Delenne Committee On Extension OI NORAD Brim Illnllter Ilmu Riel dlIn PlIlIlrI Pliotr Minion billed II OM oi the most In elnoin club In IIIIIIdIv Meeting Planned OTTAWA iai Cm Iblndon word TneIdIy iin II All In urenrbio Iil mtiend mono alum motion In OllIiII IoiI oi iiw Second World WI III the neon Koren nornlIIly NH in mm IllernIIer In ilontroII Ind To ronlo lIII your reilloieiber lIe nu in cum in nInnrd II ourglzunlmrllb lgllilai em til bank Ire It In vIIMIIl III Mm 1m Io uwd lg dculilmlmuntlolh MIMI Ill IndllorI In IInuroI bncInan III tonllnu yInicIoItIon bo lond III no or lbm mu Iiymlai Nol uniil derision II Ignorno will It him In lor cum in drr nether Ind on wbIlbIIII II continua in contribute lo IrIbIirnerinnn Ilr Idem Income Ix Forms OTTAWA IOPI MDIII llu III doyIrImeni mo eonr IImIIII on CBC In libido IIIIII penonrilty Fred IIII IIyI Ibo nowiII leirm Inninthka Inn firm Moreme Ilia mooring CBC camellia min tunIluI need rI llun li our to new er lomu Nut rllurllon broom no IIII Comm lridI by non It IIIcInnII III lire iMEILI Iiiolnnondi who IIkei II In ibI bent inlereuo Ii ii will union Er IIT old Pelieiiei III reyllul tht $30k not mooniiblr In tho Im Explorailon IAW ICE sir onlml III mornlrlo EIIITI IIII decided turn liltII Idu on Iprlny IM herd north Annulm Inn TrrIIII Irnln IOUIN 10m miiu Inlib onlreIl TOTMII II mlmo or Ind oi ugly Ind IIII le men In leII III II Tormil dunno lbelr Willy 160 la journey won the nonlo Ii lemln WInIer l1 lilo lamin uII uretdten inw mi JunI immune Iormilmu my to done below zero II by with tho poIIIhiIIIan TI lunvbwr IIleI In lIid iltlIo Iltin oi the ponlnoull IIo Visit Moscow WAWAiOPi Otto my IIier reInInIliIII ior IIII OI IdIIn whenboardnwlll Iilil aim Ind Worm II illI end Anrii II III Innoumd Pri Iy III II will bo mom Inlod byll Vorel oltlel onirnlooinnrr oI tho olieIl IrdInd Eomond lIrviI IlIIIIIIil deputy InIoIIIrr oi It leuiturn Eamlngsllp iloranRL an CInIg Ill indunder lid reports not ram oi Ill mlnlmr II It Ibm lov III ilrot nuIr ended limit compared lib new or nlno oil III for tho corrowondlnr trial in yen ComnIny rlidenl illl IIImIItoI told bIrIlloIIrrI II III oomynnyl InnuII meliinr PridIy lnt IIII you lie erI Ibotli leper ml loll sundown HI InternIdler ni Wr Win In on emlr II llm brnIr umd lured III WMMONINI Pa in lotnlilirliion oi lruly Internti WDIOIITIIEWH ebIIiionr elnci The erntendon wII Ilpud llIrriI and II mIIor Itep II III III mid Ieiion ol IIIIIIIIIC Nixon Tl 3Year Senlonce MONEY IIIIIIIII llieuleri An II no pilot Wu not to ynronlir dry In line em in AUIIIIIIII Iirrl mnuurblu Iu IrlIIIIr irom In Ilr erub curler lIIndruLli 27 III Ionnd guilty on lwn couch oi mInIIqubler Ind minted II In eoneumni lbmerr lrIrnI bundallol not bIIIIIbI IIrcrIll down In IIIml Mary yrIr Iltrr II III II Iurl Ind mm lilo il pnungerr drowned links For Sweep VICTORIA WI ProvlanII Secretory Ernie llIll aid in nu ioziriIlurI FIidIy III III ulna IIJCJ Iiil SIuIl SII IroII neIl mmdrd lloclielier DIiroiI my III 5qu III link my in TIII commiulnn II In IIIer nIlloIIIi body oblrb IIII dicilon Ile IIIUnlied GeorgianCoIlege Idllkbfim 00 YOUR OPPORTUNITIES EEINC OPPER Imrlinn mnnnri Enmnm popular mm Ibo Comm Goon ml now II II beInI med lhII Limo pinion what on loodn or norm upednlly lime III In bo celloed III your blk ml II It tin nature uule ledlniqurn the met II II Iounnei MIMI will no oimind Nola IhII mv Iumed inneth ItiIr In InIUII bale Ma 51 be II III rxponsn oi Ibo anbommdlnrhnrcm mlin addition in you In luudr Ira Iler can III em oi rim Iiinirrum III II mm Turidnl Andi II Tim 1000 pn Itch FEE 2500 Arcbrollry lieu durum Dirrdor oI ilu Elmeol mm Muwm Ill be IMIIWJII II Lined by IImio llurIIr IIISI Ionlnollol mum will Include Icahn III mooinr IIIIIIII It Iiin moi mouidl iIrc Piilr IIIiru Iilrirton IrmaIII kIII IrvedI cnIiIlulnI Ind recmiln ol dIiI II field trip in IiIeI run on Ioml on pruiia IervIllon oill bI hiritllmr Iii lno mum FRAME Wainm Aprll at lilm ill iwo Ill FEE Ilm Irdxon III Iborotlgb Imp nbm In young boyI found In old monIr Ibrll whirl enyloded Ind Illled Um iul Sundm Clash Pays IOII IUIUN IiIly IIPI lbreo Imam In IIIII Ind lied rI Inoiber cIr IIIIIInI Rurby TNIImEIIV Innounred III II eloeeted in In NIIIIu July Public Hearing 0mm IO 1R Inler nItiInII Iolni Communion In llocbeilor new roguIIllon nlln tor LII Superior eonururrion report In rec Ilrlri loolnl Ind Krererl lmntlnned IG IIcDonIIrI when III IcTIIIEIEOE III Imminent In In elecilon Iundl from mam iUilIllidI uni prior In tho lYll buildinx IrlbIdI mobile or mum II rrdueInI dIrnIlI lI IIIan propertlor on tho GreII ken TIII Imrinu will bI Iieid In Id CImo Vernon oIrIrtoIbeId illnoncrch memnzrrl mm on no million In nIrliI lo lloyII urimly TIII bIn dllI Ierenlly mm IIIIlIlllIii Vial an PIneI en ln lilo Boblrnu In MITOII Ol Enrol for He bearinn Toronlr MIriI OIL Ind Dot month In dllruu hold rIbI eImprIpr my Tornnlo MII IIIcDonIId Ind Inlnry wIIerI on Iho III III cbnrlod lIr SlIlu bordrro ind Iwo homer ADULT EVENING COURSES luduInI PIIIIIII liuI WU opan mum mudI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIMIMIM rl naming warm prnotlcai noble Ixmiu Ind Ileid Dino Ind Incluan In mwmnmlwnnnhlmn prrmlun IIII Iiutimi III III WW Ity IIIIII in lean Ibnut thI Irt lnrnI In dmm bio IkIII Vlrloiid MIA WII III prid nouns Remindn April II Tim man on Io Reelu TEE 500 PIUI Milii IItIIdoor IIIlnI IIIIdw blniio your garden the Iolir rl lire newl grees Pact SINivon Bonus OTTAWA Gi nod III In rnIrk lnI nlennIII lblo Im II in lumP would In II III penzlon born In tho ourviro II III RIIIII Nonmai Elounlld Polite 5min anrirr tNDP Winnipeg North knlrei IIId to I51 SolicitorGrowl WIrrIn AL Inund replied in Mid Common IRII II will IIudyIbI rumo TbIRNWNP thanrrd Ibllr llounied Pollro In 1m Criiicizes IIIPP For Siaiemenl vvronormazl Illlrtcr rerIIn Oulndnn crlllv July wklnlllm Prim ml unrrIl pIrly bIcldIrn rIter Friday Ind dluribed non lion dial IIIIMNIJ III duelion butt Io running In IIIIrnicnIIhort IIIer Ibo Iroqu opened blr Ilnrlcd nul WI bar III IL ltr Bar BOIIRIIE wII noI hold FrkLIy Ill Guilvinn IIId be mldnl iIl ill SIIIentI Ioni iilr bIrsenl Iceland EITI oi liIlinl onll neorcd th lldinIm proIrIm IIIIII belnlld moon ndsin momma III IIIIIIIndId lo eIsIOA movie rbutlgil opeIlII radium lulllIcoolibI Iiboulliil proIII lniIr Jamimm III mm man No to IIIII Ir roduno iIriIII in no IilIlIvnl IIIII IIIII In Smilin ER on the OenerII Axreernenl on TIPUII III nun GRIT Il WMIIII IuIbIII lion anemoan will to no led no new rm tonal III oormbm between bonelui Ind coolldeol IIIl IolullonI counlrIeI hIlI community II Inlemll InIIII IIIIII III llIIIIIn IIidCIIIII would teal Io elleel It CInIdlIo III IIIIXII iboy IWIII Ienllvrr urn limp TRI prIonI lIuron Ineomo lrom new II them oi niorI thI II per mnl oi EIIIeI Mot mono Itrnnululno IU IIvIrI Ind IIlionI IIIICIIIIIlDO matter IIId LiI InIDIlIfI lII IIidilr Irrfnl Iwm thl llr Ii SPRINOTHIND WITH SPECIAL INTEREST ETUDY ED BY OEOROIAN COLLEGE W7 Ioolm mind by win demInd demoted by IIIIII PIrItI minor Ilr Bill 0mm llIlmeI loom bIrII IOT tlw Ml wmm oi loom Iranian lrorn oIImInI lIlI hideout iIIIuIII an IMAM ilIo nail on plInIinrin nrunlnr MINI who on Inlomul II nknltlwrnoibnoolnumywm dwiduII minimal bI dimnnl Ind ldmossrund Illnlw moon lord II will so yIIn bIImod beam to mum in Man Immune will onlIoI wallowirriliser lemon bxbrqun muduru and minor Ilmlure lliiI II homo Ind ideas mum iurlriml tho lunilmrninl IIIIIII oI II WWW Men STARTS IburIdIy Avril bi 7ooolo pm Iwrelrr MIN Iu runner to II dulled Itll Inn Elmonl on Dnrlnnrib tired lor luriilrrlnlnrrnIiIoI teleyRIII tloii mIIIIII TO REOISTERI CLIP AND MAIL THE COUPON BELOW WITH YOUR CHEOUEI TO GEORGIAN COLLEGE EXTENSION SERVICES DIVISION ADI OUCKWORTH STREETRDARRIE ONTARIO LIM 3X9 PLEASE ENROLL ME IN THE NAME COURSE ill HIS YEARI ADDRESS REMINDER ASK Anollr nu SUMMER OPPEREDT IhIrIt nIIItIIdIIII UIM om nu Irorn Ibou tonne mid Ilio IIvy IIIIIMIIII IIII Ikldl Iblnrnenl wilch amid bI uIIbiiIIlId II obwinerv mm mcned brim Nil televme MImIlIIn lilII IIII III malt El Ill iriu vbkb reluu II more unlIIr illiritiIMII IIIIII our on ii denied In onu Io qutIonI III III bl II in land II relnonxl lo III manic Uh IiIIrlnncvoi on unudetidll II wintry dottnoimrm IT hm ibIrirtlt lo lom ml Egig gigE LEE E33 Eiiaj EE in OIEII SUNDAY FOR low Convonlonle TE nounlm TAVERN II WRITE TOWER MOTEL ll DIIIII lurid Nut ImiI PIIII III urrnIuI niberi Ibnuid Ilnn In aid To In energy drnIrlmrnl oI dll nbouled Ibont pronond UL IIIII In rnInlrII lrnporu Ill Minn OEICIINII II In rIllII chum derlrned lo pmrnl Inn mm In III II pIIIneIIIw importh III weni to lb dIItoppod IDIMTIIIIOOTII II III United StIlII imnorlrn would Illwlv Io II riber roun trieIL III undo Jingle rderenu to CIIIdII Iorelrn ownership oolg mlnmnln bonI IbIl CID ulnasqu Prim run scum m3 lneeiIl mellow JIIeIII Ian Drillin Ii InlIlI IlII ritel ll IIIIII Durlnl III DI lino th lInlleI um Ieh no mo lnIeIirneIl pol In PLAY run Rnw Inn rxcrrotn normnouns DIALIIIDOLLARSI Join UI lull in In UI IIIlUIII mini will IouId Indllul IIIII Ton Ned Worn Ool enr LIII model III III hrk IIItI IRIRII BAY AUTO WHORE Iiormm loun urnInn VIIN LIRII TIINII Alb CII OndJMIOIII Igorruin lm world III In Mr rIIII VII IIIII III iir liInlrIn Ilidkxillbilliol In em III cIIm Ind noted IIlIi In III Ilnril swim lg IIleruIrd mm on IrlII noniI III II Irmor II VorlInenr Conn 0m onion lloIrd load mlrd Your IIm In EllliI GrIIilIIII II III IEEIIII EIIIy IId JIInI and III II AInI III IIIIDonIid doeI nol but In III III homo Ind the III nnvor been In Swil mlmd or mood Ior till nIcI ymII you In Mind II IIIch III lulublrd Numberullb III ielenbon Inmlrr II III Idmllm WM IIIIIITCI Run For Tilt nlu umber II ITOIll nonl min Illr mt rIIertIIIrnrni Imy Iini Polly lleellud RUERNI noun IIIInt ImiIIlIiI InCIIlIIIu IIIIIII Fm RIIIIIIIII CIll IIIIll ACKEIIIIAN Ruin TROMPEON EUUYJIIOP ll CuIdIeI II IIIIIIeII Avold iIII Rolh EIIII Your ChrIIlmII ImIIIIIl now Lulu only II wool IndyIrI Ironnd LIerneI Sowing EtKnIliIng COHIIO no Dnnlon Ell IIInu IoarlIIlIIII In IIIIII drIIrI IIIlr IIyIIIII ol IilliioolIII II II IILIIII II IIIIIII GIOVANNI III rnnnl nun IrIuIII In IIInIolI II DALES IIIIMII Iervlco III 5mm 51 II Rim THIN RESTAURANT Mr Conilllonel 0m II II InIdIy iol Fri II II liii Cloud IlIIdIy 331 too IIIIdIord SLTVIHITI Iron Works WIIIIIIII Sleel labrieItinj Dom lIIrIII RIilwnyI IINIOII I1 IIIloll SHOPPERS DRUG MART PRESCRIPTIONS DAIIN no II II MI EVERY SUNDAY II AMt05PM III WIiilIIIIn II norm IREDS lllilllls IIIIIIIy II II SIrIul WM mm In IMO In ILOIIIIIIE IOII ALL OCCASIONS Ior DIIIIII Cooled Try Our lleichIII RrrlIdIy lmnrmbord LIIlIvIIw Trird CUIIIIIRIIIIurInI ll Dunlap EIII TilIll LlronIed Illnlnnlloorn EIII IIIII Lunch III nlIlII Roonl WIIII loweu lIiIlrI PIZZA DELIGHT IIO Dnnlo El IT Tbono TIEml On IIIII Tilml III ii boon III IrnIII llrnIIII Llrrnoed ImbInII CIU IIMIII OWENI FINA II COLLIER In Ilurun At You unleo Open ludIy IU II III EETIY AND JIMS nuch nIn linen Illr II II In DIIly loud bomunoird blrIII Ind IIII TIIIWEI IerIlro II Ann llIrriI l0 AM IO PM OPEN SUNDAVE DIAL TilTM morn ruIm FENDLEYS PLOWE R5 TI IIIIII EIrrII TIII Bentham In Silldon CInIrI EVLIIIUOE PIIEIIIIORD CIIEIILINIIR DUIIIIEII lllilNIlllIlll IIIIIDOII III ibI III III iodIy lily TI II lIinrId mono