Eirs on 5va enauvn maironottlnitudm 15 tattooe leveling WARD at etude tn UNITBD grantnon atom ttpnrtoi tideredzleuctrqnqrr Nominate PM mi gt mmmunr nhynmdoaled minande Mao aim unowprirmminlltctojti oudKatudMawhenw hhwomhtlu not to It legislative tsirrrtnMJotrer honor and to emraiammln timiszgmmhcunper mtgiieninonwortoicoo hornrritb other voteamt inception tr anaooitholudenottheimr iwtyonooi prime minim tgyrill term caaet later to turn intent that telegramaare Teachers Quitting WY OF About tudien laOnlarlo tell the proienioo tart year moatlybe atlt o1 lrustratlon and low Neii Darin nruldrnt oi Endorse Sirlke ma 1onorrm tarmo no Kw Public hucl nun it Federation am mm when omtard eiiamr 1nd moment in oil taria armament with til iHWdxmdgwo gt anemia ceiling on education mm mod xhool board the tewdirry tnduatayeiectrmtr and Oirmnio cola chartcred hoot hunter my are uniatniihar with than thin and Money with than he added Intel to the tidied Staten inadcau raid Tiore tr no dotbt the period Whiddwglgmm node he morn tea are cac ta mve mm Back To Work an aiaormitad in adodine at man money tin Hindi on moral kadmhlp vent lit mtion he laid oi the DRYDDi0rd remap ion at titeDrydm Paper Co by IbI at tho ilrma moo wt on Wm walkout won the tormt week by the nortma when at tin Canadian per Wanton Union who are with the em date oi tantrum Labor contracts In the innity naturally expire in the rim ehile the hardwood ii Dumber iroKitlo Four erwen wrrzn Ont cor lt Fonr otde died in house on many ntzht on thorny Manhrz indian marv you mile north oi here The riotimr were identied as Anita Jam Antotnc1 wits am rmts Antoine litlira Antoine rovindat pottu raid Mr and rl wtnunn 1an Antoine wont or three oi the chitiron od Samuel Coda wittwm and rather oi Anita were out when on fire atarted about pan Bill Proposed PORT ALUMNI EC CF Urtgtan Mizdra Iiinlutzr ilarn pit Dorm any the izdtrul ov cmtrtmt will introduce lia 481 bdore Chriatrnaa to tnidge bctwtoo what pwple pan aiilxtd to pay in homerrrortr gage ralca nod what they are to pay Lair Damon mm mm Irvtr that tho goventmeni hat dumntocd him much oi dlltmrtco it uAil pa nu problem now that the cormahi built can ldd lo we hope to bridge the Mr Dnnson told iJhlt intuitairing dinner Fridrry it this err Mood tsrmrrity $15 leadership WABIUNGTON AP Ilnltai Stotca morn political andrhoonomtc inuence has dd ricilned in tha wwid uyi more unintu inrdcna Hanover in copyrighted to ftcrviow in v3 Neon andWorld ooortho raidutttoovcr Motoring icrdrreidoin world twain still more to term lirnrn America mean that the mood in the world over the ltnet iw ycora mn ihaq been one oi teal moptanco oi the ovcrwhelrnirr mat and political and anemia teed ll lint he raid the decline haa not produced great tann and II not newth dan gerous Trudeau heaidmtFotd here test unit laid he did not caved trade your to dotelep bttwoen the 05 And Canada Offer To leave NEON Bl Emitt err oi hiatropoltian Toronto have otlmd iowilhdraw iron the United Way rather than be iortod totality ration contract which they htle one Witt ago the awociation announced Saturday Despite threat by rniud labor to bowl the died Wl7 the Eli Brother board re lined to rat iy contract with its rcrcn rectal workerl who have bccn on ttrlke ior live web Couple Shot Dead errorer ihm noon are in crutotiy tor the Mair Ilaying at prtmlt couple who were grained down Friar trim ll they tried desperately to toiciibone polite Flva men wore originally questioned by police an two were rcieaaod Saturday night Police said two oi the ve operv tried arr alloyed dope home next door to when the tnidtlioocodr gale lived on the dtfl that Shooting Incident 13W Ont OF Five man how bent charged with dangeroua ure oi ilrconn end time charged pith oaaauit oohlerrnd will it Determin Needs NW to Landlord Pnyelrlatrdc lioypital will not he Gun Running cloud until owner runny la oorrrpiotodio determine the WV aetdr John tllay Mid but oi the Ontario mlnitv oi Maltha ptydiiatrie Mandi raid Saturday It laid ltmtth hilnlsler Frank hillialtaa crdrrrd that the outsmart include Pcrl 06W trait oi Haitoo and York oornrtlca and dire Toronto beam at Elohicolo and York MateriaiWiinesa mmvmqin to Mm szvinctaidioltc are ycaro you to material wither in the ahodtlrrg duttll Friday at hii iolhar mitten and toysMid Alston liatade Phlibcrt so hit wile Yolande and tidene it died when atrot with notion Uh rie police raid dumb victim the youthr mold broidwr Andre war and rertomly wounded in it to reported in etitr lion in Gly SiU Donations mNoort on dlta tmlon leader Lynn Conl he to dirmrbed about donation tin sealamta international UnionlslUl to ledcrai political cnrttpainu tailors it it that the hind aro peyote tor poiitiui irvort Mr Wltllatrra drecloroi the hammer District oi per cont years increased cottoiilvlni dlowancca and hotter writre and pension plant new liWiiia on Catholic arehblrhop oi dentu lamina convicted today rt gun ninntng tmnt Airmen lor Pair utine guerrillas iho district court mepri the prriatar admitrlona to he vierrolatnrr at butt ior the conviction ihl ind iiirl ililrlntrt illn Porat re tttd dcicnco ailcra tlonr that the arm lound tn nl ardrhiahopo car were planitd there by iaracil notice Soxtuplais Born SAN Josh and tap Uri dauntzd hy tho iota oi ouada rupitlr iart you cairiolle Lottie aonllnutd to latte trr lty drogr Now the hiaJIltp birth to raxtupiauand the live tin rurvivorl are ellnyin to lite in rctplrrzore Theyre all normally torturd all picttylittia baiica arid Dr Jamel Ha direc tor oi nawoorn to ity tdooical Centre condition it tuttdednit oinl to in up and down title wt CSAOOptimiaiic mnomo rcrr not crai manner oitho Civu Ben ito Itaaociatlo oi Ontario 6A0 aall thtt titlira it union can be averted because oi recent provinan government otter NormanraMthe ration ahootinz lacidcnt and vehicle churn that diam in Mormon on Saturday raid smiley Shela were tired irotn and car the car oral toned oil the road and the occu apparently braid police marred with datum use oi ilraorrrr are Your nonnia Gain 21 iiarnllton iao Joseph OSht Tttnlnaid John 051 Ii boh oi Tin aprittwroeh iotnta MVHCMB whikor iii ntarmornt provincial police and Ronald Lloyd Vntlanh3 hlnrmora Wollon Walk anti molnnlt John OShca are alto withintanntfmng bodilyharm Birth Control mtr0 tori ed Parnnthood Ontartdtntm THANK YOU To rnv trupporien and voiunteora who until much artlated me in the recent election ahall endeavor to fulfill your trust and confidante at DEPUTY REEVE ihrougheut 197576 MERRY cnnterASrOj tlidtt it optimier upth TODAY iii Asoned Salad Tray Jurlttta My till it pound nytertmnnl contistinu at ii the oi ca alnw lot oi namovatyte potato rated ion eiwaldoriormeenronlulad Etpeclaliy tarry swunzopoopir Prlc06a49 SuperSandWIch Tray tuiyapettytavnuritaApproximatelyataalaiylnp randwichpiaeoawlthalargnaoloctlanoicoiouruitaate Hmpttgtitttnmlqllntih on plastic Iowleetrry SamariaZooooplo Ptleo899 Assarted Cold Cut Tray Extra cclticoln cutiroetr Thayiuto ll need as theyr tooth ray ccnaltteoi to riired lurkayt loehok1 cookodhamandi inapocklnuurtmrnr Gllntahed inquire about it rqvdeke MAURICE iilllltlt TsuCQssiswhatfweild rto99 Out SruioeAuailabie at the Following 1FOBNQUHICONVENIENQErTELEFtlthE lranavttemtr downwind nitrate no Whitaktngiyottiparty besti CaeIyand Olive Plate Ralruhinp and lrwitinp plate ei Celotv0llvea and erlahoIMondariui attractive plate nrtanpomtnt auti nhie tor Dinner Butiei or Luncheon Fruit and doiioioua Semaioizptoplr than 199 CalourfuDessertPaie Dollelouotray oi utro tancv dauntt itenll rail mouthwateringurartmantotCeokieLPatitFourt Megan and Aapetpre Caroutiuiiy dlcorntod lull pa SowettdOpoopt 36 ChoasdTrayhr Aeatrthlnttintt in yo iavourito chumrrAttraet el arranpodwithblrcuttdlitultandnula SorvealMOpcopie niche49 tanmt axr4s OPEN It loans lat It 13 Uaoonr convenient noderrrennd parting Eniranro oltihplo Ave