0RD REEVE George hiaeltay became Simon Coim tys 10911 warden He was installed by Judge James Ail GERRY ROBERTS lEilS 12333 naunmmmmmmammhm hilll DIRECTOR Reassess Position City mun Rance chain men Roberts last night asked Royal Victoria it ital director to take enoihu too It their dedrlon to Add 0000 to tender on the millmillion dollar hospital addition Mr Roberts told the boards ï¬nance committee in joint ses sion It city hall the council would have an easier lob de ciding on building grants 11 the board reassessed its poilllon But there war no lndiclton int light that the hospital board is ready to reconsider Council wu asked tor $870 571 the citys share of the IMAM sodium The hospital board earlier rob ed to award the contract to Em cry Engineering Ltd at Barrie but only alter adding £110000 County Council Recessea Today Clare alter melting the gavel at ofï¬ce from Miring wardcn George hicthgua ol Alliston Mr iilacKay was elected by reclamation aiter ï¬ve other nomlncos wither in his tav ar 0n hand in offer Wrat ulntinns mm Bini0 liiayor awoke Arthur Evom MP in Simone Centre and nine other former Simcoe County wardens ln Accepting the highest courty oilicc Warden itincltay who has served the county for tho pas to years thanked his colleagues and his Oro supporters tor his elec tion ABOVE the Knitting new warden donning his hat of 0mm naked by his mother and wile litr mans loll and lint01 Codie Atl MEET Whrden lide dint with Charles Eplctt Ki of Coldwuter warden in 1923 Mackay Chosen New County Warden It is pleasure to bring you Erecting from Bands sold Mayor Cooke in enemi ing congratioatlons to Reeve George lLchny at 0rd aitcl be nus chosen Simoce Countys loath warden and installed by Judge James Clare at the coini ty comeil hall at Barrio yester shy altcrnoon Mayor Cooke gave assurance oi the City at Barrie working in close hammy with the county in matters of mutual lnicrtst and advantage Recalling his own service on county couan before becoming Barrie mayor ï¬ve years ago Mayor Cooke said have fond memories oi our discussions and debates here We didnt very tiled win but it was always interesting grad appreciated the icllow BARBIE iilllill WEATHER Gusting Winds Extremely Cold llhe weatherman says the tank perature will dip to below the zero mark tonight with winds Iglisiinguptottnï¬lesperhoiu Wodnwday The forecast issued by the To main weather office this narra lng calls for snow squalls ac companied by heavy drifting and blowing snow timeth the snowoelt areas Snow flurrim will continue on Wodnuday with variable timid nsss Northwest winds will be near 30 but gushing up to 50 llonigits low will be 10 ris ing Wednesday in Tamera ture ouwide the Barrie Emm lner at 1030 this mowing was Bil ronbmo or mun orecasts at 500 can htesduy Synopsis Winds shitting this morning into the northwest will combine with snow squalls forming over Lake Huron and Georgian Bay bringing blustery conditions throughout southern Ontario On Wednesday sunny cold weather is predicted tor most of the province but snow flurtles will likely persist in tho snowbalt areas oi soulircrn Oa tario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario Halilnrr ion regions Windsor 1hronto Hamilton windy and turning much colder with scattered snowflurries and variable cloud iness today Sunny and cold Wednesday Winds West in northwest near 30 but gusting stilmestooill Lake Huron southern Geor gian Bay regions Cloudy windy and turning much colder wldi snowilurrles today Suowsqualls accompanied with heavy drlit ing and blowing snow tinough out the snowbelt areas Vari able dloudiness and tow snow tlurrics Wednesday Northwest winds near so but gusting at times to 50 Scuthcrn White River Alu gcma Tim nil northern Georgian Bay Coohrano rc ginns Snow gradually easing this morning but heavy drift log and blowing snow continu ing throughout the day lttosily clear and very cold tonight and Wednesday Winds becoming northerly near 31 with gusts to so this morning Northern White River region Clear and very cold today and Wednesday Considerable driit ing and blowing snow today Nortihcrly winds 250 to 30 Western James Bay region Clear and very cold in all but extreme southeastern sections today and Wednesday Snow in extreme southeastern sections ending this atternoon Continu ing very cold Ottawa and region Show this morning changing to flurrles this sitemoon and cleoring this evening llurning colder today Wednesday sunny and very cold Winds southeasterly 15 to 25 shifting to westerly with gush to 40 early this aimrnoon and doneasing to westerly is tonight Forecast temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor 10 St ilhomas 10 Inndon 10 Kiosiencr 10 Mount Fore Wingham 1i Hamilton 13 St Calhar iii 13 10 13 25 2O 25 50 do 15 Kapuskaslng 35 10 White River 10 Monaonee 30 10 tinunlna 10 HOME SHOW Hon Stanley Randall On tario minister of economics and develoflneni will open the sec ond annual Burris Home Show on Jan id Elected by acclamaiton otter ï¬ve others nominated withdrew in his favor the new warden said he felt it was an honor which came to him by reason of his long service at more than 10 years with the county and said he would like to give due credit to On people and others who supported himrto rinks it newbie in thanklng his col lcagues he said he would do his best to serve this highest county ofï¬ce Arthin mans lilPP member for Simeon Centre extended warm greetings from the riding and in addition to tho two arm er wanders who are now sitting members Warden litacKuy was conglutuiatai by 12 other former wardens who were among the special guests Oldest was alludes Epicti ac oi Goldwater who was was den in ion Now Goldwaters oldest resi cnt Mr Eplcit show od he is ill remadrably active despite hisycars The 1966 warden George McA Cague of Alliston prmented ilk gavel of silica to Mr Mac Other exnurdcns present in cluded Montcalrn Maurice oi Tiny Harvey and George task lccinnesth Herbert Hugh es West Gwilllrribiny Roy Hickllng Barrie Jamar Patton Notoawacaga Smith Campbell Ba Fisher Gaston Hills dal Albert DeCorrkey Matche dash and George Banting Reeve of Medeaits Dalton Jermoy and Goldwater reave Ernie Miller back after lapse oi 20 years were the sitting membersl with warden exper once WHERE WIIHDRAW Besides Walden MlacKsy Reeve Joseph Contours of initia tii Reeve Arnold Vancise of Nonawasasa We Graham Card of the town of flotilla Reeve Gordon Watson of Crec mcre and Reeve Alex McAuley of Elmvale oko were nominnb ed When all withdrew Fred limiter clerk declared Mr MlaoKaw eluded by reclamation anon ranteal Armous my ass ROXY WIMP 511W BARIII One at the ï¬rst duties at the new warden was to welcome the it new members of the 55 member council as well as the others who were back or an other yuan Mr miter which in 1913 was welcomed back as rcavc oi Goldwater and Roeve Michael Assclin of Tiny also was wel corned bark alter long absence Ono Deputy Reeve Kenneth Gillespie was another new mem ber with iorrner experience on coimty council OTHER NEWCDhlEHS Other newcomers initiated in tiluiiind Reeve Arthur Wright at West Gwiilimbiuw who replac ed tonner warden Herbert Hughes Reeve Lloyd Taylor and Deputy Reeve Russell Gmghton oi Maiohadash De poly Rewa Eugene litaillotut of iiny Depths Reeve James Wales from llossorooilo Deputy Reeve Jack ilayior rem Allia oon and Deputy Recvc Carl Doran from Vesim The council munbersliip of 55 represents total of 73 votes with members of larger nnmici palitias having two the pro portion of membership how ever is far irom equalized in relation to population or tax ation and Oils is to be given early attention The town of Oriltia paying about 18 per cent oi the taxes has two members and ion vat as among the somembcr ra vote home On taxpaying basis the town should have nine members out at 50 or at least lowith the present number Other larger townships and bows also have claimed unemral representation while Reeve Louis Monkman til Omlcsbwm has warned smaller places will be swamped it voting power is based on taxes Will or popida tion alone Mr Maciï¬ay asked coiniuils cooperation in trying to hold the 1966 omniin hex rates it at all possible Re mentioned new ooimty prison as one at the ma jor topic likely to receive at ienilon Winner ci Academy Awards Pins Best Picture nmeiaauauulllla all nuuuuumuu Still Nilltllt SALE niyovnoï¬ llfliliiiliilfli lit BY Mtli Matinee Weds Sat and Sun Evenings At it pan Admisslon lricea MATINEE Weill Bot and Bun 1150 EVENINGS Bun Thurs $175 Sat and Back Tomorrow Alter holding its 1061 inaugural yesterday Simcoe County Coun cil recessed today but will re sume sessions It the county building here in Barrie tomor row starting at 10 am Fred Hunter clerk raid the Moss was to give the striking mounted impav when Orn Reeve George Mac may was dune wading starts drum up slate 01 proposed mntttces our domain up proval Finance and road committees are usually considered the most important along with assess ment in addition to the warden members chosen tor the striking committee include Reeve Ar nold Vanclso oi Nottawasaga Reeve Lloyd Pridham oi Sunni dale Deputy Reeve John Pat erson oi Orllliu township Reeve Graham Card of the town at Orlllla Rccve Altrcd Cage at Ponctang Reeve Bruce Stewart of Bradlord and Route Alex McAulay oi Elmvale Will Present New Colors To llir Cadets New colors will be presented to No 10 Harris Air Cadet Squadron on Monday Jan 25 at parade in the Armouiy starting at pm The new colors were made by the womens auxiliary of 441 Kempcnielt Wing RCAE Asro clation Presenting the logs will he Mm Alex Storing and Mrs Jim Baker Guests for the parade Include Sqdn Ldr iiicConvey liaison oilicsr irom Bass Bordon for air cadet squadrons in the Borden area Ft Lleut Jones liaison oillcer or the Barrie Squadron irom Base Rorden and soda 1dr Kearns serilor liaison oi iiccr for Ontario irom Trenton Vince Hawkins chairman oi the Air Cadet league of Canada is expected to attend Canadian Forces Boss Borden Band under the direction oi Sgt Wiseman will provide music Air Cadet flying scholarship wings will be presented to W02 Hall who earned them on course last summer Will Address Ladies Guild Amw hmneonimimlfli aftcrhovangspesnioinyesrsn SW MISS Shirley Snider mansionatmme dayShcisslotedtospcakoia meshing of the Trinity Chapel Ladles Guild at oclock an evening Miss Srudar wasadive to Wonder b6 oidtcOvamWsslonziryWFei inwnhfp Gavin WHALES 0N PATROL PARIS The Freich defence ministry plans to send dolphins to military school at its relentltic research centre at Blanitz on the Bay at Biscaw It says the lrlendly small whale can be trained for example to patrol ports and alert its master when irogman ap proaches JANUARY VIEWING HOURS to the price submitted to correct an error liir Roberts iasinlght asked tor copy of Emeryr request tor change in the tender But he was told by Robert Armstrong chairman of the boards tin Incc committee that Emery has never asked lor any adjustment Mr Armstrong said the dc cision to add the memo war based an advice irom architects and the Ontario Hospital Serv icer Commission The board was advised against entering into an tnadeguatcly tlnanccd contract he rel Hospital directors cariler vot ed by narrow margin to cor rect curtain in Emer as tlmates made when so or tax was deducted twice llr Roberts said last night he was shocked at the de ALDERMAN Bruce Owen is dressed the Kiwanis Club oi Barrie la right at Commam Bruce Owen told the Kiwanis Club at Barrie lastnight that human needs dictate the cutting of red tape and stereotyped ideas as tar as the children in need in em province are concerned He suggested the first prob lem facing the province and its people was mental and auction at illness in children and the lack of taciliilcs for their treatment Separate estimates show there are between 100000 and 400000 children in need at treatment but there are only 400 beds in the whole province tor them We are telling to provide the he said Mr Owen said it sometimes took two years to get an emo tionally disturbed child into treatment centre He pointed out that the longer manual or emo Tbe Darrte Jaynecr in cooperationiwlih the Barrie and Diurlct Winter Works Committee present tionnl disease was left the hard er lt was to treat To combat this problem Owen suggested three levels of attack which are used in other provinces and in sonic states WORKtVlTH CHILDREN Before the cases become too advanced he recommended so clal workers and psychologists work with the children and par ents in their homes more the borne brealos down he suggested look into ester or mop homes He strongly urged that insti tutional treatment he used only as last resort it is economically impracti cal not to have such pro gram he said Unless they can be treated in tlieearly stages litmus prel erably in their homes they grow up to he adults possibly more sick and will require treatment or years in an Ontario Hospital He said the cost of treatment or one patient tor one year at an Ontario Hospital was in the neighborhood of 56000 For that amount qualified social work er could he hired who could handle fairly large case load 2nd ANNUAL BilltlttE HOME SHOW at the ainnufnnuourv 262728 pan to to pan lhundsy many and Saturday ADULTS 50 CENTS Children accompanied by adults admitted free annals rumor CHAMBER OF COMMERCE inclllties to help these childrengt vision it does not appear the um at it tax were he sail We have to be convinced that there war legitimate request to adjust the trailer The citys share of the added $110000 would be between $25 000 and $20900 Under lcrmula based on client day occupancy ar rved at earlier the city would pay 55 per cent at the lands to be raised locally or $870811 Federal Provincial grants and looar would total Nyltlut and Simcoe County Council will be approached tor $7000 in gig to question irom hlr Re is Hospital Adminis trator Cameron raid the project would come to comp ate standstill ii the city dcddal to hitfldd its and ity He spoke on Gril drcn in With Mr Owens second from My are For that reason it is prac tical and necessary in dollars and cents to havosuch pro gram he said He criticized educators say ing the young people arent being told about these prob lems its suggested an extensive pro gram oi bursaries and scholar ships for prospective social wor kers at the college level We are currently in the mid dlo ot an adoption crisis he said Ha quoted statistics to prove that births in wedlock were decreasing while those out at wedlock were increasing cldy He said that in 1064 there were 4000 children available tor and not placed in adoption HARDESI ro PLACE those with egroid blood indi am Olderibals and physically Mr handicapped children To provide homes for tho arent adopted he suggested adoption foster homes group homes and as last resort in stltutionol care He urged reassessment or our moral standards and hoped the people oi Canada would ab serva the proper standards to lied Cross Society To Hold Meeting ihe arunral mastitis oi the Bar 11 Enanch ot the Canadian Red Cmss Society will be hold at the YlMYWCA Building Jun 13 at pm Galen speaker will be Paul Metdrum director Ontario Red Cross Ybuth Members at the public who are lnteresied in the work at the Red Cross are welcome to attend tits meeting lliltilll peanut Hardest to IJolson in order are NoShrinir Drapery Clean We are specialists in pleating draperies to restore the custom made lookchcorator Folds accurately renewed by our DRAPERalORM are long lasting too The hospitat hoard plans new eightvrtorcy building ptur cricn rlonr to the cotztcrla and on lergemcnt at the kitchen and laundry Figures presented to oily coun cil last night list general con tradm tree at drama in mechanical contractor North land Plumbing would receive $807005 and the electrical ran tractor Abercromblc Electric would receive mam Emcrys general contract bid oven at the adjusted itgurc was the lowest received as were the mechanical and electrical sub contracts Fees tor architects Sommcr Ville ltlcliiurrith and Oxlcy will be 981377 according to ilgum submitted last night Finnish tngr and equipment total $81 900 chtuobersllili minds nndMlkeMorden Suggests Ways To Aid Mentally Disturbed avoid the consequences oi Eng land whers the pill was made available to single people and as consequence the venereal dls ease rote scored He said that training schools torJuveniles who have gotten into problems with the law should provide treatment not be rcgimented institutions Speaking on Ontario Housing in Barrie he said he didnt be 11ch in molycoddlng but her lievodwomustmrktoseclhat tho childrenlu this type 01 sit uation are helped so they wont repeat in the same environ ment when they become adults They should be able to grow up decently and have the same opportunity oi eating sicepmg and livlngas my children do he sold EMEBGENCY NUMBERS 725558C City Police Fire Dept 1284131 Hospital 7255951 OPP 72664 Sluggish Kidneys May Bring Restless Nights It you light Lh pillow turn all through the night dont will know whywarn nmr new and help rat 1qu Ono it at ma mtirnnul may be trend to liullriah ktdnay action Urinary irri tattoo and bladder diuomlort my allow rm result can backache an mum nlahtl This when Dadd mm sun can help in relicl hadnt Itimuiia kidney nun hum relieve tho Irritated audit causes the backache Dodd it you dont he Used successfully 10 years New lam toll and 7285531 in Baytieid Plenty at parking Dunlap