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need to to written In no it he to believe the new elmlee he the letter in Ann Len column For exemle hut tame ems the item About llktiinn woman who Rule the grocery tiiiit WW My ll Mun calorie56 modems her 21 tr art the eheoml Riel would some it not But here It It ndereblnln In life in w7f 2247 prohibits the depositing of refuse ways or bridges within the boundaries of City of Barrie reoover In few weelu minded in Arm pertmmt ot ltlxweilet the Fit line at Ill etuectlre youn woman It hnd been at lrorn newvow but the mme had been cut MI lily litterin nw does not maize tho meet gm he leirAert litesbend wound be amine lhetpioutre Rte er lurnee the want end Ie hurt Me it me been tome EWonlumwetm In ablyAu Beer Altr merriedmon mild have to be en idiot to It iii run our eler tho ornt Myron braille one that rapid Tell tour tie lerInvlew in he euro in reed Lt Ann Le tier tlil m1 boa rnvrninl one it lllOiEC 005131 LONDON chroood let eeld yninu reenter with Nlim ieel limped lntb hlenlv lice toettiri lliie en me unltlrriae liner But the not tinder In enimel levee eIid lrn determined it wont he eaten lie eeld the bird would 011 eererel Ask Snowmobilrs To Use Caution eel dock lay theme people with when at pie mm wr diirine the Million me llindeetle the teeth elft tame at them met lhet mobiles can demure tenet end brwee imell ms FM not nanohlieooe till mm 31qu eleo till nieeitng mandolin vice our machine on the med moire ever met In ehm Tth me itqu Ihe hreneheeWltlle pleat will reenter in mutt net will beeet lied lot to of Mum renlie re Ion but operetore member the hutihy inns wethtvwn true ill other pie plea LGardensianada Introduces Plants le ournrnetmrete the emery homoyew Anntvmery In tewlllbe Introduced eeye It tileNelll hartiettlturel exerleiltt Onlerie hllnlltry of rieulture Ind Food 0mm orlxlnlity celled Prom tree mm lien duineted Genietu Cent The lrllwln ere the new talent etoeh It will be intro duced in 1m Fleminzn Queen even with deer cleer Hintonpink norm blaming throughout the eumrrter it in oerilcuierly been iilul ineptember De Gfontllnden elow rowing eturdy upright ltel th eomoeel heed it raven ldeel Ivr urhen met one Lille Gillil Coder lhle new lobe eedlr lt Lt eiw growth Ind compact Mlh meximitrn heieltt nl about it to It lnchel it make In exceil ent lmmdiiilon plnt sherlden Geld Encom Iu line contrast pilot with hrllilent yellow leem Blue Acm Juniper heenltul blue ground cover which le lino eilectlve lnr Ieun dellmt lantin Irirteilsrt Deyllly mutt mute llw deytily blooniinl in mid unei PUBLIC Notice snow commit Residertte and Snowplawing Contractors are advised that Bylaw snow or ice upon high The Corporation at the Also residents are reminded that parking Is prohibited on City Street between the hours of am removal streetrswcepingiand cleaning The iiioperation of all citizens is appreciated Human am to facilitate snow ii sritAUGHAN smirk net lehutier Willi tea tee moee tout Into unell mill browned en endcbehd re random BEEFY CONFETTI DIP lvemelopo till Notes beet Ilewr nuettroom mix pint deliyew erelen lw oeeomed mite deem one let aid eoeded Ind gilt up kmee heel never erelt room mix In eour merit Blend in cottefe olieou Add to mete end ee Jill Serve SALMON GOUGIRI eood looking eood noilrilhln litirty Iv mite tenl THE CEI clltl till ox will no heir tnnn eked iiquld reserved butler elio Ielour tripe Iellill tlnilxlflkolu Ml rout on lit it dill weed Seiterid to triple Melt Ier end blend in Ilnurr slowly ell In mile nd aeeeeeg nine teemonlule at cm on Mabetimteimw inen enbe Mel mama timel iitomlnIeoot itevotdur eiiesi 55 E5 555 E55 55 Eieee Mnmnuzm lounge one time Setulde homo until thmeeetuenlmiz Den endleme hell it we from heel end like le little Beet in one one It time etlrrlnl Iltereeen eddltlee Wig hlie ehmuw into eitele In In ettr to round eltellew hello were eatenan mm ye ever the lettuce Piece In at emihvven tam tannin Uiee untll pertr ie llxhl tuft ll end 10ch end me mad ee ehee Inim mt amide Munin Popular Durintt Holiday Peltedetimenlhemne ere mdIMthM It talent Wind the holiday were In elerlnd or ire EF $5 ev rinsr BOY BORN in its hlre hrlen shew oi Fern dele ned limit holds loo end in reenlmeee initll intent eon altincoher who mm For wint end been hit lili hiers eey in Hummerileehunlw lint 0mm liltrittrv or ud otlturo Ind Food halo If oonlgzeihazr en Election no le heel tiled Bri them into It durigtbe getting The along timely tut for to WINTER JIM mum It ml minnow neonate rt meni was the word New Yeere 52FCEEF PLACE SETTINGS IIllLAll II VALUI llCN Ten Spoane Den tooone Iottu mm 23 it ggri gr hehy bornet iioynl VictorII lloxoltnl Dorrie Ila minted in elx nine Mine The llrst lthy Omnle other GRAYSON sao ManeAve earliest min grommet blrlh in Simone tbtuniner Photo Vt Ii row 1995