II llgnsliiplcourses ngyege Offerings groollomu lo moi Mu may ll Illr corlvriliivo ridloI Iborl by anon MANAGEMENT IE ii 22 or or an origin ozone Eon Isl Jamed With Visitors VFor Anual Maple Slelp Festival am Mr 929er morn Irwin our In In who in cupped oruaim III burn Ish Id Ior ilcilc miller hidIy Ind SIilndIy II cioxo in mo pie ylslied rho IlilIII lor rho InnuIi Iirnl Mlhouthoololiho inlplI MVP mo bud Ilrcody been pm mod II km lhm tour bush ml Iiirile ior the public in durgonairl rho Milo moods In SIllirdIy Illl probIhLv bI axed lo rommcrcllliy iIIlorcd meals EimrIloI min rind ioolr on rice III has mini wilh rely on cm roomy Iran in mo iI Ianovlr Iimdwdrmlmlhinu mIiIowm Ill mrrrlrlirrorilnr mom wlii imouoilon shIrilIunr lIwill Ibo help i0 hull oi Tomlin Ind him mm no no no Ilszm lmdogcjolihohuil who no will cm IIIm coll Ivlm lhrrrl Morin will dcol wllh llxlmlndconvriilorn communal iui no loI irI wironI worm will in IixolnIn ciuooboromociionmn in WINK coordirmlnl lame lecdinn noomin iodhyilisI Unidulilbrron Worrilrinlminimdne inlay ml minor is rlrrrIIol mm durum and WW inlp Iiiii lrIininI lbo comwlii ho hold II III II Widlllmlwal mow lum Iiobirl on Marla oi 0n rr ii Ilil IlIIII Irnlncn Tomilo iilrIIololthl oi IllliIblI lrolrlinz mum Ind will add oi mime irolnr Ind will SiIEYouihsI Mischief Charges Six iiirrir youllu will Ippror Polico Irioiho clur cl Irolo in prowlIII ml MM oui oi is rcpIrIlo incdcoir bo rnoroinl ioIIcI loiIl oi ill low March III April Mrleloinlhirlinm Schoolboordoiilriulriorlwcck twill gammy ullmicd some no mo cii Ilnro ch mm 11 IllIm may Poiioo mIrio Ihc IrrcIi Iilrr lllllliboil Ind wcro releuecl In melth dclrrlpdon II promilu lo wow ThI III yollIhIIrIdlorIrd In ChIrocd Iro iilornol on connection wiih In rIIilnIicd crollI John Bell in John rum in dornIII lo lino rily IrvinI 11 Druid Iicliolrhi i7I IchoolI Lori wcckcnd rod in non DouIiaI licCIon lo III John ornobiloo Ind boom iionreI li lien Lowell Girl Killed In Early lilomingllccdoni yonVrrI Eliroirourr won our Do oi lill New 14on nu Lillcd iiii Nvol dwell in only IiIlI momlox II Ibo crqu in ii ior Irhool bur Id mull Rowliniilo miles lirillyruuldlhoIirlrlirci lo Iouiir oi ow Iowcli no Oniorlo ProvinciIl poUcI rIIrI you no lilo doughirr oi lir Irni iiri NorriI irourr lilo Iirl dartedolrl In iron oi soon Delegations To Meet With City councilICommiiiees uiy couocliI th Illlldllll MI in on an IM will inel coronulim in wool II Emu or mIrlnI roll no oclocir Ii oily oil in mooi will Hollow Ind milder coorrooiri rot unions irom oomcilI lho iloonro comm will mccl wiiii rule Ion oiccun lilo in wIllrwny on om Powell uno III will om ThoSlmcoo ooiun Board oi Ionlrllrrroiibo Dorrisill on Education III on rd Illlllll rlci huoclnlion ior Iho 1y iioiI MIIIIhISnIorlun moiionirominrorrcxlior oi Ell Eiiucliioo which mired iiiIl rind lhomllocllgllcumimb coir midrr ilbo Illowcd lo no room Io mcci Inydeln icllorchoollliheyhrrq IobI IllionIDui1Iu iho mean on model Ihry ilrn underro oommiiieo will likely loronnriid molly II will coming we il Hy pror ll beiox lordoclrd lo llicliild iho any development mnunil Ind Iho board drrldrd In IwIii icouill mmirlemvcniuppilrl mull oi ilIir promm bolero ika Ior moulny oi Individiill mullnI Iny drcrloo Icill III Lorin hi hod ma roml wool iodliiiu Ii lilo iooiIoI Mmiuiom wrrrupby Ii prr IirniIl IIHIIIIIInlon conremin memo With Basiliew ForiyeiIhl Iilldcnu irom Iron in II pro loinl conccrl uodrr III direction In David Wllilti Ind Illrri iiclso April II pm lo lhI Conlrul coilcllulo Iurlilor Foriy Illinois In Ill will or lrom Iho us ccnire bul only pIrIol lhrm will ho lIII in pm or ihochorIII Tho month Iolioui Ihocoo Ircri April lo oi limer icIrl Iludcnimnil dcboio wiih vlrw IludollII IbouI conlrn Ii lopIcI Iuch II conilncni Il coolly NORAD Ind huyioI hell Iconomy Tho American IiudcnII wcrr Irlocied ior Iliclr luirrul in CH III Ind III Irom Ieuior hIIiory Ind rwxrlplly churn Tho dIbIIrI will iIIn plocI Iiih nmi II wilh inch cr II on Ono group will ho lo illr icclurI IlIii room loll ior public riowinI boiwrco III III in mm SludeIII Ind own In Invllcd lo which Thohmericlriudroiswiilvllil oihcr OnlIrio croirc Iiirr 1on in 110le Avon III II 20 mich chi oi ClovoiIrld Ohio wrru coilml Wednesday III rho ocw Ihroiro Ii Georgian Olill Hospliai Semcos millillrlllllnllllll Record increases All our oi urvlcv llth lho rxoopiiorr Roy Illumin qurI lorroucd on you Ii lloyol VklorII llooplln Tho IIth iilcrralo come In noorIIlrlI room ooclIIlonI with In IBM lo I13 ironl ml oil no urn ibo 1Iocool pwl zwmmmm ihriiiironil Symphony iI onus In an my from in much iniereri in lilo com rm or Moi iiII pcr cool mooiiyihcroIrIivuryoodrcI mumy unit villi lMitd Ion why iicloi IIloI IrI mou II no per cool Io moo imro In well Inll Symphony Guild hill in rm laundry III In Pruidroi Carol Poul lI Ill crooccll in rim wiih moon Illi iniueIicd murioloveu buy Info rompnrcd lo in lhrr IicIchI now ithcI Ihon 79551 wood door ill on wall unill iho Ironing oi IIlo pro irdnorday Carulnr IreIi dooi oi Ipcc mom to ho prrrrnicd by cool vrhllo hiriilrlorreasod my My Imam pu lunch and Iyrnnxciirmcui IV rioyI iuoromd prw iho nrwl IhI new ouliliorlum II will mu irorn lm in Groom Collar II Iihcoiro oI iVll Ihilo uonoom pullcol dIle nuislmlur dulrn Tho Iudiior irlcreuod Io MI from IIIII lum boo capacin oi anriy 11in Iilghlrsr 11mm in 700 illlI incluch ihrco IopIroIo loiiil uiIll In incrcuo oi Irdlon which con ho rloocd oil per cell xnry cumin comolrlily lcoviolr on lnilmoir on were riown in zoom irom ihroiro IeIllnI Iboui on Each moo rho previous III bui oi lhm upIrIio pack Iqu In Philolhrnpy III um oxlmaiely III oooploI MI by II per II or Iiron Iboui Icooilrr lIcli dun lnerolud by II per Icri iliLl shoud be Mil demon cerii Iidio paid hourl Ii mill JUAN II lho comm iho illr excluding Iludonlr lncrenrrd by onin humilon will ooriorrn Illo Myer rcnlViIilIiopoychiolrio IiiodloIod cxcilln Carmen mlipaiieni clinic iocrruod by sIIlI in iliori which into per mil ply II illAmmonia rI or Humnia Symph Should Be Exaiiiiig Event hooth oi WNW hooli rrIllI III II mu nIIpiI iiloll whim rroorird irodr Ind by pro one prodolccr hlld only in run oi Iyrll loll iio hId rlIrird nllh moro loo uIilI roilzinr from homo boiiln lo pi loo earn For lho childnn thorn was too wilh iIm loith Ind mull nlideyl ilrhcl lull in diam II kulzm prooic rod lbo mldwny my NEWS mom ileumy Irur ulnmu ammo MONDAY Iroli maVI Sundry Illcrnooo lho Irrnoll ony hold rrhrlrrli in in Iholiro lo Ieri rho murky and boom Iccuriomcd In Ibo cbrsklrl Ind hillllonllpcrwssion won Tho new conductor oi ihoIiiso II Ibo rousing much commenil Arihur Burlin lJ well known in min rlrclcs II iormer mrmJ bor oi lilo ibronio ond has Imam will mlrlrui ccpcrirnco III conollcll the II rim ihroum ro rIm Inch II cxpccicd lop Iva Inc who II lnicrrsicd In illulirIllnI lilo IcouslloI oi Ioio voice Eilrollrih Rolli oi or Ilhu mruownirollo will ling IIlrumoilc troop oi IoanI PrricrminI on Iiro new nioc Iool Siciliwa Concrri Grind piano Anna Camrron will pin the hrilllrni Concrrio in or by Ilurlin Tor iiuronlo ouih OrchIIirI will Iccoinoo Iiixl CImrrorl youoI liIrro pIInlIi who is rmly rollinl porno ior hor Irli II rmulclin Conducior oi Iho Vth OrrhrsirI II thyran old llnrrio muslclollnrilaI Lyril Meyer lir Lccpo lusi but irom Sprio whrln ho Iiudlrd Ill brrulirci lo mIlI iho irip or who wrrw hum iron lrIropioI lhroIIb the mar mu intro ltiI pIorIIeI Ind Iyruo rho cmmuuiiy bail no women cIl erirI ior III mom bloom Ind hrcIkiIII lucd ulna II rim to pound oi brow Guru oi milk Ind no pow oi pnthho mix lo lcrcl Inn peo ple Ir doolricd lo II pin cIlrcI villi ml nuoo rynrp Al lull WI Memo In dlhcd up DonIid ihorlIIIonI dulrrouo oi ill lelilel corrnillre IIld 21 mph wool Io lhI lhrIr quIr hushn Mm unlcd poo III in lhI llrII huh Ind iroru ihrrI Ihc irIveIlcd on moor pulled Ii rh1 dydcodliel or lrIciorI Exh huh chm diliemi melhod oi onlinx Iyrup Il though Ill Ind modern hollcrI III plIlIlc collccirr lines Only coo Ii lilo bulbcl used lhI old Ioodrlohoi mlhoi Ihlio Iho olhrr iIo lurd oil Ind IL io llnd up Ieliv Ippr inulcly pcoplo Icoicd IelilrIi ball SIiuninniIhI Ii ihe Elmvulc huh rohooL hlr Thomson IIid ainday non lI irom IhI Ieclend Iblllic Iion HIM ll IiIIi Imml III ho rr nd Milli moon to In your to mil Ic he told rI my pirulcd Moi will ionrd com molly Iorl ynr lilo com WW moo Llll 20 or lnxrlhlion oi lidn Ii ho hill pm mummy Lila Smilh Ind Sirohro llcilio worm lip prior Io iho prIcllor illuminer Phoioi oily Concert Ind violin nhilo LI lilo Son Fer nando Arodcmy will lead lha frouy II in Icenoyo musicians rom iho community The many rommuiilly phycil oro rolloanth zlrndily lo pro lilch romeri ihoI illil picnic lilo elilrI oi ilIrrIo and Grill on hlrriloy IIio woo proerm will bo Iron in iho 0pm iiouio In lrliilI Tho concrri bcriru ill boih mum at or pm LISTEIN lllllsllilh 726342 nonII Ivor usr coon Inorrnrr rm Ill Ill STEIN REM ESTATE LII 110w ii WI many leiioII wen rm Burio or Toroolom loo om comic Irmliod Iron in NIInIIFIIHI III III In Ml Ibo hm tumor muons our anionic nldcvcyyoubolorohirJell norm durinz the dial hid LII ml Ibo than III in Iorhry drddovi III In loin ll ilI um 511 criminally lor urn him III III mm IhI IIill Ihey IIrI noi buying Iml deal syrup nre our in 0019 ior our irlelndlriw Ann you mac lhrlr lhrco child iron Moro Ior lho icsllvu th iIblIr Icld III III been iallda io mo peoplololhoroiddiooiihoncd mentioned lho icolivll llI Io his Ill lino decoded it tool nu ma chnlren uniiy lo loom com tr mole Iyrw Ind in violin crumb llllllli In minim ho iIImIoi harm lied on In Ilium in lowdown rnIinhA om led Iiolroiidlilom Iclodvlnlilo loom illlD lollzinc noon Ioncno our loll LIrccm will In iIho in Iho inoidrol HOUSE 11m John Sirelo W10 MOI rrootlcd hi borne colored nolhinx lulrn llir Sleeio dorm cred lilo eniry Iiirr ho relurnrd homo irorn lolldIyII Billy hIrl been gained lhrourh lilnmicd rroul loorl window II DAMAGE rlfd cIr owned by on VIni ob llomiilon received lilo dmgo 91nd Ilirrboon when ii woo mm by mood veh IciI on Slrrcl also our Daniorlh iho Iccond err leiilhclccor BRADFORD mEEI Doom bu hero rriiroIicd Ii 50 hi IINII column on onolord Skii our OrnirII col krill SIIilrdIy nlrhl on by him lreIr lilo inn rlm mammal who ultimo Imil th Danlo no ilto rrlcrll wII called in In Smoky morning It NI or who riorr bionic Am Cor boxes Incl bow pdo um on lire mallow mom 111m yIvrniieI hm th charged Ilirr lho niodshlrhi oi on drim In Willi III broken Domino in II windshiio dim been rIlimIlrd Ii lull IIDTOECIM ACCIDilhl morino Nomih III Irolird Ilnrl gellenlsrdlmol vmll on or en ribs Iod posrloir IplIIi injuries III Ioilrrcd Sliurd morning in molorrycio Icci III Driver biIiho moiorcyclo wII lloy lilo Tom Dunno hll WI IIllmIicd Il Iloo iho IrcidrIl omlrrcd on illrhwoy 00 rr Iooih ol ihr Gull Irrrico IIIIioo Cloud Rain Cool Temperaiures To Charo liway Sunny Skies Cooler lcmoerliurcr cloud Ind poroibio rain will rcpioco ihr luxury and worm chihrr exper ienced in Inc over wcclrml and Monday Trlnpemiuros will do iiicsdoy occo Inlcd curly windIrlouriy icound possiblth oi lbundorrhowcrs To nl llll low Ihould ho anr lo wllb III iilrui oi Iii Iywpslri TI province on Iiilided iuio lwo disiinci Irons lodpylhI lllVldlill lion exlrhd lnlJiOmSilil Iouih Ii Jame iin Iornhwerl Iororr Lalo Su periorr To lho Iouill oi Ibis ironi Iompcroium werr pcoornlw in lho IoI whiio Iusi nnrlh ihcy drop no mom hmrl hood oi cloud cliench 200 mil in cllhcr sirlo ol illo lino wilh Ihoworl Ind Iilundcrrlormx Iprcrwou Io Ioolhzuriom Ion lionI liy Ionlrhl inloulhern Oniurlo irmpcroiurcs will Izulo climb Ioio Iho WI Iodoy accom panied by wind mill in In mile an hour Coolrr all will mow lhrouzhoni lho provith luciduy with icmpcrulurol droooinr lnIu illo low No In tho Ioulh Ind Iho or in lho norlh liriro Tomlin locrcoslo cloudloeu Ihowm Ihundorv arm by licnlnr wind Iwih rriy 3o lo iilrldoy IhowcrI IurolnI cooler lllrh Ioclay low Iorllxhi II hlrh Turrrloy bi Windsor inndon Lola Si Clnlr Lulu Eric Lolio Huron Iouiliom Grorsiurl Boy Illinly cloudy lodoy IhowcrI chance oi lhuodrrslorm Ioulphi wiodx rouihrrlv 20 In so Tull linIrhuwrrs cooler iiiril loduy II clccpi Iinno rhorclino so low looichi Io hirh merrily lo lIlIlI Lori llixh Today iouirhilnrr or II II III III 60 IJ ii IIJ 45 Windsor SIIlLI SI Thoma inndon Klirhenrr him Foresi Ilnphrlm Owen Sound lilLXkulJ ilnnliliorl Ooihlrlnrr Tolunio Trcniun Kinzrloo Prierbcrcuoh Pcionuwn North IIIy Sndbury Emlim rumor MI 85 liurlI Chapleau Iillllo iilvcr Gernidlon liooloilcr agasaeuacsassssaas lb bi I0 Szzqzuuaassaaaa assssaassaagsssgs TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS diamonds DOWNTOWN ohnnlr COR COLLIER AC LAPPERTON 5T3 7263971