Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1972, p. 10

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ggzrl is turnofslmo County lum rtIhdloI rt ad ha bottle tor In the IoIdenhtp no Bram Iloed the nu Illnelllht tor out work throthIttlotlwlnovertho Mlhllorlllllillllhlnl IoeI tor the dreading chm lou ltll our 1m Gown Ind MI lluIIuIlIo Ihmd tho Gum ottehloy hot the hu hlowI Vern hem by ILIch Ito ArlhurIndDonWIathrooteJIII wIIm Iod Wayne Pmer led Ille Illthlt Creemore attach with utellu eIeh rIIetI were the ole that ooHIIt Ichlnl um rt 55 is Ease 32 313 MC LUMDIRJACKS IN KEEN BATTLE Ihelr mood dnlulon ot the K1 Idoltohtcreemore borne Brody recorded Dlnltl lone hlt IlullultIn bolted to two at Riemann three run my Butmchor lInI oltolo II III the moth tutor to co IJID the lnrrbertxh to Ito Ht tlI wlth OrltIlI tench Iunlorl It OrllIlI III Ind Doug Mamiewld Otto Kro lore wll Illend the am Mr ltd3d temr trIIl Mada rod Sum Illa the rounded III III ol wdloflo loul met duh he on rt to remuhhle lorthllehh Iehlrounmllor thIBInIuwlI Ihlr mun Ilooohedldnothe tooloy wtthlhedu Iocoeruotll hIwII Grotto II ohlle It st JooeohI tllu School tel II Wilmer Ola ohm urlnu III with hoth the BIrrlI Ootlmlx leIln ht Ittroetodtho Ittentlm Illoor Scorer Mutton Motor ol the Ontario mount Id Ind It retooled tor the pmlnetlt Whlle with tho or iD IldeGIenwlllhlIyuIIIstQuo word he IInI muted tho It too to two week llme OHIIIIGEVILLE Proctor MD SCVIII Domtrllon noon Tot Put nroI IIII PM hunt i3 Er ii it 55 5E Er it 53 oEEE 4W Elinualetolrgtoundollialhmd To Hotellghtsoollonda mmot yummumrnm IloehoohdroloIhudImm ozonmrmruno Dnlhllle MumMIN Ammumu hum lleodgolrllotolholutoltho Moorelunllr noon to Mom ululloimmllvl tun mono or SHIN month on the our am alluring oi mm mum my to gt warmth won1 Iwonlnson er ruler oem IulImr no lloe The 03 mm In mm You lLIonderlohn new gm ml glamour wererletlno My lllr gill ml drum or or ormIooo now In III nmmnnhgmoo ruummwnm haremo Illulloo when Am the dlnltulu upeot an otlchIt llrhllom worn Itmrethrtmrhohavo toho to hand It IloodIy mlwwltt ho held when been Irlo Terry Gouo duo olrhtl commuter In hlrncoe two romeo rrodlt torI Iereothlnolr two not honor whlch eoIhled the Bruce to come out oI MldIInd mar we In Free rum AEIMIII anlu KIWI om moon or toInIu maul momma IIElrorIl WWW Enroll In Inooo gr 555 Ea re 13 F12 fEE 3E Egg 21 NBNBoarcIOIGovemorslaoseo Resolution To Fine Players urno moon SPRINGS Morel tor the NBA Plum It to vIllrl an IIItIoIII IodIllor on the governor1 mu hy IlIndy Mullu Io droootu wtth Ill tlI verdch UDELL srmouor WITH muons Itoroetmllnr It OrllllI In It the lute thII yeIr HII pro laud wlth IhI Itellor ml Inrm II ovtr the Iowuuuom 335 EE 53 Ion who currently to thrth ptldrer Ind halter with the duh Udell In two pttdllnx wlnl to hlrrredit I1toldedrlonom hlldlaod Ind mother ooodded Irlumoh over Ileetoo III rollod hIIlIr ItrlrltooulIlntletInln II oh mom game Thoynunuter wII olldolnl lee ot Ortltll hrlon Jordon when they hell out Ollllll will In thotmmlyllnIhlhtmIodlm III II vltohod tho an to tho nun out In 1m ruthenium orer lhorold In In mu 1e Ioolnr duel hr rm It thI omb IIII tInIl um Iluldel hlr emu two on In IIlll Udell also that SlrIrtnIlhonsIlnpltehtngtor the Anton hII been newcomer Don Welt lrom the Unlverolly or PeIonIuoII Wut hlIntoll lvr lull to It on rrhllter II mound rtormIoee We would Ilho to tolek Owen hIek wlth the leun IIldItIeatollowerotthIOrllllI IlIIurI We could we hle htt Ilny In tho ORA plIyeIt Inna Owen hu led the league to hot tlnI three um In recent yem of tho OTIIIII Iun lo Gml IGIoderl Room uno tInlI lento hotter In the em ly dreolr Iultered Io notorno Ire lojxry In Irwin Imldent III III one llnrer IIanIIel Ind Ilnlort lot mother on morn pummmoo Shots From Bough Need Enoughholl lore ol the most diluent div elpllne to roll to to nuke your rrlt me mount loll onuhotr Irom roum how no rr call tllllly trounce In rnown Emmott on In no rule trlod to tut II lron rhot Item slron tle InlIlJorIwoodoutoI rowh The or wood nit work oomtoorllr Ilm thou wood do new the hall Iwa with emldmhle loll Id IIIo Ith moot rotten would he who to olmoly torsct Ibout It WOEIGIIII lbhttlert Pool ChIIIIIeoII It the Iolml orteu roolnson HARDWARE Dillon II loCHI hlr nun Pleh Ilohlruun Dorothea Wkt uooo hoy lTeIherry WlllDolnetltlotI DIV IArIwInI III on 79th DIncer Strqu 5oz Stone noon mam iIntuzoomettr Robert Comm men In RACE no rm rm limo Sroencer llooll Ille mhwulmnoyu ML III III lrIlIrmorthy low Sheer Gouggalglu Zanlrlmhoetree lle Slmo mm gumnv Dclnlnl In PImeII 27 1on My mm Al Sldnry In noon Wm rm to on Pine nay Onolllle Drlctor Clm I1 rourru RACE rmrom WW ht III Qulnrth ii RoyII 1509 Fluelrn tllu USot CIoeIhIrt gt lwrgesepburh Iloo IIrIwn ogreIlPretondIr 1500 no Cur In Somervtllo do Cabot ll Lowery Itll Jul moot Must llemooteod sun It Nicholle llltrrrrlcmd my lloorelIndI Irlseo ll llooro lttutrrvlm 1500 II Butt lluddy John Dude Slum lNorthwood Irtrh Both NJ It tllu II loom 13qu Butter Illthy Ill rum to am Im rm Pun lull 5mm two It mun our In Immu our moo mom clan Iuoo noon Mchrthu 11m Son moo LIoron also Ebony Ace moo Wrn CmtmnIII tllu moot Nlrb norm moo uxhI IIIl mo II In tor CIthy moo NIeIII RII Am Scott BOO II Stunt makes Volllsvlogon hooutilullhonony tmy toluwoooe to onlud tor 24 month MAID wiln Non otter IMMW core In our only I2 nonltn or moo allot Bot dont IIII our word Io It Toto our word lot II II on owner MInIoIlI and Iuvleer Illl vohielI In accord CMIVWIIII Iln Voltrwoavn KerulohnrtonM Your IAIIIIII vo Inoro othotoconomyror minlrm IdredquIloo Iayportlmdlohedoloetivo Io mmlol or worlmoo withln thI or roller whlrhmr eoan hm toxeeot nclmol wool and tour on luvko 0an will be In potted or upload by my Cmodim or U5 Voltrwooon DInIII And lhll will In done Inooleloroe$uyomdrolu IOI dIIoItI prlntlng rumhometown hoIrd Iettoo outrouotu no wtll WWW Wood Mem ol xorern rnlIIIon ot eluh In In IIIM IIrnI IrIlnIt the Amertm Bulethlll AIIudItlon htIy It ANNOUNCEMENT Mr John Campbell ol threwly landIoIolor world like to Iooouoco he Ll now IeIIto Iod Ierrldo 51AMle POOH llormerly Udorldo Pooh mmorn roou Ire nunutIelured Io tlurtloxton Ont hy Woodvny stmcturlt Cannoneolrto tho rIme Illn mono lhIt Eldondo PodI hm our IInIouI tor For More InIormIIIon CIII John Campbell IIIDGEWAY IANDSCAPING 718M STARIIGHT unto ss surmount roots MADE WITH FIBERGLASS WALLS ONo ultimo hlpplno or pull Imn troll I9 tlnm IIII Itrength oI rIlnIoIeed eonerItI Irmroocroconcnrrr ronoM Oholod IroIt llno wllh MIrhlltI ItnIIh IhII novor nude We IIWIIIIIHIOWIMIVLIIlIr PooIIPool lqulpmenl Chomluto etorltlmltod LKSWAGEN out RIDOI ROAD SHANTY muv v7 moIwr MM 117 Illodo to 9de lot CInIdIIn wtnlm ITARaLIOHT HIIROLAISPOOLI IV IRIDGEWAY LANDSCAPING IAY CALL JOHN CAMPIIL mom unInImonIIy mlhotoIaItodIIIIIIdthII VP wodlmdumhldudlUlhowuylnlnthom roetlnr commholhner Walter en would co to court to liver Kennedy to ml each plan llLnthIltoIIornIlrhteIllI who oIrIIcI tool Itth oer renenlltrlh urtsttImhor rho ovum ordered the ue to ho equal to the motor In New York tarry lIelrher wood by ueh plrtltloonl you no MrlVI tdllhtorotuplntotht mhlodlyelmllu 12 IIIICE SPECIAL AT ootr III COUNTRY ctur LII Ill provothol Golf Haven is the llnul and but molntolned our Chum North at Mom $oeolo18oIfleouolnlod Otter When you not your thorny tor GOLF ho eorlIIn you out to VALlll DOLLAR SAVED Ilr you pIy IoeIIYI III II TWO DOLLARS EARNED to II prove toyouthit GOLF HAVEN Country Clvloyou get TOP VALUE PLUS tor your dollIr wreroovs room told out ya no 1on soo ollmo IOllHoloI loo culyroo 0300 pun 800 Only 150 oooopn zoo Only too WEEKENDS GolIIr Ind Collar VI PrleI on or 600 on gum roll oooo om 400 Only not 6200 pun MO Only L50 PRESENT THIS COUPON AT PRO SHOP VALID UNTIL IULY lrd Only 300 0nI1250 GOLFHAVENv COUNTRY CLUB Hwy l9 OIIIord OII 7054562818 Home at CPOA Proteulonrl Moe Mormon Only Mlle Soth at BIrrlI

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