6AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans rcn SALE SNOWMoalLEs MOFFATT 552 Eow mm It MONA TAXI SALES LTD Formerly Plorcc Motors It ESSA RD 7W VIAU re RAMBLER 11 Galvan SL 726 rut rklausn station wuon yellow uueuent condition nalc oloculc nick window new mow URI clean Interior HL Ivm mu In rear Ttnm Televised Imus mt BUICK usable to door arrow pet1m condition but otter Ilcphm 72m MECHANIC cttolcn ma Vcst errl Oldlmoblie body and Interior Itl good nou um needs In work pm 50 Telephone no out before run IsII roltu Inlron Station IIIson standard in excellent mechanical condition with good mow um nala stust arlL Telephone 715 last mi ctttzlnouzr four door It tlon win vs automatic you teenns Exceptionally citn ovmer tar Must be Sold In IIIIt tilatc Telephone IaHlu mo lttiltCUtlI excellent condi tion our owner car stator tum mlulon Ind mund uniunwed or tam months Priced for Tuck nil Telephonu nonvtla 771R lass owsstonlut Kood ondtuon Mak III offer Telephom name after pm mt coltan sedan standard nattt Inzlna recently rebuilt nnl buttery and multllr land um radio Priced very reasonably Til uphono 7534510 1955 lllldTANtI IIIrdtoDr Va automatic black with white top red Interior ndla mow tires whitawails Excellent condition nits Ttlephonn noise Isal cttsvrtoLsr Dllclylla doct Itandlnl transmission twonow motor mow tires Ind mm wheel 151m offer Tolephom mm alter pm TRUCKS TRAILERS Isiz rNthIIIONIIL aton Sill rrucit Int IIIID with mils and top In good shape soon tires Tele non etamo morning or oven Tow mucK tol ule Iton lost Ford equipped with snow blade new rear mow tires power winch Telaphonu nodule for further in lormltinn AUTO REPAIRS MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Gr Staffed To Service Any Make of Car Our Expert Mechanics ARE STILL ON THE JOB TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd formerly Pierce Motors 81 ESSA RD 7285558 MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists as Dunlop St 7284241 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL cnuncn Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale 20th Century Homes Parts and Service Cash or Terms tip to Years 170 BURTON AVE 7789866 TRAILERS WANTED wamo Good and travel usll er sleep six Good coalition must ba reasonable Telemann om SNOWMOBILES SNO HAWKS on display at Oro Mobile Homes Texaco Service Centre Highway No 114 miles north of Barrie One 196710 tun$685 Demonstrator Model 10 down balance on the =SCO1IA PLAN Telephone 7261658 Open Sundays 23 Skiddoo Rentals MHOURSERVICE Enon swinging faintly day outdoors the 23 Sklddooi way SKIDDOO RENTALS AT CONTINENTAL INN Special rates to 10 pm daily AVON OPPORTUNITY Does all Avon Representative call on you Wemay need some one in your nelghbottrhood No Sat and Sund to 11 am Reserve now 7164121 4455670 4246422 HUSSKI FOR I967 16 up $595 105 IIp$695 ROLLAND BOATS LTD Hwy 11 Orillia 3255141 CYCLE SPORT Sales and Service Pioneer Chitin SaWs SnoJet Snnw Mobiles Honda Suzuki and Yamaha 7288771 ImUflMIIdWOuNm way Ii Todnm the new 5W DARCY SKIDOO Rentals Sales and Service Bell Ewart 459ml MOTOSKI WEBSTER Sales and Service STROUD moms SKID00 INSURANCE availablealong with all other OW STEVENSONS 11 Dunlop St 7164501 alqiuu snow Euib Snow Boots Dim Boat Ltd Blyfllld 5L WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING 7282414 8PERSONALS RANDALLS HEALTH STUDIO Sunroom Sauna Bath Massage etc MondayFriday t2 noonio pm Saturday 10 am Couples 545915 pm BARRIE PLAZA 7733761 BE FEMININE Supcrfluotu hair removed by Electrolysis Tho safe scientific method Our Certified Electro lyslst is available for consulta tion without charge SYLVIAS SAIDN Fred Grant Square Barrie 0nt melee BOMBARDIER AND SLEIGH RIDE PARTIES any eveningl Leaving from Big Bay Point Phone Long Shoal Fish lluta mom our rltlitlorlln rum and sleigh Ride Partial Held Trali Mud or acute DIC sNow cautssna Trailers IO HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE elp Wanted BUT NOT YOUI When you read the job ads are they always looking for someone else if so you ought to look at tho progmm that worked for 40000 outofwork dissatisfied Ontario people in 1968 They look the ONTARIO MANPOWER RETRAINING PROGRAM Now over E0 of them have wellpaying satisfying jobs If youd like details on how you can upgrade your skills and gel financial assistance while youre on course contact your local Canada Manpower Centre Watch WINDS OF CHOICE Jan l9 at 530 pm on Channel Its about YOU AND YOUR CAREER ontcrio manpower retraining program Administered by THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Mr Finch Coordinator LODGE FANIANI DISCUSS VIETNAM ilcnry Cabot Lodge rigid US ambassador to South Viet ham and Italys Foreign llin In Home Sunday before their hourlong taik on the war in Vietnam lodge in Rome on twoday private visit is ex islcr AlILnlore Fanfani posc pected to ho rcm cd by Pope Paul VI tomorrow Ilc will then roll to post In Sal gcn AP Iirophola by cable icm Rune Collision Course is Predicted For Western Society WESIPORT Ont Robert Theobald New York redoeconomist says Wm loder is on collision mu pith disaste unleu it alumniI to reform its nodal system and attitudes Wit to ma conference in this town ls miles north of Klngston Mr Theobald acid campaign for an intel leciual Iulult on social prob lems will be started in lamb in the United States lie laid the campaign will in clude tits on of computer lysiem and radio and telavislon programs Persons in all pro fessionai fields including uni veralty professors have expres and interest it tile plan In the next decade ba slid cybernatlon tho linking of com puters to automated processes could lead to larchala urlerru ploymellt and disruption if the social system is not altered hlr moons said group of individuals and organisanns huva tentatively to establish program to provide formation nationwide to study specific problems The conference attended by tilt university students was sponsored by the Student Chris tian Movement Adut Oumsulling Centre litississaga SL Oriliiit Ontl 3252705 Boys And Girls BE Carrier Salesman BARRIE EXAMINER PAPER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN MANY AREAS OF BARRIE AND IN THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES There Is probably route open near your home right now Phone the Circulation Dept Today 7266537 SALES HELP AGENTS COW pxpnï¬srauflï¬n mitt03w sirmid 351m nru em auynnn to an con tm um establisth clientele In Brantford SIlIIy Ind cammlmtun mm HUI Write to sex all Barrio nxnniner min AA YOU have MillIll Dmbiem and want tub whom any tlml 7W 7151501 Agogoud Impetus AlAnondrn rnup wall you Ergmt Malt Box menu nx returns on and tar lum btutnua or Lndlv dud Kidd accountant Dun lop st wut rulepnon 7760131 for appointment no YOU but an arms Hatloony Boll letn Barbershop mont invite you for Mn renuml commencing Tuesday January inn It st Georges muesli Church Hall BtuIon Ave New member waicomn For IIIItllrr partluliu ullphom meats after pan NURSING HOMES FIVE MAPLES NURSING HOME THORNTON Ont has an attractive privateroom vacant large clothes closet comfortably furnished Also semiprivate available Troy service Reasonable rates Phenom WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDILESSING Government Chartered School Thorough Iratning in all bran ches oi beauty culture DERWLN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST === IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS REQUIRED Good working condition Lunch room facilities and group bene fits available Apply in person or LII own handwriting stating age experience and marital sta tus T0 FABULOUS FORMALS Limited SECRETARY TYPIST must be efficient of Barrie at Woraiay St obligation WOMAN moron some mu experiench In Its Theseason To Advertise CALL Manly SL Midland Ont Salary dependent on ability and experience Apply Credit Bureau Write Mrs Toni Smoluk PO Box 486 Barrio or call moon not nooemry Ite ly outing xperMI lame to Box B71me Exlminct LOOKING FOR AN INTERESTING AND REWARDING OPPORTUNITY The Ontario Motor League Barrie Club require membership sales representatives for areas throughout Simcoe and Muskoka Counties FULL 0R PARTTIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE For Interview Please Call TERRY FlIJIPEIII REGIONAL MANAGER ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUEBARBIE CLUB 168 DUNLOP STREET EAST BARBIE ONTARIO PHONE 7231803 ANY TIME nAYs TRAVELd om ho llfan wet to ï¬lm uipa near nuns Worth up to $4000 to $6000 in year Writs Dickerson Pm southwestern Petmleltm colp oat lunn FL wmu Texas 76101 MALE HELP HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classified Ads for terrific furniture and ap pliance bargains The Emphasis Is On Youth 50 Ol CanadianCitizens Are 25 And Under We Are Interested In young mended man 2125 who can approach the market Has Grade Ll or better 1s willing to learn and earn Whats real Sam career Is intacsted in future sales management We have the opening training facilities and why not write and FIND OUT Box 569 Barrie Examiner DRAETSMEN ESTIMATORS We require the services of draftsinen with two to five years experience preferably in the mechanical field for our engineering department We also require an estimator preferably with some knowledge of blueprint reading This man will be required to estimate work mostly from architects drawings erg both these positions the neat comrades should be in their es vanccment to the right men Reply in conï¬dence providing complete details of qualifications experienced and salary rcqulrerrwnt to Personnel Department PORCELAIN Er METAL PRODUCTS LTD I5 Colborne Street to HELP WANTED MALE HELP Town of OriIIia CHIEF CONSTABLE Applications will be received by the undersigned up to and Including January 28 1057 for the position of Chief Constable duties to commence March 1967 Reply in writing with full particulars and qualifications Dicscl the special financial backing for the right man We otter good starting salaries and excellent prospects for ad to Secretary Orillicl Board PO Box I05 MECHANIC WANTED Gravel Company requires an aggressive man having know ledge of construction equipment to take tnmplclc charge of our shop Starting salary s7ooooo per year plus transportation and company benefits Slouff ville areadays tlItrlllvl Nights BBHZOT SALESMAN required must have almm nersonnltty and character Requires crtr To work within so mile radius of lintrie allows onto an out of town wak Appll cants must have sales experience or on anitudo for telling plus genuine duke far this told of work On the Job training ntntl aala good opportunity for advance mull For interview write uox rm Barrie Examiner TRADE SCHOOLS pave your way to PAYRAISE wnlIr today far the new edition of Career opportunitiesloo page packed with advice rm how tn train II home for the high paying Julia that command rcal ruture chose your cancer Accounting Forestry Aeronautical 3921013 allconditioning Alchllecluro Autonullon Automobile Building Chemical Civil Eng Computer Programming Petroleum Prof Draitsmanshtp Itndlo nus TV and Design Refrigeration Electrical Ens suu Electronics Ilsnrson Transistors Shipbuilding Over and courses from rugll school to professional engineer Sand for your free copy todayno obliga Lton No salesman will call CANADIAN INSTITUTE or SCIENCE TECHNOWGY LTD sultn 252 153 Adelaide st West Toronto om NAME ADDRESS sympollo oflha great battle ol Khartoum Itself list this title is The Mortal and his 69 Dunlop St 728241 24 will 22 step titre ORILLlAONTARIO dandtic hordes against one man ORI LLIA Ontario paintingshwing Lainenco Ol Police Commissioners sitnnsr EJIII slot plus pol weak wnllo mining with lfJyeaMld Life Insurance Company min at mid over Info Box nos liasrlu Inn nun tLt Iliztt tor sicattinR aitice bulld lugs Monday to Thursday cran lngs Good nouny rule for right person Tclcpilnno 7206810 hriltccrl and pm DRIVERS study or be years or by an nncu Apply Central Taxi rs ilnplo Avenue tine I2 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Tenders For Ton Truck Scaled lenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned llnlil pm Friday February 3rd 1967 for supplying according to Town ship specifications one It 15 Ton 1561 Model TIULTZ Tender Forms specifications upon request One IIJIon Truck to he offered as Ilndein Lcwcfl or any tender not neces erLiy acccplcd Bell Clerk Trunk Road Superintendent Satellite System All Working Well WASHINGTON AP The Communications Satellite Corp said Saturday it had put its nzw Lani Bird satellite in synchro nous orbit nround the earth aboard the ssieiiila Seemed to be working well The satellite Is designed to serve us new communications link between North Amsrlca etc to be supplied by Township Cnmsat said that all systems NEWS ROUNDIIP VATICAN CITY Reuters Pope Paul wants that the Ro man Catholic Church Iaccs rncrmous Intornal difficul firs from alhclsllc muterlallsm ihich threatens to subvert lls doctrines and morals ropmscnmtims of the Rome nobility fcr thclr tra ditional Now Your grouting fha Saturday that rcll particularly the Roman Catholic had to contend with great nw and humanly speaking lnsuprrnblc difficul tics caused by the spread of materialism These diilicullles tho pontiff went on have rcpcrcusslans in the very interior of the church with the explosion of problems somcilmcs so radical that If quick and firm reply is not to they can subvert the doctrinal and moral cdl fice not to mention the coolest astical edifice IIIChristianity lllDP Outcasts Democrats from Ottawa who war were told Sunday they have lint been expelled The NDP provincial council said at meeting the live tllollglll lhuy Wort expelled be cause their ntcmhcrshlp nppll cetlms were not properly filled out John ilrtrncy party provincial secretary said applications fil would be considered by the party Find Leaflets BEN CIIUAI South Vietnam ReutsrsIUnitcd States infan tryrncn returned from Iunglc patrol Saturday to find Vial Cong propaganda leaflets In their foxhnlcs planted under the noses cf sentrics in broad daylght olticcrs said the leaflets might have been distributed by CIT3TI chitfrelt living in tth bombpacked hamlet on the edge of the jungle about 80 and the Far East alone Generlal Gordon of Khartoum played try Charles Heston The epic conflict furn Isllm tlin spectacle for the Julian Production IfOWISHOWlIIGL IllE Ilvlrrallll THEATRE miles northwest of Saigon IIIIIAIIAIIII In Teclulleolor bd who JMBVIflI 1llCUW playing at Irn site under United Artistsre lease folmamas and pupae TORONTO ICP Five New believed they had bccn expcllcd from the provincial party for opposing the ncilvilies of the United States In the Vietnam lcd nut in the propcr manner at continuum per Pope Paul Warns Of Difï¬culties EllChancellor Dies TORONTO CPIDr Fran cois Charles Achillc Jennncret former chancellor of tho Unl vcrsity of Toronto died Sun dlly lie was 78 Dr Jeanncret served two threeyear term as chancellor and was succeeded In loss by Dr Sniandt Ila was principal of University College for eight years and administra tor for 32 Dr qunncret who believed ovary Canadian should be bl llnguul wrote tit least to text books in French About MW 000 copies have been sold In Canada the United States and Britain RABBI FEINBEM Deeplv Touched HANOI IAFFdlabbi Abra hum Felnberg of Toronto said Sunday he was deeply touched when he saw the village of Phil Xu miles from here which was seriously damaged in bombing last Aug ust Rabbi Felltberg pastor emeritus of Holy Blossom Tcmpe visited the village Ss turdny as part of his North Vietnamese tnur He is accum panled by British Bishop Am brose Reeves and all American clergyman Rev Music The party has been in North Vietnam since Jan It The three men visited hose pital in the city Sunday Honor Canadians LENNOXVILLE Qua CF Slx Canadians prominent in the arts received honorary doc torates Saturday from Bisho university as that instlt on held special convocation to celebrate tile cpenlng of span clous and modernistic univers ity theatre The honorary doctorateswera conferred on Robertson Davies author publisher of the Pelcr borough Examiner and tho Master of Massey College Unl vetslty of Toronto Calla Francs artistic director of the National Ballet of Canada Jean Gascorl artistic director of the Stratiord Festival and cofounder of the Frencitlan gllago Theatre du Nowcan Mondo Montreal Guy Rob orge owner chairman of Lita National Film Board and now Quebecs agent general in Brit ain Smith npoet and now visiting professor at Dal housla University in Halifax and tenor Jon Vidters was EXAMINER WANT nos rnoun Isamt