Essa Council Seeks Liquor Store Facts BAXTEII Staff Ftdlowiag representations from Angus and elsewhere the Essa town ship council has moved to make new representations to the Li quor Licence Board regarding liquor outlet in the township The council supported mo tion moved by Councillors Ross and Ken Blanchard in structing the clerkHarold Bell to write the board on their be lull with request for delin ite date when liquor outlet might be opened copy of the letter also is to be sent to Downer iiiiI for SlmcocDul fcrin MATTER OF PRIORITY The new action follows up pre vious efforts by the Essa coun cil to obtain some definite in formation Previously it was ad vised that an outlet would be established but other places with prior claims had priority The vote which tavored cstab lishment of government stora and warehouse was held in early Dec 1965 The favorable vote for the store was 1362 to St or 712 per cent and for the warehouse 1297 to 608 or 682 per cent DuIing lounges were FRED ROSS defeated by the so per cent ma orlty rule as the percentage margin in favor was only 566 per cent or 31 per cent below the necessary figure to carry Reeve George Davis pre sided at the meeting During discussion it was pointed out more than year has elapsed since the vote and it was sug gested something definite should now be known At the same meeting Utopia Etmgrore Thornton Angus and Ivy community centennial pro lects were given approval under the Rural Centennial Program Deputy ftccve Eugene smith and Councillor Morgan Murphy mt ed the motion Letters were approved to de linquent taxpayers requesting payment of arrears The clerk also was instructed to write it Grant municipal accounting ad viser asking for more infor mation on early instalment tax collection plan It iiifins propositions re gardlnghis park area on Con it were reviewed at special meeting and filed With the entire council appoint ed as the police conunittee law enforcement matters were dis cussed and it was decided to hold special meeting on Mon day Jan 23 at 130 pm with members of the police force in vited to attend New County Worden Asks CoOperation Newlyelected warden of Simcoe County for 1967 George MatKay of Orb has stressed the need for full cooperation of all members to hold the county for line as low as possible With work due to start on the budget right away the estimates bar this centennial your will be reviewed soon The mic for gen cral purposes last year was seven mills which was set to raise the sum of 513191815t in addition II rate of 41 mills was set to raise mama for road purposes Higher costs and increased de mands for service add to prob toms of the new county council as they prepare to start work on new estimates Reeve Mac Kay who was county chairman of finance last year is anxious to have the cumin omttlnue its financial policy of avoiding de bcntures by paying capital funds out of convent revenues pointing out this is saving to towers in addition to the budget the matter of equalizing Nprescn ration also is due for early nt tcntlon This probably will come in the form of special report recommending legislative chang es lo the department of munici pal affairs PIONEER FAMILY member of pioneer are family the new warden lives on farm opposite county road 21 just north of hulson His grand father who was one of group of settlers from the isle of Islay off the western Scottish coast grilled in 0m not tbr from Mr rachys present form Known as lslay Than in mommy or his yandtather and mum pioneers ltfr Mnclfnya farm was airmen as runnerup in the Simeoo County farmstead improvement contest conducted as centennial project Fire Truck run Urged lit Beeton BEBTON tStafl cam paign to raise money for fire truck has been started herefol lowing discussion by Beeton vii laga council which is headed by Reeve End Brown Lawrence Hawton was named chairman of the fundraising campaign on motion of council which was carried Councillors Ed Boyntan and Peterilrban ski moved the resolution Authorization has been given by council for the purchase of two mediumsired 002 fire ax tingnlshers for the tire depart ment and also two smaii 002 extinguishers for the municipal truc Former warden Harvey was appointed Beeton represent atlve to the Nottawasaga Valley Commaion Authority for 1967 68 Mrs Hazel Spearing was up pointed as rcptwarrantch to the Library Board for three years Council fees were set at $11 per meeting Announce New Healing Substance ShrinksPilcs hdurinbulinlaublllnnprallnloallrink hemheiriundnprirdmucd llama renowned research institute has found am as heating substance with the ahI ity to sh nlr hemor rholds yaalnlosaly It relieves ltehln and id comfort in minutes In speeds up healing of the injured inflamed tissue In also after casu while gently relieving am actual reduction shrinkage took pim Most important of allresuita weraao thorough that thlaimprove ment was maintained over period oi many months This was accomplished with As reeve of Ora Mr MacKay heads one of the best financed municipalities in Ontario Ex cept for schools and the Shanty my fire area the township has no debenture debt and sub4 stantial cash reserve iiuving lust started his 11th year as member of the coun ty council Mr MarKay is serv ing his fith 1ch as Ora rceva and lie was deputy renve for six years before that lie also serv ed as councillor for six years The county council recogniz ed Mr MacKuys financial abil ities last year in choosing him as chairman of finance and his good Judgement here plated part in his election as warden The county top has no deben ture debt and follows proced ure of meeting capital outlays out of current funds Mr Maclt Kay is hopeiul that this will cnnA tinne as he terms it sound fin mroing and an economy since it saves in interest costs Since he was lirst elected in Cm for the 11751 term the town ship has been favored with can siderabie development Mr lilac Kay would be the first to dis claim credit but his policies on Pavreaus Post May Remain Open By RONALD LEBEL OTTAWA CHA new and delicate political problem faces Prime Minister Pearson as result of Guy Favreaus resig nation as Quebec leader of the federal Liberal party Sources say large majority of the 56 Liberal MP5 from Quebec favors the appointment of Manpower Minister Jean Marchnnd as Mr Favrcaus successor But informants close to the prime minister say he has doubts whether the position of Quebec leader should ever be filled again And Mr Mar chands Quebec colleagues in ï¬le cabinet are also cool to the ea Ever since Mr Favreau be came embroiled in the Lucien Rivard bail affair and the re sulting Dorian judicial inquiry Mr Pearson is known to have formed the view that the ap pointment of Quebec lieuten ant ean be more political li ability than an asset 0m council were undoubtedly factor While the extension of the cot lage areas probably received the am auction development at golf clubs and ski resorts also added to its popularity for loan lsts The Horseshoe Valley Ski Club is only few miles smith of Mr lilaclfays farm on county road 22 and the Oro reeve is among those who believes it has strong possibilities for further development Its picturesque lo cation among high hills in county reforestation area adds to the atmosphere Shanty Bay Golf Club is an other attractiun which has been bringing many visitors to Oro COLLEAGUES PLEASED Mr Maclfnys fellow council tors were among those extend lng congratulations on his cloc tion Deputy move Kenneth Gil lespie who once served as recTa when Mr Maclfay was deputy was among the first being pres ent at the county council Councillors Kenneth Gilchrist Howard Campbell and Allan Mc Lean also were elated as well as Oro people generally For mer deputyrceve Gordon Cald well member of the ennnty plowing committee and former councillors Leonard lttcltrthur and Wallace Key also were pleased BLIGHTY BINGo EMBASSY liflll Blake St tlttlttStiitY fit an Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc IMPERIAL Meg Direct From its Reserved at Pisantationl Continua from Thu Brttia For lthartauml superman BLAUSIEIN PRODUCTION ll erfnrmanesl Popular Priaasi underwater I1 Ill lMlilil RiCliilRlllllHllSth ltittttitlttttlrtittistlli it DISTRICT NEWS THE HARRIS EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 17 167 Will Decorate Beeton Village For Centennial BEE10N Staff Canad ian flag and centennial flag will fly from the Beeton Community Centre as part of centennial dec orations for this South Simeon village leanduo Pater Urbanski caur vener for the centennial decor etlng committee reported good progress made and he is conï¬ dent Beeton people will make an outstanding showing Plans for the oelwraiian in which Beeton is combining et forts with Tecurnseth township are well advanced it will be Md on the weekend starting Friday June 16 and continue through Saturday and Sunday The ioint centennial project new lighting for the fair grounds will be officially opened on Fri day rught by the lawmanGov ernor of Ontario the Honmrvlbla Bari Rowe Children Die In Huntsville Fire HUNTSVILLE Ont CF Three children died Sunday morning in fire which de stroyed their frame home just north of here Their mother and three other children 0563de in Jury Vaync flown 10 Joanne and Edwin ft children of Mr and Mrs Dcimor flown were killed in the fire which followed an explosion in space heater as Mrs flown tried to light it Marlo Down 19 thaw his brother Barry out of sec ond storey window into the snow and lumped out after him sixth child John was next door at the time of the tire inspectors from the Ontario Ebro Martahats pinkie were called to the scene Celebration The Athletic Association is making plans for sport events and Elgin Rutledge heads com mittee maHng arrangements for other entertainment The program includes parades dances and opelhair religious service ltcove Earl brown is overall diamnan Meantime Beeton Figure Skat ing Club is making good progress in arrangements for its annual ice carnival planned for March It Utopia Project Is Given Boost SUNNIDALE Staff Notta wasaga Conservation Authority chairman Reeve Lloyd Prldham said he was pleased with the Fromm made in negotiations for help for the Utopia dam and water reservoir prolcct The provincial grant was substantial boost he said of the $1350 grant approved by the Ontario government Essa township has gr to meet half of the cost of the remaining 25 per cent while other munlcl politics of the authority make up the balance Wu have been working on this for some time he said In Sunnidaie the chief conser vation project is at New lowell where another important water reservoir is being developed Twenty eight municipalities make up the authority and an nual rwarts and election of of ficers will be held at meeting to be held at the county builds ingBarrie toward the end of February Reeve Pridham said he would announce the exact date when arrangements are completed Essa Deputy ileeve Eugene Smith who is also member of the board said the provincial grant was most welcome snagDAV INCLUDES aouwn TRIP FARE BY nus HOTEL ROOM 11 NiGHTS till noon SIGHTSEEING Additional stopovers if desired lnnisfil Township Council ac cepted tender of the Dominion Roads Machinery for an ex change of 1nyear old machine for new one equipped with the best of mouidboard and plow Council fortunate in getting substantial allowance for the old machine which has been well maintained by the roads depart ment 1t secms there is good demand for these machines when they have been carefully handled and well kept mostly by contractors and others who need an additional machine for small jobs Total cost 31968275 lnnislll has had plenty of snow anti if the new machine is now in service it will be getting real workout The new grader will be paid for under the 19f budget NEED BIGGER DOOR The new fire truck which is to be housed at the Stroud Sta tion will require bigger door Plans for the enlargement of the doors are to be drawn by if Alex of Porrtland Baker and Poison VIEW AT CROSSING Obstructions which prevented clear view up the tracks where the Allundnlc line crosses the 9th concession have been remov ed Council agreed that 1tch Shannon owner of the property be paid $500 for fill and damages to his property in making the changes An agreement prevent ing any owner from building or allowing any growth to obstruct this view in future was to be signed and registered against the lands This will terminate if this line is ever abandoned by the railway OLD SUDDIVISIONS The Building inspector is to go back into the files and as certain if plans on old subdivie starts can be made to conform with the modern regulations es pecially these wh chrequire roads to he brought in certain standard Les Griffith is to spend some of his spare time during the winter on this project and rant ning Board ICE 0N PONDS The ponds in the new Centen nial Park might be good place to skate but it was decided that the township would not partici pate in having them cleared of snow this year BAND INVITED motion was passed in Coun cil to ascertain if the calling wood Collegiate Band would be available next July when the new Centennial Park will be of llcially opened This will mark the townships official celebra tion of Centennial Year and it is expected that many hundreds of persons will be at the park to take part in the opening YDOII CITY TOUR Ybor City which is the origin at part of Tampa where Cuban cigar makers settled and made home for themselves back in the 18905 is soon to undcigo facelifting Under Urban itcnew at plans many of the old build ings will be torn down and re placed with new parks and streets but all this will be done in style to preserve the Span ish flavor of this section There are several famous res taurants in this section which serve Spanish food in beautiful surroundings rcrnintsccnt of the grandeur of the original home land of the early settlers tour in small train type ve hicle takes the visitors through the old streets and an visit to bakery where Cuban bread made as it has been for cen turies is turned out by the thou sands of leave day The stick of bread is yard long and presents few prob lems to get it home unbroken it you buy it on the tour but is delicious small establish ment has few employees who still handvrolt cigars but they have had to substituee American and South American tobacco for the famqu Cuban leaves which are no longer brought into this country The large cigar factories which employed thousands of are now standing idle or used by other firms for storage We were told that before the Cuban crisis the union had about 92000 people on its books There are many colored people in this area and the populatlun is still cosmopolitan newspaper We picked up was trilingual ital ian Spanish and English The face of Ybor City has changed and will change still more with the Inban renewal program but they still have proud heritage and love of their old customs and traditions DISTRICT BRIEFS CREESIOIIE COUNCIL CREERIORE Stall With oarnmIttooa appointed at the inaugural meeting earlier Rcevo Gordon Watson and mmbm of his council will start giving at tcation to budget problems at meeting Jan 17 at oclock PLAN REUNION OREEMOIIE IStaif Plans for strand reunion next sum mer will be discussed at meet ing to be held at Glen liuron School in school section No to on Wednesday evening Jan 18 CREEAIORE CUIILING CREEMORE Staff Wal lace Timmons md his rink Pick Scutt All lilillsup and Cecil Wilson will conmctc in scalar curling competition at Alliston on Saturday Jan 21 The sec onrl round will be playtd at Oreemore on Friday Jan 15 VOLUNTEERS IIELI COLDWATER Stall Con struction work continues at tho Goldwater Community Centre with volunteer workers assisting in the effort The community centre board is hopeful to have work advanced to such stage closed building will be ready for natural ice rink by Feb IIEY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7232414 CANADA Tourn inauna TRIP raves ARELOW WINNIPEG REGINA CALGARY vnncouvnt 787 TiCKETSANDlMORMATION AT nus TERMINAL ayrha aeenr 39151 5085 62 new healinrvubatnnoa liloDyna which at iy helps heal tire cells an stimulates growth new tissue NowiiiryDyne is offered in nine ment and an pository form called Preparation Askiorltstaildnlg Itoresmanay back guarantee Maple at SimsM $9 Telephone 72655 amt ywcnataumru iiédiitraaoasvh Féjsiiocaaoau UITM rannvrstou numrcotoa 1sz AltTtSTS mammothI mmnnvuunuauarmnsrmmra Illlllltlllltltullfllhi Am