Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1967, p. 7

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PRINCESS MARGRIET of tho Ncibcrinnds lcarcs the Hills Tcn Bosch Polocc in the Hague today with ltcr com ROYAL WEDDING moncr hushnndtobc llctcr Vnn Vollcnhovcn on their my to the civil ceremony at the town hall All Vircphoio by cubic train The llnguc valentine Supper Planned By WA lira Pata Mtilcr was hostess to th lad meeting oi the new your of st Judcs mu Auxiliarl iimlon Prcsidcnt Mrs George Watson was in charge oi the anion Mrs Km Elliott read dup ier lrorn the study book Wo man to liornan Members were mnindd that World Day at Prime will be ob amed Ed It the Unltcd hunch Thorium Plans were dimmed ior the annual Valcntino Srpper to take place Feb 16 The February meeting will be held at the home at Mm Van on Jennctt on Feb Alter odlmumncm hutch was scmd by the bones To Establish Anthem Group OTTAWA GP Prime Min lstcr Pcnrson raid Monday rllnmentary commltlre will established in tow dllyu to consider the govornmentr pro posal to make Canada the na tional nothcm lie disclosed the govern rncnts intention in Commons rcply to Robert Stnnbury YorkScarborough who asked about govurnmrnt promise to rcier tho question to conunit tcc ir Pearson also sold the re solution establishing tho com mittco will appear on the Com mons order paper today SHES WELCOME ALL About 1400000 iorctgncra wcnt camping in Italy In was CanadianBorn Princess Married THE HAGUE CF lt Quccn Juliana at The Netherlands and Prince Bernhard today saw the third oi their iour duughtcrs 24 ycnr old Princess Margrict Francisco who was born in Canada married to Dutch commoncr Although the wcdding was not political issue as in the casc oi Margricts two older sisicrs it was morrcd by the throwing or smoke bombs by youths as thc young couple was returning train the church Controversy and incidents also ncconipanicd the Idol wedding at Princcss Ircnc to Spanish prince and the turn nodding oi Princess ilcntrix to German diplomat Clause von Amrterg Mnrgricts husband is 27year old Pieter Van Vollcnhovcn who courted and won tier at Lcydan University while both wcro students thcrc Thc lloyal Gazetto nnnounccd that he had bccn made mcmbcr oi the Royal Housc but his was not given title and remains Mr Vollcnhovcn COLD CUTS CROWDS Strcct crowds were smaller titan expected pmbably due to ircczing tcrnpcroturc The two ceremoniesa civic wcdding at the towu hall and Protestant blessing at the 13thccntury St Jacobskcrk St Jamcs Church and the 14mtla bridal proccs sion were broadcast over telc vision and radio Schoolchildren were on holi day but work continucd nor ReelectBishop Conference Head OTTAWA CF Most Rev Lonia Lavesque coadjutor Archbishop oi Iilmouski Qua has bccn rcclectcd tor the cum tng year as president of the Co nndlan Catholic Cantorcncc The announcement was made Monday by Rev Charles Mathicu general secretary oi the CCC the national associa tion of Roman Catholic cardi nals archbishops and bishops of Canada Archbishop Levesque heads the executive committcc new body formed during the CCC annual meeting last October which also includes iouc vicc prcsidents two Englishspeak ing and two Pranchspcaking Elected as vice presidents were niostrnevfirninpr Pocock ooadjutor Archbishop oi Tur onto Most Rev Maurice Bcau dnux Archbishop 0i St Bonl yiace Man Most ltev Alex ander Carter Bishop at Scott Ste Marie and Most Rev Gc turd Coderre Bishop of St Jean Que Service Pensioné Hit New High OTTAWA CF More tvas paid out oi the armcd iorccs rcurcmenr pensions account in the mast fiscal year than was paid in by servicemen Asso ctatc Defence Minister Cadlcux raid Monday in Commons rc turn for Michael Forrestnll tPC Haiiinxl Disbursements omonntcd to $36678141 whlla contributions by servicemen were $34052555 and contributions by the govern ment trombone At Nov 30 last year the account had total crcditsroi szaannrnsra Dutch Commoner Mogricts white gown had margucrite iiowcr paitcrns altcr her home Her bridal bouquet was also oi mar gucritcs The bridegroom wore his lioyal Dutch Air Force unl inrnt Among those in the huge church was springkling ul European royally including llritA nins Princess Alice Danish Crown Princess Margaretha and her Frcncll diplomat iiaucc Count llcnri tic Lnbordc do Montpeznt Princess Christina oi Swvdcn and Prince Charles oi Luxembourg Thc couplu drovc to and truth the ceremonies in glass coach drawn by six horses Ortc oi lhc two horses draw ing thc coach at Crown Prin cess Beatrix nnri Princc Claus slipped and toll on arriving at the church but the princess nhn is cxnccting baby in Apriland her husband were not harmed The bridal prnccssion oi seven carriages and tour limousines was lcd by cavalrymcn and lt JACQUES unrnr WorldIOl Fashion Mourns Couturier PARIS ReuterslgsThc lash lon world toduy mourns our of its leading ligurts oouturier Jacques Heim 67 who died in his Paris apartment Saturday night lleim official Couturier to Mndamo Churlcs do Gnulle wife oi the Frcnch president was highly origtnatdcsigner who two years ago introduced the ionic dress and colored stockings now almost unliorm tor the miniskirted brigndc He was one of tho iirst to show kncc breaches for both day and owning wear in every iabric from twccd to while mink and he also introduced crapa evening suits strongly echoing thc clcgancc of tho lllfiis lllclm inherited his couture as tablishmcrit irom his mothrr from 1958 to 1962 he was csddentt oi the Paris Syndicate oi liable CouturerDcmithters He resigncd mm the syndi cate 1n July icllowing dispute over the publication by news paper at phatogccrplr of his dc signs before they re mobbed at his show grandparents Queen Wilhclndna with Tsinié nonsalaries fashion escorted by marine band and detachments from all the earned services The church wns the scene oi tho din gr oi Margricta and Prince Henry of Mecklew burg and at her parents ROUTE GUARDED Aitcr the wedding ccrcmony thc newlyweds leit the church tor the procession back to the palace Tho llmlle route was guarded by 2500 police and more than 1000 men irom the armed services The couplc will live tempor arily at Hot Loo Palace 15th century manor altuatcd in the woods ncar Apcldoorn Princess Margrlct who will be 24 Jan to was born in Ottawas Civic Hospital in 1913 By special legislation oi the Cana dian govcrnmcnt section at her hospital floor was declared Dutch soil This was to avoid the princess having dual nation aiity The princess was born in Can ada because her mother than Princess Juliana and her chil dren had settled there to await the liberation ct The Nether lands Auxiliary Plans Valentine Bridge The January mating oi the Ladies Auxiliary to tha Barrio Lions Club was held at the home of Mrs Cecil Cook Letitia Sc with or members present Valentine Bridgn is planned for Feb 15 The members enjoyed Chin ese auction with Mrs Harry Nesbitt as auctionam Next meeting will be held at like home or him Allan Cook Wellinan St IBst Deu Ann mom am innager who has named lot irom reading your column Now want to repay you by telling oi my emeran in the hope tint somebody out learn tram me The night before Halloween dedded to shock everybody by showing up at party with black hair it am natural blonds bought bottle of black rinse at the drugstore and allowed the Instructions to the latte My hair turned blue called girl iricnd who had had lot oi exportalter with tints andshe came right over with bottle oi pcroxldc light ener She urcd double cppila cation Itly hslr turned gran The next day went to the beauty shop and spent three weeks allowance and now took and my ears are bilatcrcd My scalp is mess like rabbit My hair is pink been KLiAnmtur ANN LANDERS ADVISES Blonde SOrry She Changed Hair To Raven it will be ycrr below my head will be back to moral and am dlsgtntcd with my sell Please toil all teena or everywhere to lrava their air AlenaDun Bonny Dear Bun You told them Ind hope they listen CLEANUP Dru Ann London am rterth woman and have bomaoirnyownbutltismy mothers home am writing abouttor my iathcrl sake Mother has gone crazy dros ing dirt and lighting odors Every day she dlstniects itunl gates sternum the silverware scrubs waxes and polishes On Sunday uhcn we go there ior dinner my lather is um Mother sprays the hmtse with rickcnlugiy sweet air purifier use she cant stand the odor oi making but says ho like the smclt oi turkey and ham BackTo Days Of Early Settlers By CORAL HENDERSON lloma Economist North Simeoe Its rare privilege to have part in nattonwidc birttn day party that takes place only once in 100 ycaml Canadians in all 10 provinces in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories will celebrate Canv adns Centennial in one way or another throughout the whole oi 1967 and visitors from all over the world will join with them during the months when Expo 61 focuses the spotlight on Can adn 4H Homemaking Clubs in Ontario arc marking the Can tennial by tracing the develop mcnt oi Canadian iood customs sornin LUCKY nr ROULETTE LONDON AP Italian movie star Sophia Loren won £50 $150 in Londot gambl lng club wthtle confined to her bed in Rome It happened Friday ioliow lng party tocclcbrate the premiere oi Countess from Hong Kong the film written and directed by charlie Chap lin in which Miss Loren stars with Marlon Brando Aiter the party the stars and guests moved on to the Pair oi Shoes club in Mnyinir nihcre Brando put through telephone call to Miss Lorenr homo in Rome Miss Loren is expecting baby in May While talking with Sydney Chaplin Miss Lorcn said just wish could put £50 on red at roulette Just hold Said Sydney everything While Miss Loren held the line Sydney racedio rou lette table spun the wheel and tossed in the ball It came up red Eric Steiner proprietor oi the club said Ill send Miss Loren hcr £50 winningsand some red roses Minisol Designed For Spring Suits NEW YORK AP North American women may be non coniorrnlsta this year wearing noncostumes nonspring colors stunts torts accessories The minisol is bit oi pretty nonsense Designer Bill Blass tor Maurice Rantner Inc had his models twirling patite para sols Monday to match thull swirling printed ti dresscs and party pyjama mlnlsol accompaiiled smart while jacket suit with blazer blouse which Bias made or one oi the new members of the international best dressed sct Mrs Lyndon Johnson Blass was one of three de signers all oi whom have con tributed to Mrs Johnsons ward robe who previewed spring col lections Monday Blass created nonspring collcction studioust avoiding the usual spring pastels novice or prints Floral or geometric prints wota large and dszzltng ond nonseasonal noncosrunrr Thu noncostume is jack and drew combination which thtlrf wearer puts togcther her se like to see the casual dress oi an independent woman who doesnt count on the designer to match up everything for her Blass told his audience but ltlolliLlZarnlsjelieves in the coordinated costume be it jacket and dress or coat and dress She also believa in the non constrlotlng shit and the pared down tent dress Although some designers are returning to body hugging waist cinchmg calculator Mm Pumas says It will be long time betora we can pry women away irom their loose fashions and corset them again PROVIDES FREEDOM Another bi Mrs Johnsons dc slgnara Adele Simpson also wants to give the emancipated woman the freedom to move as fast as she can anywhere she wants Floats flipped colors flashed stolesscarvcs and ruiiles ilut tared as her munikins presented aycollcctlon with Iota oi movable parts Last reason many designers were insisting that brici skirts wcre tor the very young But Bias declared It doesnt mat ter how old you are you should wcar your skirt above your knees toda irom the days at early settlers to modern timu In study oi this kind girls writ learn how our iood habit are influenced by Canadians at many dliicrcnt backgrounds and will gain respect tor the tra ditlonnl iood practices oi various cultural groups who have made this country cir home This project inchtdea an ac sortment oi recipes some oi which Will be iarrtlllar other somewhat dliiercot Members may enlarge this collection by adding traditional rcclpad from their own or neighboring iam ilics and irom irtcnds ln other countries or provinces of Cana da It is hopodthat Club mcm bars will try as many recipes as possible and enjoy adventur ing into World of Food in Canada This new project is open to any girl in the county between the ngcs oi 11 and 28 To or ganizc club in your cont munity you require at least our interested girls LEADERS DUTIES Each club must supply lead er and an assistant leader The responsibilities at the leaders are Tiny must attend two day Training School Organize the local club Plan and carry on the course with the club Check the quality of the work return to Home Economist Create an interest in the work and encourage club mam hers to complete the project Give leadership in plans for Aehicvament Day The Training Schools will be held in Waverley on Jan 19 and 20th Orillla on Jan 25 and 26 girl in Barrie on not 30 and If your mnmnnriby isnt spon your chance to start one You would be doing the girls great service Why not make 4H Homemaking Club in your com munity your Centennial Prole For addit at tniorrnation please contact me at Box 159 Barrie or 7260236 LOOKING ABROAD There are at least do iriend ship clubs in Russia or advanc ing cultural relations with other HELP STAMP OUT STRANGERS Mom at quite on IIWII If tha stranger to town or tho women to the notation Remember Your last move mhowyoutettastnamovtng van pulled away hwyau more than haltwlshodyoud navar coch 5pm your now nnlghbon fueling such or there Lat thaWatcomaWagon Hostels bring graatlngl Ind guts to make themtael It homo Hal stamp out ringers CallWalcornl wagon today paranormal £311 asunm TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 10 51 DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 4H ClubsTo Trace Food Habits Fill out prong report and string club this might be and sum potatoes and notice and baked brood better than the smell oi dislnioctant Moms cat and dog are at ways sick and Im suro thc strong ttuii she puts on the 410 TOWN CALLS FOR um SHOREHAM Vt AP billbon on Route 21A reads We need doctor dial moiazsar The two Lake hinmplaln tours oi Shorchnm and Orwell have been without physician since the only local doctor suitnred heart attack lloorr and tbs gook she sprays all over has something to do with it What do you nggestt lloony For Food Dear uoony Mom has leranhlm in her cranium And dont want anybody to write and tall me harm nerve de icnding dirty houekcepcrs and lmplyllg clcan women are null Anyone who diainiufla ster lilzss nunlgatu waxes scrubs and polishes every day is sick Your mothers campaign against cooking odors is part at her Illness RELIEVE TENSlDN bur Ann unden have writtcn to you at least once month tor the last It years but you will out recognlzo my name or my handwriting Ive asked tor help with prob lems concerning my sisters my brothcrh my tcachtrs and my irirnds wrote to you when my aux FALL RESTOREE SPEECH MOSCOW tAPlIvan Kravt rov 67 icll oil shed he was roofing and was able to speak tor the llrst time since 19 when he suticrcd brain concus sion in Sccond World War battle Ills first words wet Take me to hospital Advice befOre adventure lather died chow Honk never get our the heartache have asked you questions about sex mocy love and even my diet But you cant possibly know about any oi my letter bacon never mailed them Yet you have helped me tremendously Just writing to you quieted my loan and rctlcvad my irustra You cant lrnatllne what it means to know there is bomb one to lean OHM to talk to started to write to you when was 11 years old am 11 now and think iil time said thank you Add IAltdtlS5 Dear 50 Your Icttcr makes me wonder how many others are writing to me and tearing up the letters No matter what the technique ii can help Im happy Thanks very mud1 or mailing this one honey lt brightened my day 33 GYPSIFJ WANT RIGIII ST PAULS CRAY England AmMeeting in village pub oiiimcls oi the International Gypsy Committee formed la bor union tor Britains 50000 gypsics Vanko Ronda general secretary said Here in Brtt nln mules are treated worse than anywhere else in Europc Your travel agents knowledge of Europe gives you headstart before departure day How much to spend how long to stay how much to see7 Your travel agent knowsiEurope like the back of his hand Restaurants nightclubs art treasures tips custom agont dispenses the best of advlcouNew Europeu your travel id Europa London by night Florence by candlelightcathadrals or discothe quos your travel agent Is globatrottar in his own right Ha knows all the servicas Air Canada offers to Europe To Paris Shannon Frankfurt Vienna Zurich Copenhagen Moscow and with BOAC to London andGlasgow Then by connections to dozens of other cities He knows all about accommodation from Viflthiafligvin London tghosieis lust rna Atfllta knows the Ins the cuts the in batwaens of ovary country otter there Talk to your travel agent about the Europa youre going to see You will profit by his help and experiencetn so many ways AIR CANADA From man altas In Canada to more alta In Europa than anyotltrr altIncl iorrouusonl Hotét Compiato Travel Service Daniel St EBarria Oppcrlta arisen 27156523

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