Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1972, p. 6

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ta rolsnusrnrtscortrmmcrnrtnntc the it other King of urorurtatunenmtm Columbus aieentrrtJaler national presided of tha Northera Reyna Toast min trees lulu their with deio gateg and officials alluding PEOPLE AND PLACES naeat supervisor ran the fmylilahfbrtlda total lrrlstoaf Bertie xplaiaa program region to FROM LEFT tire Reese of Columbus Ohio chairman ofoatrrio Cotras lilac hiss Roth Kitt urtharriedeieg acottncii Annual Presidents Ball At Country Club night gay yellow and white color scheme has been used in the decorating theme at tile annual Presidents Bale be held this evening at tlte Barrie lotrntry Clu Decorating conuniltee included hire Rod ldeson and hire Barbara Sntith club directors Guests will enter the main up lounge through lfl archway at the top of the re where they wll be welcomed by the rccclvln line Welcoming uests will be Club President EM ollllfe and Airs Jo fe First Vice resident Jim Walton and Airs Walton and Second viceprcsident ll Berti Snelgmve and hire Snelgrove the reception will he held from 615 to 715 pm followed by dinner liead table guests at the dinner will include hir and hire lee Jolilffe Air and Mrs James Walton Air and tire Snelgrove Dr and hire Bttsoe iierdy tie and hits Ralph Bowden Directors who will be attendtn with their wives and hire Morden and hire Go the and tin hchelirlck tit and Rita aunt hi and ten sun Cohen Dr Rod ldeson iandhirs director neat the Mr and hire farrtlly Dr and hits demo of Toronto htr and litre tlliflrn Whitehead lhomhlllt sit and truth tlngsvllle and lifts Alllletrtl and hir and Al high Clarke lhlllowdale Enlatahatng prior to the event rillbo ltr and hits Wallace Alta Ale Vancouver and tire Jerry William laae Cres ceni and hfr and hire Lea Jol lfil Wellington Street East mntrto come In the city toda to attend the mdim at hillll lrnnr Pudden Iu mer at Collier Street United Church Barrie mum mm are hits Keith lattmer and TEACHER HONORED rode Allen artd Paul Mr and Iilra Douglar liieinddcn hit and hire George Dunlop Air and Airs Perry llr andt ll Lalttner hits it Lnilnter all of Braden Mr and hire Pol irk and family ilr and hire lion Perry and hire Char lea Perry Waitreeburg Mr Cameron Pudden Jr Carselma The President at Kerr and tiles ents Kenora DistrictitrKlllmerwas ti on WEDDING luaart Ruth Gibbons daughv Strbud datrudry June at so tor of Air and hire Robert Paula Anglican Church lisy Olbboas Wooderoat Road as tea officiated recep changed vows with Andrew tlan was held at the Strotsd Paul Wilson son of Air and Community tlall tPhoto by lira ereall Wilson RR ca Cowper Studio luluMAW Among the oulofrlty guesta end lira Good St Thomas llaaala to attend the Intltlll Air and hire it iirlftltikl anld til lifeArthur Air and hire Fred shell and family tondon lit end Mrs Robert Dufi tilt and tire Cordon Puddcn so end awlltts tamily hir end lira Re It ald Pudden llr end htra Gordon rid Alias Brenda ronto htrs Vt Thompson end frrnl Air and tire Adair end son ralg of Ottawa Dr Dottelas Pudden and Dr Beverley Elitr otrWlllow dale tlr end hire Pudden St Pctcrshurs Florida htrand lira ll Pugdeguhurhlart hlr an nose as atchewanr Ted Puddea mm and tiles Chrrmaler Knot of Oshawa Air and hire Carl Several eniertainrnenta have been held in honor at htra Verv non Stewart of Codrlngton Street on her retirement from the teaching staff or Barrie Central Collegiate hire Steven who hu been on atalf for it yearr was head of the Cluster Drartmcnt Stud Council Sandra Kurtis pro mm Sberry King helium Air and rented hire Stewart with an co graved rervlng tray on behalf of students Mrs Stewarts Grrda ti Latin clan students held surprise evening party at the school when they presented the guest of hon or with charm bracelet wine end cheese part was held at thrhomrnihfr hire Brien Korey on Varden Crerccat tor mcmbcsr of teaching stall and friends of llrsxSteerl Ap ostmately to guests were pm sent hilsr Ifelen Spends Belated the hostess hillo Nency Smith and idles htary Ware were cohoriesrer at an informal arty held at htiaa Smiths retl ace on Vine Crew cent Womeanembera of the teaching staff were among the guerta prrrenlatloa was made to tire Stewart at the schools rlali party held at the Canadian Le St Vin crniSlrect Appror en on was also made to Air Fisherwho re ceived polnilugol hit home on Sunnldale Road done by tifrr htargaret Child of Barrie GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY tlr end ttrr Frank Rornphf will be at home to friends end neighbors tth attrrnoon from to oclock on the occasion of their unit wedding annlver aary The celebration will be held at their residence on Tit Dun lnp Street Wert Wm ANNIVERSARY hfr and hire Courts of were honored on the occlslon oi their Seth wedding anniversary by members of the Senior Cttirens Friendship eluh Songs song during the singtong were selected to contain senti ments rpproprlele to the oeear on The couple received standing ovation al the condo of the progrrm uhlle ment Thcy Are Joliy Good hire Cough out the first slice ol the anniversary cake which it said to bring good luck to tho Gough made Director Had Varied Career htr Klitmer was born on term in Lskcride Oxford Coun and is one oi to children Ila ndtd ntral acttooi at Rantng tort West recorder school at Embro and Sirrtfor School from mild ZS ills teething experience been verlod Following or thing chooltfrom primer grade to grade it at Walkers north at lngrrroit Moving in Harrington West he was ap ted principal of two choolheutc teaching here he remrlav ad for four ye ACCEPTS POSITON Accepting position in the principal ot tourroom school at fudroo teaching grader to it for four years its then moved on to Windsor far to years where he taught at its ley School llerry itu Schoo and John Camp ll rchool The latter he worked In special education Sixteen ratto he ioincd the stall at Canrdian Forces Barn Borden end served as prin clpai oi Barker Public School for seven years then moved to Al rarndcr Dunn School tor four years or supervising print al of hree elementary schools the army area The past five years Mr Kit lmsr has been director of ad ucallon at the base ILEEPING BIRD The only bird to hibernate la the uhlppoorwtti be presented by atudrntr from tbedtudloe of Muriel keeper ARCt ORIIT and Eileen Bor derra tide Diplomat on Strider ahernoon at too pm This pedo ltcllr invited to attend the reci at Ihtckworih Street to its first building on the campus JEANS DUPLICATE BRIDOE tll aloa eld at Barker Public School Canadian Forces Base Borden During the pest five years hir lilttmsr has tcrved rs DIrcciorof Education rt Base Borden Edgar Introduced hliat hlarlrn Gilchrist who presented lira Ktltmer with bouquet of red Im hail of the Board of Education and presented plaque to hit ltltimer in appreciation for lob well done during his term of al flce Sgt Der ilurbaad pretent ed the guest of honor with certificate ol merit on behalf of personnel residing in married quarterr of Education stated in hit ads dma that ltr liiitmer was an utttrllhdltlg teacher and Islrrtor dedicated his Work LI DEDICATION it Terry referred to tho fact that its four sons rod one dru be prestige Sgt in cgigi EA ea ANADA peg international third rice ntesrupilona but rlay unruffied mm mm mm at you draft through the soda activities Ample Oct Nov Till You lend to be more directand in which be told memo forechd than certain la find em bad hrmtghl his wits an undeniable have bride to st camberlrnd Street abut the couple have spears all can their wedded WNDAY RECITAL Sunder activities to others when yotr lit Mutter Nor twee If Ask Rttle presume less and ace what you can do to expand and hriiiil you owa potentials and expectations in quiet social atmosphere pelican Dee New ill Rive the world and ynmelf break today make personal vatatioo of it once youre done what you promised or feel you must do Aouarltta tJars Mcb illl Prcoerupatloo with mental hob piano and violin recite will Georgian College Air and hire Ray Schalrr were rst place winners at Wed aesdry meeting of Jeans Dupll crta Bridge Club hir and hire Walter Smith were second place winners end hire Leah Bailey and Mrs Shirley hleCrone and tits Zita Byron and Airs Shir ley tateklr were tied for third place atudy let other follow their own paths Placee thb llhlarrk Edit Personal plans encounter rtrange mum of circum stances may have to be left over for another limoor chanted little Reception Honors Education DirectoI ri tut non hIeNellt Clark htrs Jean Jackaon htr and hire Alec Arthu lilr and Airs lvan Dow liner hlr nd hi Gun Mclnty to Air and hits on liirr histsdr hircrll hllkc hlilendeat hirs Evelyn Smith itrt Daisy Edie iilrs Audrey llalf yard hits hiurlel flicking tfrs hiurtcl Stevens Air and tire ll Tolcitard hits Owen St John hits Elsie ileDon eld hire Jagnellne hicLachlin Air and tire John Cllldtli hire Coursey tlr end hire hi Hervey lfittnter cala onor at rrcep Matter of ceremonies Bruce Col Bohna spoke on be Rt lead lifts Kaye hiachod Wont tit and hits it its tilts Linda Itittmrrtcly ltlr nd hfrr Lightloot hit and hits Fred Buckiand McGowan Fred Collins hit and hire John hieLachlin Dart ngford OutoIlown guests were from Angus burn Guthr Cookttnwtt Is rastagua Toron Colgan tire George Gleason of the Dch the Deputy Bare Commandant Col rldgr Ilr ter bad the privilege oi atudya under title distinguished and dtcA icatcd man who has taught It Ease Borden for to years Col Terry presented hfr Kill mer with retail from the De partment at National Defence Ottawa hire Olive lilndle teacher on stall at Barker School read room which the had composed appreciation of Air itillmsrr etforir during the years and ex prcrsed the feellnrs of friends and colleagues She presented Air Klllmcr with watch and an electrte bandtrw on behalf of glllf members Principals oi Barker and Al exander Schools Schmidt and Air hielcrlia presented pori ralir or Air Kiitmerwhn was thr first school director of Base Bor den They will he hung in the prntiously mentioned schools PIIIEBAXINTS RIEBUME agpees at prerlettlt Mr Itlttnter thanked all those percent for their good wishes and Ar end went on to givr to some or his years experiences while teaching in Bass Borden Ilonotrd he hrd sttJo rd his work slid the fellowship three in All rphm of activity The Onward Unit of Barrlar Collier Street United Church Wo mcnarranged and supplied the refreshments for the reception hlr nd ilrs Nlltmcr have been five members of the church lie residing in Battle litre hchrchlln was in charge of the guest book tlambera of the tamlly who were uent for the occasion were tcoupiaa dru hter ifei era and soar Bill Lyle and their iamlliet htr Kltlmere three sisters and four brotth were also among the merit BARRIE GUESTS Altendiagmfrom ilerlra were hire Vaug Quinton hire Gould hlr Part and hire Bruce liar tort Lisle Rattler Lakeside ford Thornton New Low Whitby Strand arampton ner Crecmore and 0a North Day Mr and hits ltiltmer are in the process at building new hottta In Embro and will take up residence thcrr in August LEGAL ABORTION The number at legal abortions in Norway in tort was trot ANNOUNCEMENT MARCELL HUARO The House of Bellini proudly announces the ad dltlon oi Ilarcclt to their risff at the Beyfieid IiIsli 726462l great diifl rivedtnr they with the giving the odd be word noonatrta autos Then at to oclock lhe irrasl door belt rangend there Itiiod beioreiwasouoftheromtbey had consumed the lot intend some more borer eras at ten horde totttmately stashed war and hurriedly opened nuts doesnt go ateoiy said or heavens rate is there any more lemonade la the tractor The yotmg man in charge at the only asked about the truck road that rtlll ran along the hack of the honor whilst the bidding to going on it tvmtld be much simpler to take lite truck round package at courier rotorrite ton them atalra it was pitch dark round there but he was sure he eottld manage and all tevrn trooped out and began to manoeuvre the truck to the bed At tint everything it The engagement has been art trounced oi htlsa Sylvia Anna Rattle daughter hlrr Ger ald Rattle oi Guthrie and the late Air Rattle to John And rew Turabull son of Dr and tits Rots Turnhuil of Battle The marriage It to take plate at ttuihrla Presbyterian Church July at prn Ilrvera Stu dio Photo LIVE LOBSTERS Araltallr New at BARRIE sermons RESTAURANT Opes tt Seldry to Prtdayiitrlln CIDSED DION MAIN FACTOR It liked li Avrllablltly of light is main factor controlling the survival of many species at trees FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday To Thursday POT ROAST OF BEEF with natural aouee on GLAZED RAM with Spanish tauee Complete Meal 185 Children trader l2 $20 Complete meal includes Dessert and Beverage Meanwhile was trying to look alter the two ruests upelelra and feed them something at well as all few consecutive tealencea lwunsltnliig up and down the hire manibon more and at the unto time trying to keep lookout for the tow Luek Then lied to aitdovtarlrirr and talk to the youngsters for few minutes so that It dldn look as Afr Coadltiaaed natotully true cheap lb merriera all My asked for before they E55 is ITEM One of the kids came from the stud region in feet Ibirh wcrr hart thicth tuud naturally lie picked shoes and was about Input on Are you going to put feel inside those sitter rd or come he said he did The Following Businesses are OPEN Fatbcfs Dar Metal LOBSTER DINNER $499 Also available at are takeout service BARBIE SEAFOOBS RESTAURANT Air Conditioned ll to St Suede Fri II in It Oosed Monday It Bradford St SAW sworntns onuo MART PRESCRIPTI NS utter am ta is event sonnet ll AM to PM its Wellington treats FREDS FLOWERS ttlgkwey it at Stroll tithe aat to its not FLOWERS FOR All rtzzr otttottr title are hi all lei tll lam

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