Continuingi OndRldoo t1 if II it it SimgglFOrTSec Golden Seals Veteran Joint BthAI two Ionln hr the needed petal hit continued noemdlnlbollutw would undam VANthLIl CANUCNB litil Barber oi the 11m in roIlie Dunc Wilton tti rides the tint period ol Thurndny oeinttmntodeticannhothy them borneko Inniota matinhvdni Ire deadlocked nmtuhnnl nonlde with thettnmern both nlubn have live earned derisionng Montreal Cana dlenn who Iireldy hm Noted It Nil points OM ii hrhiivi my Winnipeg Nails First With Tee Against Oiiers cannurur enrrn Winnipeg lets needed Norm lieuIdlnI oat with lost to my endn iell in re time nandIy night tn later 11 tie with Alberto Oliern ut the an point they picked up netted down tint nine in World =Itochy Ainoeinlionl Wooten Divinion ha Jetn who have Inur uneI rcmoioine could eon eetvnbly loeI their remaininl ton tome while llotuten Aernoiu points harknth lhelrtivc Ind did take the pennant by virtua oi better record between the two clubs lhin rennon The iete have beaten lloueioo nix times in their eirht meet intn Eirewhere Thursday Oltm NIlionnin broke New Forlnnd VhIlIrII rlrhtrrnmn win rtrenir winning or in the Canon dlnn mulletend hilnnrnotI Flrhliny Saints nipped Chicano Cournrn 21 on bobby tluchtll lnnr goal with three second re pairing in nuddcndrnth oven II The llhoiere entertain Chi rrto Ind Philadelphia lllnrern WI visit Lon Angelo King in toninhte camel Alter arorelose first period ten Baird involhe Albertans the lead which rtnod unlit henn din with hit your oi the neuron eotnhined Iilii Dunc ilollnxeln to eouniiiur IeLI playercooch Bobby lluti hanehnrl Iooitendrr ilrnie lottery to ram oh dun It llhi W130 Iexy nun mine hla host name tlnoe Iideilned hlnrch 10 with heo iniury relnyed Chris Bor deleau pans to Dawn It the Alhertl Iodimotir Athena goaltender JIck Non rinwho had turned oxide Ihotn to thIt point rounded to Innothentbe nhot but the Ii em tlnniper winter tilled it over him tor the were The crowd was iiaird Ii Mil There well him It Otinwo In no the Net reci on their ninth win to ill runes Ind climb into thirdpllcd tie in the Eastern Dlvlnlort pinyoli gt rare with PhiladelphiI and New York linldern Winning In World Curling NEGINA CPI Harvey hin zlnlen new machine has been winding up the opposition in the world curling champion rhlp but well Oncnrlun el Swe den think the Canadian cbam pious turbo beaten llnrinirer pretty clever my Oneriot arid Iiter the loyearoid Cnnndien nhlp whip Scotiand in the eighth round ThorndIy nlrht to extend Cenndnn unbeIlco rtrcek to eixht runes Oscariun whore Swedish rink paced one oi the tow serious threats to ltnrinian undetealrd room sconnnonnn Dy THE CANADIAN PRESSI Nailan Lennie EIpl Dlvlnlon II 40 0290161111 219101 Viionireai lotion ltInirr Detroit iiuiiolo Toronto Vnncotn or leiondcrr tlrai tllrldon iittsuluph Aiihhh 21 it 14 100 ill 51 Cniiiornia ii to ill 1m in to tlrnuiln ThundIy itrnzorn Atlanta Boston iiinneeotn it Philndclnhla Veneooycro Olmn Friday Toronto etiooltiornia ttorld Arneointlon EIrlrrn Dlvlrlon Cleveland out me litiia til era Now iork 1139 one ottnwu edit Wobcc no our Wenlennillriiion llinnlpog tlooeton inn Any tttnn Alberto an 33 Ht 211 13 Chicago 20 ii 113 bi Alb llenolin Tlhurrdny riot nn tittewa New 551th hlinnerotn China annel Fri Chicago It New England lhllr eiphla at MnAnxelen Ontario Junior 45 10191101 11 231 01 II 565 21 ll 32 21 it Ii 21 11 II 311 61 22 32 291 iii 52 ii 31 10 e71 301 1033 Ml 31 Hamilton 40 it it 31 hill It 231 370 ii llesnlt Thnnndny Petrrborough Hamilton CInteI Tonight tendon It Sodbury Scott at Kitchener llnmllton Ii Ottawa Toronto at St ntharincn Toronto Pelrhoro Olin IMIIIOII st Colin iii Kitchener thn lizClocllIn iliarriet Billion let our Intuit ttelei llnhrr lNlt llnnln ntotun raid he can be beaten tut yeuwould have to rhow aome brilliant airline nod pretty cool ttrntery The victory Thurndnyllithl won Cnnadnn 39th in row in world competition airing that not hack to livid when itun Northeott oi Chicory ilnirhod with In 01 record but won the title by winninz hir inst 1qu games The declninn over Scotinnd no sored the median contingent oi llrst uphoo nnd spot in tonights netrdIinalt The other romltinel berths were to be decided in thI ninth nnd ithl round at am CST in Int EST today when Nor wnv met Scoiinnd more ploycd Switzerland Sweden laced lloly Canada tangled with Denmark lord Germany tullod the United Stolen Alter eirht roundr Cnnnda wan loiiewed by Pierre Bonn ol Franco and Swedcn with or match licrnrr 0rwnid ol Switzerland Ind Alex Tor rnnce oi Scotland at so Cherlrnileevca oi the United Stolen at lieirner Strombo ot Norway and Klaun him at Germany at id and ltennlo Ghetto oi Italy Ind Virgo IIun Icon oi Denmark nt 11 Torrnnce said he did not ex port to boot linelnito Thundny night but had hoped to rive him letter rune latarI run at our Bnrrle vn llIrnlilon St CIthIrlan re Pelerborourh in other ARENA 14 FliQStone BIG Need tingle the to pole of line to complete new net oi the nlrhtn ram in Philan AP Photo in their toth leinol ot Were The mind however the Idvm in the vital eohrmn it they meld so 121 ny run Announcer more New York Ynniees who lumped on lonner temnnte Stan nahnun nevernl tlrnu iIel reason did it Iznln TbundIy They pounded out hill in cudiny hornenn by Otto tebr Ind lion Serotonin and rotted ChitIre White Sex in In exhibition hIIeinl em to milnt his rccond strrtnioce reportinz into to sprint trnlnlnr nu toudoed lor three runs and to hit ln live innlnrn Bart Johneon wan rourhed tor three none to the eighth on Voiex Wont homer plus double by linl larder and Ron lilombort hr PitInch we violinde ior rim In the ninth time on Entriede home run libcwbcre iiliehurch llralen edred Kenna City Royals Cincinnati lied nipped ttonlen Anlm dd lionton lled Sex nwemped lilinnenotn Twins no anitlmoro Oriole beat in An ttcicn Philadelphia Phillie tr ppcd New York hint hicndo 0er doubled the score on 5nd Dione Pnchrn Calliernin elen downed San irnndrco Gnnir to Tour Banner deitaled AliIntI limo hd and Oakland Athletic downed Arizona StIio in six inninin ht iynuhne brewer met Cloveirnd iodine in iata rune Thrltralcn rIilitd tor le runs in the eiyhth lonin Ind then roared three timer thn bottom 01 the 10th aptith KIn nu Qty who had ecored two in their hell oi the lnninr Fer nerldo Gonzales ninxled to drive in the lying and winninr nuts JChomplennhip Gannon Au St hitheni it Paul 51 Clih lndtlnrton Drum tier tnI erritlnr Ind rue oior Saturday Motrin 2456 pm lNIi Nylon linen Polyester tim Belted tires Iyre ell hm end priced toeieer Whether you drive 1000 or 10000 miles year weve got the tires for you HundrndnoICi no TAG ones it Eary torthehiggerleheieooiroylngt rumm yimteaome Mutt mirror It Flrertenn ColorCoded To Maire SHOP TOMORROW 71 an tlllr 88 DUNLOP ST WEST DAltltlE PHONETZOSSSS