BARNEY RATLSE left and Paul Ford are ammg the many Barrie and area snow mobile entimsiasts who are using the ice on Kanpenfelt Bay to fat their skill with the Sub Zero Temps Will Continue motorised version of the but it dog Snowmbbile Sales At Record High In Area With more and more local snowmobile chihusinsLt sliding the slopes snonmobiia sales are filling record highs Local dealers are having their best year yet and expect this years trend of more sales than in previous seasons to continue Interest in this motorized ver sion of husky sleds has grown so in Barrie that sriowmohile club has been formed with more titan 25 families participating The popularity of the snow mobile is shown by the operators of 23 Skidon Rmtrds next In the Continental in who pur chased five extra machines in an effort to keep up with demand and still have people waiting in lint on the weekends Mrs Jerry Drever of 23 ski doo said people come back five and six Limes They certainly enjoy the sport Kill Jadtsm sales manager or Ontario of Bombardier Co Ltd said Tho snowmobile business is going to be bigger than the heating burinm GIVES REASONS To back up his statement he noted snowmobiles don need ideal weather conditions dont have to be near water and are especially useful in the more Northern regions of the country where there is snow on the ground for much of the year The market is becoming lar ger and larger be said Al ready his company has ordered next years snowmobiles 96 Per cent more titan were ordered for this season Barrie Skidon salts are no per cent over last season he said and the increase for the provinca is 75 per cent Openings For Auxiliary Police in Essa Township recruiting drive for auxiliary police constables in the Barrie area is oversubsuibed except in Essa Township it was learned today hay Atkinson aoordtnabir for the Earriesimooe Emergency Measures Organization said it is dlfiitsrlt to recruit in the township because many of those living there apply for pod tions in the Barrie auxiliary im der the impression that the Bar rie police department is the only one looking for auxiliaries He noted there were openings for three or fotn auxiliaries on the Essa Township police do partment course starts Wednesday Jan at pm in lecture room nltheemntybuildingsinlsar rie lacuna will be held there every Wednï¬day for 10 weeks and will be lollowed by exams and the swearing in When winter carnival time rols around the ï¬eld cotrammi eatioos unit and the auxiliary polieeeonstahleswillheondufy to aid the Barrie police depart ment in crowd control public stators mmrmca fsctssonso SPORT LEAFS CALL UP WALTON renown CmMikellllal ton high scoring young cen tre from Kirkland Lake has been called up to Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Huck League from Rochester Amari cans of the American Hockey leaguexWalton 21 has 19 goals and 37 more hammer on flat M9 mam He was Roolde of the Year in the Gen tral Professional League two years ago and AH Rnnklerf the Year last year EAT HUMBLE PIE NFIN your toe New York Waltzeser finished flashymiï¬dmdl as year or time taint years have dmpped their price for television sonny rnra NewmtrIImlsmi also disc they have open in for sponsors of both thetri Walton and mac Madonna As in automobiles he said tlta trend among buyers was to more powerful machines Andy Welsman of Sport llaven said the growing interest and the earlier stmfnll this yw has pushed his sales of Snow Cruis ers 50 per cent over last year Many of his customers are trading their snowmobiles in for bigger machinu And time used machines go out almost im mediately he said llo pointed out there were tremendous number of snowmo biles used in the North compar ed tn this area and foresaw good sales for tow years yet Will Address Barrie Club Canadian artist Ruth Douet will demonstrate new tech aim in oil whiting at meet ing of the Barrie Art Club on Jan 31 at pm Her qualifications as an artist stem from such places as Ecole des Beaux Arts in Montreal McGill University Museum of ï¬ne Arts in Montreal drama and stage design in Inndon England and New Haven USA and drama and art in Munich Wat Germany are is teacher of art and painting and has been employ ed at the liltsoum of Fine Arts in Montreal and the Art Gallery of Ontario Her work has been exhibited at the Canadian Royal Acad emy Jonathan Graphics Ex hibition Royal Ontario Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal Paul Ford operator of Bay view Marine said he was Quito Pleased wills the local reception to snowmobiling HIGH POTENTIAL lie pointed out that the Ear rie area was considered to have the second highest market po tential for snowmobiles Can ado because of the snow belt and the fairly high population density lfo said that per dollar in vested people seemed to get more use out of snowmobiles than they do from boats They seem to be used more than boats he condoned and dont require as much service as an outboard Looking to next year he ex pects the demands of future on thusiasts to increase sales to al most double this seasons Snow cruiser sales at Delaney Boat Lines worn so under that owner Dean Arbuthnot reports he is almost sold out CANt KEEP STOCKED He said they were just so oplt ular that he couldnt keep em in stock People cant all ski so they take to the hills in snow mobiles think many people are buy ing one and doing without new car or going South he added They are proving sopopular that people are buying second snowmoblle now The fun is to drive them not ride on them hetsaid Sales from Delaney Boat Lines are almost two and half times higher than sales last year Noting there was already one snowmobile rental park near the Continental inn ho marinated there would be three or four in the Barrie area within the next couple of years Extremeooldubldr hadtbe Warm eliminate lobe mailmmsdamsnyluo foruwkinBsrrie area My Garegurwortadaallsurenu muwsuunwtdi owtng the overnight cold It wastboeoldeaomuofthowlo for mid the wands forced amend si 3333 rs mornster 1139 nominee building recorded live below CITY NEWS 84m BARN EXAMINER WEDNEIDAY JANUARY 18 1967 lour Barrie OPP Constables Are Promoted Four Barrio provtnual police eonsoabi have been promoted to the rank of corporal distrid superintendent John Clark an pounced today litres of the toitr will remain in Barrie hoist Hadridi yoined the forcein lie was sta tloned at Wastga Beach before moving to Barrie where for sev eral years he was in charge of ï¬le OPP boat cruising Lakes Coudriehlng and Simme Coast Dmig Rutledge Joined the force in 1067 and was sta tioued at Scull Ste Marie Blind River and Eliot Aka before wing to Barrie Genet Stone joined the OPP in 1953 He was stationed at general headquarters in To mnto before moving to Barrie Coast Campbell who tolned the force in l962 was on the triadic squad in the Barrie detaolnncat after serving at Tomato Ho is to be transferred to Parry Sound detachan Other manbern oi lite Ontario provincial police District in receive promotions are Const Gattie Midland Cars Collide 0n Anne Si An aoeidetu on Anne St at Donald St yesterday at 737 p111 resulted in total damage to two cars involved of $150 Drivers were John Good fellow of 108 Edgehill Drive and Arne We of 20 Vine Crw cent Constable Fred NW of Barrie City Police investigated when were no injuries Acting Mayor mm seated signsthe pmbama tion naming the week of Jan 15 in or Janeen Week Barrie Jayson PreahieiitJoim McCann looks on Activities marking the week will take place sciass the cmmtry 0n tam Jaycee President Arthur itnner or Burlington will be in Barrie for special dinner Jan 26 Examiner Photo oavsrtsrr JDIEeteinvoaathersavingsLVs during the MadeToma sure Suit Sale now on on corn roach MEINS snap CITY TAX ithTALMENT First lnslalment of 1967 City lam for Real Property and Business ls duo by wanna FEBRUARY 1W1 wann2vwnanuanv rs 1967flti warns FEBRUARY 151907 warms rpanuanvzz1oo7 Please bring ormsil complete VToir Notice with your payment DW Jagger CltyTrururor To Corporals to corporal at Huntsville Court It McCaiium Bradford to corporal at Oak Ridges Comm hflAmbcau Mid corpora at Cayuga Coors It Mason Bradford Win lemma pt to st Bracebnldge Coast Bowles Dalila to corporal at Bela Coos ll Kerr Oriflin ho corporal at Huntsville hdhwmméï¬m as st ltose Orlliia to rennin st hllltaas corporal Omst hi Canny Adlston to remain at mean as corporal Const Vertoli plain dothu con stable at Barrie for some time to special sexvicar division goit eral headquarters in Toronto hi Skinner Alliston to meant at Maniac Carrot Bodieshail Eimvale re molm at Hmvale as corporal Coast 3000 Bola re mains at Bola as corporal KEEPS noun cosv More than threequarters of Canadian homes have central heating PICiCYOUR FAVOURITE GUEI SPEAKER last nights meeting dim lob of Burl was Dr ennui general cum Association wt to in Wallis dub vieoprcsldent of the Cm of the Canadian Mental Health Dr Griffin and if Graft Idlraotorotlinclub Tells Of Battle To Halt Mental Illness Dr Griffin general dir ector at the Canadian Mental Health Association last night told the Canadian Club of Bar rio of the search for prevent in technique in Matting mental illness He told how the ï¬rst psychia tric clinic in Canada was opened at Toronto General Rewind in late and that within short time the clinic was flooded and had long waiting list Dr Clarenee Hindu who or ganized the clinic soon realized that something had to be done to stop the flow of patients the remit wai the organiza tion of the Canadian National Committee for lilental liyglme now the cams last His death December found the search for prevent ive program well on the way said Dr Griffin but the final and complete answer dill eludes us The first medical dlrwtor of the CthA Dr KClarke led the attack with the proposal that the only simple controllable source of mental disorder was irrunlgrstlon Soon now regula tions were passed resulting in the riding of peydlsalrle exam Save Flavour lnailons to the physicals given all new Canadians Unfortunately the idea has baddimd said Dr Griffin tinny desirable immigrants are being excluded simply be cause they have had term of treatment in mental hospital This Is the kind of tote that has belailen many of the st Ianpts to control and prevent mental illness Dr Griffin re lated the way in which child guidance clinics set up in an effort to nip mental dLsorders in the bud proved fntitless lho mental hospitals seemed to become even more crowded it is not surprising there fore said Dr Grifiln that there followed period of two tience and cynicism when psy chiatric and social scientists were tempted to any that pro vention was Hospitals didnt start to show even small decrease in the number of resident patients un til quite recently when method of treatment in the corn munity in general hospitals and dose to where people lived was initiated WW Canada we are at last planning the important 7d as fresh and sweet as tulips that bloom in the springl margarine by any other name couldnt be more sweeti ottttAnA tractors after care and rehabilitation scr Vices which we must have to prevent the thousands of people who would have formerly been mental tlents from further de tcriorntori he sold Particularly important in the protection mental health are the basic physical psychological and socin needs of people ih are important in the protect on of the monialhonlth of certain susceptible groups of people for example he sold the aged other susceptible limbo are the disadvantaged child and tho frustrated parent For person who is denied the basic needs he said even moderate crisis will precipi tate breakdown He said that neither the pro fessional groups nor the lay groups interested in mental and social welfare can now afford to rut aside the responsibilities or gnore the goals of prevention LOOK DOWN THE YEARS The South African wine in dustry was started more than 300 years ago by Lotto vines planted by settler Jan van ille beecit Canadas first margarine and still one of théfinestl Mr Dealer This coupon will be redeemed for plurzt lot handling providing customer putdtases Rose Tulip or Morgue Margarine We reserve the tight to declare coupon null and void unless purchase of sufï¬cient slacks warrants Its redemption Any other sanitation wnslllutei ftaud Cash value 11100 Mail to Herbert Awni limited los 1m Toronto Ontario Enter opposite code 14 on whom debit tit on any of these margarinés