Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1973, p. 1

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Ulllttdlltldln xmt Inthlome rousinn Uilronnrrinonv Im MI IrI em titmlIrcrcthunonn lo pcdcdt hit loved maellllcly imcmplnymcnl will undone men It In room liIniItor Inlinwlmcr Icld meWm rIlrcInd the Illuminth muntrerlcwct III ot pooeic Item manic dove mil with to meet lobe which Ilie review killed In the llllllhll Comm Iain rbIIIuIci to Prlcec tn emu III else ltrr Iimicrc lrh llbndxtt will mIlntIin vacrd economic momentum thnt hes been up pmnt IInce Septebibuc use ycnr ll NQT implan Ire erl we Ipm may 810000 In the retiree oi the lenrd The licence document llili Icicnpmrnt ml muih rIlI would be clearly In excess oi the polcnllnl grevdh roll at the econnny end lend to Ilgnltl cent reduction In unemploy menltncnl nowth It the rncnsure oi ccnnoiriic upenan with InIIntIon lectan ruined my IIII then they would hm done in the Ibserrcu nllbc Mini remixes Incline were trend in minute crI notryel been iuliy re eetcd In censtun price the private rllddrl re more to the budget menIures In the little Ire Ind the Itelotlnllunni Islwilt be meter IIctor Inuencing price developm lnl The review leldtlie Invar perccnt wth tineert wu predicted the budrclrpcecb Ior iiiMI mri VLFHIM Inhale viii lI Ivory prediction In rim but the re cult will demand to mother ll Illa nctxtlnocd thIl IIbor disputh no the mic oi those experienced In in le Iced to Ibertlnii to economic commonrtrrirreaion Biiifijy IIIIectingl Income Tax Returns OTTAWA it Scnler elli the dilech Ind ItixtceiI wont vae to it out loafer loi longcoilelpdledmcorne reiurd chequer The Gem ihuisdny at III incnlnious third reI II to in uncndineottv Iticctlnz rm llx returns on 7th torture in lnIr crops Wflptllth end nonuqu Ithllity renninHirerorvncraii UNITED NATIONS ihPIIho United We tend the Arch world in di It the United Nidiobl WWW were our Matilda cheque oi Ila Involvement in the Ilnell Mannheim cAPsULBNEWS Canadie Compitter Ownership ling en midi mnimmooienmitnmrmvmhr HelicopterMuv Have Been Shot neiimmm lmed Edith Crot maidth ani eldth pump tori tor Nixon Declines Disaster lirea W0 Illicit llllPmidcut Nixon hne declined large Mithmmmuowmeeumienmr Imdmmmdmmcrmnnmum tuned Ire union property dame Illi Police Iiunt Irish Guerrillas 11mm APlIlrlllsli raided me tlin no him In it uteri live one in Imlor non mun me emu Scotland Yard halide nunIii mm dim Ind Moire em mm mm mlodtlmnm odiwlnrnucdlcnlrd CanediennrllyersToPIayScimitar Ironrim CPIline me it Nev hurl Incite mm Ilectreci lmlim ml Philniciphla ll be other ditmlttt MI more on NIdnml MM murmur new gt crtiltertnrmmtoboootcul woven mm intentional Itlhilily ll uld tbcrn Irrmuil II mm In the item Irbtrteineurtcrlulml In lehruhrlyt1 Iietunu iron the rthrcc Em hm bear beenlmrd In revenue divertment be am new deduttod rerulntloel hid Mt received parliamenqu IpprovIL Third resdlnp means lhI Imeodmcets In to the SeeIte tor llhll IpproiIL then get reu ilne no It client The Scenic tr lobed ed to meet linndsy cud il created to we the tale IItItlou next week About two week Ito II was cilirmtcd lint the venue do pertinent wIe rtittn on H000 refined eiIlrmrlrnrn clleriy person with bIodtrnyu Ind sin grill or pIrcntI ttnIncInI their Illcrn The ionInn resulted heccilsc Pcrllnmcnt en dissolved tor the Odolxr IrdIreI cicdlutl he lororpropoIod deduction dlllllil nero outed IIimil chitin Inr the rciund hm been processed Ind once mll ruscnl II Ilven cheques will he mulled Itnnncu Ithister John lumen criedtor mitt pnsuzc It the mmco the rennin me on me cntionwtmn the line per tlccInurldny nllhi lylonnelhclrownlll April rm LIIIGIIIIGIIIS Idiom OP limb inductive July in IIIphone in on chill kiwiSwill Included hmedll em lnmurd Terrie Examine PUBLIC llBRIRI APR 1319 Mahlwm announcetick NullloremnllcPIICopyIrvlerIioemDIIMrydleWuklirmm 0F BUDGET by we return to olllct Lo pnct st energy III Ind l3 crelced nlu In on rule can Ind Iowlncome tmm Propert III relic in lumen Ihrb revetment cm LI rerivclent In Nmktt urnde eo iIm Iced Succeulcc ditty ellcnldlttd NI twister oi Islets between tenures IImlilrI rentrolllnr Cardin latrines Illimd ill yelrl to ply Iueculloil duties Ilighuy thilron Burlington Ind Garden at Sh lilnIIIltdt Imth pIrl IreI re numd ioc Ill Candler Ienlvr ritiubs lament with In to continue eith Ibeut room In lob Inticipatrd maimed rIte expected to decline to leper cent Increased Costs III LLi PM hinterunoen Incl more hit by the blow IIIee tall Wewm mmwmbeputedon tumble lion lenders mun ed thI Mull from tle to um per ml Ind nice ed thI in to Ind electricity Iot hvtuhld tun term It tween OI culon elm unremitting $1 Million Evans the our broiledi ibudurt firm llltmithllIi the marten m1 Arthur given WISHING Cen bhlrlvcnc ion the mm burrcn olIhI Emile tblI mule hiI ridlnl Ilene IIIndI lid hlllllll or leIIIndthI IdrriiniIlrnticn oi luItch entree locrecrcd mntl let Willi vcnIonI II neceth nail vle relieve tenet Ind refducc the int rIlI IdBe Passed On limit riII In hydro but due to In whclcuie rice tric rnlrc III er thlI ycnrr lhll IddI up in II nveNII rtu lb chum ice IledrIcity oi beetle pen cent In one year Thuddcdlnxnlnedtbeln hillbenllndcrliohcrtlilnnn whouldlreuurnrlobnlibllu II telon the in as IUElIIG mnemotm view emu uuuucrd lnr lighting HUM Ied MUM W5 ply when cm In group In the Ictin cen new node VIIH II llm tulle mm lien in hill all sue tu Bennie3 In on In In the II Increases will lteoed tor toeds tctInlI weir nItliiec lei this yell Ind mesmcrlptioe diva Ind the Iranian $10 mllicb ldtl tgmrplrchuldhtl net treasury pin oi an oil mu were needs not lien pupil It eon at Mile Caricature ethic yrer will In hrlnI the prelim record me The higher retail III MI euu oi Ie crtirrnlccl Knuth me am nhcrtll iiin but Ilen Ilnxt Ioeod at It Ipflllenllun to the recon untangle dell Ioureee deterred until July is oil lit million undcr the llll bdrm We mated Lixure Ier hhd ynr thIt me with Neil Smith Ind my 313 unwound hut Itiii mid Irr new cattle III has to the Ildlllhn that New Rwanda Indlrlm Epvcrcnxnt bu been run wuel blind hlIniiobl elnp large cull Melt umund MINI 00 rreIiInew DIM bicuxnidrepermllnd IeIIIIIer Mldmlllmllll dceoldciidtllblndu ml HIGH Nllm The llnuu IbIrI oi the llr mic holdlnl the lnlhehtnlpet In Iehiiml premium museum III ledIIh rmymhulltt mm It icch lde hull all or tinn 1r thdr ballast hctnecn two Ind Innr mlill Ils Ieid much oi the Inter In tnerrnse will he turned buck to the mimicipulltlcnr lie raid Initiation he thI bud II will be at met help to Irmerl In his rldlnl who hm been Inching under dildcultlec III Inid In IrcprI Iowmhtp lcrminnd III been trorcn Ind lIrmrrI bore ItIII been peeing tnxrs Ile laid the inriher re duction II 50 per cent III IIan turn will encourage people to It into the turn business or let their Intel It decent price IIIIIISiIl PIIIIIIIIIIG BOIIIID APPROVES CONSTRUCTION lnniIltt plIIIlu rboud nIIIdAv elm enema whet IchnllII II Councillor bub lklie rhIInruu ol plunlntt could dmlw lute until lme Inanlryr It council Invmu the pin II lie mtrllnl April llt Lech Item bid will brute centime tiII ImmchIIIly on then meet el lInd It In IbIndrI cd null oil on IllthIy l1 II Emailed ItA with Ii llelly tounrlllrr tulle laid the cannon IrIrtnIIcI In Europe but is currently met by flilldlllllr II IuInulIrlvru IperlIl lIrd concrete m0 Inr IIIIM Ind drillm The well ll lercmeh hrd Ind Imi prool III IIId the romplnyhu been oeIrItlnI in Europe tor It mu Ind hIe proved my Incccnlul III pilot to Inntl Imnhlp would service the whelc oi hunthcrn Duluth Councillor tulle nld II II loo nil to determine whl Ii icrl IIrI leductry will me In the WWII In um niccl hue but all It will proth mote live or III people Vale siiup Festival Organizers Ready Alter Year Of Planning Alter Iiinost one your at pinn hinI otIInlIerI ot the Elmvcle couple Imp lestlel ere rcndy lcr weekend curls oi leitan to the vlllue leld the committee ex mlinn more Ith the 1010 rte Err myriad 13ch Ind Iccer Ariivtticl bexlrr tonight with tIshion nhownt It the Ehriinie hi it Icheol WW 1mm Wlm Wellhead It net in Is In the rnIpie NMIMMMMMWWWLMWC More Interenied In Cats MPP Charges imam theini Trem lain While dinny mw at In mien liberal Ibmellheyomurh critic term BMW Illd tech mm to in El Muir Ihrp to tax to unluvnhle cm Mr White is not Iestlvei uccneenlcrlnill written lheqmodels tor the choir In commentllor will be Jewel Melony Ills Teen CIn Ilr helm laid the Ilshiob elimv ulli eoneeetrnle on tle Mimi upnrclc mu Enter phr Ide pool Ind pItie tun IWNHI dcyl eveninx It home Ind We dr4lledlvclvl or Irln intimiurir Igowin termnIIwheic inniiy Ind ludllnI tor thI queen will IIII pinch then JudIlnjnIIl he clone by Sus Inllu unICKVIIEdIIIuo iceol dlandltoyd mlopcl Itemstone Shirley Ihiltington ol Icrtlidinnd Ind Jude iImesIL diet The etrls will be Ielecteit on the basil oi grace beauty Ionstlly city trivale meet Ind Iblllty to commenti cIlr Ilr Thmwn IIld PEDEKIIIIAN MALL Selurdlyl IrLlIitlrI will be In Ii In when the min Itrcct will be blocked oil In trul llc Ian pedestrian niIli Illrt Thompreo IIId then will be It least It reocccslonl plux booths net up by rnnylc Iyrup produe crl IIneIlel Ind Iyrup will be lined lrom loo me In Ind be It the community centre Ind durlny the nitrideon tttnu tritith merited upllhlll It on centre leehrded Ire lllni Ibout ronplo Iyrup Ind tour at mu him IrII Fletch rnov IO 0thrr reIln itreei Ietlvlilel tn eIldI terse new engine rem hhcnty Hey mlnl too or term IntrnIlI wrestling beer trom JunIl orld ml way Ind It pint Ioncewinf compo liilon Imou locIl lit cIItLI the etilclII one will be It pm SUGAR IIUIII TOUR Tour will learn every hell hour Ior tour oi line qucr compo where lien Ritchie IiIv in end an Grecniev end 1ch man trim will explain the procern ct mating rnepie Ilnlp For lienrim reek Irony will plny earth the Ittemeon Ind Itoltr Ashley ot CIIUII will hrocdcnil lrorn the teillnnt Iho rrrnir will wind up with hull It the high Ichoel Drru lor the dance to opiimnl end ilcnu rhnmpe orchestra will play There will he door VIIIDVIIIII met dnnce yrlzc Niels Item the lretiiel Io buck in the cenrnnielly IIr thmnn IIld Lent yrnr IL000 went to th IIonEiminlI IbrIry to help pay tor the hulldlnd end lilo went to the IIIhlthe nrh cams mltire to when chic tor the hull ynrlr Pram Province iig III rite three Mi MM toldn owed could3i Ind the tu no MIMI laid the new rriIiItII return lecelmmoibynllllob bill lriedmmdh xlni Neil he enlisted in 9d lb DcmoerIile int 141ch Hunter bl mutuch ll Stephen beets cell tweet brothel Ini million Im mines the bedcetI creddli lty becmllhnbcen in min BthIIIldlllhmmls lee brokers Ind reality deuce lien on hicle eminent Bitter Medicine to percent tnemeo it OnlIrleI sales tax in and certainly was not greeted with cheers writ hand about the hull et lnd John union muted nos hie saying we ouid turn down our orients Ind wear more Iircntcre to countch the mercy or oiers can well trnagtne thermostats being turned down Indclvii scmntd nearing cItm sweater It Queenn Perk end In the myriud oi provtmlnl govern ment ottth bulldln Is politielIns and civil smut try to save us tew ueko lire Ilihiloe lncne Itelenrcnt will not trip the Curie scrvntlvee votes In the next provinctsl election list illlcetlon lor the energy innit says nothing While It had some ood lcuturcs the email bu get will not contribute clients to curb the lnlletlon cry trend which ceuocs so much enernl concern The new III lmpcel nbich WI eltcct moot is the Increase from live to seven percent in sures starting on tiny This will not only mean two er cent Increase in wide run eel rite goods extort from clothing to Iutomeb eI but in certain Instinct will put up business mete which nice are likely to be pssccd on to eonsumere The hon energy tax burden may be pnrtldli ottset by In crease In texcrcrilt stern which cert the government sonic 3130000 00 more tIIilIe moaning Iboni those new tulimpositionc has Iormcd the Initial conversation reaction to the new provincial budget tor hurry people there were some nspccts which Ire bound lohe considered more acceptable elimination of ruceesslon duties on lrnnsterl oi asset between spouses will remove some at the lnhcrttunce tax problenls Transfers trom parents to children ctli subject to Inheritance tax In most ems althoth progran to drop tnmlnnd inn and to make into ly succesdon en the Inrm more lnrliinp wen rcicrrcd te by the provincial trensurcr Iohn While Iinny else may welcome the move to remov vinclul park Ich tor renter citizens which willpelgi involve much Individual nsslstnnce but coming In this tntlcilonnry period ml ill be music red It Irnnil 03 In the right lieclion km 0n comedieireuewnuimennrornd Increase In provincial monomeric ndlluxee trom come eunonneenoo tor the runner one which ended time at to erneoeeonoo tor ilie IIIMI ilscni Inc These ll uric In tn tollthri Itory ot wagered in will my Mn thymereeIpcctedteelrry mm 0mm

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