Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1973, p. 17

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nmw Mr Strsulml rim lheoaih at oillrsto the JIn to fit the next two years in coch case lho mentm ol lbs cwrmlltcos were candid Ilu who lame to polls in their MWle unis and two or the turn monitors are new Iider inert sirloin committee eon sills oi Ald Bill Show tWIrd ll Aid dunes Perri Wild ll Aid lIaloo ml Ward ll and Aid Boos Archrr yard butrd to lhe COrleCtjsrdts ll MclyHciMCallsed and Decisionf may in overnmcnt lion in close obstetrirs ward at Pensionxulshene ilospltai and chili the operation lost And mu ilospitnl in nearby illidA iiotold Tho minim today that tho Prnetmnlsheno iioxp Wm ot Spanish from Waterloo unhernn University will present the third in series oi lttil lnlortrvntlon on the lberian Peninsu aa Cottero It pm ix Maximise Alvcrcsl edd res will be entitled OlllurIl introduction to sin Ind will be open to the The series ls belnx olicrtd by the College in conjunction wit day cducnllonIi tour at Basin Ind Portugal planned lor March iromihlarch to March 29 up into persona treat the Georllall Bay area will be For Win in deluxs bus our oi born the more historic lots at Spain All Iceornmdda and meals In in liar Spam Irh hotels and time will ho pro vidtd tor leisurely visits and Wis ore iorrnrilon will be avail able Jan to when Dr Alvarez freduste ol tho University oi SI ImnncI will answer duos lions on anilhcillturc Tho ii will be held in the College music room at the main cam on Duckworih meet $130 In can In Miami Jiheie will be 130 prize money ollcrod lor the hastice scalp lures durlnll the lmharrle Win trr CarnivaL Municipal Savings and Lou moan whilered minitho best ecu are in each oith iour wards in the city and tha liar rls Horticultural Society has ol red no tor the trend prize winner lEvcryone who enters tho contest will be swardrd certi cato oi marlt val madam ore tire Cami via Barrio roddcnts to Icevo chm said in hecpini cIr their Nimitz lirle up until oamivat time poaibly including tth in sculpture WI publicity tone at dbct In ems oi this cars carnival the com mlitce hop to blnldn alnnt snowman near hiermrial Square it will mud to or so trot high nnd may be built over tho CNit rnllwny tucks ESlIlA TOWNSHIP AJntiohe onionan or it It ces on clora own ship pm ll ind on on dual to car driven by one arm driven by Nlutomollock oiuobtsiion ii hi lislcd lathe Ontario Iloy till directory as having 15 beds obstetrics in tact the hospital It idlnl oil 15 beds lor chat rlc come year ago when the birth role dropped lhu bids were subsequently iurncd over to other medical and arch April it the day the llorpitolDoard apehiivthat dlcnnt dilation can he reached Nluro vernmcnt enetmgui Pdoohn intend close the sheen ward he laid lllo Penctmgulrhono Iloaph lot was iniormod by letter that tho dccision is not necessar ily final and that team will in vest ate thnsttuutlon and help the oval nuihoritlo to choose tho best location lor the ward ms nltLlnzl surgical uses audhave been In use consonily Apparently lichens laid the government thourht theho pltal was rcclevlni money lor obstetric hcda which it wasnt lulu runs are hrou in tha Ittcn lion oi the llln iry oi iloalth that the decision will he revolt he said agree with the soma rnrntl nitsmot lo rut costs but in this particular case the situa tion is little dilicrent iroin others ilo raid he has been working both with tho ministry and with ltiury iloncrsohirnian oi the believe that when tho latest in report to his comlllutgils Zcmr NEWS mum mull ismIa sinuousismggicas NoElelionf In Near it is unlikr Canadians wlli lace another section in tha lin mediate iuture Sinclair Stevens PC Yorkslmcoel sold today Mr Slovene sold the or ilan will probably not taco the some into as tho Conservr lch vernment in 1961 which arrived Iitcr days oi ltlr Stevens said in that Iliu atiou The New Democratic Party held the Miami power The rm voted against Soo lsl hedit runny mono gm endnlent and mtalnnl Can rcrvstlvu zovcrnmcnl but less than three wcclu Inter tho NDP used to support the Conserva tlvte and the government wax toppled Future hir Stevens said this rials ol parliament may prove one oi Gomdaa most historic parliaments Debate on the ART EVANS lltllo durean JPenotanguishene Chamber Tollleei With Petcr Sherriii manager at tho Pcncinnaulahcno Chamber at anthem arid lode ihat lho chamber has not yet rclilaittl petition and likely will not do so until all the loci in the case are known the role oi the chamber is to carry out thoso activities which are In the best interests oi the corralrunny he said but we have to underiiand the under in tarts behind tho Wevincoa County Schools At Full Strength This Morning Teaching units at IehoolI throughout Slncoo County were at ill slrcnzththls mornlnz when classes bpcned ioiloivlng the holidays The slimo0 County llaard ol lAucuilun did not lure 10th bicm ol some boards which or rind cluster without secondary oeivoollcorhcie Angus hlcltn Iei director ol education sold the stuation did not materialize in Slmcoo County Iinro tho boIrdhad reached settlement with its teachers earlier in the year while most positions in cloth Hospital Board at decision to closeliho WW lie said as yet there has been no concerted elloit by tho dlilnr cat groups in Pcnrtananlshcno to light the proposal but added that several petitions drawn up byinlercstlon citizens hav own circulatcd Tho chamber intends to meat inlormalhv with the hospitals board oi directors tonight to dis cus the lncts Teaching Stalls willy schools havosbccrl mind with icmpornr teachers the board is still skin or Itiner ont Prcnrh teachers Mr Morley mhl llo said utlvortlsemcnta whllhnppourcd ln papaers hc lore thrislmas worn tor lcuch ers to triplica than on leaves ul lllldtiltc due to ocrlolly lllllesl or Money lie so while moot oi the non irocis will trymlnnle inJunc ii openings bccomo nlllllahl and tha teachers have provrn tails laclory ihty will be consider cd or permanent positions ll spekh lNlTi the throne will gin Friday The government tat ccs unto our mntonldrneo motloru wilhinx tho loilowlng two weeks il we assume the present house loliows valtcrn similar to 1952 koy dates to Which will be Monday and Jan it when there will be divisions on any rubamcndmcut or amendments to the mica lllr Stevens said lie was roicrrlon to the Libcr at motion in reply to this speech irom tho lhronc it is more likely the division on Jan 11 will demonstrate who ther tho novcrnment Is in real trouble ho said lid expldluld on that date alurihrr rub nimdmcnt lroni clthor tho NDP or Socluirmdit rronpwlll ho voted on lollwcd immediately by voleoo tho rnrlier Conscr vallvu amendment to tho rov nnmeals motion in reply to tho speech train the throne ii the lievcrnmcnt survives these divisions by dctcutln each unicndnicni they may he rhal ONE CA Ilaglorar mishap an ill wny 400 south oi iinrrlc Tues Iy at 930 am did two damage to car driven by Shelley brown oi Mississeuan 085 STREET car driven by hllvhacl ll bed of Mona did to damage to the will car or Ilalri Williams oi Road Street when it Iiiuck it Tucsday It nito pm on lion Strccl near Toronto Sirch barman noo Damago won csllmattd at $700 in ainlahsp luooday It on SlNCLAlIl STEVENS ionized onoln on Jun lo lly Jan to tho main government motion shouldbe rcathcd and detail with Mr Stevens said Mr mavens cold it lilo liber all are dclealoli or ii any urn rndment to tho molloli is car ricd thenit would morn tho government has lost the conlldlt once oi tho ilouso ol Commons llo snld Prim lilnlsitr Trudeau mt then advlso tho governon tonerai who can then dissolve pnrllnmont or roll on Conserva tlvn lender llobeit Stanlleld to lorm new government lhcrr is no doubt tho present pllorise with it almost tvcn split bchorn liberals and Conscrvn lives with Its geographical div lsions lo representation and It many new members will nlso have to cone with several criti cal national economic and boil tlcol problem hlr Stevens lhld it will be challenging limo or every illP There will be artat debate and there wdi be petty discourse LOClli ilill Guarani on tho Bayllcld hlnll parli ng lot Involving cm driven by Dellold Farls oi Drlilln and John Slums oi till Barrio TREATED RELEASED Eitll Brenner t2 oi Kliworthy and Carrie Cov ni Carolina Stuct wore Ircatrd and relouv rd le Iloyai Vittoria llnspitai lullotvlng mishap Tuesday at 102W am at Wellington and or onto streets Brenner was the driver oi the tint car nndCun rio Dex passenger in car driven by her mother llariarct Cor oi Carnllno Sircet Damage itth H000 Itcd her and BayBypdosi On Way Out Parker Mayor Dorian Porter told cause it no destro the watch bout no people at the usual irnnl there will uni hoot uni manhunt mural last night or the doonown business core the lnltnds lo morn niltidy to have Manama lo lour innn EVE PL arterial MN on the Iakeshum 930 mini Kevlar vi to lcnmul mm the cry oilklal lls livid rho Ind min 9km bylaw to remove what aha ruli ltwulnblmtimtkvcirarlnlbn films mimix MI ino mmmtm mm mm ouahtics iluyor Parker said have ml to tell many that dlhmh all misled sour WA dlnz cannot be rtoowi ion on my 3m do can be done climinsad luv wont to in all on Iron Km mm marlin and waste ptnleit Bay or to have beautilul con man you aha raili 0mth Park dutrod by yuantax doom uni be worn running ommy mun it priorities minnow and nualirbcmo on terml warmly and warning din rench prrlndlcally with oublk washrooms Wuld our waitmm to Duchorth Silo an pointed that alto mid ntiy lo the atom Elrcct eventually to rumy am not consider it to he run no mm the nio lhet council Ilcctcd tor on in an tnoucurui address whlvh twomr tum to 3mm mu rum to tap point Iadooilm on who mm In initiators can Idvnnlane oi latte about tho hm twvyulsrl months mm viaIt llrs Pinker wnlmrnod ho coon my tum Mammy horn eh Boy and nhlzd cit and tantalum tnr term mattmtiutmtrrtvrm mmtittsthnbnmm attending Mint Ihn caikdoho lhln Ind which can Iiictt Ihaitla points mlehintro that dilinrraihlilkiiuln lilo live mummiin lal tho the nubile Barrio stood out mm Much oithnnliiilcsuica MAl womckmu Issues whiihhhtlbttn raised dun1 mm on smaller malicls lh She tipped her hat to ionizer tho election remind ill peepln should ho well illicmmi moor 1m Cooke and his mo evrryonm umrMormllnn in IanIa We Iho said mlbmwlhumslbn 15 mt never Allm that the the 1le and unstintlng ltunwt into cm in avoid citlwu am the coca paying the help and consideration wbnt little to ltrnwilrlr any llttln hills cm the Man holds for you hit at tint Iho Iuld bo Shn laid the would rucvurm wisit yw both mil solldlvu industry coming to Bar rio and pmvln lho maximum number oi jobs lor local pcoplc PIlltlG PROBLEM She olird partial or major rvblrnt and must In to illhllll he tlmtiilltll corn in will to Wmde with piur type stares perhaps rm park lax might he an alternative dmmm mail mluht be In Interesting and worthwblta cxpsr insrnt to try out or Barrles rent vcli in would loud hall holiriy hilt krvlco on all routes Best Wishes Extended To Mayor And Council An may at dwnitarios Itirir vcut ul dillervnt typo ol zov divcrsliyand grow over tho dcd hiesduyu inaugural meeting ol city wuncil to extend best wishes lor 191141 to iluyor Dor iadr Parker Ind her now mun Dr llynard PC Slln one Norlhlwished all present happy New Your and told the new council members that ho had worked closely with many ol llur rlos lorincr mayors hopo the next two years are imillui he said and think should tell tho council menilr era that wilting with lady mayor Is not In their disadvunl lane worked with llarrlcI lira Lady hinor hiorlorlo iiumlllolll and you iluyor Pur ker may turn out to bc tllc 9er Elizabeth oiilicnl all Arthur Dtnru PC Slml ernnient Simone Dainty Warden Lloyd Prldharll toltl council he hoptvi tho two levels oi znvcrnmont would cooperate fully in what ever prolecu are dremcd essen tial in Progress in the county lie to hiuynr Parkm thni rho was the beautilul hlcr oi Barrio which in llso is bcaulliui oi Simone limits Gcorgo llurton oi in nltlll Curl Dunn of Vcsoru lnliato hey at Old and counts vlilor Curl hiillvr oi Essa all were prcsrlit and wcicorncd tho now mayor Ind council They extended hcst wixhrs and oiltrcii cooperation in projects which concern all at lhnm Col ll Middleton common next two years and wished lilays or Parker every success in nu compllshing her progrnm Representing the Judiciary ll ilorton told him or nrkrr and council we share conunon responsibility you make tho laws and no in terpret them They must always be such as to manual the res post or our icilow rllizcni ltqorrsrnliiu lormrr mayors llobor Smith sold he hall worked with Barrica iirst lad mayor and hoped that the not two yrurs would be as produn tiny and pleasant at ours was lie Inhl tho only ndvlro he could ivn lnrornlnu member oi rounri Lv to read Kvn anla col umn Down hlemory Leno ill the Aiftssbln itlc mamlncr Youll iind that tutiava pro bltllu are not much dlllerent tramyostcrdays he said hoped that spirit would continue Alter all 30 rs age Barrio lie said he hoped both 0111 had live breweries and diallich niunllic would tCiIllliliD to it not Just one dcr oi Base harden said he is aware oi the spirit oi itlrndshln which has cxlslld between liar rle and tho base silica lJlti llo coo Control extended best with es ruin the Prollnro to the mayor and council and plrdxcd his airport in whatever areas he but hrlp the city llo commuted brlclly on the problems oi growth and the ad Standing Room Only At Council Inaugural About 130 people niicndcd tho loutrrui metrian 01 at city council last night all by in vlinilon only when the cerem onch started It pmlsely aoo there was rtnndla room only lights irorn llarrle Cable TV kill an air at expectancy in the atmohcre There was near pcltcctsllcntn when city elciir Ben strouuhan called upon new acumen to tulle tho oath oi oi M20 Mar rlu llamlttoo llar ride that la mayor betoro ln rwporntion oi tht elly plum tho chain oi oiileo around iluy or Parkers ncclr and said urn about to an this chain oi oiliuo around tho nedr oi the prettiest mayor llurric ever had Vlilium It hiulmlinlon re piwsonlluz tho uilya insurance orcnly presented Minor Paritrr with livcl lie nil there mm hero might to to be little hard to hanule so had tho head oi the navel reinlorred and it can also be used as allude said When we lose our stars or history it Is brown we havn lost our sunse cl tho God at his own llo iiipod members oi council to be coworkers in the citys Mlinuillg progress llcv ONtll ol John Vianney it Catholic march are the opening prayer llc axis Gods hirssinos on tho work oi the new council and lo the people oi Barrie Following the Mayors address and brlol comments by some oi the dignllailtl proscnl council comidcrrd and voleti on tho tlrst motion oi the year to moot an invitation to dinner by tho Kiwanis Club oi Barrio on Jun at the Continental ion the mottin was utllourucd nhortly alter and all ymint wore invitodrto attend rrcvllon It the lloyshore llleior ilotcl The majority oi those who st tended the mcrllnil Were present It the reception Punch and sandwich wornlowed hope the naval and you comb through the two year un Icullicd hlr Slrnughan rend the dotinn atlorl oi attire and lhu oath oi Dillon lo the new iIlhill Utlltlca commissioners It Alexander ll Watt and hiayoriarlor lllcv hi Finlay lormcr min lecr ul Gilli Street Ulllttd thorch gave lhho didlratory ad dress lio told the council you are members oi no mcun city Dont apologize for any rulings oi rlvlr prido butnun the respon oihllliy 0i civic duty lira not only on your shouhicrs but also in your hearts and minds lid rvvnmwntcd VII the non Ior collar oi historv In lllt evucu tlon oi civic did us and addrd novcrict it be lorgottau that you stand on the shoulders or those who liltojmo heloro you Abuse who have lived labor ed and loved it no loose our sense at his tory loo iroznmt melons he are nearest ltt

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