Ohoilorr oration rrorglrfwao wxw earlier we OHMdtaamManlgIn later runsol wantonmad Most Think MPs Should VOte moo neededn AccordmgTo RidingVIews Now nut Canadar 28th Parliament has opened its lougIwaIled region it will be interesting to ree how many hiPe go Ilorsg with the Idea oi majority oi Canadilne that it would vote as re presentatives oi naa rlty opinion in their ownconatitneociee may by the Gallup Poll oi Canada reported almost twothirds oi the voters let the majority opinion from tho rid tngs should be the dominant iactor re flected in voting by their ermtalivee rather than him pereonal ewe The poll eaid this war endorsed by d3 er cent with 10 per cent iavortn hi using Ureir own judgment Ind ght per cent undecided hioei controverrtel Issues which lhould bo dealt with It the current Ieaslona eoncern the economic trends and laxat lion Demandr ior bait In the record high tax apending which has added to the 101411 oi airzfaldeyuoveztbuggcd tax yera one on En Adequate aim to deal with HI epread unemployment in practical way by encouraging business and indua to provide more jobs also is expect by mort Canadians What is clear Is that taxes muat down enough to make it proiltable or buainess and industry to expand cut back In laser to provide more buying ower ior Canadians Ibo is needed as lineal ItinlulanL ood think the new clplllll gallistll am be subjected to more review by the elected representatives oi the poop some arguing the clamor ls likely to grow as is iull ins lioatlone become more genera under ood return to do ed tax iorme ior Income tax returor also would meet the ronl oi the maturity at the gran roota vet Bilingualism capital punldzment and constitutional reiorme are all important issues but moralcanldilana is max over the ucreaan eavy than these other roblems The verdict oi the OcL so nice too drould have made this clear althou it appears to have escaped the atte on oi Iorne who abould know better Equality oi opportunit ior all Cload tans has been mu ilcussed theme and like the Just Society Ilma given to much romlnence in 1008 Is most derirab goal It can be taken ior granted thatCarl adiana irom all the provinces will be iot iowlng proceedings at the current rere tons more closely than quII and the Pa Ind parties which beet reect their vlewa are certain to he remembered come next voting time OTHER EDITORS VIEWS HERE TO STAY imdon Free Pms Obviourly anownlobllu are here to indeed it would be Impossible II we er glorer uniair to alteran to ban them from uro as come detractors would But there is legitimate concern tor the dam to therenvironrnent they cause ior Iaiely oi mowmoblle operators Ind tor the eaiety oi the public as re lull oi ioolhardy operation oi the mach er FITTING MOVI BY iSLAND Guelph Mercury Prince Edward bland needs more oney to ayvior the treatment and care oi aleobo ca So what better place to raise it then to lnapoao eurchlrgo on all alcoholic bev We sold In Hater atom illenda beral government has done $urt that end expects to realize 000 Dironl the action Its titling move recent atudy on and by Premier Campboil euggerled that one In eight oi all male ierndera had appeared in court or attended treatulent centre because oi mieueo oi alcohol to COMBAT DRINKING Oait Evening Reporter Public health prob cme created by too much drlnkln cant be solved by con tintrlng to thin oi eoelal drinkora Ind 1aicohoiics or two distinct groups Not when research has clerrl rhown that the ilvodrtnkerday Iocta drinker con nnm enough alcohol to jeopardize his or in Ontario alone there are 250000 people who drink that much Tb are denger to ihemrelver and II or verr hazard to the community So We no longer Iuiilclont ior govern merits and the eelth and social wellare Institutions they support to concentrate their eiiorte and money Iolely on the reblbilltatlon and treatment oi alcoholic Wm INTERPRETING THE 1runs while tgnorln the motel drinkers whoee numbore Ire easing What baa been done up to now in terror oi research end education into the hararda oi alcohol II well as in the re habliltatlon oi drunks bar been done by tllodprovincee or by private agencies tun governments in little onou when its related to the total moon oi mon in some measure by provincial governments get irom the sale oi alcobgl at ior the Addiction Research roundl otl II I15 million oi which lbout 70 million II at on alcohol edueat on rerelrch an treatment Thatr Ierl than lame alu wmllm some open and north zenqu riuor to Britain In Sharope leasing Srtlirh econonty II HE worm loony Canada Seeks Trade In Common Market By JOHN HAHION Ierelgl attain Aaaisat Thatan Nrwa Service On New Yalre Day II expected brlialn together Inland and Denmarl tolled lite European 0mm Martel or Ontario ior example title yeara bud more Iectuutely the mound hm mm mm American marke Abaut to per orgrephlcally and with about lIte lame latlon oi too millons eaola once the unetalnl reieronre to the United aatae as Ecorrmoh market Hindu Imyoohcrtl re II electronic goode ilne clinics cent oi all care purchaaed In the immalInd oi General hlotora an European and Japaneee ear lin tbreo per cent oi the e2roeloooo the new wItlI thedynlmld In Ontario government realized bet year in revenue irom the Liquor Control Board oi Ontario HILPINO HANDS Financial Port hiany an executive might be aavod ironl uleora by an occasional pat on the back ironl his superiors his colleagues Meet oi the prrenvy com 13 $3315 menlatabout the AngloCanadian to churn oomte more heavily then It did held against Europun Indurtrle llle gradation oi Cln doom ior Canadian update to Britain ma the Commonwealth prel erentlal tail was replaced by the external EEO one on JIN lure British trade relationalllp Im mud arylruhidriam New Yeare Day and becomes matter oi hrture trlda policy ME Willa EWIEII Western Dirope with Britain place Undolmtbdly eorne oi our ill or hie wiie when tryl to co with Ireland and Derrnark in It now dltlodal mlouiucturcd good ar dluicuitinhhteprewnp onior aadlng barmaethewortdlalargut oil etonlecll uicera in other people IK Irn porn in report to the American Pa elogicll Association by Dr Weill illa research ehowa wholly the result oi emotions lnrlead wayl molt If illehlldhflln no to the an or neuron Iar behind Add it bl technology go ulcers are not could very well outdo the other oi er EEO monitors However trading bloc the eontbaelal title will be gradual protest 1Ilnd pdw Britain MillI nowDMIIlLi va as corrvete Earl which will Ioon have MI Iccele morechar coated are the my they mm 11 In indivmlliaod mur oi tin United Slater since the external terliI oi the doesnt make enough coping Itlorn is in mater Beiore talne entry on Jan in ringer not lat once EEC will be lied to bdtrtn lntho iecooitoughalturtloneHowa out at Bit bd th rain in salary when ite obvious that genetic werlnbolh alrht Ila largelry trial by ill phllhllr an ulcer II coming oni THI INIMY WITHIN Kitdhener Waterloo Record The breaking up oi the Ontario New Democratic Part Wattle wing into two ieotlons one work within the Irty and the other lilng out to iorm illove merit ior In ad endont Socialist Can wing to dlrband or be expelled IA11 Facts Not Disclosed In The Paris Peace Talks Iy HAROLD liOIiiliSOI North VietnIneae had Died the Milan Prrar Stall Writer vlourly experienced But It arr threat that when the new Cour bmlblngdnotlndthe Willy that this battle greea coovaner many barriera will $113 all WW lr rer Ir burmd more on be hm alter one rodeaoi acrIIl attack narrinli ieeilrli in TOLL waolnun many partr oi the globe that us Mend VIM witty not all the iectr have been dilv learn at here erpeanve bomb oioeed her led to urlelri neat determination not to so whether the mm tall will irl lhmmrarl oiicnllve Iran In In biliary the men who lm in my mle mum no lurrendered in Vietnam in hal war II may dotnouetralod in the let that The White House annotrnec mrmhcrr oi planer met clown hmhmllmlllwl Im mat halting elm north at Ellingngmronalgumun ylruthrrrtimogxlgalu both parliel armed to alto enlalun bore the hint that rrilillry worried about the mounting mm IV mlhym hermner biowarna have turned certa peace tIIrI were melting progr Irn ortant illch concerrlonr pogm ma lien previouatyhnd re terrllaaol Amech decanter iro variaur raportl euggeat filled to yield making was the growl outcry Wm indeed the tact that North blast the attacks In bonlln trill were preceded by lone Vietnam agreed to return to the ulnar oi tho war rm political ml WWW WI coniercnca table while publicly aItunlloll had worknod it war declarlnvitwtll mrryllldll not but can at bitter ngntrlst the United States ior atruggla between lrcalclonl Hm mm mtldf our years oorrveye ionn oi Nixon and uh outspoken crib mncortlon omld Icence oi day In re Waddlh Prime hilrllatcr gluon mt by the great ilcete Oloi Prime Nlrdn laced heavy political crllidam at home our oi itll bomberr Undoubtedly the bombing hart llcullriy In Congrcrr doml it til beiore elitler ride de hurt The llEllllitlIlm may have tilted by the Domnrratr been water than anything the Even his declalon luepend bargaining veraily outlaw nun ll III detd Street Ontario Telephone W1 Second Clare hilt Damnation ltrlber dill Murn portage guaranteed DIIIyx Dirndl and Sleiutory lie lye em Sublcel ton Ill daily by lean adnthllatratioa mainly ctrrtaa low that rearr use oi the deep epllt over Single cup By mat yearlyr Simone coo yearly illilnco 1800 yearly All other countnca loll year hlotor throw oii moo ycar National Advcrllarng 0llltill Queen at Welt Toronto Catboart 5L Member oi the Canadian Prerl and Alrdlt Duraau at Circuit County Nixon however baa Ihown Cm SM I110 Montreal The Canadian Furl Ir exclul enlltled to the use ior le pub lcallou at all our dllpltch Jngle ta Ilor real or oil or alder Iort oi rllInor com romiae enli perhape even er mum mm The Barrie Bram MM yrlght in all original adven While the anyatery continuer tlI gand sdlturlalrnllerial era that hint oi cornprorniae re and by its emoloyeer and re mainr Ill perhapr the most produced In thir newspaper Go right ilegietralion Num rI cs to withdraw irorrl Perle hers no regular It was II in thII Iner hillma ruby dmrtment located in the north German port oi Kiel and eonducte oomice lenloar tor to aludanla It iilel IIaobarl Training College the students are mostly blealy inloreatedtboum rome oi my colleaguoa lare bit du biolu the proielror eayI Lirhrendort am Mr research is heiptlll ior future teachers be cause it will give them better Idea oi what their plallta really read ills study shown that so per cent oi German children avoid bookl II regular rIIdln and preier Itingr litre idic hiaur II Dlrneye creation lI brawn here LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SNOOPV 100D DANIEL Dear Sir The directors at the Barrie branch at the Ontario Humane Society with to Tnth their Iincere eporectai on to the new to oi Darria Indnrro who helped till the Snoopy lood bar rer epelclal tlharlr you oi cour II mur go manual en ei local iood Itorea 10A Debiwe mart Iicd and White and hilrlclo Food iinrtl tor allowing the Humane liar Iety to place the barrels in lhrlr time In order to carry out this protect Thle wu new venture tor the Barrie branch and the rev nonro oi pet owncrr and net IovcrI were extremely yratlly Inn To all who hoiped In any way In letting un lhla molrciyanrlt publiclrln It the dlrociorr oi the Inca Humane Society branch any thank you STEPHEN OGDEN irerIdent llerrlo llrlnch Ontario Humane Society 0N0 wuo REVIEWSTHE YEAR However eren more eighth cant cold be aetvnd reoueet all nitric hairdo The adage proposal really hot tsetse it would divert water irorn Lake hlidaigan at Chicago iake CANhDIlS non mired it Build it the matter oi watg dindown The US has thirst him minty routine to grow With the hinge propou has room or aim Ir meat ior thoudr the Grea Lllee eyetenl interior in Cu Ida math oilt lies in us terri wrllle US can cllltn Ms givel Iteouatrt te will BI utemoitom it could have let oi eo pcai And with the thrican ll mtern It ta not hard to iorerce it developing into major cause Oi Immune and with tea per Illa neat proton on Canada mm Yonge St Become at Canadian ioregn trade the 1ch that olrr trldl with the can which was named tor bla tier mental oi the EEC hae tether not binirali The road was came it part hm it THU lil local pare and the Detroit Iiiver whlda were open to Uh attach Yonge Street wee nestled Ior Er George Yonge mister oi wrr In Britain Construction an in 119d but iI Jan me he work ro dal in glam HMO an all In rr do not thorn about six weeks in blare Smile trail ironl York to Pine banding grown inter then our trade with Britain One oi valet analyses oI Canada and the BDC by bioni ll real midst Roy Maths an In the corneal Issue at international Review new Canadian monthly on Inter national rnanagament la bla re port aconemlst hiaibm point out Canadlnexporte between toes and mo roar lrom Ind millions to billionairport dotalalaorhiie Canadas aorta to the British market lncrellad rum 81 btlLun to ILI billion only per cent Along with thisxtreart tha Intentions oi AlletIlr glchpie the now indultry TrIdI In Commerce hiinlater that he will devaI airport markell ior CanerHan Ioduslrlea ahead oi punitive legal measures against oreim muitlrngtloral corpora tions in Canada It to parents oi 05 mullJna tional corporltlnr In Canada Midi came here to like adven tIge oi the Commonwealth idle arenco must not tranrier all Canadian mantalaciuring opera tion to their other rublidllrlel within tho expanded European Carnation Marlon Superman Mickey Mouse BONN AF Well Ger man proteaeor ir conducting proiound Iludy Into the merttr oi Iupermun and hlickry Illa MISC amp lrizea the correctnou Mom or the tou atand taken in June by pro And or Dr enlta Dahreodori tact re in trivial lit vinolei leaders who ordered the Gifting mm Ill time onth lob reading Dabrendort lecureemou pmul mm stripe at thelvnlverettya ptrllor Lille lddr elerywhrrr theyre liker to rnenlr penlln at comlc books hidden behind Iextbookr to rinse Trying to iind out the oiledl oi comic eiripr on young mlndr Ilahrelldori haa been conductirll yearlong Iiudy complete with aueatlonneirel submitted in chil ren llo II preliminary rrIultl man maniac oi worthwhile cornice unong re available todayDie Peanuts ior tnrtance or Altarir have on tremedy porlttve aspecta Astoria In Europe but vlr hvn In North Amor plucky little Oaul who ibumt In the resistance against the ancient itorrten occupation or France Astoria got Its alert in the comic boo world durtn the second World War Yren re alIlanco Igllnrt Nerl occupa on Despite ltr anlltlermen ori gin many German hit achnol telolrorr today Ilte corn IcI leaturlnl Alerix to arrival their teaching oi what could be dul milledearly European binary utlgart liehlng house clalrnl lolnl crculatlon oi ln rnlllun ior lls Alterlx teacillng airtr begun tour yourr to Dahrcndori Irlrrlreli never Iced comct Ir still grew it til the War era he told and conch cre taboo then They were canal dercd decadent BIBLE morally ll ye ahatl Iek Inylhinl In my name will do It John Itlll Hero II blank check ior dar Ing CrrIriinnt who boltcve the hook in rple oi ow thinca look till it in by tall and rod will honor It anywhere anytime by BOB BOWMAN Yorlga Street in Toronto ta one or the moat inoua thorvu taxes In Canada It waa built in gavel SdrrtcoeMIhe ilrat en governor Upper Canlda Is mliller trom Lake Ontario to la 5m the route make Wil hear tilty are roing to give cocktail party when book on Abraham Lincoln and our new novel ut the re going to hold it In come out Why dont you write book on ecologyl Ecologys NI rllbt now WA cw F131 IT HAPPENED IN CANADA GRAY BEAR llumrurnn ulna more WWWWII ilWWMOWIMM NMan Willa Vital Trade Route The original Yonge Street was rburh Illheu it laid to have been gum on ntnrbel oi doc Yet in me the cltileos oi York held meeting in the governance bitlilo to urge that Yonge Street opened up An Igreerraent was reached to re amour so is arernen could be employed lbe route war through arid country and bountioo were altered ior woi eklnl Ferll there abould be rllrllar bolnlt ee tor the hidee at whistling wolves who eaperate on Yonge Sireettodlyl liouce Slreet became htowlh Air trade rm er Germany Whirl uted 11000 pounds ior ltr Im thei there was reasonably good route by road and water between Throer and Pendan lahcne the nltlitaryvnnvel re on Gaolglen Day Wm lionover it was not nautre THE LIGHT TOUCH These Remarks Tire Budding lluthors DyiiALHDYLE NEW YORK AP marae an author grtr tired oi hearing Why dont you rile cook book Everyone else Ill tell you why think abould tare nom de pianobecame dont think could lou hby wllborlorco Vll household itlm You didnt put enough rex llllioughby this one really would have knocked them dead to yeIrI ago when the Saturday Bvenln Port was going strong ill at do you to do with it nowbury told you hclore you etuin the book didnt lke the ich in the ilrat place Now that youve written the book dont llkn the Idea in tho record Inco Illicit wrterl are dime down but when theyre II bad II illloughhy they are dime bakerr dozen be dont you write the womens liberation moyr ment wtllougbbyt No one elro has Why dont ou write novel about ulrnlogy Vll loughoyl dey can write book on Irtrorily trot uunt make prollt Soormetaarour icoooywuool uareorwuouworrv rtuwouuuormam mnuuoneeooowuet rcraruenuul club ilueounlrme thilllenovl sasvarousvuu ammo 4v wowo urea Mammary WlW Mild 00AM MM M19117