FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prim paid Ior dead or crippled catiie and burner Small animal removed kee For lint nrvire PHONE HARRIS 7187751 Collect or ask or NiCKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH ISO INO CHARGE 21 hours day day neck RR Foxmeod Ontario License N0 MGM Nick Montague Pmp FARM MACHINERY CHARLES crï¬iCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Emvlrg Beatty 175 BURTON CASH TRADE TERMS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE iluurralel cow ror rate due in trralirn January 10 turiher iniormaiinn eeniut Clarence Gil In Bum tnso nenisrmzn hortholn buiii dirk roan Hudson at Bab inn Comlrutlor one helter rail FEED SEED 8i GRAIN amaw mix BALE mpg bale Apply in William stone lpawn Telephone Elmule 7001121 seas and nlatehtnuii mixed and mum on your Inrm snip Irllon ruirintced Femson ilo bile Field service 1111 centi own 4589071 POULTRY CHICKS me iminizit runners week old on Alarvh 1e Conuee Dick Niruwland at simcoe Coop in 11m nu Phone WI 6AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Service Is First AT 94 Tiiiin Si Complete collision and mechanical repairs on all models FREE ESTIMATES RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS LTD Rays Body Shop TIFFiN 51 7232717 Our reputation for quality since 1951 is your guarantee oi antisfziclion 1962 111711501 mist Sedan standard cylinder one Licence 6706313 $949 MOFFATT MERCURY SALES LTD Formerly Pierce Motor in ESSA no wasssa ByronGraham Motors 115 BRADFORD 51 arrle 7281061 our name means great deal 1551 BUICK menu naming perieci condition otter eiephtme 7784929 1951 Form Falcon Station We on standard in excellent mechln eal condiuon with good snow tires radio Must seiL Telephone 715 1690 51951 Dance va emuen email lion 51200 or best otter cur Jack mono aile1 pm CHEAP 1956 oldsimbiie 17110011 two door hardtop power brakes steering aummztlï¬ transmimn radio with rear speeiiera extn tire on wheels body excellent Telephone inn1134 ms cirevirei axle cylinder standanl transmlxion excellent condlllori radio Iniv nuieaae nine mi Telephone Midland shiatsu liter pun 1951 CHEVROLET inur door tion wagon Va automatic power steelinr Exceptionally clean nne OIVIiLX car Must be mid to settle estate Telephone nuns isir nusrm loi sale A56 rive brand new tires good motor um ire My new battery sea or beat tier Telephone mean in near AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE iui CORVAII Sedan madam name ulna recently rebuilt nu aim mm it my ephao malt ms urinal Hardtop zen VI Iutnmatic link with white iop mi lnlurtor radio ano tim whileiulis nmiiem condition v21 Telephone mam 1m mu unixi rum ml to milm new um vr urine in metirnt condition gmighout rekmm new Irvu its iimcum excellent zonal Lion one nwner ear Ilolof new INCLISIBIAN 1me Demi mlLifbn and rearenu xuaranieed in mm mcnllu Priced inr 1er Iaie Tulephnna Emirh TRUCKS TRAILERS mt lcoauual lien 195i lien auii Mm monalilenea motor Beat otIer Telephone menu in ISTDLMTIONAL iion stile anrk line rate with raeka and too in pod shape road tim Tale rhnnl mazes mominri or even nu rnlv nlucx or ale Hon 1931 Ford equipped with mow hinde new nlr wow llm power winch Telephone mam lor runner in lnnrilllon MOBILE HOMES TRAI LERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MobilemHomes General Glendale 20th Century Homes Parts and Service Codi or Terms up to Year BURTON AVE name name 301ml haw tut Glenaetia luiei Tuner available now liediced rental raie or inw it to llurina and owner will It been For lilrthrr IMW Ilion 1917311116 ran7m SNOWMOBILES CYCLE SPORT Sales and Service Pioneer Chain Saws SntrJet Snow Mobiles Honda Suzuki and Yamaha 7268771 69 Dunlop St FOX TRAC SNOWMOBILES DON AND RICKS Sales and Service ER BARREL 7268214 after weekdays DARCY SKDOO Rentals Sales and Service Bell Ewart 456 MOTOSKI WEBSTER Sale and Service STROUD 4364875 SKID00 INSURANCE nvailablenlong with all other types STEVENSONS 113 Dunlap St 7264801 oric sxow cnuiaena Tulle Sleigh Snow Suits Snow new Drlrmy Beale Ltd anlield 5L 7266413 8PERSONALS RANDALLS HEALTH STUDIO Sunroom Sauna Bath Massage etc MondayFriday 12 noon10 p1n Saturday 10 am Couples 645915 pm BARBIE PLAZA 7733781 BE FEMININE Superfliious hair removed by Electrolysis The sale scientiï¬c See method 0111 Certified Electro lysist is available for consulta tion without charge SYLVIAS SALON Fred Grant Square Barrie Ont 7230380 Wammï¬rgtter will do any or sewing gasomble rates Tgicmm The La 11 YOU have PERSONALS BOMBARDIER AND SLEIGH RIDE PARTIES any evening Leaving from 81 Bay PoLnt Phone 1mg Shoal Fish IIULS 011 PAIHIDNID Team and Elena Pu Put NM THU 0535 at 1159 were In ml 7M 7151511 Alcogouc Halal AlAnnndh all NIH WM DIX or anal malt news box clan manly Hulaaunt mm Birmingham with M11 and three runny marten antigen to cutie pond and endahlp nmeonq tn Barrie area Pieu mite mtg gum Dialrid its The Season To Advertise CALL 7282414 PERSONALS mum TAX retuma lot hm man P5LKM£mï¬nunL 1a Dani on an mm or Appointan Do YOU me To mm 11 Bella Ladien 5mm Inuit you In 9121 nhnrul w°iih3i an in ill1 DIME AVI NW miner eieanie for further Multan Dietath new mei p11 NURSING HOMES FIVE NAPLES NURSING HOME THORNTON Ont has an attractive private room vacant large clothe closet comtortably Iuniisbed Also semiprivate available Tray servite Reasonable ralu Phone 4584601 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Ilouauvivns an extra IMMY ei ham Iluehali men needed immediaiely Apply Landau and Weilimr Limited too Victoria 5L Barrie Teleptwnn 1235111 Ila reserve the right to limit quantities SYLVANIA LIGHT i1 BULBS to on AND 1110 WATT lO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP SECRETARY TYPIST must be efï¬cient Salary dependent an ability and experiente Apply credit Burnett oi Barrie Bl Whitley St AVON OPPORTUNITYx Does an Avon Repmenialive calionyouHVemaynaedaome one in your neighbourhood No obligation Write Mia Toni Smoluk RD Box Barrie or call MESSL new mm necessary Rtpiy nun ex Ieneo in Box 1311 Barri Banning Want Ads Dont CostThey Pay IIZIEDEINEIZIIZJEEIZIJEZTESEEHEMII 10 HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS uranium Hair amti Innud tar IIimmodrln beauty nine to uh are ntme that in ammoe Ed and coaxialion Wnln In Box 81 Barrie Examiner on mVlLe at home inn over to lnr anon trip neu Barrie Wmh II In 000 In in yur write Dklflwn Pr smitnwesiern Petroleum Corp 514 liain it worth hm uloL MALE HELP FREE 000K BOOK Get your M12531 Cook Book now nnd inlormalion how in make money Bellini Rnwlelgh Products full or part time Write Rauleighs Alzs EC 4005 Rimelleu Hen r7 Montreal WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING 72844 10 THE BARRIE EXMIINER TUESDAY JANUARY 17 17 DALSTON By MRS SPONAGLE Mr and Mn Bert Massey lure returned home alter extended visit with rrlndvea During Christmas holiday they were with their dauzhler and sonin inw the Picklnrda Toronto New Years wed they vlsked the Marin at Oakvlile later returning to Toronto where they visited Hill Wallace Guests at their Dalston home on weekend Jan Included irandchildren Linda and Doug alacKemle and friend llosa Roberta Oakville BENIN NEW STUDY Dalston United Churth Women held their meetinl Jan at lira Joryl Interesting tacta about Brazil was the roll all answered by 11 members and two visitors Mrs McLean led the wor ship period Mrs Emma ot lumd to talotx huge 0t quilting protects and plans were made to make one and an seam Mrs Wumen introduced the new study book on Canada dell aim linii um served by him Emma and him Dicker teamed by tin hottLG meean Ill be held at Ilrs Wauonl Feb The executive met at hlrs Browna to illlne the program tor the ensuing year AS PROJECTS WI will convene at Mn Browns Jan 19 Roll call What mind like to atmge In my WI Program will be under the direction nt hire Coward corn vm at public Rheum Some one In the community has the lmvslina Baku Phone call by her to 7M1 will be apprec lated The annual ikatlng party epon aeml by the VI will take place Jan 21 at Guthrie Arena 310 pm Everyone is welcome and Oralghurst akaten will be at tmlsllng dire Will ed parties in Jan 20 in the old Idnool at pan and continue Iortnightly during the winter it well attend Ed Vegetaqu with Flam in to begin Jan It at pm in the United Chumli basement ll llllllll lllllllmuIlmumunuu SPEC45 regimen 4Wnmme gt LavatdeflellmL liner PRICE SPECIALI iiiitiiii umusnasuo SYRUP 20 oz Sugg List 550 Areal value 29 we RESERVE IHE mm 11 enwvmmnsjir unnnnnminunu 95 SPECIAL AlKASEIJZER 67 WWW BAYER ASPIRI 1335 v67 immu lemflm IF III THESE ARE DILY Till 0F TILE WY SPEGIALSAVAILABLE AT MsmEflfllflllllll IIS ENSPHARMACY i411uNi0PW DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Happen strike with dull sound 11 Drcnrny Proportion 13 Appearing as if eaten 14 Accumulate 15 Old Curi oslty shop gir1 16 Little girl 17 50 Ln Caesars day 15 Image 20 Behold 21 spear 24 Spanish printer Forelgn 21 Wall painting 28 Bell 29513in 301mm note 31 Close noially an nwlndnw 32 Type manure 33 Place 34 Young 23Number 24nowlng nolaiiy ZSJInit beVDI age 27 Part of an hr 29Chan 1121 31Nnvy kidney and lime 3ZNunlalakl otaGabot aanngaue SiamML Cereal grain Wood path Amateur radio operators Gall of lizard Faithless 10 Hugrail dial 18Dlstxesl call 19 Lair 20Nohle1riari 21 Sclentlats workrnnni or alien 22 Scare rnnnger REGULAR SUOGLIST 2101 59¢ min on mngt0gt Yealerdayl Aulwar UI Nn ll almwirlx nimxt 36 Llonaiieci hair 37 Frult decay 39 lapuieae measure 40 Narrow HEATING nu linen nulneuuau Hfllflflfllll linenII Forebndhig Center Nothot Not nut as bread BRANCH STORE 4a COLLIER