rvr mamma mus rrmm liler Year No 12 Bar Ontario Canada Monday ry 16 1967 Uhr barrio 1635mm Not More Than We Par Copy Serving Simeoc County For More Than Century 11 FATHER JEAN de la Trinlle who calls hlrmelf head of sect known as the Apostles of infinite Love is shoun hcrc in Quebec Sect Is Hiding Children From Police STE AGATHE Que CF The head of monastery oper ated north of here by religious sect said during the weekend that 55 chiidrcn from the ins tutlon are being kept elsewhere away from searching mcmbers of Quebecs pollen and welfare organizations Paihm Joan dc la Trinile said is other children who had also been living at the monastery have been located by the out side officials fnsp Gerard Forget of the provincial police said to chil dren were found it is believed they since have been handed over to welfare officials iv Settles walkout SAUIJT STE MARIE Ont OP Steel mills and cokc ovens at the giant Algoma Steel Corp Ltd plant were prepared for production today after the surprise settlement Sunday of strike by at bricklayers Rut threat of new strike by members of Local 606 Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen and Local 611 brotherhood of Low motive Firemen and Engine men continues to plague Al goma The company is negotiating with the two unions over new contract and the members could be in position to go on strike lna month it talks are unsuc cessful The two railway brotherhoods werethe key in Algomas clo sure Dec 24 week after strike by members of Local 29 international Association of Bricklayers Masons and Pics terers Algoma offieialssaid the plant was closed because mem bers of the railway unions re fused to cross bricklayers picket lines The unions claimed the company lacked them out NEGOTIATE ALL DAY Settlement was announced in statement by Algoma and tho bricklaycrs that said negotia tions opened Friday night and continued all day Saturday Members of the bricklayers union ratified the settlement Sunday morning Details were not released ex cept that the new agreement is three years in their original demand the th bricklaycrs wanted wage in his office at St Jovitc Quebec The monastery is the centre of attention for Quebec police since number of children Behind the provincial actiors are believed to be allegations about conditions affecting the children in the monastery at St loviie but the bearded Father Jean head of community called Les Apoires dc iAmour infinitlte Apostles of Infinite Lovesaid in an interview that such allega tions are incorrect and that conditions for the children suited both their educational and their general living needs TELL 0F SEARCH At Ste Agathc police officers spoke of having participated in search of the monastery Dec basic pay of $328 Main issue time for weekend work When they struck Dec 17 the company was offering Gilcent anhour increase without the weekend double time More than H000 workers were laid off in Sault Ste Marie and Iowa where company sub sidiary operates iron mines when the railway workers rc fuscd to cross picket lines 217000 Students Missing Classes LiIONIREAL CF About 217000 students in Montreals 500 strikebound Roman Cath olic schools are missing olasses again today but Sunday night brought word from Quebec City of increased provincial govem ment concern with the situation Education Minister Jeandac ques Bertrand and Marcel ltfasse minister without port folio attacbed to the education department hold latenight con sultations with other top offi eials of the department The cabinet is expected to meet tonight to hear report berr Bertrand on the strike by one French and English speaking teachers which began Friday Mr litasse told reporters that government will have to creases of 50 cents an hour over LATE NEWS British Demonstrato mason AP no strains in Trafalgar Square an Whitehall Sunday as rally in government of Rhodesia broke up in support of thc vhiteminority fight French Deny Peace Involvement PARIS AP The Fremh foreign ministry denied todaty hav ing anything todo with reported China and the United States Eight Die In Quebec Blaze TRDISRIVIEEES Que CF mother and her seven Chil today in fire which swept through home here drcn Wore killed The father Robert Alarto escape seoondsforey balcony intervene when the common Ewdis threatened rs Riot bed with thousands of demon military understanding between the flames by lumping from was union demand for double who lived there have myster iously disappeared Police and welfare officials have located some of the missing children so and of general inspection of the premisesboth in lino with rcqucsls from the dcpart mcnt of family and social wel fare There were reports of some disputes between residents of the monastery thought to num ber about son in all and police as the operation proceeded Some of the monastery inhab itants were taken into custody but there was no tmmcdlate report of whether they were arraigned on any charges Father Jean whose followers call themselves fundamentalist Roman Catholics scparated from Rome vows he will go to fall before handing over the children to provincial authorities arvPCcImWelativEhï¬d religi gas opponents would have him lnsp Forget said an allout search for the youngsters who until they could he found Day Lead voa Thaddcn rdp Rgt TORONTO tCPtDaryl Duke producer ofthe CECvtelevlsion program Sunday says an inter view with Adolph von Thadden controversial Wat German pol ltlcian will appear on the pro gram despite decision not to bring him to Toronto CBC President Alphonse Ouimet said in Ottawa Satur day that the CBC had with drawn an invitation to von Thadden to come to Canada The CBC was trying to make other arrangements to inter view Mr voa Thaddcn for tele cast in way which will not in volve bringing him to Canada he said Uncut HAMBURG ReutersStern magazine published today second uncut instalment of Wil liam Manchesters book on the assassination of US president JohnF Kennedy despite ap peals from the Kennedy family and Look magazine which sold it the West German rights it again published passages deleted by Look from Death of President at Mrs Kennedys request Mrs Kennedy asked for the cuts on the grounds they can ccrned only personal matters but sources close to Stern said it regarded the issue as one of censorship and resisting politi cal pressure The passages cut by Look and printed by Stern this week were short One described scene in before the Dallas assassination The president tired and suffer ing from stomach ache was described as Wearing blue and white nightshirt and em bracing his wife at length in the middle of the room before they parted for the night MrsKeanedy is reported to have told Manchester she re mcmbered thinhgg grey were so weary at oy new malty supporting each other apparently lived with their par ents at the monastery was under way and would continue Is Published Fort Worth hotel the night like couple of bookeads OTTAWA CPt Federal Conservative lths have taken firmer grip on policy making with plan to throw task forces into the ficld to exchange policy ideas at grass roots public meetings The move was disclosed Suns day at the end of the second weekend caucus policy confer ence since the party associa lions big November convm tlon Party spokesmen made it clear that caucus policy is sub Sect to final ratification by the association in convention Dot ExConvict Shot In Gangland War STOUGIITON Mass AP An exconvict was shot at least six times in the head Sunday night apparently at close range in what Boston police said was the first gangland slaying in Greater Boston in 1967 The death brings to 40 the number killed in the relentless gangland warfare that dates back to March 1964 Police identified the dead man as William OBrien 40 of Randolph the father of four children investigators said he was free on bail on charges stemming from the Jan robbery of some $4000 in cash and straw in cheques from the Cities Service Oil Co terminal OBriens body was found slumped across the front seat of car late Sunday night by two youths Voo Thadden is vicechair man of the West German Na tional Democratic Party which denies charges that it is aco Nazi organization lilr Duke said Sunday he would not give details of how von Thadden was to be inter viewed but repeatMr voa Thadden will appear on the pro gram Sunday week next Sun day Jan29 Mr Ouimet said in his state ment that mounting threats of Violence involving public safety had forced the CBC to withdraw the invitation The companion has rduotantb con eluded that it cant ring Mr Exerpt They could not stay together because thesdouble mattress was removed and replaced with single board to support the presidents back He suffered from awartime back injury Another passage said Mrs Kennedy said good night and went out sad that she was separated from him The same episode was more briefly mentioned in the Look version published last week Mass Pileup In California SAN DIEGO Calif APlA minor traffic mishap triggered massive pileup that left two dead and 34 injured Saturday night on the fogclanked San Diego freeway Police called it the worst sin gle traffic accident in the num ber of vehicles involved in San Diego history They gave this account At leastas ears were involved in the smashup that started when one motorist slowed while passing an accident The scene that could be as much as two years away Details of the task force idea have yet to be completed but the plan is for groom of four or five hlPs to discuss policy at carefully arranged public gatherings Supporters of other parties would be welcome meeting in Edmonton say would talk over policies related to oil gas northern develop ment and other subjects of particular interest to the nor thern Alberta region The audi ence could ire questions at panel of MP5 The caucus got into formal policymaking at the weekend cordsrooms after the November convention was largely pre vented from doing the lob by leadership wrangle that divided the caucus into pro and anti Diefenbaker factions WASHINGTON CPivtmeri can hasemctal interests have revived their campaign among congressmen for import quotas on Canadian and other lead and zinc This is one early indication as private bills and resolutions pile up in the Senate and House of vatelyAsponsored bills in the Ca nadian Parliament few of them get anywhere They do reflect some of the prevailing climate Vermont Republican George Aiken is asking the Senate to Sunday Prograrn Preps von Thadden Interview Von lhodden to Catnada without undue risk to his safety and that of others itfr Duke said he was very seriously alarmed that mi nority group could bring pres sure to bear to such effect that Canadian telovision vi cw er might be deprived of their right to witness probing searching thoughtful interview with man in the news pressure group takes action and we find the rug pulled from under our feet with so much still to be learned For example how big is the opposition Just what threat to Mr von Thaddcns safety is in volved Arewe to presume that the Metropolitan Toronto police and the RCMP could not provide himvwiih safe entry to and exit from Canada The invitation to voa Thadden brought storm of protest when it was announced and the Cana dian lewisb Congress said it would mount massive dem castration in his statement Mr Oaimet said the invitation was based on the rise of Mr Van Thad dens party in Germany as re ported in the news media re cently The greatest safeguard of the democratic tradition is the freedom to express and eat change the widest range of defending the invitation It was prime function of the CBC to provide for the free expression and scrutiny of points of view the Canadian people could judgcvsuch views for themselves CBC spokesman said team might be sent to wast Germany to get the interview with von Tiladden on upper Meanwhile in Bonn spokes man for Von Maddeth party said Sunday the party had ex pected the protests Hassocks Eutliar to new nan nlflnd you no say ng abou your cookingbuttheroa was miles south of theDel Mar race track on been terrible run on cheese and most bkmrttsin the ideas and opinions he said in Spokesman also disclosed per iodic weekend conferences on policy would become penna ncnt fixture further confirming the caucus intention to keep its fingers firmly in the polity making pic Robert Coatcs the Nova Scotia lth who promoted the idea of weekend policy con ferences said they have proved the Conservative party is not dead as some were saying when the leadership divisions blew up What we have proven is that were very much alive he told press conference We have taken over as trendsetters in developing polices for pantie The grassroots policy discus slons to produce continuing liaison between the party and the people are not entirely new The US Republican party once tried them American Senators Reviving Canadian Trade Boost Talks amend the US Medicare Act so that Americans who become sick in Canada can be treated there with medicare benefits The law now authorizcs such Canadian treatment where Ca nadian hospitals are the most convenient for DS citizensbut only for persons stricken in the Representatives But like prl US Texas Democrat Richard Wine proposes that promotion of trade and friendly relations wlh Oanadu andliteidm would benefit fmm establishment of border trade areas These areas extending five miles into Canada or Mexico Would be partially exempt from US re strictions on the amount of duty free goods American tourists can bring back to their country The Examiner TODAY Ann Landch City Newsr Classified10 Carafes7 otstnctés Deaths1 Editorial4 Sports8 anchors Womens6 TV Listings7 Weather12 minaret neengnued front onhfloiflonhatlatflbic TEL AVIV AP Foreign Minister Abba Eban warned today lsrael cannot tolerate any more aggressive nets by Syria and that it has both the will and the strength to halt the activities Speaklng to foreign correspon dents in Jerusalem Eban re peated an lsracli offer for an informal emergency mcetlng of the Syrianlame mired armlss tiee commission to discuss out standing issues but sold shoot ing and bombing has first to stop to make such meeting possible UN SecretaryGencral Thant appealed to both Syria and is root to restrain their military forces warning that large scale clash could result from continuing tension along their rdcr Tbaats appeal sent to the two governments Sunday said he had received word of big military buildup along the bor dcr from LtGcn Odd Hull of United Nations truce supervision organization in Palestine BLAMES SYRIANS Eban said the buildup was originally caused by Syrians establishing tanks and heavy armor in defensive areas on the Syrian side of the border and by activation of their arms against lsrael We are compelled also to bring tanks into our defensive areareluc tantly hut inevitably Deployment of troops heavy arms and armored vehicles CHICAGO AP spectnb ular rapidly spreading fire early today virtually destroyed McCormack Place giant cx hibition hall on Lake Michigan The entire roof of the throne blocklong structure caved in less than an hour after firemen arrived on the scene huge portion of the west wall col lapsed The main exhibition hall about the size of six football fieldswas total less said Edam lice general man ager of the hall Frezen fire hydrants ham pered the efforts of firefight ers major water main also was frozen Fire Commissioner Rob rt Quinn said the entire northwest wing of the 535300000 structure was ablaze within seven minutes after the first of series of small explosions He said the abutld tngilrroohlotltumiehgitlwas odnmleteimstaoiivoxwv gt Norway chief of staff of the ho TENSION snows on SYRIA BORDER Tory MPs Preparing Grass Roots Peelers Israeli Minister Issues Aggression Warning along the soufflelong border area was reported as daily violence continued along the frontier An small army spokesman announced today that water aqueduct leading to ldmit village in upper Galilee was blown up Sunday night lsrael aecuscd Syria of open ing fire Sunday on an Israeli fishing boat in the Sea of Gali lee The isrncll side returned the fire an army spokesman said but there was no mention of casualties KILLED RY MINE Israel also blamed Syrian in filtrators for planting mines in soccer field at the village of Dishon near the Lebanese bor der Friday night One of the mines killed spectator and lnlurcd two players Pressure mounted on Premier Levi Eshkols governmcnt for retaliatory action lsracll sources estimate there are 10000 Syrian troops along the rder Thnnts message urged the two nations to accept proposal for an emergency meeting of the mixed armistice commission to settle their dispute over cul tivation of the ocmilttarixed zone lsrael has boycotted the commission since 1551 saying it has no jurisdiction over the zone and that the zone belongs to it but the Syrians say it is no mans land UN report last November backed Arab charges that lsratd has expelled Arab farmch from the zone and taken it ovcr for cultivation Fire Destroys Chicago Hall cause of the explosions and the fire was not known STARTS IN HODTII Fire officials said the blaze broke out in booth being con structed in the main exhibition hall for the National House waresExhibit which had been scheduled to open later today All of the merchandise brought into the hall for the show is reported to have been either destroyed or heavily damaged Some 150 persons including cleaning personnel and security detectives were in the building when the blaze broke out There wore no reports ofiniurres The structure which covers nearly it acres was opened In November 1960 McCormaelt Place was named for the late editor and publisher of the Chi eago Tribune Col Robert McCormack