Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1972, p. 3

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at it oi For teeptbedsshnuuth Dr Pall Delis tell presi Moltheberrieltotarycllh euquth vnu Taylor Ityeerrremboilwary wss made an honor ineran ot the hassle Clo ieuredIy ltr ieytee wss the Here you heard the one shoot lhe Barrie boy who is involved in air met The nee was known then as tho it Air Dash hut MM chere sloog the line it wss do layed Iod never slid tIhI place The plans remained tiled away diner Bernie Resident In 1927Style no do with the ship it dilhrulties arise Sir Sins ssid be Ieels the to Ltslntswillbebuoebedtorthe tlrsttsrr dsnbthlben it will beev until last year when they were uncovered and someone decid edtoholdltthisyearonlyeh yesrs later Asitstandsnewthere are oioe entries in tberace inchid log lormer Barrie resident Berry Stirs The son ot htr and tire It Sisn no Etose St Kerry It led nsrtgstor ilsrry Teewe will 190 Fleet can not stool route trons iieilerilte to Vancouver The race rtsrts June 25 The route ol the dash along with such restrictions Is no war igational equipment except compass and so thin except ter In emergency mandatorv inc all competitors In order to entics possible tee users entries wtliis maximum at see miles per er sad the race will probably be as wild Is the original would have been The entiteI could be landlnt Inl where store race rules demand tbst terms rnste every etlert to land on open fields and uncoo trolled strips lust es they would have in me scaring north will be used based on an honor system with Fire points It the turn lands in so open iieid three tor so abandoned airstrip two tor grsss strip with no iscilittes one tor fuss with Isc titties and minus Ive tor landing It paved and controlled strip The nor will tsk eight than tor htnueit The me It begellmsxed by wild last dash trolls Alberta to the soul The men have asked tor surn bee It as an entry numoer Aerv onsuticslly speating it stands tor In sbhreriIIed no degrees which is West at the compass and the direction pertlctpsnls will be tILlog They will be keeping individust logs Is they are planning to write story Inc lLving mags KERRY SIM lth rare dsys The tour will take htrSim and air Toewstlnt Into hitch Iran and then Irons the lo ago area on line to lethbridge over the sootheso mountains and to the itnisls In Vancouver Well be living In the moro tng In much as possible in order to avoid common siterooon headwiods which will hurt our travelling ttrnc llr St me said likely meet it all the mi other pilots will do the sine Competitors pick no gas wherever they can tind it and we ourselves are thinking olgiol lowing the Trans Cansdn high way Is visual guideline The plane rnusi 11y very low to keep track ot navigation Neith er men will be wesnng pare chute and say theyll go down Planners Nani CulDeSac On Letitia West Oi Iinne City ironing board has rec omme ed cutdessc on Leti tia Street west oi Anne Street to prevent brittle rum beeoriv tng too heavily travelled once the plan tor residential district sis ls implemented The cuidesse will be almost 1200 ieet to the west oi Ann Street Alternate routes to con nect tho trsttie trorn Anne and Ietitia streets to collector route to the west have been sug gested st Intervals on teet and eat teet to the east oi the cut desac The ares ot lictitis Street west at the cuidesae will be eonsee ted to Anne Street through Inl other route to the northeast oi the min cum reector route to another area nl residenttsl district six the planning board decided to move west oi the collector route shgrhtly to the cost so that Ill 15 Icres do not all entirely Into the tends own ed by single developer The col lecter route will now smrt ot the pnrk betoro swi to asL tb changes will be written in to tinII dralt oi the district which will then here to be so proved by the pisnnsng board The planning board was told the city has not yet run into any problems with culdesars al though the engineering depart ment may be concerned when it comes to snowpluwlng Regional library Service Supplies Eight mm Film ly rimY ItAiilhillu Tbs Geotglan Bay Regioin Library Service has past deposit ed wtlhus aselectionotlinm tiinis tor you to use on your borne protector Who esn resist seeing such old lsvorites ss Laurel and itsrdy IV elds charlie Chaplin end even Rudolph Vateotiool icr OIIDI and old sntmai tit les inc ude Aliicsu Big Game Tue Collie and Small Animals ot the Forest For the ennchsir traveller there is Stockholm Flight to amps Ind Italy Nap les end Pompeii Sport isos will enon Dempsey vs Thinny or Nrs scours lllghltgbts irei Gemini 51 Apollo 11 and Amar tns Adventures ot Ge will also true wide appeal Your re lsr library member shtpcedeIslitbettsreulilred rlo garage boolInII Itll in and choose selection ot up to live tttnu which you may hep tor three days We would like to espressour appreciation to the people who attended the criew ot Ind titled in questionsulrs Your comments were most help lnl and we ere purchasing two ot the ttims shown Evolution and Coldrodrlers Fm tiim showing lloodsy in the library hall at 130 pm Lau rel snd itsrdy Vsy out west everon welcome It you would like to him what member ship in the hint department would meanto you come out Ind sea the sort oi ittrn that you one borrow to show to your lsroily sod dents in your TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TJIIIt use when they return to ltsrrv too where they work btr Strn an htr Toews are air control ers It Sutton Field in Ksrntoops Etudes tor the vets also to elude DeilIvlllsnd Pun lunLh momptsne datingtn oreWorld Wes Iro times two Piper Gibb Druina Tlsrbuleut home built onesester Isiscorrrbe lletst twou and champion Pro which Is tied writer its Sins and Ir Toew say their chances oi winning an en rellent since they know the Rockly Mountain area well They Ire only entry irom western Csnsds lilr parents plan to be In Beiievrile to see him oil on the SANmiIo dash being tissues by an IriIv tax Subdivision Gains Dralt Iipproval at mused has drslt approv ed proposed plan at snbdlvl sios toe the area between Ferris lane and undies Road rest ot Baytieid Street The plan In preprrrd by hlIr olul Hadiin and htunaghan Ltrnited tor Stoiisr Ousslruc lilo The drsit approin carries three conditions that paved Ind toned walkwa he construe led our the easement between Cnilete theseeht and Onsdid Road to use travel to hurdles Heights School that wellswa betw rs iterdsng Avenue and Collette Crescent be llcmslde rd and that the iodine uIWsll Court be 73 teet in accordance with city standards to use some removsl Board Purchases Two New Buses Two ooomenger buses will be purchased from Skinner invited It cost oi $2018 IoIA lowing the acceptance at the tern dcr Wednesday night by Slm eoe minty board at Education rarer cnmllIniestrlxleled on the buses The Skinner tender sees the lowest and was the price Iticr tradeIa sod hichrding Inlet The 1911 budget allowed noly more tor thI purchase there ten the Idditional IN will ensue Irorn the contingency pro vision tor secondary schools The senior reason tor the in crease In cost is the recent srvv emdrnents in legislation requir ing more sater equipment be built into school buses Food Prices Drop In Toronto But Housing Clothing Higher OTTAWA CPI Shoppers tound significantly lower Iood prices in Toronto and Ottawa inst rnontb Ststislics Canada reported Frldey but higher clothing prices and higher rents preinied generally across Canada These trends were reported in the statistics bureaus monthly report on consumer pricein dem in the it principal cities and city combinations repre sentiag prorioeisl Interests across the country Food prices declined Ll per cent in Toronto and 11 per cent in Ottawa The tndts covering rent and household operation rose in all cities hutuebec Montreal Ottawa lVinrupeg end Saskatoon and Regina Statistics Canada also Ire ported Friday tbst using vinni peg as basis tor comparison cities east ot the Ottawa valley have substantially higher costs oi home heating Ind electricity services The latest expensive homeheating city wss thr iottctuwo PE where in Feb ruary this ye tbe price Illch covering loci and electricity was 67 per cent higher thn in Winnipeg memmWthw CooITodayNanner0nSunday Ovemighi Low Near It Degrees Alter reasonably cool Solon day be weaber will warm Iai to worsen The weather oitice is calling toi temperatures today in the high on incrrulssl to the mid ios Sodas Low overnight near to do Synopsis Dry sunny weather still somewhat on the root side is torecsst tor Ontario today Is large area oi high pressure drills eastward new the province Sunday will be gcocrsiiy sunny and warmer In all regions Is the mercuy rises to the high lie in many corn munitles Along the windward um shores ot the Great lakes bow evcr maximum temperatures will not exceed Til degrees Toronto Sunny today and Sunday ltigb today near to tow tonight near to High Sun dsy near re lilgh EM liigh Tedn Tonight Sun is 75 75 75 TS in TO TO Th Th 70 TO 70 Windsor Semis SI Thomes London Kitchener blount Forest tilingbsin Owen Sound hluskoha itsmiiton St Catharines Toronto Trenton asagaaaazssa 2833333333335 lher forecast brought to you daily by MICHELINX STEEL BELTED RAD SPECIAL Kelly Sgrtlgtlrld Iti er wtdea Series Super Raised llbtte letters IAL GIO it OR lSSETOIAOIT it OR IS JR EACH Series Super Chargtf Git It OR iS Mt SAC Polytord Rudy Ind themes Neill att II NOW with your erdrr PARKIAND TIRE ltdmil Mulesster St mmnwmmvmrmmmm mums AT warnIrI school Patnswirk pertormed ilsthims Tbs ltatd Front Killerrley in lull dress re hearsal hiday in preparation nuns Lm Shelley ltorn etie iiientdl Laura Broiey lumt and Tina Ses ino Ith Prince mast tor ticodsy stars opening bosons Kathleen Debbie Phdnl cmy rvgws Warnica Pupils Till BARR MESH StlUTLDAT ILNE l1 1m Business Looks To Future Buys Property Concern tor nisioisiers and the sure at uncertainty which no rounds the possible cstensinn or rerouting ot htesbore drive has caused one Ailsndsle mer chant in look to the iulure and purchase land tor possible so tell outlet Bdwsrd Norman owner and manager ol Aitnndnie ltsrdwsrs sisi nsrnilurc was notied to day by the lnnisili Township Council that It had Ipmeedhls otter to purchase about tour acres ot land on llinrts Point Road lust oti Highway ll ginning at In exodus lrorn Aliss dlle hlr Normln ssid yester day it merely represents one company tooling to the tutors to HILLCIIEST HRS TOP SCHOOL SIIFIIIYP ltilicrcst school Saicty Pct roi received the Colonel Lee trophy marking their selection Inlhnisiil Insure Lbat its customers have easy access to its store lte said the rerouting LakeL shore Drive coupled with the planned Barrie bypass could at tnr his business only say could he ssid it may happen that it both roads are built or changed we may hsve an even greater lntius oi trnltie sod customers We wonth able to tell until it setu sily hsppens but were tryin to some alternative it its gs snr out dittercnlly Sir orimn said the land was purchased tor some an acre All no can do now is wait and see what hoppcns he said thrn some oi the questions It cleared up well how what were going to do Is best patrol ot the year at Wednesday nights annual words dinner Captain Sheree Board 0i Eudcation Announces Five Senior Stall Appointments The Stmcoe County Board oi Education Wednesday nipht en nounced tiv ppo meals to po sistions oi spon iiity hirs hilt rrutb and Charles ilsrste have been named spec Board Backs Insurance Survey The Sirncoe Comty Board oi Education has approved con tribution oi Slit to the Ontario School inisteos Council to do irsy the cost ot school lire insurance army The survey willprond In an ILysis ot the premium latter with the primary oblectlve to present strong case on beth ot all Ontario stth beam to Lbs to nurture Underwriters Associs tlon Thls Tuesday vening It II Channel TV EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARY SER VICES BUT DIDNT IOTIIER TO ASK oneotlprogrsms Product by Senior English elalrots irons lisstvlew Second Iry School inl education consultants and Ray Chencry has been named special education coordinator litr Chenery will be responsible tor coordinating interest spec iai servtres pr ding based with external sgcnries and co ordinating Inser training programs In special education Gordon htytcbrecst presently with the LImbton County Board Presenting Play rtiivaIl students It WIrnlrI school In Pslnswirk Ire ending this school year in slightly dit ierent way The Intent Ire stsgsng Deal Dog Mascot Ilt School For Deal EMILE It The Ontario School tor the but has mmt Alice mnemootheid Newtouod land water dog Ai he gilt oI author Fsriey ltonst is deal too in presenting the dog to the school ir liowat ssid Alice apparently lost her hearing Irom an lntection Because ot her intelligeniw in toiiowing signals and tak ing cues trom other tamiiy dogs hrr handicap was not noticed until month Igo Sarnn lronl row centre boldsi the plaque which will Itinllli the school tor the yeer sith ed transportation coordinator tor the county There were at appli cations ior the position llr hlyichrcest holds similar posh lion in Snrnis James Deilelr principal ot Raywood lic school has been named princile oi Eymes Aren ue public school Sterner oi Edticstlon has been appoint SERVICE CHARGE FREE CHEOUING plus Welo interest savrgsutbar as DUNLOP in 757 tlrnsbrrr CInsdI Deposit Ins Ceryerettea IITIIOL Kathleen The llaid Prom roey toe parents Ind trioads and money received trons small admission charge will go 1W siciciisna and dilth mas ne Adair both teachers at the school is the isle til making contest at the illiteracy Fair with the first prise being dance with son prince The contest creates mute stir in the inns and all the reliable young girls In trying to oiddo each other to win the dent with the prince As always there are compliae limits The prince has clreatlyv iound the girl he wants to marry but sorsseone steals the lace sill hes crocheted choir will sing along es the play develnpa The play will be performed next Monday and Tilesday Iver ing at It the Warolca school auditorium strollers Ire Gary Lttrber lelt and Richard Boswell principal Esamm er Pboini EMERGENCY AiribntIncI Service Mil maul PROCIAIIIATION SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK Mayor Cooke by virtue of resolution or the Council oi the Corporation at the City ot Barrio do hereby rociairn the week June is to 24 l972 Is SENIO CITIZENS WEEK in the City ot Bar rie this period oi time would request that all citizens recognize the mntribution made byour senior citizens to the past and the role they will play in the tutors COOKE Mayor

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