5Ziindiidents WWW OlIAIA lCPl he lien are ii FE its Ear as E95 ii is gi Biography Mentions Romance Betweenllultelind Wife 0th MNDON llietslerl The Stde Teie newwiper Dale of Window who died last myumqm uald month to Paris had ittycac sora In member of the relationship Iith married Prince othIes urolsia worrisobcoreheasctsterIt whenhernethirtliard III Simpson who on to become lie saw her every day hislieltwss lcsroet Sunday he on in Modern Iodide digd Jluelirlcod mi bar mrv moraine the is to WI he lore am so ohm notionoi coded to wit to my him my my test he said when hire Ward Dom hi1 any told by St tamess Psicu mile LL59 ythIttheywouIdootcoaaccthrru we telcphocre ratio to the prince yl politi us never loota to VIM Itli civa Tiers us no ovation ol sunpitm up lhlgen mmmni Ma new Canadians llceited sills there whom any matron of ship ecrtilchles la the tint ort min of June honour to rat rat The revelation oi the Dukes number of citlseoshlp papersig relationship with the wood sued this rest to Sadhury conv comes in new biomphy oi red to it tor thesame period the me help carried it The ms if is is gar srntosv It Ii dean MacDonald II at St caries drowned In Lake Nip usti ditto ye scheduled to die It the not at this year hit Turner made no mention at the tax cut when he prrsualcd his hudaet in the Distortions May hit Kittens wIs ensuring questions shoot remarks he made in the commons tinting roveronseol Ind corporate his rcsrrcrste Ind reiterating thIi the hudm should hers Nit tallied psrsooaltneomat cute MTUIDAY oi armament oilhedeIthainthetuUntt lztc mum eyhieee were killed or the nonridfr train our 0W spay do said cl by droosiay berets am drowned while swimming in iron In Tuesdays pri mm mth may OoIando DInoersts obese for Democratic nomination ii mideld Idd not In New York dlurte elitism Intro and drum HONG KONG striations Firms berries unconscious rercd Isslarxbe Ihlcb sIso inrlai girl covered with plaster dust smashed down on squatter Sunday frosts dcrmllshcil hut area At leul forty bod ltoog Kong epItimcrsl Iiulld les Icrn rccnvrrad thus for ttrstonll cotlape tAP Photo errata tell trailer and die cGovem Adds ore Delegated Average reading time minutes end 15 seconds lbstyourwlsislsy lmowledge Then testyoutwlsislcy LSciottochoareplnecdtlrc urtotwltislsymnlclng to taste woody In Truetj Poison mlfaltc mowing With biwditi Phi 15m inbihiimii of our blend every whisky has to reach its his billiard 0111 particular avors peak rst Even if it en es in CC tolecarstoreac it and knowhow to select the ri ht Whm to balance the blend and to ac ievc the exact tsstcevery time in fact we consider this role so important that our blcnders are the men in charge Not only do they blend to our mastcr blendcrs precise specifications but cvcry batch must be tested and approved our blendcrs before single bottle is lled what weve blended doesnt quite measure up to their standards the master blender can stop production Which hes been known tq do Granted thats lot oi faith to put its one man But we believe that he knows more about thc making of Canadian whisky than any man alive 3lltemoro you diatlllwltlslcy the richer It becomes Tract Folscttt denite no Many whiskies of different charactersdry mellow heavy medium smooth and lightgo into the nal blood The richer oncs amo them just wont be rich if they go lhmttg the still more than once And the lighter oncs simply dont im prove in avour if they go through more than twice The real secret of distilling is its the iudgmrnt and skill of the man who runs the still And it he cant get it right those first times through hcriust cant get it right riTltcoidcrtltewlslsioitltc betterilrc whisky inset raiser Theres no magic age for whisky Sure it has to be at least few cars old but there is such thing as too old on sec the whisky you drink is really blend of many separate whiskicsTo get thcbcstilavourin the nished mduct each separate whisky must be at its avour peak No one age is perfect because each is isky has an optimum age which oi their t1 votas to mom ttepcesutatlvs Ihtrley Oslo helm of New York yet one vote and the other tit were some ohsasvsrs ssw Is war on for new with President the weekend to hab In connection it Islam mums delcrIles were chosen hic tor New support In our Goren won tour and nuns during the weekend at him mm my test oi thI Ltd delmle votes needed to win the nomlnstloa at the Democratic Nstioosl Coo yentlon to New York McGovern has attacked in advance soy Nixon re efiort in Vietnam ssyin tworrld be timed only to fit the residents domestic timetable esdsye is the ties Ines tlon delegates are Thirty roster wttibI pitted the tall weekend by the Deroocrstlc aats eotnnallo tee should McGovern yet too dai ewes here as expected he in will have more then this tor the Ittly contention and be on son or so sty from the no III litcttovem won dclenle sup port in lots slates Saturday Elderly Man faces Airs Nllvisr true of term each received one At the UtIh coovsntloo lic ttovern wnrr it at the is dale Isles votes The other eight were uncommitted frenchjo Start litieleatiosls WELLINGTON CPI mosh dVUIViontt Iuthnillas its Thhitl leid MI rise at Beach nuclear was taste will begin In the Pa at mid Islth tnighi spokesman for the New Zealsstd civil aviation depart ment said there was no lsttttl nation date on the notice which lo the tseth the Mururos atoll son miles north of the Cook islandswill continue until tur lhcr notice Shinto strong wrlrla rum ecp sty or Charge 0i Murder ares However the yacht Green htJND mush Ont CPI pm in anyone by to Provincial police have charged Greenpeace Pdetion in hiIrrcit Allied Invesque oi oi NOV has said it will sell into ntsriry Serpent River with our the srca to protest the much ital murder to thadcollt ola testing yhhor hureie Proulx as ma location oi the mm was Police said tit Prouix died oi not known Silhdi hut in Can Iigooshot wound sorttctisira be berrs the Austr sir lorelnr el twm ll pm Friday and tstri department reported Sutt Im Saturday day Prsoca will make every eI ttttnd litter is as thies csst ol tort to prevent the yacht from haul Ste biotic entering the scar depends on what went into it period of ripeness if you will Before which its not quite smooth enough and after which it tends bitter To say that sit the Mite smollertlre distillery the more oostsiatenttlie taste isttcCt lolset Curiously false To achieve the same con sistent taste in every blend master blender needs wide range ofiridividual avours One distillery it seems just docsntprovidc enough variables And Variablesin ocal water in climate and in the effects these have in every step of whiskymakinghclp provide the avour difference in individual whiskics Vitlr ddistillenes across Canada we have the flexi bility to roduce this wide range olindividual llavours henweshipthcseblendingwhiskies back and forth between our distillerres so that cvcry nal blend is identical True it costs us money other distillcrs dont spend But we feel its money well spent for the consistent taste it gives to you At last whisk ad that answers some questions An Id at tells you something be bad smooth and old and mellow and the other dice words pcoplc use to dtscribc their whisky Answer the questions below and sec iust howmuch you know about whisky Becausc the more know thc morc youll appreciate the best ch is what we honestly and rmly believe our whisky is And once youve taken the test were sure youll ogrcc The Park Plaza The Royal Ontario Museum The Mciaughlirr Planetarium bAVltlsicyisntnslcsvsu lime to acquire Thuet Folsom It all depends on you and the whisky Your little of your whisky as on would liqueur Note the aroma and ow Ion it lingers Sip slowly and savour the taste dd water soda or ginger ale if you like because it shouldnt be able to mask the avour Now try Seagrsms v0 Notice the difference sts because v0 is balanced blend of as many as 120 rvhiskics If it wcrent carefully balanced it wouldnt be blend at all but miss And with what you now know about ism whisky mix is not nearly good enough in for you is it Canadian whisky is rye whisky Titian Poison Well by definition yes Rye whisky Canadian whisky and Canadian rye whisky are one turd the same ltyc is grain thats always used but you lost cant make fine Csnadisn whisky rvrthout using others Rye is important sure but corn barley malt and other grains are very much involved The vsricty of grains has maior effect on the flavour of the whisky In fact we consider grains so important that weve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars breeding suitable varieties and working with Canadian farmers to ensure the nest ryuality forwhiskymaking Ileretlrconly disti let in Canada iv ogocs so far But we believe its worth it Shotildsttyoutwlsislcy be CatsadasFmesi Seagramsito Yours for the weekend Check into thelatl Plsu anytime fridsy Arid cheek out anytime Sunday In between like yids fsrstli lo the Royal Ontario Museum or the Mt ughilri shelsrirrrit With coor pllrrretrlsiy passes from the Perk Plaza Dr Saturday and Sundry mornings delicious conllnenlsl breakfast lor your entire fI mir Childrrhurrdet 12 are included Is long Is they share your Iccorsrtrtodellorr 11retotslpsicelncludingfree parking and sales tar Is Sublets to availability Reservations are rtrresssrywrlte or call estsari THE PARK PLAZA Torontos Preferred Notch hhtdclnCniiudtt andpmud ofll Ityouhmsnyothstoutgonssoeotwhrsty nIsssewrustoJoseohE eagrerttdr SonsLIianedVlletldoDnllnd mun llle