1bit Hm T0 GOOD HEALTH Hysterectomy Poses Questions For Surgeon By JOSEPH MOIle MD Dear Dr hlalaen when lnstmctomy ia perfumed la it schtable to reomve the ovaries toaI otherwise one has to go back tor another aperav tort Please explain what good the ovaries are without uterus ommtharmoanttteydo too Iilrl Whether to remove ovaries during such an operations re quires Judgment and common asnso Remember that the warles have more than one tunetlon They produce ova or eggs with the uterus gone the ova no longer have any signiï¬cance But the ovaries also secrete hormones and they keep on doing this regardless whether the talents remains With rneno pause the ovariea production at these hormones dwindlea and this change in hormone level is whot causes the aymptoma at menopausehot tiaslres and so on RAISES QUESTION Theretora when hyster ectomy is performed the aur gcon has several ourstiona to ask and answer it the woman ts still below the expected age or menopause the ovaries otters are leil so to allow the menopause to come gradually at Its normal tlma instead ot happening right swayremoval oi the ovariu produces what we call surgical motto sun the woman is just at menopause age anyway the ovaries may be removed with out making much dillareoca to her Keep in mind however that the condition of the ovaries is important It they are healthy that is an argument or leaving them in It there in indication that they are diseased then it may be wiser to remove them regardless oi the patienta age When they are healthy lelt in there may never be any reason to bother with them lurlhcr Your comment that otherwise one has to go hack for another operation is not necessarily true It will be true only it the ovaries become dia and the public utllitlea connotation eased in some way in Toronto TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARHIE BUFFALO BUFFA TORONTO ll HAMILTON MONDAY JAN 10 EVENING 400 700 1liita Dougla aNm Weabhtr ern New AreImam trim as his ma It on ltoiillnaaa Island LII My snt Outlaw Mm so Your use HuiMW tom an II Louis dGliillalu lrtand Mo ran en mm Investorw an stomu Loo SMotie Siam Sam 231 me LW alnt 41° aarr rams thï¬ï¬psnsm Mao FEM sac lPwvm No admin may show Hndy ammo tlNm Inert 110mm wu awméu am 1Ilotrta Home or aveIt Moe II Itd awn Dy ahatn Sparta ICatantry nun Hall 1151er Berton ï¬wï¬aw on the titan mo 7wlndow on thl World JFfllndly an the nuum tto aaaverl lllliirliltec on Entry miss 700 MVBlnlo It at Romance aaoaq Wg mu on Lanny Nan WW Irons amtoyment Fti taco BUnlvemly of tho AI ATBA aPï¬am lat andan VilaSchnilznl Hnuel LCaptatn Kangaroo 1130 530 OMIlvcf Mom to ilï¬Alhare Steed gt 14 ck vlnamkr 121 am tan are 65w comm urn Bonnie my 1200 den snow ï¬nggtrimmru 7Ddueatlonll TV OUncia Bisth IllLit PEDDII 1Movie gag vague 3313 as mfldr ae LaLanata moms sontartn smote ITmnk 7° one has an if oil on ma New GrimIt km of Ntlltyt aNnc News e1ne use at rum idiseldt Lb tm He Handin Schools numb Val1513 ltInva dcandtd Canma rIIu sum mum ruzsnav ran II 900 zsauu Don as show Hemmunlerlts WeImarflIIru tiha 13m LThl Enrol lion We 1m nrtam Berton Mo Itsum Connie FF are mm rue9 HM Movies anagramnan 11me IXTIIIfIILErIfm tlttl¢$t lunatic Inoo 935mg 11 114pr mu tggannpzwtm tlitacill 1PIlllltva ttZorra Hum aMarvn The 051 harm wearers Mu zPaanmt 1m lLaredo MIW tran Show sac Fï¬mfmm twov motor on 1anla 7Ihl Ilwldotu 6n 15Movta Tito Noon Hart IIMflmlt mum tDl Allen taon Biy And soot Mnemoamam ztalatohea and states aAoo Muamrrr 730 aBnt rant Sourm 1aneroaarisrt 5w lflr Ind IlMllu nonstaa aHoitywood tum arauergeney sIvan Had ereatyidyms Pals 4an NOW lNaonday It 11 lLClllnnel II No sasl From In IGiiIilana blag 1combat onra Avengers IIILIN Dear Dr Molnar Eva since Iwaslchildlhlvehldl ex bananas at my long ed nose have often thought at cosmetic surgery but we are at moderate rneana Could you enlighten me on this mu at aur cry coll ticl Would you Ivlae it at the In ol MlMrl dittual 11 It it ave one your an and otherwise you may ai ways wonder and regret not having it done it will cost some money be cause this is apeciallrud sur gery no precise amount would depend on what has to be done Beat way to know exactly when aielan ruler you to Iar mud hm United States in toss it teaturu qual led plum mm Garouo worldlamous ltallan can estimate the Sh mm am playing with his lavorito sketches to show what can be accomplished and tell how long it will take Since health insurance gener ally does not cover thin it will involve some cash outlay How ever have heard many times is working things out nlca first by being lrank with the surgeon as to their linanclal means When you know what the cost will be it is otlen albia to get moderate oan from bank and spread the repayment over year or so Daar Dr Molnerr hava cat with acabby sore on its nose and the veterinarian said it was csncar One party argues that it have acratch or break in the skin can get cancer from the cat ls this poasibioIJ No Cancer is not contagious Note to No tampons do not cause cancer and it they can be inserted will cause no damage WEATENL TO BESIGN onrunn GP Frank Ko hoe whose Dec election to has been challenged on the grounds he is not resident at the town said Friday he will ruin unless his election quali licstioos are clarltled Mr Ka hoe own property and icontnuna the apartment in Orillia but lives with saute TUESDAY JAN 17 MORNING AND AFT bow Oldo mum 100 LTa Tell LII Truth Ivaeral Hospital 7snpsnsaan snow ol Ttma Hm West deï¬es trump Nail look the retron Both sides vulneratse with the and played dis um mood to the queen German making the first two tins playa whcnhatoliowed withthadeuce ens Dedaror the lad the eightot oa m5 uraliy mumod that West had seasons vaasaa mmWWhW 101 A531 pvroblem ot deciding whether qyg An eat had situated with them so lichen an dream or guru to the Ice it its knew that Forquat had xygge Med wit tour spadm and pmbalh bly toto heartsI and era was eousequeo NW Mum chance at his having only two Paaa has liable has has Paar Opming lead rive oi heartI This daal marred in the match between ltaly and the sensational detenae by Benito partner Pietro Fornuei The American dcclnrcr not art Nail arrived at lour spades doubled on the sequence own Pour spades was actually good contract but was doomed to allure when it developed that the trumps were divided Wes lad heart and German won with the ace and returned GUTHRIE By AIRS GEORGE CAMPBELL Ewen Caldwell is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Walker received word last week that her brother latlaw William Walker Go tsn Soak ind nasal away suddenly at his daughters home in Moose Jaw Mr and litre George Camp bell visited the sonlnlaw and daughter lilra and hire Evan Wilcox Benton last weekend and saw their second grandson Les iia Ross vho was born in Steve eoson lié mortal Hospital Al liaton By Its GEORGE CALDWELL CHIIRCII IN CANADA Jisnuary meeting at Guthrie UtEW was opened by worship by Mrs Keith Sanderson oktng to Christ rather than ourselves was the theme In iamaiion discussion was held todays soclety plcmcnt the wood panelling CONTRACT name By JAY BECKIR study um Ho Mr and Mrs Ed Vo Chmh gm Canada en er and Ken Snider attended Nam 5e Inmduced the the CanadaRussia hockey game lilmstrlp By the King Proc Millie GardenV 35d oi the ellcct nl geography on good The committee has been the work and lilo oi the church working days and well into the in early times the tones the nights to got good base and church helps us cope with in they think ltisrcndy or regular The decorating and iurnlsmng mm 0li committee will plan the ï¬nish ing of the new addition to com Lake Alberta Wedneï¬tlfly ï¬ller diamonds Assuming tth to be true it allowed that East had our diamonds to the to and that would be roomy to ï¬rm the nine to save trick So Nail itnesecd the nine which lost to the to and Forquct returned trum to daicat the contrast two trio points flarouo know he could not has ace diarrmtds by duck ing twice and he also knew that Nail rnlght go wrong it ho van DONALD DUCK missing either the incis Gamzro had everything and nothing to lose by ucking twice At the second table the Italian hmth South prdr also got no tour spades doubled but went down only owl when East took the ace oedï¬monds at the tirst opportun Church Grows in Canada will be continued ltoll call will he name church oi another de nomination in Barrie area its location and name at the minle suer tasty lunch was served by Mrs lomlesun and Mrs Hesse PHELPSTON Hy MM FRANK MARLEY Since the new year everoyune in become Cnnadlun conscious The papers are keeping up with the projects and with the lilac donnld holiday in January the school children tak notice Grades and at St Patricks school are making centennial scrapbooks Their music teacher has been conccnirniing on Can adlan songs and now is awaiting the words of the catchy tune oi the Centennial Song Canada lnc hlnricy Bill liinricy Ton SECRET AGENT X9 The ice on the local rink is skating now We hope the wea Blli Morley left for Base Cold spending the Christmas holidays cd Stewardship and Becntlttng iiy for 1967 and this was ac cepted by the membership The local UCW were able to give to the over and abeva gltts in Money to purchase six blankets with his parents Mr and Mrs tor overseas rellei was allocatv Frank Marley secretary ltlrs Keith Snnder phyvanendcr nmllios who were con presented the opportun burned out was wcll attended toes modern world was founded at Next month the study of The Rochdaie England In told The euchre in old of tho litur STARTED TREND ihc ilrst cooperative in the OFFICE HOURS lat Sendintlae DAILY caOsswonn iTank Battalion tMyatcrv Thetr Im not going to wastethis nasty mood Im in on WP office managerli GRANDMA BLONDIE ACROSS DOWN 22 Weary Linthers 1Autharity with corroq may tcdlum Matsu Strange 28 Golden woun $an BE 113013 measures Gill Samaritans mm IZCovdla ayrn hers cavernso 63 24 Shroud radium Wm ed uananln name ï¬Met Mom muons canto Saturdays Answer 14 Handle Region Kiata as shield mg concern 34 Annie 165altzchm able coma center 17 River inlet 10 31x41 ttguraa 89 Dutch 18 Told status 28 Sorrows pointer 20 Exist 14renah 30 Liberated 39 Girls 21 SIAM city In 31 Tunisian nickname picture Nomandy capital 41 Alter 22xltlltull iglgaï¬ 32ntave noon Mumm sideways abbry 263mm anlrnalar ZIJMJIIa place 28Polltlcat dtvlatonot nclty ZOJIIganI MWoodiand £58 38lellar lither Non oarstear law searrun bird 316mm lt 39 Ill ex 40Walrd atDanger moutcr Itman 433th atroka EITA Km ARE earrle BY US BUZZ SAWYER AIM lT HERE JDEJITS THE PERFECT PLACE F0 BELIEVABLE ACCiDENl LOOK GRANDMA seawater5A0 cu CAN HELP us SETTLE GEEMOMS WEVE suNK our south VIET soar COMRADE COMMANDER lltE erases PLEASE 5AMMÂ¥ TAKE il EA5 SOMEBOW BUILTA THATS NOWDWM SNOW MAN lNA DIANE ON OLDUNCLE cLINr 951 ME wva zooms CANl SHAVE MAN BUNDFGLDED MEAN you BOUGHT AUciIDN SALE sTAerï¬doE matuunp HEDNLV MOVES FROM TRATCHAIR BUTch warts WHEN HE airs alumsva WIN liJ 6N5 VOU THINK IM MOHEV MAD wonnrnc Hi5 HEAD KT 1A9 OPEN WATER THE BEACH NOW TO ml was MVTHEIR TRUEKS no we rswrsror ruu euro Anita SHOWING AROUND HERE TODAY NOW TAKE WK WKETMLL OUTTOTHE AT THE BASKETBALL HOOP