TELEVISION Marax too 700 TWINE Rm rsenor or Tones flPlerre Berton sWindow on tho id martinis Kangaroo iloraoer noun 1110 641 mill snow tPlltlmt Ir Gradual Withdrawal manner mom avannvc itOecastonat Wilt ll Mflwat Junction TUESDAY MARCH MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo ocenotd camera loo uaa worm suom ï¬ber the m3 woundsvrwv Drug at tirst then the hair got thicker and grew taster Now use razor about twice weekP4 No in ita oi all the Ioihlors on the so set shaving doesnt malts the air grow taster or heavier it you doubt it Iuat look at some oi the men With heavy dark beards who belong to relile sects which prohibit shavingl Strictly speaking theres an lncreue to rate ot oath tor law hours alter avlng but then the rats slows down again The overall result is that the hairs are neither thicker nor heavier because of shaving As you grow older and the whiskers become heavier be cause or that they show up more but not because oi the razor Dear Dr Molnar was In an automobile accident which was terrific shock to my system noticed my eyes humltï¬ and an ophthalmologist lound have glaucoma Could the accident have anything to do with getting ligucomaiMrs DIILSTON Dy MM SPONAGLE Mr and Mrs Gordon Jory nnd Darlene attended the capping ceremony at Soldlara Memorial Hospital Orliiia at which Eleon or reccived her cap The WI hold their annual pot luck supper at the home at Mrs Allan Brown rs itix Strand was speaker and guest and looked charming in her cos tissue of the early 19006 The Easter meeting at UCW will be at Mrs Browns Mar Roll call will be an interestv tng item about Manitoba 4H girls are busy working on the now project World Food in Canada They have chosen as president Robin Cow ard secretary Diane Long and call their gran the Dalston Culinary Cuislnss FLAMES BEATS RATS YEOVIL England CPI Vermin exterminators in this Somerset town used flame throwers to burn away roluse dump to get rid of hundreds at rate that have been plaguing the community PROGRAMS BUFFALO DARRIE lUFPALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON El 5Mtsa boom zum whats eum min 14 Wmunlaato Hm mm 93 Valle fa Hurst atom LHayrido an th can Lucy 1News are stsuper Comics am lair tom ly iiatutssas Island znnn For Your Lila flu Out no krillh IV We Hmny anew estanm use teu nu mu manualn um som Mener 1llia v11 outs sauttguts telas Rsmim It lsm 1° ucy uPireball xu ltDaktar aw 55th Land is lHDD Ken LM ILsrsmla rowan PM 11May 51 mt Three stooges LMrTarrtIia MW WNW no if eoo use my Show me satnusns island HWY ï¬lm asootm sun lNews lpom 74de Hitmm nunst 6N can The Strata Door Sélsw of the Wink Hot OtAstdy Grimm 7Movï¬ MM ilNan TEeiony Guild The Bet Weather apom 9Coisntry nanto Hail min itMysmy Theatre or out Hum armour 1windav on the IZEGII Casey World sConcoatnusa FEM ouoesuao ssrtenety Giant arm Amid slNews sssovuiy Hillbillies Itasovts 7EmmeyWs stander aToosy smmns Phrasal 1M stssoratas Tim smy as our Um no lags the World Insas sM totsea mhflmg Hetts Malta but sesr macaw PM 14mm suewtyme arm some Issr and In ilMtka omtu 5111 Doctors HIM Party IDreau Girl Pilatme Mum pm In Cum saonnu mean 11 Albert Stud 2ch vllapfl zPick Show 900 sen Allen 31mm wuu as Pm me tint law 157tgngt flaw Pals 1257 on 13 11min realm INoan News spurns11 I511 ldndt Wm is Lanna sontma Sdiools aom at Lila 11v LYois Dontsay llOnutto scum lMorv Grtlltn sung mm sooo ENE PI 12 The vs sitouh For no LBureh In ï¬ns sn Your new 52 tlllanners iCanadlsn Schools tsm Hatch oucam TUESDAY MARCH EVENING 7Tha Invaders eun DoualaShaw 40pr H1 Menstr scoonnunteste Weather pom Pl50 show We tintautumn ss 4qu Comics mgrhgnwm no an suv on mu sstsd Movie Song mm Junction 09 sun at the Hon Hont Kennedy comm 1133 sa relgr TPttgittvo irtnte Limit ltcottn Ntu 1H Zorro so Iao1r totsom Fury Incl It hhqtly mum Hum 11 Movie limbs satisï¬esum our in sees thOooutonsl Wm no mo 214m and Soul fold0 lMusta sun tiliï¬htié Tia oi Iw vie ITEM flayn no enea Elem till3 nua wwsw By JAY East dealer EastWestunaerabie storm an guests nus grosses emu ea fiuo 30 IODDI 33 xotoses hablddtng nut siesta West North has Paaa Pu Paaa Pul Pass Pass so Ill lNT Pill Ps 74 11m hand occurred In the Tri sls played in Phoenix in 1062 As usual in this event there BEETON Dy GENEVA UItDANSKl TEACHER INJURED Mrs Olga longhurst Centre St had narrow escape early Tuesday morning when her car skidded on thc icy BostonAllis ton rand went into the ditch and rolled over The car was urnit ed Mrs Lonzhurst teacher at Camp Borden is in Siavooson Memorial Hospital with back injuries CENTENNIAL MEETING The Centennial Committee meeting Feb 21 had to pres ent it was reported the United Church Women would not enter tor meals the three daya ol the centennial celebration but would run booth on the Saturday The agricultural society is to be consulted about serving meals or the three days or being responsible tor some Leo Pax tons orchestra is to be hired tor the danceI June 17 So tar all plans seem to be progress ing well and donations are com Ing in Miss Gwen Wray teacher at Ryeraon Toronto was at her home in Beeton this weak due to illness ROTARY CONVENTION The following Rotarians and their wives attended the conven tion in Toronto last weekend Mr and Mrs Earl Homotoil Mr and Mrs Max Wilson Mr and Mrs Gunter Dedcr Mr and Mrs Ron Seaiy Mr and Mrs Bill Dorsey and Mr and Mrs Ernie Letts MODEL Miss Joan Parsons it daugh tcr ol Mr and ltirs Fred Par sons was pretty model or the Friday night art class at Bond Head Hall Approximately id pn ptis under the guidance ot art teacher iarnos Gordanier meet weekly tor classes BLOOD CLINIC The Blood Donor clinic in Al liston hnd mnny mm Beoton Cookstown and Toltenham and let plots were collected Mrs Norm Harvey is pa tient in Stevenson Memorial Hos pital CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER were many diIIereni results at the seven tables where the deal on played At three tables South got to six clubs and made it using on hesrt trick At two tab as North bid and made our hearts At another table the trump making tour The most spectacular result by tar occurred at the table where North South due to surge oi optimism or possih misunderstanding in the hldd ng arrived at grand slam in clubs on the sequence shown The second hand pass by South scents th strange since nearly everyone holding these cards would open the bid ding with club South at tempted to make up tor the gen by bidding strongly iaier ut hls linai bid at seven clubs seems excessive oven under the given ciruimsiancos However we cant baiabor South too much since he wound up melting the grand slam West had no cicarnut lend to moire and after much delibera tion opened the live oi spades lie was hoping to talk dcclnrer out at linesso in case dummy had the AQ as seemed likely lrom the bidding This lead turned out to be dis astrous when dociaror having no other way ot avoiding heart loser toyed low trotn dummy in the ope that West was lead ing lrom the king thn this proved to be the case Soth was then able to romp homo with lri tricks He won the spade with the queen lulnr discarded heart on tho are of spades ruttcd two dio monrts in dummy and thus made the grand slam Had Vcst made the more norv moi lend oi trump he would have been List points better Er GUTHRIE Dy hills CAMPBELL Recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Michael 0mm and daugh ter Toronto at Masons Mr and hire Allen Voimo Guelph and Mr and hire Evan Wilcox and two sons ot Dootnn at Campbells hire ll Grny has been vis iting her soninlnw and dough tor Mr and Mrs Proctor in Toronto rabid tax has been noticed in this community it anyone has photograph or snapshot oi the old Guthrie School tltot could be ionncd to the historical committco this would be appreciated Any such pictures may be left with How ard Campbell HERES ONE PLAN SALISBURY AP ll James member oi the mi ing Rhodesia Front party told Parliament the government should establish brothelsout side the citysince it Is unable to curb prostitution Minister or Low and Order Desmond Lard nerBurke made no commont but said he would consult with the minister oi social wellaro did all the work on that report but Briggs is in ADIOS Wall vanto Lillian listed ï¬ver God MW oi Hebrew mt DOWN It southern Bnoopcd tum Unit at Jerald weight 11 Paula airmen Bruit Blunder 19111105 EPIII oom 15Chlet Ma passion tonic rods Brittle Shield cookiee Ill Mun IAliianeo urban laments trig Indra MIeavy dlte woolen i9Rattltd fabrics about 141wowotd routes nickname 22 Letter of Cost 28 $2 wine neeticut vs of IIV Stank ill 28 Bulky Nathan 29 Jargon 30 Renal o1 hunted SLYhas Retusedto approve as alaw so aetongtng to us 31 Disconeert as Himalayas mammal 40 Gunny cloth 4105533 river 48 Hindu tribes Needle spartan then taking all the praise and credit for it DAILY caossvioao 33 train mama tum MEIR otlloe 21nov Eve 2501111 astarw hum limped 1611 821 cicandat 330mm 710001 SILBone tnr Vanat devtu 88Equsl 293mm 89Pert to Old14 malt drIiik wst 42New tan England floral state emblem shim iliigii IA linai contract wu three no BUZ SAWYER JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 MUGGS AND SKEEIER ABLONDIE The search for Marina Vladchek continues THATS ILPHIL SHE CHECKED OUT OF THE HOTELTHIS MORN ING HAVETD GUESS VWHERE SHE WENT FROM NewscastHm ITEAEWT TIME HAD FRDMOTI BRANCH OFFICE ON THE MOON ILL PUT VOU IN CHAQGE PHONED NORMA LAST NIGHT SHE turning oonos mo oassmuvaa now IN VIETCONG TERRITORY WHERE N0 OllirJllES CAN HELP THEM OHD€ARI NONDER HOW LONG ITS on YOU expirer Il we MARS uncles ALL SAID WAS THAT WUEE MY CLOSEST FRIENDl