Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1973, p. 3

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hwy mmwam nmwoo Elementary Boundary Changes 01rd Wily Idool DIEMJIIrion comm am on Delta II InulIllIteonhtp IIIrl withernettle at the lest Me It When SQIIII IIIendlny Ileote nu be mine Warberm Mhmumm Street It go to Iteple Geo more that rill be more1 Is Irrmter etudem the ml Ruled on ltrllloyon OIIley Pm wheel mt ol luau eon lrorn the WW mnemumgm Gredurtnotm Insomn rrrtxnmwnmmecm II Men to the Itareoe orqu Ireo theopdeato on by Intel Itoderprten mmumw ItId St mun rmurr coo under mm the Im IIIIIII moantrot IM ttrr In mnwttr II eroornumheotthrrrnm thele se unMxIrIeL mswemwl Ittcodrox mmwwmmh leer Ibo relented the rum to III bond Ibo mom ulnst Ibo perm nt yroyerty our to tbe Kin mum whilex Board Approues HoSIel mmmw Moreenmermrummmn Immunemu mmmmm Iothrl tdllltmmulmm IAnmlIeodM MMNMHNM need Ito not untoz drlmyhmeemrxu rmummm Ignwluuonobtlothrs dulorhmdmeehm 11th Iatlylntnullhoml mum Itetl room met lbepurrhue II IM Mamet nurIMenmumtrW mo MJMuLbIM mourntonne mnmmnnmlhdm Iurldhretohetorndon icrnrnuvhnnrrsnoworrm Ono mum hltr It Iere rmrl no III IIIorI Irrndbrlr urmu Centre rolIedIter learnt In rhmr Ill be peerent hm ttrn more Job hen it Photo rertety Ihmr Tourney nlghtr ed egIIo tmlsht de the Ito lleod Solryml Glll letirrClears Allister RSidnt Breakyynter Theft Charge IWIllLom RoIIIId Klrhyol Allle Ihy there veto no color Ill er le elem on tho llrolrooeo the About Our Carload Purchase OI Hoover ConvertibleVaeuum the Jere Itchin the III multlool ot chem ot Idenre It the loveetlutlnr ome broII enter rod Ihell mer err lound to nurture II III eouoly court Jury drllberrtod loe hyr when LhIl It ht Immrtely too hon lhure lle remlodod III Donald thy Culbertson enter ot the IM Klrby III charted 1th MIL My testied he no noleoe my log Loo Hunk ltut Ilerhet money In the III It Ill when on VIdgIo Street In AlllIton be we lled to the outlet thIl Aurib It 126 In no lII rletIt III or the potter ol tnr III worth at quIrtere Irorn Item Iuttltedthere In LhIruhre or munberoHImeInleIeleIIo hrhtr to the her do peonlu lento ml Gordon Itr MM retrl there In Ilth the promoter bud lItl rheoluteLv no tdeotllleelloo ot edto Drove there on that Klrby It Ill end the only teeter lteerkedthehrrrloeoortoor thItInlIhttlokhlmletbeII our new ll RAMA AMANDA FRIDAY APRIL IS the IrIo ProvloelIl Potter tutllteol rurrl ee loood Inlhlr err Lee teethlltludlthy IumII her onto en In or mm use no that urn No me All 01M WWW Nu IlrehtIetrrI ertdenee no Iteolllcorlhtuhlnrtho Ilre you mm mm Iron Into the Itou rrltlI them nrur the eoum nor Invev Ewm IIIIIICII Ind IIId It would hIeI Im Idem touch All been eoolInIlnIterl IlIb IrII Egnlr oI broken run It Out mm mainIInlimm Mr htelurlr ItIo urueo thet Autetent crown Attorney John KIM not arm llll Alemder IIIdheureeo Ibo Iorneeoe mhedhnt eornrt potter loveoolrettoo eorld hm edeorlrnoontbemmrtreet been more thorough llw Oouteble Wlllllmamrt ol the em he rerolndeo the Jury tht Alllrton detIchIrIeot ol the Dot tblr II eonIrnuotIe end ml more dztvlor IWNXIM tle IIIrII III not the duly ol ly no mph when be It the Crown otttu Io eonlure runererun no to euro eree pullIuIeIr Sverrrd run he tore ltto eonIldttl In very WU when quee dont thlrI Ilr II III Cleaners DICK IIvIsrv Hoover Repmenle Rue wtll demon IlIIte IN OUR STORE APRIL IS II IIdrieDnIinesnaoeoI Impaired Drivingl III Donald Mantle In orooloeloleourt dllmlrse In lmpIIrtd drluln elum Ind return to pro poIee run hrerth emote eoIrre untrue lloeo Wlllom hllller IS ol AIIII loo theme were we hilt Ilter bllller wu observed driv lnr on lllflryey on tonerd Err rle0otrreltovlndel ollee eonIthler nrnothy 5th rod hlldrret Grey termed Illtler drown rrrrtterlly hId llouer II III err IItll two evIIMlllobl Ind Ind Ilcnhol on hlr bruth At the OFF BINII dammeht hero ourrlrrr IIIller lnlro relIued to rter orrrlh trrnple httller told court he Ietd no Ioutd not IIlIe the hreIlhIlerr test unttl htr tIuyer could be present ttowever when he rould nt rereh hlr lIIerer he eyeto retured test llhrn Idvred over the phone by III lIwyeIe elusmg neurones Ilellr crown Attorney PI III llormlr on Ir IIIII In no rhIoceI to polleo Id three other people who reoulIed breeIhIIyrer test on they could IIl wrlt eny lorrer by two Irerth Ieot must be Idmlntrter ed wltblo two hours oI errert Drlroeo eouruel John men men at Alllrton In there here no roruttr ol brolth test to eon leI on the lmorlred ItItlo Ind hlr ellentm wIlIInr to III 1mm Int III told It you too rte ludreDonIld lreh ruled the tech werent there or rootle tlon on the hut rhrrge but were doubt we no thet lltlter hrd Irmed to test thhln tho two hour perlod Ittller eluded not yullly to WI ehrrrer Mild Weather Ilnd Sunny Skies Forecortlorllrea Saturday It wtll be runny Ind mllder tn the Horde em bIturdIy The low Ionlzht Ill be to 30 lot the hlyh SIturdny ulll be II to 35 lyrrprlu IIIIe IIowmov lCIlehener It Mount Porto I0 llIIrIrhern eo Oren Sound to hluskokr SS IIImIIIon tluheo enplelneo my the ttre tron IlnIlLv ultra Item remlnd Inn jumymend Nrulour PROVINCllll COIINT BRIEFS nmeDDmVINO Robert DuhIII Io ol Arrur wee lured use murdey In on rle orovlnelel eourt Illrr lend lnz rullly Io tnorlred drl Iron Itlghuey no to me towruhlg It 1220 IIII MIMI IS Ills bond Ilcohol count In 11 It sum et drlrlro II III II blood elruhol count wrr II er rors el per not war wttb drouo by the Crown CHARGE WTIIDMWN rherre ol IIrIIrloI hhlle III drlIorI Home we larder out perulon Illtol LIneo Nu ot All btroud III utthdreun TIINHIIAYII Brrrto provloelrl heur huounlnplnnotion Renulls= Toronto dlrmlssed Thunon tn Barrle pruvtnelel rmrrtulaut he on roorleted nl drtvlhx whllo hII blood Ilrohot rount us In Vrutuur uplllnrd rrrItlr drlv ln by rwlnuorno cornmle lo hlr err rubbed It the rteeeu In wheel Ind rushed doun on the IreelerItor peuII Aettnr Droun Attorney lIuI ltorrrelrtoer molested Ihts exylrn Illon on embelleueblo but Judge Denrld lneh rrlrl uhtte the erplrrrrtlon II unusual he would III the mused the hen elIt nt the douht Coueteble Robert GINlord It the Oltl Burle delerhment tes tllled be we nutour brrlth torts hlth result at 15 end lt per cent Judge lneh Irld the Indoor were Irkenon proper Women Ind lned lIIneur IAINNM IIIIINEII llere In III II III mu hm IIII return In to utter no nINln hIIdtr tor It In mullI em udrr hr Illne nettle nr IIIstunt te Mme lee III to the my III lIIeennthIe Ier with new mum llII III MN utIIIlII IIIt IIIII II It men III on run eIIorI II tin mn II III IIIrIIN Ity III the ImIl fInIr tun mri Intern III rlrIIrr III rm turnltrre 988 SIMONE IIISIIIIII IIIIIPEIIAINE TSP INNISFIL STREET Iourt by Iclll Crown Attorney PIuI llermIetorI Illa oh god Dee Il rhllo dtvlor mwnmbIII on mom It Ileem In moulded Ilrller Int yeIr under too lllmy mtlle ttlIIdI do not no opure Immoblle II motor vouch lltrr eluded not willy to tree at III prerrure eor at Crthrrtnerto IE Onterto III loony Ind bIt romeo urdI wlllbeeunnyexcegtlor Trenton elo mortar etorly rout word Mouton errors the In NoIIh Seturd North BIy lllrhs today utlt rereh II II Peterhorough Iome routhero Irerr Int ll to more who most IIIl Ind northern North llIy Iocttool tIIIIIlIIr trend Srt Emmy uroey tr med to lend rIIer 3er noon termenturer lnto the IL rumor de me Ill reroer much It Kepurturler Onlrrto llrrte Toronto ltrlnly rhon todIy Cheoleru one Seturdey llllder seurou Whllo ltlver lllrn todIy here to toe tontrht Gereldton II to In turn deludly our Monrenee tlllodeor louder lltmllton Prtrrborouoh lute SI OtIlr LIIe mo Lotte lturoo Men In LItIo Ontrrlor eouthern leorrIIn hey lletnly runny to on end Seurdny lltlder Set urrlry tttn low tonlrht no to Io lllrhr Sel IIIIIIY to to It In her IIIxh lodry lonlrhl III Wllldlot 30 $5 Enroll II on It Thom IO lander In 5388u=883333335388853 2336883323885565 lllAl route em 17263422 DONT JUN LIST YOUR PNOIIRTY IELL Ill Illl STEINIRRAL ESTATI LIA III Durlep IIrrII hFI SEESSSSSASSSSSSBESagSSSE PAUL wrssrnern today It to Ind NOEL enrrs Ire pleased to memo that GERALD NORMAN ullt bo modeled tn the prretleo ol law wllh them It WESSENGEREATES borrlrterr Ind rollcltoro oo Boytleld St smcoe PLAZA crrnnrns PLAIN DRESSES $l50 503 Blake St Tel 726r2060 PAINTS 22 currentON sr ALCONA Moore colors hloore beauty Moore enlisloetion Boniomrn Moore Poihls 72M rI one Ask your Benjamin Moore Point Dealer obout Moores Regal Wall SatIn and get Moore for your money IRVINE oec ORATING crurnr HANDY DOMINION None RR N0 more out HARDWAIRE

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