Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1967, p. 3

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One Wells Publisher Earth Examiner William Talior General Manager McPherson Managing Editor MONDAY JANUARY 57 PAGE Mew Up Again In Suggestions Suggestions for tax on advertising have brought solid detailed rebuttal hy the Institute of Canadian Advertis ing in preserriation to the Senate Commons committee studying living costs The institute said that such tax could rebound into higher prices unem ployrnenl and restricted competition The brief by the institute supported an independent study by economist Firestone of the University of Of tuna and sharply contradicted suggcs iions by another economist Douglas Fullerton who appeared before the com Inittee earlier Tire tax on advertising is not parti cularly new idea It was advocated sev eral years ago by Tom Kent at Liberal thinkers conference in Kingston The idea has been supported by other theo orists who like to believe that advertis ing creates unnecessary demand for things that people dont want Surely it is up to the people to decide what they want They are quite capable of doing it without having any long arms of government interference helping to push lhem in any one direction It can hardly be said that all the ad vocates of tax on advertising are con corned solely with the welfare of the people as whole Such tax would also provide new source of money to the government Things like increased pensions and medicare have to be paid for and tax on advertising supposedly doesnt hit at the average citizen Any tax on advertising will immed iately reduce the revenue of news papers radio and television stations magazines outdoor advertising firms periodicals and many companies involv ed In the production of polntofpun chase mater at If the revenues of the various media are not reduced it will mean that advertisers are doing as much advertising as before pa ng more for It because of the tax an thus Increas ing the cost of their products Newspapers that find their revenues reduced because of an advertising tax must do one of two things if they are to continue to produce as good pro duct as thcy did before the tax The only other source of revenue Is from circulation and the cost of the daily paper would havo to be increased If subscription rates were to remain the same newspapers would have to cut costs in line with reduced revenues and this would result in some layoffs with aesulting decline in the standard of pro Not only newspapers would have this problem Television and radio stations would have to lower their standards or develop some system of payment by listeners and viewers to kee their rev enues at level that won guarantee continued quality Advertising is not the insidious factor in living costs that some theorists would have us believe Surveys conducted by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publish ers Association through independent re search firms have revealed that the great mayority of readers want advertis mg in their newspapers Such advertis Ing keeps them informed about new pro ducts about prices about special sales and top values Not many housewives would think of doing their regular week ly household shopping without consult ing the advertisements first OTHER EDITORS VIEWS GUARDIAN 0F RED CARPET Hamilton Spectator Canadas big boy now and needs permanent official welcomer It is therefore to be hoped the appointment of Lionel Chevrler to the centennial post of official welcomer of an expected 40 or so foreign heads of state this year will be extended Into thefuture The appointment of Mr Cirevrier couldnt more astute or welcome His charm isfamous this term concluded at the end of 1060 as Canadas High Commissioner in London and we cant think of anyone more suited to be guard ian of the red carpet Even though this year will be unusual in the annals of this nation and despite the fact that the 70yearold Governor General Vanier cannot possibly be ex pected to handle all the official welcomi rng duties himself Canada really does need an official velcomer sort of chief of protocol every year not just in 1967 Most countries have team of welcom ers men and women whose duty is to make sure all visiting dignitaries are welcomed within the strictest bounds with finesse as well as an appearance of genuine goodwill New York City has such team so does San Francisco If they can so can Canada PLEA FOR NATURAL JOY Peterborough Examiner For Canada 1967 promises great many things We cannot share the gloom that is being loudly voiced that our centennial celebrations are pseudo patriotism or pseudo anything else Canada is what it is and it will deal with the celebration of its first 100 years ac cording to its abilities diversities and manifold talents if we have any com plaints at all it is that Canadians no matter what province they come from and no matter what date entered Con nasty piece of federation are little deficient in nat ural joy As an example we offer the tract that was being handed out at Christmas our most cheerful season on Peterbomughs streets by particularly gloomy Chris tian sect Is life worth living it asked Perhaps the most telltalc aspect of this propaganda were the opening words 000 people in the United States come to the conclusion that life Isnt worth liv ing The wretched thing did not have the courtesy even to ask if life was worth living in Canada What is more it irrelevantly attacked Lord By ron with the words Lord Byron who lived life of sinful pleasure lived and died an unhappy man Yes pleasure is too often regarded as sinful in Canada and the reason is prob ably that in the minds of people unused to celebration pleasure is associated most with the wares of the Liquor Con tpolBoard of Ontario and the other pro vrncial equivalents The only way they seeto lift the oppression of our moral arrxreties and burdensome duties it seemspis artifically And when an op portumty comes along to exalt in our blessings we get tangled up with funda mentaiists politics selfdouhts and the worry that in enjoying an event for its own sake we might very well damage someones educational opportunities Paragraphicaliy Speaking In Rowen France respective bride groom broke up wed ing ceremony by answering Not to the important ques tion This seems to be the first case bridelosl man after she dragged him all the way to the altar It has been learned that the earth has magnetic tail some 3200000 miles long which It wags Perha it is try ing to make friends with arms LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tax On Advertising Comes Etieh year nearly 16 REPLY TO STUDENTS Silt In reply to the letters sent to you by two Harrie District North Collegiate students in The Ex aminer ll Jan 51 would like to say that dont know whether to applaud them for their lack of APAIIIY or to offer little can struetive criticism perhaps little of bath Did you know that earrly in rose every business organiza tion Church school etc in this city was sent letter attached to quite list of proposed pro jeois for the hintennial Year from which anyone could get an Idea if interested Vith particu lar reference to the schools are you aware that Central Colle giate is working on Centennial projects that St Josephs High School students planned their own Centennial Ball halal at the Continental Inn that North on legible to ornknowledge drd nothing in the way of planning although they received the same literature student Councils have been mummy known in Ontario schools since the 1030s so your school must have one by this time Did North students get together and try to plan something constructive in the same manner as they must have gotten together to criti cizef As one who knows first hand would like to advise that great deal of effort was put into trying to promote some action to usher in the Centennial New Year As result all Church bells chimed and tac tory whistles blew However as was suggested how many of you would have turned out on New Years Eve in watch the burn5 ing of the Green if it had been very cold blustery night Not too many were Interested In the gamble can assure you Centennial protects the voice of the people not the Gov ernment Would you llk to blame the adults for this lack of Interesti You too are the people but North Collegiate tu dents obviously didnt do ny thinking about this at all until they heard the laughter from their fellow studana In other ar eas It Is pitiful In sense that laughter Is the only thing which can prod some Into action Seems like false front doesnt it How many times have you backed your parents in some plan they thought would be pretty nice undertaking If It didnt involve party However cheer upl You still have time to plan something which could be recorded In the history of Enrrles Centennial Year At your ages Iheard some thing In movie have never forgotten Son says to father If you would just give me the responsibility of running the firm would have no problems with the employees Father says to son Son you dont give responsibility you take itiAlI people do not possess the quality of leadership but for those of you who do ace It and handle It well becauseot crs follow you and too often they are led Into apathy Inslcnd of good com munity minded citizens Yours truly Dorothy Sweezlo Barrie Ontario OTTAWA REPORT Questions Pile Up In The Commons By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWALast liloudny MP reassembled for the mist days sitting of the first session of Canadas 27th Pnrliamrnign session which opened Jan 18 1006 and may well run on into March this year The House opened at no pm By oclock the slrngglers had taken their seats to make the not too impressive rtcn mice record of 107 out of 203 ltiPsou Liberals in Conserva fives 11 New Democrats four Crcdrtistcs two Independents and one Social Creditor Most uf the 120 nbscntccs were still away on holiday but there were many suntnns to bear witness in Christmas spent In warmer climates Public Vorlu Iiiinister George lictl ruith had been staying at his house at Fort Laudcrdalc Flu former secretary of stnio ileu ricc anontngne apparqutly had chosen Guadeloupe former Iury minister Gordon Churchill ran into trap by asking For eign Minister Foul Iiiartln If the purpose of his holiday visit to the West Indies was to confer with the prime minister of liar bados concerning Vietnam and if so what was the result Paul retorted smoothly The result of my visit was that was more wrdely appreciated ln Barbados than was my honor able friend who understand was holidaying In Antigua The first item of business of course was replies to written questions No less titan l60 of these remained unanswered some dating back over six BIBLE THOUGHT Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God Romans 1011 People who want to have more faith ought to be more faithful In reading the word of God Thy word is lump unto my feet and light unto my path dip iiirrrtr Extriner Authorized as second class mail Post Office Department Ottawaond for payment of restore in dash Druly Sundays and Statutory Holidays DXCOM Subscription roles daily by carrier ISe weekly $2340 yearly single copies foe By mail Barrie $2340 yearly Ontario s12 your motor tiuowoff 515 year Moii out side Ontario Sit year Out sida Canada British passes slons 515 year USA and foreign $26 year Offices 425 University Ave Toronto 610 Cothoart St Montreal 507 1200 West Ponder St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press In ex clusively entitled to the use for republication ofvnll new dispatches In this paperx bred lied to it or Tito Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein KWXWWMMu emu ErrCommissioner To India Dies months During the 255 woclu of parilumcntrry holiday re plies to 31 of these had oeeum ulnted Those replies Ioided such varied and no dou Im portant inIotunann as that the ycni old vessel Vleierlnru still plyan the Great Lakes last season was inspected In April and that the town of Thorbunr NS will not have Its mell route discontinued or greater significance and In terest were two questlotis deni lng with transportation From one of these we see the spec flculnr growth of passenger service on Air CumKlu In 1056 the airlines daily average was 50 passengers In 1061 that average was 10170 and during the first nine months of 1060 the average was 1521 We can deduce that during the whole year Air Canada carried nearly 0000000 passengers This ioiol compares with 6068221 passen gcrs carried by Canadian Pn eific Railway and 16760330 passengers conled by Canadian National Railways in lessthe last year for which figures are available These totals of railroad pos scngers come from the reply to the second question which com pared iha use of railroads in 1956 and in this Durin that period the CNR fruits in creased by about 2250000 pas scngers while CPR traffic da creased by almost the same figure Air Canadas traffic in conirasl showed an increase of nearly 4000000 passengers or In percentage terms on In crease of nearly 200 per cent while CNILShowcd on inerense of 15 per cent and CPR dropped by 22 per cent POPULATION GROWTH Another question asked what was the population of each pmv face at the time it entered Cou federation This showed ihot subsequenlJy the population of every provinca has grown by amounts which vary from the phenomlnal Lawpercent in crease In tho population of Erit ish Columbia to the meagre six percent Increase in our bomb in Garden Province of PEI Our total population today Is however little more than half the t0000000 which our first prime minister Sir John MONTREAL CPIWarwick Fielding Chlpmnn 07 former Cnuadlan high commissioner to India author and translator died In hospital here libiday after six week illness Born in Montreal April 20 1080 Mr Chipman In 1043 came the first Canadian minis for to Chile and the nextyeur was raised to the rank of am bassndor Ambassador to Argentina be tween 1045 and 1040 he was then appointed high commie sinner to India where he served until 1952 Following retirement he he ran translation of Dantes DIr vino Comedy into English verse and had the first volume The Inferno published by the 01 ford University Press in 1051 Mr Chipmon was Itill work Ing on the translation of the second volume Purgatory at the time of his death llfwedonold predirled for our tooth birthday After the question period the House moved on at about 845 pm to discuss Iilll clear to dcfina flflfl Implement national transportation policy for Can ada And so with break for supper between and ti pm the business of the first way of the resumed session contlrued until adjournment at that pm Claims Ontario Should Sell Land 10Ron tCli The On tario government should sell land instead of publiclybuilt houses to help ease the housing sborluee flurry Sndlcr presi dent the Metropolitan Home Builders Association said Fri day lie sillfl lack of available land is the chief cause of the hous Ing shortage here If the Ontario Housing Cor poration was to expropriato land service It fillil then sell it back to the developers Im sure we would get cheaper housing Last Wednesday Ontario Pre mier llcbnrls announced the government is planning to sell house owned by Ontario Hous Ing Corporation to lowincome families tagayai QUEENS PARK Govt Tops Liberals 0n Liquor Question By DON OHZARN TORONTO It man we probrbl will see Imt belnl prayed cre this wintcrult mlth called Can You Top Thin It upyeon it my be Inn of poiilirli checkerr between the government and the Lib ernli There blle been two rounds Ilrcady The flat wu pilytd over liquor In hir initial press conference Liberal leader llohert Nixon ex pressed mm broad viewpoints on liquor One was that he fell thr prescnt ayrtcm of hell og ilon Ihould be done Iwa wit tr Nixon made some mIrkI with this statement but few tiayr later the government topped him It announced Sundry role Not statement of broad viewpoint but reality N0 PAYMENT Thr Iecond involved homing While he was still only ecilnx lquso leader ir Nixon on nouneed on advanced policy on housing The Liberals he raid would provide program whereby anyone could buy home for down payment of $700 Oulitednerdoy night Premier floharLr went on TV in Pro vlnciaiAffalrs show lie reported The provision of good homing at prices you an CANADAS STORY Drive Out English Governor Ordered by non nowwuv recent Iiory described how Count Frontenac was sent to Canada in row to be governor for the second time His instruc tions among other oh actives were to drive the Enxli out of North America Frontenac quickly organised raids on Ict llemcnis in New England and one of the worst massacres took place on Jun 10 I001 The obicctlvc won Oyster River near presentday Ports mouth NH and the raid was under the command of Claude dc Viilleu who had grant in fllienco with the indians Al though number of the tribes along 1hr Atlantic Coast had been changing their allegiance to the English instead of lo the French VIIIleu knew how to create jealousy among them and prevent them from becoming united lIo gathered force of French and 230 lndlana and was in position to attack Oyster River early in the morning of Jan to There were only down forti fied homes In the community and the others were unpro4 tccled It was no contest Be fore the slaughter ended 10f citizens of Oyster River mostly women and children had been killed by bulletr or tornnhawks Twenty homes were burned and then part of when force went on to attack nearby Gretna where another 40 people were killed Governor Villebon of Acadia Inter reported to Frontenac This stroke will break off all talks of peace between the Eng Ifford to ply II of vital concern to your government And he went on to any that pi now nnllnl Ontario mine Corporation houses eventually would be parchulng them No down pl mrnti It iI true courts that Ihl government announced this pro gram for ptuehase two years In And to date nobody has been able to purchase house They probably wont be able to until the present shortage of public housing hII been me terialiy cared But Itill the program is then und It tops Itlr NixonI plan ALLAN liliXUP An unquaI filtration has Iriren over the lltleal future of on James Alan When lir Ilobarts announced Nov it that Air Allen was re tiring from the ircarury to take over the chairmanship of the Niagara Park Commissiona porlilon he new has ersumcd he told newspaper man Mr Allan would also be retiring from the legislature of the next election It turns out however that Mr Robert misunderstood the question He thought he was being asked whether the former treasurer would remain In the House As It Ir though Mr Allan bu not made any firm announce meat It to expected he will continue Iish and the indium Then he went on to boast that the EM Ilah were in des air because not even infant the cradle were spared Actually the attacks on New England settlements had the opposite effeu The English hit back and gradually France lost AcIdla Ind eventually Canada MIIEE JAN 16 EVENTS 1511 Company of New France was given grant to establish nunnery at Quebec fuseFirst issue of iiiontroai Star tau Torcnio Empire ex posed Sir John Iliacdonaid plan to arrange reciprocity treaty with the Us litesControl of garrison at Halifax was transferred by Brit ain to government of Canada 1m Government of Maui foba took over the telephone system Plan New Govi Ofiices iii Bay NORTH HAY tCPidhe Oil nrio government is considering plans for new government of fices for the Nipisring district Russell assistant deputy attorneygeneral said Friday In letter to the chamber of coni mercc He said the plans in clude provision for comb house provincial police offices registry office and regional of ices of other government de partments The Bank Of Nova Sootia ScotlabbnkSaiinpe Candidates One bl soollebanka Seventy Services gt first one you can start cashing them each Scotiabank Sixyear Savings Certificates 1967 may be great year but 1973 will be born rich Its up to you It you buy one Seotlebenk Savings Certificate every payday starting now you can give yourself Inauromatic raise beginning In lust le varrr You see Scottubrnk Savings Certificates Increase in value every year At term theyre Worth full hitimers than you paid for them ThItI $10 for every 0750 you out in now So six after youve bought your payday If their Increased vaiuen Many hlppy returns

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