Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1973, p. 1

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rrnlrrrrncr SiliilES III g3 55 35 EEELE or 53 5E $2 Egng 555 STICKYIIJUTUUUUI II TIMIIMNIIUIIIIIEIIIIIII WNEI rend Ragnar wmdeedmnllorded commonweam Tharninoe Mumolrealrnrole rilerholrenormlnomllouoeoiu yearnunw mouthoiimdimmrnd quIIldWm erilv Site Code OI Preventing IIIvnge Iliiempl Irliepnhnre To Imye ur Thair who VIIIor WIIroa To wrote him Iohool lueon new ml rmlrr no VTeTnI iInT loo Ignwy ray in IIlnemonih old on darn Ir ilrhlln Tor hIr lilo IIItl hevinrhwr Innod in The re Street am early iui MITIIo The Telerinnrlan cerian Ior Sam IuIrI Sunday he Think iha do me mavennone oi iIIoWioIl emilllllmhopo TTIL live other doze in The Tree Iuva Marketed III Torrent molnlhr In doorman rueurn eII PW IeIIT lorIVloTor II II In only eldid Iller Ion Ind nrovlaIuly ravenird irom having any dlnld nllmimllbn III corr OII III 011 manormum Iha IrothT lha dol ior IIIIII llnreh TI The TwI were The berl oi Iride end The do did no norm in uorel Vltlora aiiertlrr rari Ivovehlid VIcIor normed lellla down when be we will The day IlIn moiher IIOOII WlIII CIIIIDRITN Boy rm he ever IrIrndIy lIo war why lie var docile and Lind lie on rand will rhiid rem eairi AIIII lIllIIAIrI IIIIIon Earn war VIeTorI MlII dad lieI been Imrrlnr me im learn III Wilson uld Sam VIAS The IIllI do he had Iv IBoysBirtIIIIcrv $1th Area DogPoifsoned Moreover on ll II III lIrn Wilma III lie Jan enloihevee willierole rorglredhho been rm an II Ihier We leech eonIlhildren To be kind Tohurun boinu end Inimlr Ind Then This happens Turn willIn raid her nerT door nrlxhborl do In roned be IweeaJIIIIIo Indi nruerylhle end lee Inolher aoIElT IoeT Two noodle anda Toy Ierrlrr Thrvu polronlnn On The aim Ilde The weer Inolhor do rm polroned INVESTIGATION lire WIIroII raid mori heigh aan In Ihn area are do ownorr but raid ire Ir Mao ll II romeone In The nrra who In poironiny The animals The liumnno MOI oinnrinherin lie TomlinTina lo d3 and ciiy llre have been II dednbouTT oiaridrrruperv Eon Tannd nrilly oi polronlnr an animal may be lined or riled unader The Criminal lode Can ITr not Ioherlopoed rho Mid lhooro Merlin ehildl hrnrl or well Why do Three neoplo do in The only on TITIIIR oi Ir Neel Riel IIIIII ire Ilrlr Eludier done II The Univer sity oi Cooled on In poodlee end The Terrier lndiralod They had been round by Thelleoan ooe oi The IIIneolenu oi rel nor Iur RII rolron Ie aveiinloie Il any hardware riore end Morn arernol required To El inr it The convenience To which The lTeton WI mm eonlroll edinordoIIoorlnnrloorenoio Ioninyr eha raid In Enzland lrora new WIISITIIJIIIIH erryone sun or ior IT EIMII III rearoar iIoI mung The eTnIl materiel The narrow be done here rho NO LENIENI one The law In This Iriarloolrnirnl cm rerrrher Ior the polraner viii he dIiIIruIT There people are like emdlevll They work in The oolm on available Le one oi more In Wilden ealri Ihe ioeII murky aamvr reorder new Prenidenrr lionrnmnr Rhoda III mod DWI Ind EJlil minor in one Iled union or Arab lionehliee oi ParIiIIIIenI Threal Proves To Be IIoax OTTAWA iCIl Boer Dollar llonI Three oeioclrnrrsed Thin Ind Ill remained well on Prr ImroT lITIi mile the IITrAeai ed boirh told yew woman re llooieo oi Commons eauriiy rrde IT about Dun ay dormhdlw in ex drInEeJoI The loerirn oi himon The IiIIL INeII Ihe IIId VII lirnod lo ewlode ei Wellrenewed readily Ir IInzozIIenir IIMITXAIIIIY wear loin elleei IIihihe Oornrrroor Mall neon Tier hulidial healed on The Til end The RCMP oileckinl every noel Iohrrlnx NIII ireiliiler ior III II Teek on mail civilian Terrell To noon the Ming down oi Idbyln airliner our Sinai In Iohnrary 1110 been lerdee made The male In Ipceeh more lie Ibo Inurrehoeli wwolnl Mm Mme no on lrIIIIIIe Rural revnbllun he ear To me re Wed ho UINI he laid mam II The when run yea clT oi hare The Mean oil lor Told eniiy thI the desironion oi Libyan Airliner by Irrlell Tighten II In which more Then Too penom died loo lo world opinion TITII my ehovld be puolrlood in Khadnry III III steam run unable Io Irina In no eTvIIIIn Irrrerr IIin lei diillee in The realline more he no iIII premier and another lop oilldrl To Cairo lad Dora ewr In mime help 1on were Told Thai eurir run was nor in The lnlererle oi and drama Ion ouslrie The buildings The baTlie bolni plIaaod miner lsrrel ho nl CAPSULE NEWS Perenlo crept $65 Million OIIer MNMMWMMWAMM Ahllm eonoomrnm oiIor Tor III chIIdIooI hour Mien 00 one mrrkoiod ire IN in more We now have moriiy Tor Iiie for our dIIdroII nelII Catholic Prierl IIrrealod In IIIII PIoT OOVDIIIIY EJrzlarIdIAIiA IlleeWmdlIve oilwmvrmdnrnodlnoorlodrvwlihloonhel were mmmmmrmn Illthovehmmmilonwu oimniivedadnaileohrled IToInnMuJIWIIIITIIR AIIIOIIIIIITT Mon Pdluardeheorixellvonmanoeirddrrhzmimido mmmnmnmm Man Wins 50000 In Kinsmen Iollery TORONTO OPTml Dibble who om lowed To roll his Mommrwmu Loonooam Tdyoanoid ioIoIITo ITon CoInIIMm Irene Wm iile horror and my lie Dnvldllooonilemdiolldihrollermou WIIIWIMW Today er winner we moo record Tom by The Kimmm ClIIbe or 0mm III II TIIEYIIB IITII IIGIIIII llw Iirrrio re Ind Oril dry Thaleoehore nirolrda In Torn Ilia Avomireonv IIIToIIIdTIIGIITNIMoIIITIVU noiilinrlmidrnl boil one error ioTTr MIMI Tho lode rIooSTInlIn nI IrboIToeo MeNvedinhoTemin Tho milnnerosr rm ehor emrIod enrolperiod lIIIIdIu Ono hundred neren end who malor brawl aIITo Ilnl Imo III III IlileawerevaledIrTcReI Ilroiiiyernuor hi Ila Ian eoIIen loo prevIouI one iiiiroai Gauvla lead oi The CI IIIII In delerniloa To The InIer arilanll hmmierlon nl orniroi IndSupervirion eeyr Tile es rrnllri IITII rurIivoII oi The April Tureen involving Two revs helloopiere he allowed To reIuIn To loo me To verily The man rite Ornvla IIid Sundry Ihia Irri Iioaiion TI neceIrIry became oI reporir whirl cIrT douli on unlemenle oi Tho VIII OIIIII Provlrional Rovolullonar Gov enrrnenT That line he copier whieh ernrhed in aodlern Souih VleInrm killing nine pen Iona VIII eoouT IS Inlier oII rourre CADII curler LavIoIvTIe oi ember Clly wu one oi The vlr1 Gloriouln In Iniervlew Ie ierred To Iioiomenir by The Di lei or The mood helicopier Thai The Tworriurall Ilylnl TOO oorervere To lhe LooTIIII border none noT oil eovrio lie lire rrrerrrd lo Iiery in The New York rlnrrr whiro Te demihod Ion by Veiled $1qu rilloleio Thai lho Vlrl can likely moved The in the near Tun prrIaUa Id win 01 And role In lend In Their OIIA Senior iinai eerleI room To Track up The run lenlinn Thai The IlrcIaII had no Tailored Iheir dtnlxrialed mm yaiha Garvin direloard IhaI when an lnrpeelioa Ivar Drew rho rrarh IIIOI The VeI Coal re rd Cenrdlen reoreri llIT eehnierl experlr be inelvded Wu The lnverrlnlorl The vie Door would Allow only Two SMDON AF llore Souih VleInemeeo IroooI were re goriod moving Toward The Carn odlen TrooTIer Join following line IirsT ermlor oi The barrier Canadian Survives Ordeal In Kenya NAIROBI APT CInIdIIII IeIIhrr IIIII dwinlnrer IlIa wenr IiiIIoTl loud Ior II doyr Ia Ireexial Terroerelurer on Kenyor lioorrr IIlIIInaalIIo nor rexued drurdny Delhlrner vrr wlih Conr dlon early which no drorenelnr The movniain early IIIII monla hen he become lost mIrIIIo Iereuo ooeIITioa moored Swlrrimrr IuTor II our dory IrlIooI Il liosnl in MI eIrTem iInzIaiI wrr IpoTled IIIIy Sunder on mounlIln lodge Andrew Neal oper allow manner Iore Nairobi SAIGON CPI Amburedor Ireohxe by ion Soviet neli IiiirerI IronI eerie IOCS drien lion and ammo There rhovld come norn The rerloaai Irony min in line and nor Tron TOG nerdnuIrTerr la SllfoL OoL BenTIey lladeod oi Kinreion Ind OTIrloIlIeoIva Ind llel Jim Murphy oi Salnl loha rilln reprerraied Canada All deleroiionr rlIard ITITemraII Irrnnwlrdnlrrr IIII Tie Iirerrlr were on room More SoulII Vietnamese IIoopa Heading Ior Cambodian Border Ihni Salton Troopo Ire brawn Io have mnde Liner lire Vielaern eolrriiro Held reports indiceied lirel The SouTh Vidanrnere deer ITlonr alonl The border Iron ComrIIIaIIrI iorm horn The ooh drr rnlher Than Ibo IlIII ol melor oiienrivo lr IIiT Tho LITIMI To Ihnom Pooh Ute Oentvdlen rapiiII ma III Irma Irma TI The Cunbudian IITIe vi The border and new TIMI wu repoch on the VINMW ride oi The TInnIleI Ihe Tloi 0on1 called die mm iaio Cambodia IIIITIII and very dangerous are oi The Salron millTrry Toms VIII Oon broadens IId Theo ITIoII IIII ardemilby The Ilium Slater Ind rrImIaaIiy vloioTen TiIo Independence IInIIlrelIonI rovereirnil neuirniily Torn IiIoriaI Inleilylni Co In well an III ureemral baled iirnI oi helicoan Web rim and The inlrrnailanal Irreunaol on VIrTnTrrI dolemive aIrvaI aT drivinl Toronlo OIIIyCilv Tornadoes SIIIIIe Texas Towns Eight lire Milled 35 Injured DRUM All Tornado rolledII Ieveral million or elommrdlnielhree level rune doTTIrr ihvnderriormr hall munlller Sundry Tllllnr eiIhl IndITIonr nindeirlulmoriev Symon Ind loiurlny more Then eryrooiionoilhorirler on Flooding Tool iwn ollrrr liver dena ii The none and our IN The Mill Tornado hit IIITIII Properly more In ml iIonI oi Plolnvirvr nu II room more omonn Areoorler Dnvldn III In or IITl Plalnviow DIIIIIIIeIeld Au killed vIIIe hei III mm rlvii deienro eilorTI la The In my mar And ldird when IIIIInIrIIIy irlodle 1mm reachaeiorrn cellar city In Andaohoreieero no The Third Plalnviow IleilIn mush lillIldl on one idenlllled Sholoid rho anniverrary Iym ANTI en Tour brim IIIIJ norlumol lire Ilnivorrllyolio down IneTTIer IleTor elm More Photo IllI Terry on rage lenlrIor morn ronlol relool oi hyrleno Sriur ihe Sonih Texnr IoIn oi PoIIJ dry ihai InsoITIiI everywhere IIII Iiiiinglive porronrurd Iu rile hrve hundred Iorruillru ITIIineIiTITTIoeIIIloIllITIM neuron emInIerIoruooodIIIilrl nerumrurywmw mum mm mm Erin Kevin molleaahoai

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