INQUIAING REPORTER ASKS What Do You Think Of Law Allowing Sunday Drinking IIOIIEIIT GREEN hit Barrie think it is good idm It Ihoy dont get It rim they can get it some place elm Quebec and the Mail limct have such law nnd dont see any obiection to our inning one hero HUDSON Ibronto It dont think its good idea think six days week is cnoinzh The sale of alcohol needs more rigid control and this is not way to control 51 inns ART arrows annoy Ave think thera It too much drinking us it is six days week They have more than enough time to do their drink ing As far as am concerned Sunday drinking should be Mn hills IV ll Motif Netih Sf lm not In favor of drink would be lot of happier homes If more people drank in nwdcvation certainly do not approve of it on Sun Plans Court Action Following Hearing Claiming that the basic prin ciple of freedom of speech Is at stake Dr Angus Blair Al liston dentist wellknown for his antifluoridation views in Bar rie today said he intends to take decision of the discipline committee of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons into court if necessary to get public re View Dr Blair said he was called upon to answer complaints that he had been guilty of improper conduct in professional respect after he made radio speech last Oct 16 opposing fluoridaa tion lie was represented by Icotuscl Alan lifacnobie QC and afterward was asked to sign statement that he would not at any time in future partied pate in the mining of any shale mcins demgabory to any licens ed member of the college He was forwarded bill of costs of $609 covering expenses of the hearing He said he con sidcrcd ihis most unfalr have done anything wrong should be charged in regular court with proper judge and where all rules of evidence apply said Dr Blair exhibiting an array of docu ments and papers which he Iclaimed would support his con rtention he has been the victim iof unfair treatment Isssic PRINCIPLE To me this Is matter of my democratic rights to freedom Iof speech said Dr Blair He considered it most unfair iror him to be called upon to vthn discipline committee of the slgn document submitted by ltoyai College of Dental Sur goons The document asked Dr Blair to sign the following undertak ing hereby confirm the vcr bat undertaking given on my be half by my counsel at the dis cipline committee hearing on Nov 19 1966 that will not at ny time hereafter directly or indirectly make or partici pate in the making of any state ments derogatory to any licens ed member of the Itoyai Col lege of Dental Surgeons of On tarloor to any group thereof or to the dental profession as whole Dr Blair said he felt it signed that would be traitor to the public interest Should man sign away his freedom of speeds to protect the public from an Injustice being forced upon them such as is be ing done by those in favor of fluoridation asked the Allis ton dcntlst QUOTED OTHERS quoted from professor of chemistrys speech and also oth er authorities said Dr Blair in defending his action in crit icizing fluoridation oi muncipal water which he argued was wrong in principle because it didnt allow an individual choice Should be reuuircd to sign this he asked referring to the document he said was submit ted to him against the prin ciples of freedom because dr4 ed to oppose fluoridation of the publics water supply Dr Blair said an itemized hill of costs amounting to $809 re sailed from discipline commit tee hearing as an aftermath of AIILS RENEE OSIIEA Ad elaide SL think it Is rather nice idea mainly be cause think there are so many people that eniay drink with their meals it tends to give them an appe tile STEPHEN GAPP Grove St As far as am concerned there strode not be any drink ing on Sundays One day neck should be set aside with no drinking and Sunday unuid be the best day for it his antifluoridation campaign The Alliston dentist said his words were directed chiefly to the citizens of Barrie but mcna tioned somcfrom Orillia may also have heard him The latter townspeople voted overwhelm ingly against proceeding with their councils plan to fiuoridate water and equipment purchos ed for the purpose has since been sold stating he hoped his warnings had influenced Barrie not to proceed with fluoridation Dr Blair said his only motive was the public interest in saving Bar rla 513000 year which was es timated as the minimum cost of fluoridating the watcr supply for the city TERMED INJUSTICE The Allistan dentist said he contributed his time without charge and to have tln assess ment of soon with possible loss of llccasa to practice for the rest of his life was grave in justice to say the least Assailing what he termed the principle involved Dr Blair said he considered the fundamental freedom of democracy that of free speech was involved Is it right that doctor or dentist should not be allowed to expose fellow practitioner no TUES LEAN LOIN matter how much he may be ed IIDNALD MCKENNA Dun lop Sh lm not in favor of It think the diitdren should get break Some children sulfa became of their parents drinking for six days week That is more than enough think the government made mistake SOADIERVJLE Toron to think It Is good Idea It will help the tourist and con vention trade Now man can take his family out for supper and have good bottle of wine with it wrong or mistaan in judgment This doesnt seem to me to be in the public Inlcrcst Dr Blair said he hart refrain cd from giving any publicity to his predicament hoping it might be reconsidered but since there has been no review he was tak ing the only action which he suggested was left open to him in order to get what he dcs cnbcd a3 damnemiic fair tidy MATTER OF CONCERN Although the circumstances have been known only by rel ative few Dr Blair said he was encouraged by support rallying behind him fecl certain as the facts become better known there will be public indignation Certainly it is matter of con cern when such basic freedom is violatxxl Some might think this could not happen in Canada and did nt myself until it happened to me We have been advised by out standing business and profess ional people that we should not sign this paper Who are these people who have so much pow er td deny person any free dom of speech To those who say what can we do about it Dr Blair point uul in unity them was wsp ONLY Judge Hamilton Favors Raising Iuvenile Age more May to me Ontarios Juvmile age frern Is to 17 has received foil sandlm In of County Juvenile and Flame iLv om Judge Marjorie llarrr film of Barrie In an effort to set an mp riate ass to cum all Canada provinces the Asociatlon of On tcrlo Judges of areas Judge thmliton is mctnbar will re oomnd 17 as the ideal age At present the provinces uv enila age units from ta to In Each province modalion over the past two years has prepared list of mm to be forwarded to the Mickier of his lice at an amylata tme From her 12 ymrs of exper ience on the bench Judge Ham Lton tech that too many young stars At the ageof 16 are still very inumtwe while In law at 16 an indivithnl is mldcred an adult She feels many young people between 16 and to are Hoping and need guidance It Is frightening for many to be thrown into an adult world with an huttattoo mind ma satd Tim is also recommenda tion tnm Ontario judgi in change the title of the Juvenile Delinquents AcL hilly in favor of this proposed plan Judge Hamilton maintains that there is curtain stab at tached to the term juvenile de ilnquenl which should be wiped out She believes that in isolated cases the term encourages the mora hoodltaniype offender to commit many more offences LOCAL GENERAL NATURALISI SPEAKER Freeman Patterson free lance photogmphcr who does most of his uvrk for the National Film Board and the United Church of Canada will Adirch the Brcreton Field NaturaiLit Club and the Barrie fhmera Club tonight at 815 in the Pub lit library liall KINSAIEN CLUB George Italper will chair an Education Night program at meeting of the Kinsmen Club of Barrie Tuesday at pm in liiir nmsr Gardens Restaurant Pro imam will pertain to Kin his ory LIONS CLUB Zone Giairman Illtwo Brawn uril address meeting of the Lions Club of Barrie tomorrow night at 615 at Community lieuse FEW IIIISIIAPS Sbayner Alliston and Drillia OPP detachments report only minor motor vehicle accidents in their coverage areas on the weekend Ema Township Police at Angus and the tnnisfil Police Department alsorepcrt quiet weekend Finish Addition lIt Barrie Finn An addition to Taylor neurone and Welding at 101 John Street has now being anletod doubt ing the firms productive capac ity Barrie Industrial Com mlSSlDtI reports The cinnpany began as alone man operation In 1964 but now employs half dozen men pro ducing wide variety of tools this custom machinesand fab nested steel products for many Barrie industties The firm also does custom welding both in the shop and at outside locations thh mobile equipment Industrial Gtmrnlsion diatr man Willard Kimie called the addition another example of homo grown industry now making significant contribution to the citys economy Operator of the firm is John Taylor of 175 Mary St strength and suggested that the pflIJIJC do sonntlnrng maids said he could have stayed siiait when apolresmenfor Barrie and Genius were saying there was no other side to the fluoridation question BARBIE NATIVE Heads Plan To Build Strong National Team Barrie native and former lifetro policeman fly rold Jack Hargreaves Is the map in charge of the lanadian National Hodray fieams ambitious column to keep Omadhn hockey talmt at borne And Hargreavu in Barrie on the weehmd mum the plans chances of Iuccas As of the newly formed Canadian Hock Four Italian it will be till to on gantsa fundraising events and public subscription campaign that will provide too young hoc key players year with $2500 scholarships Hargreaves left his Job with the Metro police force at the first of Iba year to join the founda tion organized by Father David Bauer llax Bell and John Win tcrmeyer Paopla realize that the day of sending an Allan 01 team to international competition are over hasatd In an interview It will be the foundations job to give the handpicked National team the means to carry on Va wont always win but we ways put up good show ha added JACK EARGBEAVES Hargreaves and the foundation are working in the belief that the way to attract good hockey players to the team Is to pro vide them with the opportunity for an education THE BARRIF EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 16 Im Barrie Will Hold Open House The Barrie YltYIVCA will celebrate National Week from Jan 23 to 29 with an open house program During the week classes and programs offered by the Barrie will be open for ob servation and tours will be con ducted for those who wish to become acquainted with what the if has to offer 11 Stephens assistant ex ecutive director of the has extended special invitation to nouvmncrs to the city and to dross in the commanin who have never visited their sincerely hope that in our Ceiuetmiiel year the Barrie will be able to greatly expand its service to the community and will be able to play major role in the community growth he said The information desk just in side the main door of the is open daily Monday to Friday from am to 11 pm and on Saturday until pm Week activities commence at 415 pm Monday with dis play by the junior Scottish Dance Club scuba display by the Scubateers Swim Club starts at 130 and runs until 930 pm Tuesdays program begins with recreational swim for adults Free guest passes are available from the information desk for the swim which is open from 10 am to 130 pm Guest pass es are also available for the mens fitness program which commences at 1115 pm Adult swimming beings again at P1 Water sports highlight Wed nesdays program with junior synchronized swimming display from 730 to pm Barrie Scuba Club will demonstrate scuba diving at pm Monday to Wednesday from 730 to 050 pm guided tours of the facilities of the will be offered The Senior Judo Club will pre sent display from 730 to 930 pm Thursday white the Model Aircraft Club display will run from to From to pm its back In the water for syn chronized swimming program by the senior club then ate there will he an adult swim period Saturdays program will be highlighted by another judo club display commencing at pm family swim Isoffertd on Sunday from until pm Unusual Film To Be Shown At Central Auditorium Ian 20 Grunlon fishing Is sport that requires no poles or pets in an almost unbelievable manner grunion come up on certain Cal ifornia beaches to lay their eggs and only quick pair of hands is necessary Fish nesting on land blindfold ed bats flying an obstacle course the worlds greatest navigators and its finest chemical plants are the stars in the full color Serums from Science motion picture film Dust or Destiny to be shown at Central Collegiate Auditorium Jan 74 at pm Produced by Dr Irwin Moon director of the Moody institute of Science at Los Aogeles Dust or is one at series of 15 films that have won world wide ncclaim The unique sub ject matter and the technical excellence of these films have created demandby those responsible for pmgnarrming in service clubs educational insti tutions churches and industrial organizations In Dust or Destiny the audi ence learns about the builtIn hadzr system that guides the bat in its midtï¬ght flights the uncanny imtdncfs of migrating birds some mysteries of the human body as well as the grun inns fantastic lmowledge of the tides The film polan to divine intelligence behind the workings of the universe and shows the reiatlonstdp between science and religion ANNOUNCING THE APPOINTMENT OF MR ouniun mm ASMANAGER OF OUR BARRIE OFFICE MANAGEMENT LTD There are now LN Canadians attending US collegu on hockey scholarships he points out and from past experience most of them will probably be lost to this country for good liockey players today are mora interested in getting an educa tion than in turning professional It the first opportunity he said The foundationnvlw scholar ships wont only be for univer sitybound players however if man wants to go to trade school instead of college he will be just as eligible ltargnmvs the son of Mr raid lifta Frank Ramses of 17 Amelia St mct Father Bauer while attending st Michaels College In Toronto and lumped at the chance to join the founda tion when the opportunity came along this year He had been on the tiietro Police Force for five years but for the last year had been helping lay the ground work for the foundations plans One fact that will help speed donations Is that they will be deductible for Income for par DOSES We hope that everyone in Canada will want to play part in keeping their from going be said Response so far has been great The foundations plans for next year include formation of It team to provide train ing ground Hargreaves says it will make its headquarters somewhere in the East but the city hasnt yet been chosen lunar gIIIIHIIIshIIIII Iasttsasgutias IllilliIIIUiiiSIIiiiiIiI It OWEN ST PH 728I5ll MANAGING ASSETSJN EXCESS OF $150000000 DISIRBUTORS OF AMERICAN GROWTH FUND GROWTH EQUITY FUND CANADIAN TRUSTEED INCOME FUND PottitlittflPS 69 EUROPEAN GROWTH FUND wurrs Lil BAG SPECIALIZING IN PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING PKG 19c CAPITAL GROWTH PLANS EDUCAIION PLANS iUSA VINE RIPE WITHDRAWAL PLANS REGISTERED WEIDENT OMQNIiILYSAVINGSPLANS PLANV ER We management Irmrted The Ilnrrlu Jayreca In cooperation with the Barrie and District Winter Works Committee precept Istesasgtndas gnuIHImsIuIIII 2nd ANNUAL BlilIIItE it0ME snow IIIIIIIIIIIv zen23 gtVIEWNG HOURS pm to to 1m Thursday Friday and Saturday ADULTS so Cams Children accompanied by adults admitted free EARRIE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE