THIS YELLOW mtdresr sporting patch pockets and Ikorlm buttons Is designed or wear on winter cIulse ship ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landon fell in love with married man didnt realize until lam that was not his lirst affairt His wife realized it hounver and de cided she had had mount of his playing around She divorced him Now his sons want nothing to do with him He is not permit ted to see his grandchildren His busness associates no longer include him in their so dad plans At dinner tonight he looked at me through eyes of hateas it it was all my fault Neat Freezer Utilizes Space OTTAWA UP Even your nosiest guest isnt likely to be poking around inside your vfmerJItitatfllpaystn keep it neat Home economists at the fed eral agriculhire department say you can get moIe sl in the teeter if its ordEy with meals in one part baked goods in another and so do They also advisekeeping running stalkiii oi input and outtake so youll know for suns whats on hand if youre going to have rireEte it runJhey say Empty space is waswtul But dont just fill it up and sit back smugly The more rapid the turnover of food the greater the economy Dont stick more than 2501 so pounds of new ood in the new box at one time either or youll raise the temperature in there and lengthen the freezing time if youve got ton of mething to ice up better take it lo treezing plant then file am ready IIIown lltIe artpage pamphlet con Mining these messages and min timing tips in available gt tree from the information divi slon of the Canada department In agrluilture Ottawa its their MOUNT No 892 Pharmacy Firm Names Ganadians DETROIT tCPlTwo Cana dian born bImness executives occupy the top posts in the pharmaceutical firm Parke Davls and Co as result of changes reported Tuesday Dr Austin Smith anative of Bellevllle la the new chairman and cldei uecutlva rlticer lie succeeded Harry Loynd 68 who retired Jan Harold Bunown 64 native oi Toronto Endformer Salva tlon Army officer in Nova Sco tla has been president and fdrlei operating oilch of the company since Jan 1m He FOR II WINTER CRUISE Married Man Gambles When He Gets Involved If by Jurnor Sophisticatts Ooahhssos for curses range from sportmlolhes to lasteve dugout dame VIer CF Photo 31 Let this letter be warning to all single girls who are cozy ing up to married men with hopes for the iuture wish to heaven had never seen this character and Im sure he wishes he had never seen me ASIIES IN MY MOUTH Dear Ashes Youri story ls such common one that am printing it only because some people have to see or hear something our dozen times he ore they get the idea NOT SOLUTION Dcar Ann Lnndflrs Mom passed away several months ago and Dad and miss her very much Dad brim to cheer up both himself and me by tak ing me places Friday and Sat urday evenings Last Friday we wentrto cocktail lounge where there was dancing Severaletiows lmew from school tlm jun ior were there stagging it Not one fellow asked me to darn This made me very de pressed Da ym think they ere afraid of my father Please answer as am really in the dumps over thISAP Dear AP Im sure your humh is correct and hope your dad will think of another way to cheer up both himself and you Taking teenage daughter to cocktail louneevis not my idea oiasoï¬ition to any problem SHOULD GROW UP Dcnr Ann Lnndcrsz My boy triend is graduate student at wellknown university here on the West Coast lie is very hrIght and has won many hon ors Im telling you this not to brag but to let you know that hes really not moronwhich is what you will probably think after teilyou my problem My little poodle Mange ver dear to me My boy friend has an alredalc The last three times my boy Mend has come to see me he has yelled from the porch Put your dog in the basement brought Scotty along have done as he askeda Lao happens that dont like toputNioole in the basement and dont see why he should bring his mutt over and make demands on me Yesterday he pulled this shmt again and told him to take Sootty home and come back alone Would youbelieve that he and that dInnbthmmd sat outside in the car for one solid hour Finally he drove off in huli and called me from his place to say was spoiled brat lsay he is the spoiled brat and that he owes me an apol ogy What do you sayiSHLL SIZZLTNG Dear sin No one should bring dog when he goes visit lng unless he has ChadLed in ndvanoe and gotten an 0K AonnIgnIanwhoissoat inched to his haw wow that he dont eave hlm horm when he continum In that capacity lhIasdaya anouncemt said 167 FROM THE PRESIDENT OF DOMINION STORES LIMITED CANADIAN MAID EVAPORATED MILK DOMINODRY SODA WATER OR GINGER PURE ANDFRESH FROM PLORIDA FACELLE ROYALLE COLOURS PIIPEII TOWELS LOW LOW PRICE GATTUSO PLUM CHOIOE 14 Oz Tomatoes EACELLE MODERNE COLOURS Toner rIssuE 49 BUY ONE GET ONE FREEMR LIOIIIII Roll PIKE goes to see his girl is too child In to go with girls Detergent 9c DOMINIONS EVERYDAY LOW PRICES MOMS IN PARCHMENT COLOU RED MARGARINE HEINZ OR GERBER INFANT VAR IETIES BABY FOOD ORANGE Juice MOTHERS WITH PECTIN RASPBERRY OR STRAW JAM 79c ORANGE Jun RED 0R BLUE BRAND STEER BEEFNIIUraIIy AgedGovt Inspected MEATY 1c CHUCK COMPARE LB mm FRESH YOUNG ONTARIO PORK SALE EN WHOLEOR HALF MEATY PORK SHOULDER LB COMPARE EASY TO CARVE PORK TENDER AND DELICIOUS 99c BUTT BllTT HORST 55c CHOPS 59c COMPARE Iooz gt 99° cnPIIcII PIIIIE PIIIIII snIISIIIIE Us FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS COMPARE DOMINIDNS OWNDOMINO POTAT 0E5 SAVE 48 tool 2th 31 Bag COMPARE DOMINIONS OWN DOMINO FROZEN STOCK UP NOW SAVE II FROM SUNNY FLORIDA SWEET AND JUICY 49 As we other our counIIys CanIannlal year Canadians have much Iobo Ihanklul tor and good reason to celebrate by personal panicipatlon in the many special acIivitias scheduled throughout the year across the nation The one sobering note In our couRIIys prosperous economy is irritation whlrh has increased all cOsIs oi living including food In Ihis regard we at Dominion Stoves solemnly pledge to conIinuo the ï¬ght against inflation by ovarymeans within our power to hold tood price at the lowast possible level THOMAS McCORMACK PRESDENT DOMINION LUCAS BRAND RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON COMPARE SPEC 15 In tins sin ONT No IDEAL FOR COOKING OR BOILING COOKINGONIONS GeneraIMlIls Total Lucky NEWALL PURPOSE WhIiIIliesonf Inï¬nite Oheerios Cleaner VTop Quality Emu RayIII WILLInmsRASEBERRYOR mm shunned 149 Box For Size I635 100 DOMINIONS OWN BAYSIDE Sockeye Salmon BARGAIN BUY PURE VEGETABLE Iggyi 59c Pkr DOMINIONS OWN RICHMELLO BEIIII IPsi IN on TlTlES FACELLE ROYALLE COLOURS Torlet TIssuej