Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1973, p. 4

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Tillie um Examiner Id Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus HMePhsraonMarrsging Editor nnslrr JANUAIY rrn ran gt WW lllore lnduirial Commercial iAssessment Needed In Barrie rBarrie had very good constnrction record in 1972 The value of building rr suits soared to $27018000 compare to 820434000 in the previous year liowevrr the bulk of construction war in new housing 313276000 to be ex pct and the balance was in number of other categories including $8741000 in industrial and commercial building Naturally new housing is welcome as Nd means better homes and llrln stand ds for the people at Barrie ut one not ignore the fact that industrial and erciai construction is lagging far ad in relation to housing if this and continues the residential rector of Barrie economy will be bearing an aslng share of the cost of municipal rvtces An ideal mill is 50 to to per ent industrial and commercial and the balance residential Of course Barrie has good industrial base and rn of our existing plants that few mrior industries have been est ablished in the city in recent years There have been reasons for this not the least of which was the federal government in centive Under this scheme the so called avenot conanunlties received financial aid This assistance actually wentto firms that were prepared to est ablish ants In these centres was never designated in this category and consequently the city and Its Industrial Comtrdssion had to offer inducements to prospective industries based on the cities merits only without benet ofithe government ants Barrie har enticed indust as but prob ably not nearly as many as would have come if the incentive plan had not been inseam in right oriunately future is ew commerclal ventures are In lire making and more industries expansion can be arr ttctpated But it will take time to bring about more satisfactory balance in rs are growing is helps to anset the fact seeement Back To The Peace Table President Nixons decision to call off the bombing of Hanoi came as tremend to the American at the United Stab our relief not onl people but to frl cs around the world Now mercifully the two turning to the negotiating table and once again there is renewed hope of an early ce settlement President Nixon may consider he was right in ordering the 1952s to attack flrnoi since the North Vietnamese have now agreed to resume the lust rslast springs bombing and the min ng of the port of llalphon made the first round of serious nogot attons with lianoi possible We ourselves believe that the bomb ln oi the Ho out than trail taking sup into South Vietnam and the mining iii ports could be instilled militarily ut that the mistake was to unleash the 52s in What was apparently carpet bombing of tar ets in andaroundtlanoix xons every move appears to have been carefull calculated against all contln encies he must have been convince that he needed erlralevera to impress the North Vietnamese that However Mr Emcant business Whether or not the North Vietnamese dld ylcid under the pressure of the bomb in we dont yet know But Hanoi itself as reportedly that it would not resume the peace talks until the bombing stop pcd llr re are many other factors in the altua ion each of which could have had measure of influence First and foremost was the altitude of the Soviet Union and China While Peking war letln the Viet ICangr representative lire Bl was hintingthat the projected visit to Washington oi Communist Party chief Iconid Brezhnev would be postponed The two Communist powers could do no sides are re im Paris talks Amon ollr Erogrcrr this sustained nrmsand on Moscow families and Much of the anguish of these might have been avoided had Nixon found some way of explaining to the American people the reasons for what he was doing While the pcace talks are rcsumin it would be unwise to discount the diff cul tler ahead The outcome still hinges on whether thorn will he one or two Vici But at least we in prayerful hope at settlement will finally be attained that all the prisoners of war will soon be able to return to their less than show outward support of their Vietnamese cheats Yet the continuation of the Vietnamese war suits the at neither of them The Soviet dependent on American shipments of wheat to help meet its serious grain short rgcs as result of thedlssstrous 1972 harvest it also has high expectations of other trade deals with the Urrilcd Slal es Prolongatlon of the war could ieo atdlze these hopes There is reason believe that lirscow at well as Peking has been urgingiianoi logo back lotho or pressures there are three lhatcoudhavc helped influence lir Nixons decision to halt the bombing First was the imminent rcsum lion of Congress if the bombing had at been in week the President would ave faced in Congress now campaign to end the war possibly by cutting off all funds for it Second was the mounting voof criticism of the bombing from our armed sen mericaa friends andsihernthirdwrrtv Harvwow the heavy toll of American aircraft and airmen in the raids raising thc question of howlong this rate oi losses could be last days supervision of tho ccascfirc forward into 1073 that the task of recovery and healing of wounds in both Vlclnams can get under way Christian Sciencellionltnr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ON EXPERIMENT St Catharines Standard Exporirnontailan has always been part of education Sometimes the experi mcnlr seem to take us backwards Lin coln County Board of Education was told at its last meeting about an experiment at Woodland School where pu vvarious grades aro bclng grouped togeth er in classes and the officials say result Indicates that the ewmmmmmsmmmmmcmwmr CANADAS STORY River Was Named ut on puplil pits from the project has cdcducailon Alter Explorer fly BOB BOWMAN This is the time at year when peril of Alberta arvl British Col umbia experience ilrlnook winds Ihcy blow from the mllrwrsl and have been known tu drande the trrrrrwrature ar rresdr as on degrees in few hours Alcxnndcr liacitenslc who discovered the river named him him the carried it Illch of Dlsrppolntmesrt and was the first man to miss the continent Inoled In diary on Jan trim Vcry cold wind from the roulhycrt thw At Atha harlra this wind nevrr failed to hring mild weather When it blow from the opposite direction it brwglrt snow These warm wtndr some off the Pacific mum cu or II mwntins colored with mow the is on time to cool One of these stories rrcrnlly described some at the missions ary work done by George and John llicDougall Their little daurolr at Morley between CaL rtsry and llsrrff Ir national historic sllc illrlle George and John lir Dourail wrre upright ministers of gospel another of the lamiiy David could have been Iresident of the Liars lids it had existed in thpso lift of Davids stories was about service in the church at hiorio Tito snow was an high that members of the congre gntlrn hall to hitch thrlr horror and atelth to the rtmrvir rice ple There was rtrinnolt during the levies and when llcotso came out they found ifth this snow was me and their horses were dsnallns by their necks from the sleeplel Another David licbpugnil doll story wu about sleigh drarvn lay dogteurn There was citi value it was explained that once the students were together the emphasis was carning rather than tcachnr caching The stronger students helped the weak and older helped the younger Somehow it all seems more than faintly reminiscent of the little old oneroom schools where six or right grader might be lumped together and which are now bcing wlpcd out in the name at improv miur It nook and the snow melted so quickly that the dogs were run ning on the snow but the sleigh was running on the bare ground llrp prulrln torrtiltlil clubs necri rurrrrtlrlng like drlnooii wtruis for their late season games YnlEll JAN EVENT lilolnSalle built fort on till nuls River ItalFather licnncplng pub lllahtd tlrat book on North Amer on iIiilnlcndnntr palace nud trowcry lit tlurbcc were de alroycd II llro tsls llrri turn at flucth hlrroury llilUJI Praiafslorri Van Iltarfi prohibited old to rebel Canada rimFirst Issue oi LcCourlcr awn IntWinnipeg hclrl ilrsi civic election rill resident QUEENS PARK SILK PURSE wakugvrcummwmz autumnal More Govt Red Tape Evident ln service By DON OHIAIIN Queens Park hams Of The Eaamim femur made here while ssoaslbeueatlnfhrxofm tired army men into the civil service drew considerable reac tion much of it oi course from retired army men it seems that some further word of explanation might be worthwhile DOESNT FIT in criticizing the use of these men it but the Individuals themselves that are orrertlened but the system th represent necessar They go by the rule book fol low act patterns and leave little scope for individual Initiative or enterprise While this may mak for good operation of unites it been fit well into other adsrsfnlstralion And uefortsrrulely when men ves are put at authority In other wheres theytcndtubrladltwilhthtm And this this infusion of the eystun into nundenim oi government which Is the point at concern rarnns RANK Thus in one brands of govern ment nulls senior officers now ere required to make out work They must recount tar their wedryamikmtegby minule aqd tssls it it For an executive who has per haps down of prolocir Bidet way this is not only lremcn INTERPRETING THE NEW dos nuisance but in pushy cases woud be rollly tails im practic will hommwllihm rps you not thfl Than rank is becoming choos inur evident ail thrwgh the say Thus certainly fairly senior official know was approached directiyb tie rnlnlsters execs live an act with request to do sornetldng for the minister Fags other officials who out are use re as hadnt been channelled the line throws them witlsslfhutoorigsllsbs efficient Also of course it II more red tape And that Is the last thing any government service needs Congressmen Seek Control Over Government Purse liy PETBn illicitth WASIIlNOffON or in the roads and on Capitol Hill gry congressional leaders are glrdf to defend their con trot overt United States lov crrlnent purse from president who scans determined to ouri lrnge one of their lost pre routlver The Immediate issue is be tween KI billion and sip billion which Mgrcss authorised to be spent on wide range of ov emnent program but Presldrtd Nixon says he will wllhhdd crucirl part of his firht asnisrrt inflation ilut the larger Issue is the one that has brought senators and representatives romrrvstlvcs and bonds on in the battle Whether Congress has theflrrltl authority under the us Corutitulipn to decide what progrrrma rhoud receive led rral any and what amounts IM lithe orets sternum it llayfieid Street Dsrr Ontario Telephone 72erde Second Class llrti Reslrtrettrns liurocr rIlItl flotum postage guaranteed Dally hundsya and Statutory Ilolldrrs excepted Subscription rates daily in carrier ere weekly lasso yesr ly Slagiscoples tic fig mall lirrrlo Willi yesrly lsncos County till yearly flsinrrce of Canada IZMO yearly All other cuunlnea error yearly llalor throw nff moo year National Advertising Ollie ll Queen St West Toronto filll Hill UIU Lathcasl Stu liontreal Iiemhrr at the Canadian Press and Audit bureau of Circqu tlonr The Guardian Press is exclus ively entitled to the lllp for re puh Icution at all news dispatch er in this paper creditsII tn It or The Assoc ntcd Irrsr or llculcr and also the local news publish ed therein nre hrrrte Esamincr claims Copyright in all original adven lIs ng and niltorlal material crev rated by its employers Ind re produced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num ber count rrglsler s1 should be spent on them Ntron trailed Cmgrcls but fail for authority to cut the federal budget in whatever manner be pleased to nuiotnln embit lipn ceiling tor the currcnt its all year The proposal died in the empresrionat rush to ad Journ before the elections Slope llrerrleon older have said the president has the power to make the cuts nay wny And he has used the rmer to slash spending on uys tom credits water pclutloa control public housing arrdolhcr Fortune The Dermrtlccontrollcd Congrusebeleledly sensitive to accusations that it has steadily abdicated its responsibilities the face of an increasingly eriul executive branch of govern mentnow scans ready to iftltb the mallenre Seventeen Iltvnocrstlc sena tors lociudlngdllisiorlt harder llillre llflriafic and chair OUR ECONOMY Sharp Population mm of it conunillccs have yum to file friendutilis couni bricl in Missouri care wields comestr the president right to withhold federal hl tway funds authorised by ion grerr Sovusl other budget reduc tions ametn tracts to courg most no poundng federsd money for water pollu tion control which the city of New York has already put to the courts and which other hr risdlctionr have also tlrsrlcood to oppose Apart from such lent me nocssvrrr however the main tlnuat of the attack will opens in Connerr ltsof Some senators seem prepared to delay confirmation of Nixons new cabinet snombrrr until the mldertts Intentions are clerl ted And acvcrsl powerful Ifouse members are law opcsty oi means to rear control of IMM Boost Expected Dy FIIANK FLAIIIJIIY Financial Affairs Analyst UlfAWA The Economic Council of Canada now Is out with series of study papers on the Canadian econom during tho 1010s which rhoul ho Lot Interesting and encouraging to business Manners liy lllllo the population should total million compared to sin million in two That means mot customers and more worers The rrrulteup oi lho run pulntlen ls more interests ing ruin business viewpoint than the lire The country will have many more workers and sauteth fewer nenworhtrs than it had at the start of the decade flint cistllii atoll trouble if the econ my ould slow down but short of that it spells more pro dsrcllorr and better incomes for the vast maturity oi Canadians increase in lotion lust under 2000000 ls css rlg nlllcsnt than the throne In the relative rises of the age groups which metro it The working mutation will si nillcantly gcr than earlier the my working sectors time what smaller The workerl in the age lirilck cll ill to Ill will constitute no2 fer rent of the total compared can at the start of the survey period The children under will be slightly lesser percen tage oi the total2M against 211 in two The oldrtsrr res and over will be about the same percentage as in toreor against IA per cent slgnltlcnnt fenlurs of the labor force growth It Ilr concen tration in the lowermlddlp group 2le which II presumed be an echo oi the postworld war two baby boom Vlrv tually every person In this are groupenters the labor force fhlr group presumed to be hlrhly wErotiuc Ive and almost at ore members enter the labor force is growing while other groups are slowing down Brazil Trying mnuarza manna our worm Tomi Out The Capitalism Route by JOHN IIAIIIIRON Foreign Astaire Analyst nsmmr News Service Not all the worlds devolovlnd nation are taking the ltsrnrt or leftist route of Grins Russia and their allies llrarii one of the worlds lar crt countries Is trying out or stitched intr sezirire confirm and tsal most urr among the called llesrdevcloppd countries in doing so India another vast nation nlbcontinent in la own right is allusions tire dementia expo rtencs in spite of the horren idour ressurea which her uni cont led birth rale and slide social differences put an elected governments irrdlnr first quarter century at democracy has lust fin ishcd with the unsolved prob lems of lnrlian nationhood pen Reps outweigth the relieve merits of the era ranrm The sharp differences be tween social amps trth mark to many lesrdovsloped coun tries sro proportionately greater In faults because they are greater they make the par riblilty nf longlerm democracy more dlfflerll The huge cptrntrys unhririlcd polarisation drowilr in spite of numerous bkth control crurp palms fs proboby lndlas haste unresolved profem in tell at ind ndencs india minus the lie rm rotincer In East and West Lh went into tho ncw laiamic stale oi Pakistan had trepidation of sea millions in ms the tigure har turnout to about bio millions Dy mo of the prover rate fndla will have one billion mainly hungry and largely illiterate citrsrnr TOO MANY PEOPLE About 400 millions of llrrm at present are Illitcrnte thourlr indln has wuridtvde muta tion for rdrolarly public officials and five working nuclear powcr plants lmoro than rich under ponulnlrd Canada The addllion of millions pl ncw better crzlt Igar hu rlr tunly wiped out gains from production Incrcnrcr ung mcnlrd by three custiy vovr agrlnrt inkfrtnn but me against thin in the tort rlrc Added to this bar been very la coat of icodlng and tr millions of East Pakistani refugees before after the recent indiePakistan War And yet India can spend maria on lending her own wer ships limit and guns even considering the nrarurfac turn of taste molest weapons assure her place in that me cabre club of great poemthe ones who bird and can use clcrr armaments lndia imnsiyslupld anclai disulminrtfnns dalsfly the ones whim isolate about so million aocnicd untouchables from ml of the population still dopy solution When rural vlllaass are electstiled durth mlsa govv eminent cumulus to modem its the countryside the villages of the Untoudrahleu are pun poscly Impted Tris intrcrtlorsluisoiollnn If maor no on spranslr represents about four tinsel population of Cantata SOCIALISIl ECONOMY Economically fndln is broom lng more and more like Enicm European satellites of the USSR with whom Prime illnirtcr lfrs Indira Gandhi has excellent lallens new rmrrel of stuch mcnt decrees has ordcrcd lth industric to reduce profit CVO The states direct involvement in exlsilnl or new industry become roster in the lest the ode flip wet and totally unce nnamien local numiaciure foreign prpdtxis once Imported has firmly mndo lhrm even rmre expensive for most fruit In There have brcn some may rive nchirrmcnts illtlr ar rof rufllrlcncy in food whclt had been reached lut before refugee influx issl year from present Bangladesh BIBLE THOUGHT an answer lurnclh away wrathr hut grievous wards all anger iravcrbr llri Try this or an nrgumrni alv par and sure rolullon You rv rnvo your time and curb your tamper mussmmmm mcnruwnnvmxsmnnu idolwa r1553 barium andammo 5st mm ms ow 4W1 sweltering IT HAPPENED IN CANADA till rapt Willi apron Rliliiti your mum WlillAM Haunt NEWIPAPWWN slalom Admit of uocuzvomsrt Fail cousrprrzto MB 07 till OtilfllllDM EVENT pl llll liFSln be This th ill ll Hits Will KID Revaluat Tommierap WillAM MW 1410de twosomem awareroom

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