Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1973, p. 6

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memo enmnr Ire bury eenernlretlnl en thelr wrddlnn mt Ind and rlothrr tth Ill be mm on thelr hone toooo Above Dore Ilnlr IeIrn Brides Travelling Wardrobe Should Fit In One Suitcase hrldu Dhnltlnl their honey moon member Iheuld Inner whet the lrende IrI er rotten Om Ire the klelu rerlumu hIrd thltIrld root II In tune to look yrelly rm Invert III to he Interextlnr hut lrdyllte lurt nbove the Inter In where Inert ywny women It teen lhelr eklrtet nm rruttll elmty mu Irene Drona tor eyelet Ind Am rnrr ere derlnncd lnr llthl elry thtlrt erlre llnenr netl yrlntr rryrlnl tlror colon Ind thence Ihhl term lhd body but dont mtg lt Inywhere Ill Ipell out New urtnlly end polu In on brldt error tretel were hire plnelrlped rule Itth nhott lull thrilled Ilth Ihlle roller eleevu Ind uttered mm Halal robe lhrt erlll tlt lnle one lttlle we need drere the ten no my yleeer Even hrr reenretee rheuld loot errmlred whether lthrI hr Iweeter eelt In Otter end leelo et Item no threenleee tulle Aeeenertrr the nel net 11 net the whole IIIW rIlver hen mm In Ivory hroeelet out earth the It eett leather the pert thew Ind renew hell llvr thrt llnhhlnt tenth horln rhlrte rnovr wltlt Itlndr nlrelr Pnnlr move In wlder Irrr Ind roll mnlerteln Tone move with my Inltr Ind hleuren lullnerr DRAWETIIINO WAIST Ihe drnwrtrlnr welrt Inlherr mmhlnn rollly to the body PEOPLE AND PLACES Cell the errnr Duh It meter lunrnlnr lllutttlll llltr Lyndn Kentlnlz In it honor It error It run Ieueer Ihwer when memberr at he Venture one It heme met the home at Mre Prtnee welt Pelnrvlee Inter mem troveled to Forum harlot rewevy when they were lit in on tour ot the htttldlnl null er the mole were we Unele honey Ind llrr Jenn Room at llIrrIr The next meeting IlII he held It the Red Crete menu on Ayrll AMIlLlI MEETING Nev mom ere eernttntlv delete the am Inn Forendrtlon lhlllllfh llhhl on on Illo nut tntetlnr of the culld wtllhehedonhlmhltett It the home It whet Run Id mnloo St Illrtlt 30X ROCIAII horde were mlrot In mum Ire at Gretelnet Cowmnlly It Wnerlrl the men petty In eld ot the new rorntmetlty Toonvs encore cmmrtlrtrnn ntnnncun loom btolltrlntt out In eetlel Inter Ire Intended to lererthn rhetel neclnl lIlI ol the Ill Dlnltlet rreddlnnr pnrtlrr trnrrllern nred rlellrrr err Ill llrrnr II Internet to rredne It thlr on Your hel tn Ioeelytnr hit nm II he null ererlntrd llener phone The nrrlr Era Inttner 1mm Ind III III the Wemthr Deenttmrnl hell One at the hlrhlllhtt ol the lttndrehlten event wee In aid lethloned traction tor hex lunthet Induced tr wetlnneer Aether Calup TIT all wet We peld hy youtth dderrI vylnn tor the Illneth at out It the torn my letdy our ledlee Mn hwwa mvtrwu the will Vilma el the new cent or re Irelrrnnn ol the lInenelnl temmltlee termed the mnlm men Ind tote ll IIIHIJITON Illre If hlnrley room week In Toronto llr Intl hire Robert Rl worth hevr moved to llurlr new role thelr home here mm Melton to vlelt her mother In Wuu ller deudtter Rennie Immorltd her Lu hlulllne left money rnre RID Ind nhlll cheek ed rotten elnue mo vlth whlte rolled hede to whet tor there Ipeelnl rvrnlnrr hoth leclrtt eernnleler the In rent Iledrl ll Chrryl Peru Ferhtene horn ONIIIIIOOOI Wnlrtllntr ere meruyl nnlurel lhoueh there III new ehemlee Ind tent ehth to veteh nte Inlet tr everywhere The returnel the prett Om lh roll on It Ioel Ilene lo rlwelrt Ihortnleeved the Inlro or lull tent rhnper Or tt letter on terhrt tor yelled tntethtr rult leek The Ihert hlreevenlnrprrlr center In helter or here my Weleh lot the ether Ion drrrr elten olltheehoulder wlth lull rlrever or cool It lo lonn Ihlrtdreu In crepe or elllt TOTAL IILIURIS lheter much leer It lIyerrd leolt to mentor more eereltl eeerdlnrtlen more enlett mle nod moteh It nddr on to Itrenler totet pletttrt The oeket II the ennrtent elw hunt neny ererelel remote to ryrlnmh um eerdl non owner ever eve ehtrt hleuron hnrehnl Ihlrt Met er rmoltlnl lr newtrnnltln eel end In leeltet ht Ittd III t1 Chet Prefers ShpleFood NPNMJWI Al the lmurlee ed the tutor It the truth Mom In mlleol te elmem when Antonl no In erecttlve rhetrt the mldtm Toronto hotel Ml home he ltherll Ilrnnlt You leer vlver ehnuld re theater lhlt Ibevt eeoltlol ter thrlr hethehdt he tell to In lnttrvloe It they Iet teeth out every de they rIItly entey rhoole th It hrrnethlnr they dont yet In mteurenr llhe mtthel mrel leel llth hunt telneeh To tmehutr hh love tor Ilmnllcllv the tent who better one et the toonotch lttehrnr In the thy em ltlr lnlervlewtr hlr re oe tor whet he tell the Meet hrnthurnrr lltlle elmnrl lrtth more trrrtredlutteteuehel or to wllh he methle ent Inlelntelttr the IR lelll III Ind Irene lheorrglde You the net It need eeetlnr ller lnIlmellclty he IIId Deeplle hlr love for Ilrnnllc lty he It metle cool no mm never thIt In my IIllrlIrtlon In To mate dlrh thnt elhrrr never tnIde nel lllolden errnr to the werthury ln trot nn IrrIrtInt under hlr romrnnnd lllr lnmlly ned lrem the horn lrh clvll In In the mldmor end ertlled In St Emlllen neer SETS teem $293 FIRMS lrom $895 JOAN oltncl AIR VIll ll tlelllrr It Ith IIHMI hrllehen Ind rheuld he elven the been PlIIII Iotde Im too ehIl New hI her other then E523 EF E2 33 not hurt were God In rem lI ol noorre In Idrnlr necrot llvu tit Egg 55 55 is Eg Egg in E2 Egg trimmers corner Inteletehlr Macedon is Ilerr el torment to be elrrld te Idmll lellure no he Ilrlnr hell end lt one when mm to eory II lee hlr let her hllnd Ilth to VWWXII momenthere Drer II It theree north men had dltluleIuI let em It between htr wlte end tempe lenl meter he met In mo truer tn the rhrevr Art your hunhrnd to Internet her the your rnlln he put thrnoth lrnrnedt Itelyrheeeure you would not rhea three tlmer In two houre It Werent nhrelulely nreer enry ADMIN TAILURE DeIr Ann Mndrrel Recently Bourdreur In Frrnet not In time lor the Serene Wot her the Inter went to nnrlentl Ind telnet the Brltlrh Army Itvelrryeerdld teoy epent the wet yrtrn wlth temly who no cottolrt Ion our ml llon lnrvltrhlv he eluted work lol In the totem SMIIII Wlllfl In theme III netue ll our Godlr Oed at love he mutt II he ted et tyrrtte neIrI God who ternreeeer hllnd mlrtehee enderrlrht our lntenllene lletr can enrene erhe heltever to love Ind hu known the rent thlnr deny lellw homer Another thence to Ilnd ttturetetul ler Mime My mum Deer at And not lndrhttd to you tor letltru rnr knew Theete or vortllnl OUhl CIIIRIRII Deer Ann Intent Flure comment on one the In publlr heeernt nrueret hy the Iltht end roundol people who ehtw not Itth thelr motthr wldr eernernekln room Ioehln to III the WA tr torn eh on cud YIIterdIyleeunted llve rumcheunrr who were rervlor the noble are our men wee mrtlnt httee wtlhhlt non htthhle hunt end the eeurht II III mtnrht It wet mete It you prlnl thlr letter It nllrhl hel Iqu do Iednye my hlr 5hour Render Deer Meter Iterel your lot ter end my happy returne Treotv0ursttlf199d BannoerIervtlmerlh smarter Will lid or mm lene UnlrIrnly 53 thorn watt motor meet mgnrteulmnrdhhu WW minedmatter irrevn nth RSWKNG reruns So endownteyotrmrel ie hamtlx mi roItmr on to II to your uh lronhleWell IIWIII ptr err deehlerheel on Itemetre the error eeyvel your nlvnt Ovr II It 7W heelnreerl renter urf Punterr end Intel llIhI Will or on New Milton tmrtwuntmvnnvnntnuttnmw ll hunter er to Add nitrate NI mun 1N0 APPOINTMENT NICIISARRI lRlllIRIlt Bill ontlooonnottnrootrnnrtiter igloo ROAST Estlontnlonoosr llAOlIDltl IIIIDIID Viewrtotscmmonotsror trntrrur stools neutrons ttoocmtst ONELESHOULDER ROAST 210an etrotsrtevs ntmemettueuu Ill In Itellleltl elm II yew my IIIImtrnetrtuttn mm tthmtnttv lrtrlnltrnlrl ttrn VII rltll It IMII IIOO IIIIer nm Rrelthet ltIlNII It It Wm WM good tlme tver reported It lleu corn ell the Pnthh ht Ftlrlcvvn my wpprhewee enlnrt Orr hte Ieeoe chopped celery to cup chopped men page per It ow entree IA one wetrr lIhlIenoonr vtnunr NW NW tthletnoen tlorteeterrhlre reuee tehltpoonvorrnnred mun IletIeleIntIve Hum teemtelemreh Interwo rl1lre1thhlllllhltla in one It It In It In Itrly ll IIIIII rleyrlettennmmmhlntlmh hetetenthrmlmtthrntltemrle thelOIhntertNohewhtermyIvtrylrtwtvy Wthtlne mom arrertrtetyrtlleeel oreM Richmond Hltllo IOAIMIIANIAIMIMWKIW we ottLvLItnIIvItocrnnterentetoto ertnlermllellrtlvwn tehleer one new Whitlukmvwe ottomanremote GeorgianCcllego nth uehu rand when unemfhtuh llhlmu Ill99 MOIIIMNIIOIAOI retrenqu orttrnvsrltvs momentum mmmwmm ornyrrmrrorsurif gtllAlUtltIIlIIIth LABOR RELATIONS FOR PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS ter Itehloe one eelt 1th menoeedlum Ilu lrmrte ll tree pepper temel hellnn potetoer llntr ehltltrn Iltlrt Ilde down In run end Iet hlldt llrIt torn ell In elghtlneh try pen Add enltn celery red green mm reek untll vereln lee Ire In er ehout to mln otter Add remelnlnl Ingrndl rnlr extent notntoee elmnter over low heel re mlnuteI true llxmlnelt heklne dlth wltlr hAIdnAmhetddhott re the In oldenHewett ovcpr II We Iltlt Iellt holte at tot de Ilre object ol thlr mum II to glve In underttendlnn ol the roqulremonle mummy end preecdurcr torttllcntlon ltnowlodte cl Inhor relntlenr prlnelpler end how to develop better ltlror rolotlonr wllhln the plant Any lntereelod hereon Ir welcome ellhor lmrn Lnbor or llennnemtnt STARTING OATlx Noth Id 1978 7150 1000 pm to weekly reeelottr No00 leortlen College Extenelen Sorvleerv Ilolldlnt Ill Boll Form ltd Bnrrle my not thORMATlONHANO Innurnenou TelephenI Widthl9 or In themellllhlhgglg nu lxtemlon ruvtm Dlvleltn no Dell Perm em PM cuterninth ottotuo mmtn term moot wmvooe routine uh are new VII eettetvyl OII meet elm Repeltote Wt DlnnerPlale WA mmRTeRlll$3Rthm It LOCATION YOUNGS GA FOODLINIR renouo MARKIT SONAR IIOA nomonv tun utreeeernn entrants roe rooouwtn II MM no JCT 07 IIIFIN ET

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