Sureto Gain Bire rr YoupDropALine In The Wcint Ads 728241 SMART roots EVERYWHERE READrHIs PAGE FOR vuurs THE HOME orncr AND on THE FARM DIAL noun roo IHE cussrnro DrerrMuu 1le more an null murmur arm Ins Dr Jim mm nonem eon lel em STATE mnmmma UNITED TRUST menu rumouran memostourism aqmuosusmrnuum mommmnnss andleme usthoullihhil bland sum so lovely ant would posed rtrlmv uulrn mu touttn KIM esomrr eon sou Phase II Georgian Estates Barrie NU IMHO III WNW lust mucus Downtown mmrrisl bull in with man RIM Mil tssslness am two bedroom mum lam extras Indus It the warm lol pm ot woo Easy terms at am Dlrts 0W ANXIDLS this lpaciou atoll burn it bested lust Isoonda trons ttlr ris and testrnrs lane two am Warped lot Must be seen to be lpprldlted Clll sun Davie anytime DEAF AMIWODATION Donnn two bedroom boost is or eonsosrrrlsl losing in reliant Iot moon ruII prim Call Steve Dlrll lot Resist VACANT LAND OPPORTUNITIES Dm bulldlnl lot 1W ms to our land scion Allin only two 40 lm tensed putan nth beautthrl trout stream only ii EE ENTERING ommsotdzwonwrm rssllentzaliooltlonwttblnnllu lottblmurrlumpdx is summon FARM swomwmmmnmm NIMlomm dsllssltad mlloutim tor lttl $123 All price lklllmon TIM DEMON BRIOI IIUNGAIDW tntd In Told lrrl oI Barrie do lo Storm Cullen slop DIM Ills rolle Bill lborw ram NEW ANGEL NONE BRICK BUNGALDII mmmmunmnotwtulwmlptm bsthllollrwoodhtmhl1hmlartltlonlorrocroun with lrlllml Ilun lot to 1155 vltl View 1W GRIN Milll MR1 Io BIrrIe Bil Ilockk 318 DOWN ROME NEAR BARRIE Iltlll monthly macroT lrlerrst and tam three bedroom on slow limo All price New tuned sir Moore piece bath SooUess condition lhroudWl it no lroed lot ll 51$th DEMON BITDi DUNGAIDW Outskirtsotlllrrie ImIotIWXlWJlIllebmmt hardwood Iioors carport qutm ltll nsonl borne moot Ml prirr hank Ilooey mom REAL ESTATE BROKER 34 BEDROOM DETACHED HOMES WITH SINGLE CAR GARAGE Irom $23995 to $26995 an In all Call BI Db oil or lntorsrsltlon WINEth SITE mild otlkl Toniion villi erIorD Ins en upstairs olud 93mm 89 DayrreIdnoom mm HILL WES room AUDREY GALLAhT ml DOBSAUNDERS moss Iunumor Drum Lovely newer bttlrooln home nelr ath slulolusrrha Lorre kilrhrn has lots DI napholrrlt Bloldlootll lulu room dining room layer and hulls Family room hll lurze min lull halhlwntl Wulkout to run Attached ed home city monulromtn ydsturesuus Ivunlry leltlnx double lingo muse mum Lor rotm to highways rumour III 23 Priced to all ll mm with low down pennant DUPLEX In llrtory srrl showing excellent awndrop rellml condition NONSIOWN VILLAGE Illicit bungalow with studied Ii rlr mgr Very ciran and spacious Flutric hrsI post last yelr no years all lovely slew ol countryside Asking nelson with terms to suit your btslget IIANDIILANS DREAM Sunqu rottsgrfon nlrely lroed lot New well and septic system Close to Barrie poly $1500 TIDYI BEDROOM bungalow on ads ol ltvnllrd blsemeot has rte room and dear Double rsrsre sud psrrd drive Mmtnz pool with priIsey tonne Drondloom throumul Sgltool end in Cold busts rirht by the door Asking moo vntlr terms IIIG DAV POINT MAD bedroom home on burstimI corner treed Iot Every convenience Would mlle Ill MINI sth tor some om Allin $11 Jull IAIIIIOFHCI resoumsrr mm 1mm WWW1M SMALL ACREAGE ts rem wooded property wIllI As little as $2350 down to one NHA Mortgage 7difierent models to choose from all lots with underground wiring with out bedroom Imus WASAGA BEACH returns on and utzaflawm will mom to lament Cell John or list Roe or now 0RD STATION bedroom nelrls nan home block Irom ruler lnl township pert Call Norm shrunril st 7330 or raw ATTENTION INVESTMENT WNIANIFSa Double your money In at month noses at prime development land too It trorn city limits Cull Norm ShellsILL or Mary Rot at mom IuH VI Haber new John Tltll Roger Shelswell AIM Norms stairwell m8 Stevestia mu III II line TTlIS TI Sales Office open ll am to pm daily EXCLUSIVE AGENTS In Toronto phone 3645597 Ineameooneneoss minimumtrunnion Bnycneerorues Georgian Estates Barrie ltuilderl ol lino Itornu ln Toronto Barrie treslon Drongrrille and shellrurnr DIRECTIONS isks tlllhwsy too to the Blyliell Street interchange no louth ons hlork lo the lirst slsplldrt ll Grove Street turn left and tattoo Grove East arr prosimllrly lti miles to tho Bsymsl Stirs Oltlce Clifford cnoutnu COLTD GOODHEAD REALTOR 7235092 TORONTO lot791i ltr LIKETRDNT Ms Mm Our one besuttrul estate pro le II LIIIIIIIo Collier sr Burris 7294401 Vs Anne sr Burris 72625I0 Dlrul Toronto Lino 3646625 oonurznnr INSURANCE unoerrtnr NEEDED om moo older bum in Barrie Put insrumtllle Wrounl home Mr own price My client he bslio Near everything rash or could sssums any ex mm mm lotlnl mortgage lusl phone GOOD IIOIITDAGE you ll under no obilrotlou to list or sell Phone ll IIIlllIIlorI msmmm btdroorn home with large the VICEu LUIS Intiy type kituhen lnd luii dry FULLEth bustrnont Kindly roll Evan hie Disrmld 72W CUNDLIJ ROAD DUNGALDW Our oi the linest homes In Dar rlt Clean newly decornlerl with msrLV extras Includes llrxl rrc room with brick lireplace and wet bar hedroomr In living room dining room Int en with ellinl eras Priced to sell lt moo Joan Glrrlrk WI lnohltlt alnlllry sowcrs snnrl ronnedions watermslm and connections Asphalt rurlazed road Open ditch storm dram sue Don Allln mm BEDROOMIll SNREV Alllndslo ares Remodellrd Nsodl little work Corner lot near Horticultural Pork ASITIIII only 919200 Stern Cnpos no It ron nunsu Iwueucn lbedroom bunnnloanveiylol WWW NINDW Fully Iurnlslred duel not per Maire nn otter on thenIn month lyenr loose First and general store indudIng post oli last monllu rent in advance in uontrltt Ideal as thirdly Steve Grim mm or brothers with IlVIttl quarters WI lmn Garnishmuts IuII Complete General Insurance Service FIRE AUro CASUALTY LIABILITYI Coll Joe Dlrrocolo 7260567 or 72mm mun Marlon Humsh tutor suns Mi rill will sun It INCH mm film AM Evan MeDlavrIIld To Advertise lisTiie Season LIMITED llelllor 57 Dunlop IV Harrie 7261681 HOW LONG SHOULD YOU THINK OVER REAL ESTATE DEAL Nut ono minute longer than It takes to or ALL the lotto you nml to male sound decision It Is unlorlunalo Win it trippem oil the time that nuny people dont know when to quit looking at homes lrvl stills down snd male dal It is became thoy couture prurient uriphinr ot the total mtnlill lnlurmrlion utth groundless emotional tear ot rushing choire It Is nIss counsel on ml estatel lrlnsouions to like lil tho IIIM you hood to INVESTIGATE seek out the srunen lo the thing tint irsre doubts In our mind Ind try to uncorer the things you Inll not hove lift ol Investigating property homily ls workco work hard or it Ilut every ronilors lIlea sre lull ol casts uhrre prospective bums spout ls much ls nook idly thinlinplhlnxs over uhlie they were really lryinz to work up enouth comm to my yes to house that was almost perltrl much tor their wants Meanwhile the house was sold to someone else Paul Getty currently rslod ls one ot the worlds ridrert men lintW told mono oi his executives Your decisions lro only as rood or your Inlormntion When you have all the tools art without delay To loll to do so Invites llilurr EINIE IEED ETEI BUIlELl PIICV rono SAMMY IENNAM ELDIID AME Mowm Wm IIM next was Iunwltt lottlt ml JAN KLWlTIIPMM lnll mm FINN NllI nulls mom mull KITS SMITH AL ROSE KEN MILLER GORP SPENCER IOI FLEWELLIND JOE GRVIAI MIKE lleIILD ION IDOL HAIVEV Wllll Mil TIMI amt noon 7282642 I115 Realtor Res mom III DUNLOI ST OPPOSITE ARENA lslbeI bloom mm out MLS humor mum 7280674 III BAITIELD 5T ENTIRE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LNMME AND RESIDENTIAL invest In Fast 6min Dsrrll BB COLLIER ST NEW HOMESMURRAY ST Only leftl bedroom irert split at $11500 and storey bedroom st mono Iesturrs include lull hrosdloomlnz Paris kitchens rushion floors in kit rhen tile bathroom plsu runny other extru witty construe lion throulbout W7 Iinsneinz Gail lor tletllls NEW WASAGA DEACII bedroom year round matron home on treed torner lot ldil rent to the beads It ynrs old Largo pidtl windows piece bath tulty Iurnislted Must be seen to be appreciated Call Itll Goodhtsd moonueucus shell year old bedroom split ent rmcl bungalow in minimum ol new homa Full basement with extra bedrooms us heat Itsttnl totsoo vrlh salient lInanolnl Olll Shirley stelnhotl tor details lull IMHO KLEIN Mill SHIRLEY STEINIIOFF 7397629 CUT GOODHEAD INDUSTRIAL WNMERCIAL INVESTMENT murmur IO OWEN 51 7266713 IOI VAILEV IRRIIT WAT EORBY ltesltor Apprllsers Dilan St mm its ursoge and buy ut lnd 2nd mWIlIlAI lllbet illnosll Norm Sloddut lion lm Greta Zillltl gt 11 TM mm ISM moss IM perty on llske Sim bed room home replace oil turn one double garage Boat and boat house AaRInl SIM ulth tIrIooo down Muriel Ferguson No Kit RUNOAIDW wrru EXTRA 111 $33500 1so holroolu burgh Ion living room dining room kitchen bathroom Double unr ale Ltrll olden area Elva Mills TIATill No III FRONTAGI ON MRII arm located about miles north oi Iluanvillr ltlcsi re treat or hunting rump Prirc moo RILI hints Mimi err ninp 115052 No 7N WAGE TIME and bedroom cottages on nine lots close to late Simone lurnhhed some with dis Only to rrilrs lrorn Metro with mo down From $650 Dorothy blbournt norm No loo Mullet Fasvson nlsm all Isorsrlr nlsool Doom toloovm uolslt Ed Gmn UNIT Am Sotnllr umlt who Fltullnnlln NWT DOUG omen mun rrrelr approximately miles Irons Barrie Aslunl 51mm with out down Bill Iurvis WI Dr No NI BUNGAWW WITH emu rm one tbedrooms Irvin room drum room kitchen piece bath our range beaulllul mulls Gm to adults tuIrehes and shoppinr Eva Mills more No 676 DIG CEDAR POINT Unu hundml loot lrvntsxs on Intro Simeon Lovely surruner home three brdrooms largo sunrooru elrdrie helt double garage tumlshod mow Tom nnd Dorothy Iltlslmrnlm use Nil INVESTMENT ACREAGE tum per acre too scro parcel rholre location beside Formosa Brewery south Dl Barrio Unli mited potential Tom nod Dori uu mumnus more lull WI mam lrusol mm mm IMHO Llliiln Inoem Elva Mills Ivor Fauna Evslrn Mztmn IIII lel Tom Flnslmmlnl WATERFRONT COTTAGE OPEN HOUSE Simeon Ilkelront overlooking intro and kinds lbrdrooms Sandy heath dock concrete broshwller ltrepisre boat host hrroiture and appliances Csit Yvonne Rowe mosh or may be porn on Mount Ave between Weslon and lo Innlsfrl Thy Open house Saturday and Sunday It moron to comes so BARRIE GIOLNAN AND CO LTD Tm JAY DECADE mm ORIESBACH Photo nus Entror Duuwe moon nusu WWI INACRFSINORO WI hm open bans sod errnent silo so lrrzs ol hardwood bush close to pared road Call RiII Ilillim 7267M or more EDGE OF CITY Four bedroom mutt two stony home on hall ncrr lot Buritin store out oIen etrrtrie health and nnsrhrd garage Coil lira orusmm mom wnrsnruumruus South oi Barrie Ctloiee sueI rounding Cali Mrs Griesblttgf MIMI ruu nouns Esmtlltt ranrlI Mouton three bedrooms nlrriy lunosherl lsnIlLy room and double garage For appointment telephone BRICK APARTMENT IIOL 0n NorttIContlins une Mild room sud two lhedroorn sport meuls In large lot with wotie tanks and two hot watth tanlts No repairs neeutu Ctl Dill Illlllpun 73751 or REDUCED 1900 Frame bungalow II II South on bus route large lot with garden Call Dill Iiillllan norm or WWII run RENT Mllco space two rooms on first floor on Bradlord strut Plrkln ares all Bill Milli must or moon ment on Illetrwsy 11 no bus route Coll Bill most or Illloll T300 DOWN cannot but rum run In moron lull nlol moon to tea TOW an am tnelntl sun am tho